1,102 research outputs found

    La evolución y desarrollo de los clusters

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    Este trabajo intenta explicar la evolución y el desarrollo de los clúster, pues la formación de éstos se ha expandido muy rápidamente. Los grandes cambios producidos en el ámbito económico, y en especial, debido al fenómeno de la globalización, han provocado que se creen nuevas políticas para la mejora de la competitividad de las empresas. Los clústers afectan a la competencia incrementando la productividad de las empresas o sectores que los integran, aumentando la capacidad de innovar de las empresas y también estimulan la creación de nuevas compañías. La integración en un clúster puede facilitar o abaratar el acceso a recursos especializados como componentes, maquinaria, servicios empresariales y personal. El clúster representa una forma organizativa espacial que puede convertirse en un instrumento más eficiente para reunir recurso

    Cultural Preservation of Ethnomedicine in Peru

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    In conjunction with the Minority Health & Health Disparities International Research Training program at San Diego State University, three Linfield students contributed to the ongoing Peru Ethnomedical Project in Trujillo, Peru by: Conducting surveys in two neighborhoods on the edge of the city; Creating a medicinal plant garden in the Chan Chan archaeological site museum. Surveys conducted in Moche, Trujillo were part of a larger study supervised by anthropologists Douglas Sharon and Thomas Love. The research aims to evaluate the usage of medicinal plants in rural and urban Peruvian communities. Linfield’s contribution focused on the creation of the medicinal garden to serve as a community model and educational program. The overall purpose of the 2015 summer faculty collaborative project was to: Preserve the knowledge of these practices; Analyze the plant properties; Publish the information; Provide the community with a garden that reflects the commonly used plants; Educate new generations; Bring back and apply this knowledge in the Linfield community

    Determination of tocopherol and carotenoid contents in ST muscle of suckling lambs using fresh or lyophilised muscle: poster

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    A percentage of lamb consumers demand meat from grass-fed animals, however, they want guarantees of the animal’s diet. Carotenoids can be used to trace forage-feeding but the analysis is expensive. Lyophilisation might reduce the time and quantities of reactives used in carotenoids and tocopherols analyses.The authors gratefully acknowledge the staff of the CITA Research Centre for technical support. Research funded by INIA-ERDF (RZP 2012-02, RTA 2012-00080)Publishe

    Vaccinia-related kinase 1 (VRK1) confers resistance to DNA-damaging agents in human breast cancer by affecting DNA damage response

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    This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.Vaccinia-related kinase 1 (VRK1) belongs to a group of sixteen kinases associated to a poorer prognosis in human breast carcinomas, particularly in estrogen receptor positive cases based on gene expression arrays. In this work we have studied the potential molecular mechanism by which the VRK1 protein can contribute to a poorer prognosis in this disease. For this aim it was first analyzed by immunohistochemistry the VRK1 protein level in normal breast and in one hundred and thirty six cases of human breast cancer. The effect of VRK1 to protect against DNA damage was determined by studying the effect of its knockdown on the formation of DNA repair foci assembled on 53BP1 in response to treatment with ionizing radiation or doxorubicin in two breast cancer cell lines. VRK1 protein was detected in normal breast and in breast carcinomas at high levels in ER and PR positive tumors. VRK1 protein level was significantly lower in ERBB2 positive cases. Next, to identify a mechanism that can link VRK1 to poorer prognosis, VRK1 was knocked-down in two breast cancer cell lines that were treated with ionizing radiation or doxorubicin, both inducing DNA damage. Loss of VRK1 resulted in reduced formation of DNA-damage repair foci complexes assembled on the 53BP1 scaffold protein, and this effect was independent of damaging agent or cell type. This observation is consistent with detection of high VRK1 protein levels in ER and PR positive breast cancers. We conclude that VRK1 can contribute to make these tumors more resistant to DNA damage-based therapies, such as ionizing radiation or doxorubicin, which is consistent with its association to a poor prognosis in ER positive breast cancer. VRK1 is potential target kinase for development of new specific inhibitors which can facilitate sensitization to other treatments in combination therapies; or alternatively be used as a new cancer drugs.M. V-C and M. S-G have JAE-CSIC-Fondo Social Europeo predoctoral fellowships. This work was supported by grants from Ministerio de Educación, Ciencia e Innovación (SAF2010-14935 and CSD2007-0017) and Kutxa-Fundación Inbiomed to P.A.L.Peer Reviewe


