31 research outputs found

    Atención farmacéutica en pacientes ostomizados

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    Objetivo. Se analiza el alcance que la atención farmacéutica (AF) supone en pacientes ostomizados incluyendo el análisis de disponibilidad a pagar por el paciente en caso de recibir ayuda en la oficina de farmacia (OF). Material y Método. Estudio observacional de tipo transversal descriptivo. Pacientes intervenidos quirúrgicamente con ostomía digestiva de eliminación y/o urinaria. El estudio fue realizado en hospitales andaluces donde está implantado el modelo EPA. Muestra aleatoria de 146 individuos. Variables estudiadas: Utilización de la atención farmacéutica mediante una escala likert de 5 puntos incluyendo la disponibilidad a pagar. Resultados Un 29% de los pacientes declaran haber tenido escasez o falta en alguno de los productos y el 71% tienen reserva de algún producto en su hogar. Respecto a la AF recibida la puntuación de experiencia global fue de 3,93 (DE: 0,91). Más del 58,3% de los pacientes opinaron que en la OF no reciben ayuda adecuada sobre complicaciones y necesidades (incluyendo recomendaciones dietéticas – 68,4%), debido a 2 causas: falta de tiempo y de conocimiento. El 27,2% de los pacientes estarían dispuestos a pagar por recibir atención e información adecuada entre 5-10€ por consulta, el 9,2% entre 10-15€, el 8,1% entre 15-20€ y el 8,1% más de 20€. La media de la disponibilidad a pagar es de 6,22€ por consulta (DE: 6,9). Conclusión. Una AF de calidad es necesaria y debe servir para generar evidencia para implementar y evaluar la longitudinalidad del proceso en ostomía.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Estudio de los egresados de los programas de máster en economía de la salud en España

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    To identify the characteristics, motivations and employment implications among graduates ofMasters programmes in health-economics (MPHE). The main motivation for undertaking an MPHE is academic, and to acquire new or enhance pre-vious knowledge. The general profile of graduates is that of a woman aged 37.8 and a health professional.Those looking for a job in Health Economics generally found employment in the first (54.9%) or secondyear (29.7%). MPHE were very highly assessed. The most useful subject was health management (46.3%). Undertaking an MPHE is a good investment because most of the graduates believed that theirtraining enabled them to find a job. The graduates showed a high degree of confidence in the usefulnessof the training. MPHE are highly evaluated irrespective of consequent employment. The subjects in whichthe curriculum vitae of the health professionals were weaker, such as those concerning management,were evaluated the highest as they were assumed to enhance promotion opportunities.Objetivo: Identificar las características, las motivaciones y las implicaciones laborales que aparecen entrelos egresados de programas de máster en economía de la salud (PMES).Método: Se solicitó colaboración a los másteres más relevantes de Espa˜na para esta investigación. Los par-ticipantes completaron un cuestionario on line de 30 ítems específicamente dise˜nado para este propósito.La muestra estuvo formada por 439 egresados. Se realizaron diferentes análisis estadísticos, incluyendomodelos logísticos.Resultados: La principal motivación para hacer un PMES es la académica. Las personas lo hacen con el finde adquirir nueva formación o mejorar conocimientos previos. El perfil general de egresado es el de unamujer de 37,8 a˜nos, profesional sanitaria. Las personas que buscaban trabajo en economía de la salud loencontraron principalmente en el primer (54,9%) o segundo (29,7%) a˜no. La valoración de los PMES esmuy elevada. La materia más útil fue gestión sanitaria (46,3%).Conclusiones: Hacer un PMES es una buena inversión porque la mayoría de los egresados consideran queobtuvieron un empleo gracias a su formación. Los graduados muestran un alto grado de confianza en lautilidad de la formación. Los PMES son altamente valorados independientemente de las consecuenciaslaborales. Las materias en las que los curricula vitae de los sanitarios son más débiles, como las relativasa gestión, son las mejor valoradas, ya que suponen mejores oportunidades de promoción.We have received a grant of the Chair in Health Economics andRational Use of Medicine University of Málaga-Janssen to pay thefee for publishing this paper

    Study protocol on social return on investment (SROI) project of the surgical waiting list management system

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    In Andalusia, the right to maximum waiting times for healthcare clashes with the available supply, leading to an increase in demand in the form of waiting lists. To address this situation, the activity of private centers has been created for certain diagnostic tests. The Social Return on Investment (SROI) model evaluates an intervention from an economic and stakeholder perspective. However, there are no studies on the suitability of waiting lists using SROI, which is why it is intended to be studied as a decision-making tool for the clinical and healthcare management of waiting lists. This research protocol is designed to determine the quality of life gained, with the EuroQol-5D-5L questionnaire, and its social assessment, with the specific survey of the SROI method, and, thus, analyze the social return on investment and determine the suitability of the intervention (diagnostic endoscopy activity arranged in a contracted center). After the study, we will know the economic (cost in public health centers and the incremental cost of extraordinary health resources), social (quality of life with health), and environmental scenarios of the concerted activity intervention in order to adjust waiting list timesPartial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Eficiencia de los biosimilares de Ranibizumab en la degeneración macular neovascular relacionada con la edad: análisis de minimización de costes

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    Objetivos: Evaluar y comparar la eficiencia de los fármacos anti-factor de crecimiento endotelial vascular (anti-VEGF), incluyendo Ranibizumab 0,5 mg y sus biosimilares, Aflibercept 2 mg y Brolucizumab 6 mg, administrados mediante inyecciones intravítreas para el tratamiento de la ceguera evitable asociada con la degeneración macular neovascular relacionada con la edad (nDMAE). Material y métodos: Se ha realizado un análisis de minimización de costes (AMC) con la perspectiva del financiador. Para el análisis se utilizaron datos extraídos de la Network Meta-Analysis (NMA) publicada por Tricco et al. en el 2021. El Precio de Venta de Laboratorio (PVL), se usó como base para determinar el precio unitario de cada dosis considerando la posibilidad de dividir o no los viales. El coste anual del tratamiento se calculó considerando el coste del medicamento por inyección y los regímenes de dosificación fija recomendados en las guías clínicas (52 semanas a partir de la primera inyección). Resultados: El AMC muestra Brolucizumab 6 mg en jeringa precargada como la opción de tratamiento más eficiente (15918,30 €) frente a Ranibizumab 0,5 mg innovador sin dividir el vial (1 dosis/vial; 55.237,89 €). Aflibercept 2 mg obteniendo varias dosis de un vial (21.103,25 €) resultó también una opción coste-eficaz. Conclusiones: En el futuro, integraremos estos datos farmacoeconómicos para realizar una evaluación de las medidas de impacto epidemiológico (NNT, NNH, etc) con el objetivo de favorecer la elección del mejor tratamiento, teniendo siempre en cuenta que hay múltiples factores que considerar y no solo el precio del medicamento.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Benefit-risk assessment of sonidegib and vismodegib in the treatment of locally advanced basal cell carcinoma

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    Sonidegib and vismodegib are Hedgehog pathway inhibitors (HhIs) that play a relevant role in the management of locally advanced basal cell carcinoma (laBCC). This study compared the efficacy and safety of both HhIs based on their available data using effect size measures such as number needed to treat (NNT), number needed to harm (NNH), and likelihood to be helped or harmed (LHH)

    Abordaje de pacientes con diabetes y obesidad en atención primaria

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    Aims: The aim of this study is to analyse the effect of pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment on weight control in patients with diabetes and obesity. Design: Epidemiological, descriptive, cross-sectional study. Site: Primary care. In 11 health centres in Málaga and Cádiz during April and October 2022. Participants: 281 patients over 18 years old with type 2 diabetes and obesity are included. Main measurements: Socio-demographics, clinical, treatment and lifestyle habits variables were obtained from medical records and personal interview. Descriptive statistics were obtained for continuous variables. Statistical tests were performed based on the nature of the variables. Results: Variables like marital status, level of education and occupation, and smoking habit, shows differences regarding the sex ( p < 0.05). 82.3% of those who received education lost weight, compared to 67.5% of lost weight who received no health education ( p = 0.004). GLP1 and SGLT2 were more commonly prescribed for women ( p = 0.048), and SGLT2 more commonly prescribed for men ( p = 0.047). Patients taking GLP1, SGLT2 or both, regardless of sex, weight loss during the study period was − 3.1 kg (SE: 0.60), while the loss of those who took other medications was − 1.33 kg (SE: 0.62). The mean difference was 1.75 kg ( p = 0.046). Conclusions: In terms of weight loss, obese diabetics who took GLP1, SGLT2 or both were 2.5 times more likely to lose weight than those who did not. Healthy lifestyle choices are key to weight loss in obese diabetic patientsPartial funding for open Access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Effects of Music on the Quality of Life of Family Caregivers of Terminal Cancer Patients: A Randomised Controlled Trial

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of listening to self-chosen music on the quality of life of family caregivers of cancer patients receiving palliative home care. A total of 82 family caregivers were assigned either to the intervention group (n = 41) or to the control group (n = 41) in this double-blind, multicentre, randomised controlled clinical trial. The recruitment period was between July 2020 and September 2021. The intervention group received individualised pre-recorded music in daily 30 min sessions for 7 consecutive days. The control group was given a recorded repetition of the basic therapeutic training education also in 30 min sessions for 7 consecutive days. The primary endpoint assessed was the caregivers’ quality of life (Quality of Life Family Version and European Quality of Life visual analogue scale) before and after the intervention. The secondary endpoint was their perceived satisfaction with the intervention (Client Satisfaction Questionnaire). The music intervention was successful, producing a tangible improvement in the caregivers’ quality of life (p < 0.01) and satisfaction with the care provided (p = 0.002). The intervention was not only effective but produced no adverse effects. This study encourages the use of self-chosen music as a complementary intervention in nursing care for family caregivers of palliative cancer patients.Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Evaluación económica de la radioterapia guiada por resonancia magnética en el tratamiento del cáncer de próstata.