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    La difusión del patrimonio bibliográfico se convierte en una tarea primordial para los centros gestores de este tipo de colecciones. En este trabajo presentamos el programa de actividades de difusión de la colección de fondo antiguo del CEPLI, Centro de Estudios de Promoción de la Lectura y Literatura Infantil, de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Desde su creación en 2000 hasta la actualidad, este centro de investigación, en colaboración con la Biblioteca General del Campus de Cuenca y el Servicio de Publicaciones, han hecho un esfuerzo por poner en valor esta colección a partir de diferentes actuaciones encaminadas a difundir algunos de sus ejemplares más valiosos y emblemáticos. Destacamos por su valor documental, estético y de investigación la recuperación de obras a través de la edición facsimilar. The diffusion of the bibliographic heritage becomes a primary task for the management centers of these collections. In this work, we present the CEPLI’s (Center for Studies on Promotion of Reading and Children's Literature, University of Castilla-La Mancha) program of activities of diffusion of antique fund. Since its creation in 2000 to date, this research center, in collaboration with the General Library of the Campus of Cuenca and the Publications Service, has made an effort to value this collection through different actions aimed at spreading some its most valuable and emblematic books among the university community in particular and society in general. Due to its documentary, aesthetic and research value, we highlight the recovery of books through the facsimile edition

    Tejiendo saberes ancestrales Muiscas en la escuela

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    Promover el diálogo de saberes, en el aula de clases, con estudiantes de 9 a 11 años del colegio Gonzalo Arango, por medio de una propuesta educativa intercultural como resignificación de la cultura ancestral muisca.La investigación promueve un modelo de educación intercultural basado en el diálogo de saberes ancestrales en el aula de clase. Se busca responder al problema de cómo el diálogo de saberes permite un acercamiento a la cultura ancestral muisca. Para responder a este interrogante, este trabajo parte de un enfoque sociocrítico a través de un diseño de Investigación Acción Participativa (IAP); se implementaron técnicas como grupos focales, entrevistas semiestructuradas, observación participante, talleres, entre otros en el curso de la investigación. Además, a lo largo de la investigación, el diálogo de saberes supone la implementación de una herramienta importante para el entendimiento de las tradiciones y prácticas ancestrales de la comunidad muisca. Finalmente, la investigación conduce a unos resultados significativamente prácticos pues el diálogo de saberes es una oportunidad de compartir los saberes de la comunidad muisca con los saberes de los estudiantes, generando una comprensión de otras formas de vida y de relación con el territorio.The research promotes a model of intercultural education based on the dialogue of ancestral knowledge in the classroom. It seeks to respond to the problem of how the dialogue of knowledge, in the classroom, allows an approach to the Muisca ancestral culture. To answer this question, this work is based on a sociocritical approach through a Participatory Action Research (PAR) design; techniques such as focus groups, semi-structured interviews, participant observation, workshops, among others, were implemented during the research. In addition, in the course of the research, the dialogue of knowledge implies the implementation of an important tool for the understanding of the traditions and ancestral practices of the Muisca community. Finally, the research leads to significantly practical results because the dialogue of knowledge is an opportunity to share the knowledge of the Muisca community with the knowledge of the students, generating an understanding of other ways of life and relationship with the territor

    La edición facsimilar como estrategia para poner en valor la colección

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    La difusión del patrimonio bibliográfico se convierte en una tarea primordial para los centros gestores de este tipo de colecciones. En este trabajo presentamos el programa de actividades de difusión de la colección de fondo antiguo del CEPLI, Centro de Estudios de Promoción de la Lectura y Literatura Infantil, de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Desde su creación en 2000 hasta la actualidad, este centro de investigación, en colaboración con la Biblioteca General del Campus de Cuenca y el Servicio de Publicaciones, han hecho un esfuerzo por poner en valor esta colección a partir de diferentes actuaciones encaminadas a difundir algunos de sus ejemplares más valiosos y emblemáticos. Destacamos por su valor documental, estético y de investigación la recuperación de obras a través de la edición facsimilarThe diffusion of the bibliographic heritage becomes a primary task for the management centers of these collections. In this work, we present the CEPLI’s (Center for Studies on Promotion of Reading and Children's Literature, University of Castilla-La Mancha) program of activities of diffusion of antique fund. Since its creation in 2000 to date, this research center, in collaboration with the General Library of the Campus of Cuenca and the Publications Service, has made an effort to value this collection through different actions aimed at spreading some its most valuable and emblematic books among the university community in particular and society in general. Due to its documentary, aesthetic and research value, we highlight the recovery of books through the facsimile editio