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    Objetivo: Analizar el coste-efectividad y coste-utilidad de la radioterapia guiada por resonancia magnética (RTgRM) comparado con la radioterapia guiada por imágenes de tomografía computarizada (RTgTC) en el tratamiento del cáncer de próstata. Material y métodos: El análisis se realizó desde la perspectiva del financiador a un horizonte temporal de 10 años. Se modelaron 3 niveles de dosis para cada modalidad: 50Gy-5 fracciones de 10Gy, 60Gy-20 fracciones de 3Gy, y 78Gy-39 fracciones de 2Gy. Los parámetros de efectividad relativa de las alternativas se obtuvieron de la revisión de la literatura: toxicidades (gastrointestinales y genitourinarias) y pérdida de utilidad derivadas del tratamiento. Se realizó un análisis de costes basados en el tiempo invertido por actividad. Resultados: La toxicidad asociada al tratamiento se estimó en el 7,20% (IC 95%: 6,36-8,37) y 23,85% (IC 95%: 23,32-24,39) para la RTgRM y RTgCT respectivamente (p=0,003), y la pérdida de utilidad/paciente asociada a toxicidades se estimó en 0,0294 (0,0261– 0,0327) y 0,1138 (0,1121–0,1155) para la RTgRM y RTgCT respectivamente (p=0,001). La diferencia en el coste medio por paciente (RTgRM vs RTgTC) fue de 20.805€ (39 fracciones), 10.456€ (20 fracciones) y 1.021€ (5 fracciones). En los resultados del caso base la RTgRM se establece como una alternativa coste-efectiva en el escenario de hipofraccionamiento: 6.135€/paciente sin toxicidad (IC 95%: 5.973-6.309) y 12.096€/AVAC (IC 95%: 11.895-12.430). Los resultados del análisis de sensibilidad fueron robustos con el caso base. Conclusiones: La RTgRM puede ser eficiente en el tratamiento de cáncer de próstata cuando se emplea con hipofraccionamientos extremos.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Efficacy of the Treatments Used in Multiple Sclerosis: From Meta-analysis to Number Needed to Treat

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the efficacy of drugs used in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis, first- and second-line drugs, using the number needed to treat (NNT) as a measure of efficacy. Methods: Data from randomized clinical trials were analyzed for 3 categories of clinical efficacy outcomes: relapse, change in Expanded Disability Status Scale, and number of new lesions in magnetic resonance imaging. Meta-analysis results are expressed as odds ratios. Results: The global odds ratio was 0.41 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.34-0.49). For analyzed clinical outcomes, the odds ratio was less for second-line drugs (odds ratio, 2.0). For all studied clinical conditions, in the control group, 47 of 100 patients do not get benefits, compared with 25 (95% CI, 18-32 patients) of 100 for the active treatment group. The NNT was 5 patients (95% CI, 4-7 patients). For the proportion of patients free of relapses, in the control group, 56 of 100 patients had a relapse at 2 years, compared with 37 of 100 patients in the treatment group, with an NNT of 6 patients (95% CI, 5-8 patients). Conclusions: Active treatments produced statistically significant improvements compared with placebo

    Effect of Self-Chosen Music in Alleviating the Burden on Family Caregivers of Patients with Advanced Cancer: A Randomised Controlled Trial

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    The experience of caregiver burden among family members of patients with advanced cancer is a common problem. The aim of this study was to determine whether the burden may be alleviated by means of a therapeutic approach based on self-chosen music. This randomised controlled trial (ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT04052074. Registered 9 August 2019) included 82 family caregivers of patients receiving home palliative care for advanced cancer. The intervention group (n = 41) listened to pre-recorded, self-chosen music for 30 min/day for seven consecutive days, while the control group (n = 41) listened to a recording of basic therapeutic education at the same frequency. The degree of burden was assessed by the Caregiver Strain Index (CSI), calculated before and after the seven-day intervention. According to this measure, caregiver burden fell significantly in the intervention group (CSI change: −0.56, SD 2.16) but increased in the control group (CSI change: +0.68, SD 1.47), with a significant group x moment interaction F(1, 80) = 9.30, p = 0.003, η2p = 0.11. These results suggest that, in the short term at least, the use of therapy based on self-chosen music alleviates the burden on family caregivers of palliative cancer patients. Moreover, this therapy is easy to administer at home and does not present any problems in practice.10 página