1,063 research outputs found
Gastronomic Paradigms in Contemporary Western Cuisine: From French Haute Cuisine to Mass Media Gastronomy
Thomas Kuhn brings the concept of “paradigm” as the fundamental engine in the
progress of humanity. Kuhn defines paradigms as the set of formal theories, experiments
and work methods that define a process (scientific, economic, social, and in this case,
contemporary haute cuisine), in a given time. According to Kuhn, progress does not
happen by gradual accumulation of knowledge, but rather by abrupt advances. In this
review, the conceptual evolution experienced by contemporary gastronomy (from the
French Revolution to today) is analyzed applying the paradigm structure in light of the
scientific knowledge of each era. It is thus reviewed how the first and second gastronomic
paradigms, proposed, respectively, by Carême and Escoffier and based on food smell
and taste the first and the flavor of the sauces the second, have been replaced by
the third and fourth paradigms, led, respectively, by the Nouvelle Cuisine in France
and Ferrán Adriá in Spain, and in whose development touch, sight, and sound have
become increasingly prominent in gastronomic pleasure. Finally, it is analyzed how new
trends in gastronomy: (1) worldwide diffusion of the Spanish tapas; (2) globalization of
ethnic and fusion cuisines; (3) the growing disappearance of the professional gastronomic
critique and its replacement bymassmedia influencers; (4) the increase of sustainability in
cooking with development of local-, vegan-, and paleo-cooking, comfort, and smart food
and finally, (5) the growing role of social networks and the self-itis linked to photography or
foodstagramming in the gastronomic experience are leading toward a new gastronomic
paradigm based on the global socialization of classic gastronomy
Los 365 gestos de la Giralda de Amalio
El presente artículo trata sobre la obra pictórica sobre las Giraldas de Amalio, como esta ha sido abordada, mantenida y sostenida por este pintor que se enamoro de la Torre sevillana. Tratando sobre un mismo tema en diversos conceptos artísticos y modalidades temáticas, que abarcan desde los paisajes figurativos que tratan de reflejar la estación del año, el día, la hora y el lugar desde donde fueron pintados, hasta las representaciones menos realistas e interpretaciones muy personales, sin olvidar que esta obra se hizo para la ciudad de Sevilla que se identifica con esta torre, Sevilla sin su Giralda no sería Sevilla.The present article is abaut the pictorial worns about the Giraldas of Amalio, as that has been approached, maintained and supported by this painter who foelt in love with topic Sevillan tower trearting about the same the me in diferents artistic concepts and the matics categories that cover from lanscapes that try to reflect the diferants seasons, the day, the time and the place where they were painted, untill the less realistic representations and very personal interpretations, without forget that this work was done for Seville that is associated with this tower. Seville without its Giralda would not be Sevilla
Modelo de gestión de documentos docentes en un centro universitario, basado en hipervínculos
Els documents d'informació docent (guies docents, temaris, normes, etc.) constitueixen un recurs imprescindible en l'ensenyament superior, especialment per als alumnes. La seva rellevància s'ha accentuat aquests últims anys, d'una banda, amb l'engegada de l'espai europeu d'ensenyament superior (EEES), que ha rellançat la necessitat de fonts d'informació docent, i, de l'altra, amb la difusió de l'ús de les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació (TIC), que ha facilitat l'accés a aquestes fonts. Per aquest motiu, la gestió d'aquests documents actualment constitueix un dels procediments clau en l'organització de la docència de centres universitaris. L'objectiu d'aquest article és presentar un nou model de gestió de documents docents en relació amb el centre incorporat per mitjà del desenvolupament d'un programari: SGD2F2. Aquest model mira de solucionar els inconvenients que s'evidencien en el model de gestió de documents docents utilitzat habitualment als centres. Encara que aquesta proposta ha estat desenvolupada en l'àmbit d'una facultat concreta, podria ser aplicada, amb algunes modificacions, a qualsevol centre o òrgan universitari de gestió de docència. Documents containing teaching information (course guides, curricula, rules, etc.) constitute an essential resource in higher education, particularly for students. Their importance has been stressed over the last few years, on the one hand by the creation of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), which has re-emphasised the need for sources of teaching information, and on the other by the widespread use of information and communication technologies (ICTs), which provide easy access to such sources. Consequently, the management of such documents is now one of the key procedures that university centres need to apply to the organisation of teaching. With this in mind, the main objective of this article is to present a new centre-level model for the management of teaching documents, implemented via a new software package developed for that purpose: SGD2F2. This new model represents an attempt to overcome the drawbacks that many centres experience when using the current model to manage teaching documents. Although this proposal has been developed for a particular faculty, by making a few alterations it could be adapted for use by any university centre or body responsible for the management of teaching.Los documentos con información docente (guías docentes, temarios, normas, etc.) constituyen un recurso imprescindible en la enseñanza superior, especialmente para el alumnado. Su relevancia se ha acentuado en estos últimos años, por un lado, con la puesta en marcha del espacio europeo de educación superior (EEES), que ha relanzado la necesidad de fuentes de información docente, y, por otro, con la difusión del uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC), que ha facilitado el acceso a dichas fuentes. Por este motivo, la gestión de tales documentos constituye en la actualidad uno de los procedimientos clave en la organización de la docencia de centros universitarios. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar un nuevo modelo de gestión de documentos docentes en relación con el centro implementado a través del desarrollo de un software: SGD2F2. Este modelo trata de solventar los inconvenientes evidenciados en el modelo de gestión de documentos docentes habitualmente utilizado en los centros. Aunque esta propuesta ha sido desarrollada en el ámbito de una facultad en concreto, podría ser aplicada, con algunas modificaciones, a cualquier centro u órgano universitario de gestión de docencia
Economic evaluation of small desalination plants from brackish aquifers. Application to Campo de Cartagena (SE Spain)
The Campo de Cartagena (Eastern Spain) is one of Europe’s driest areas with a mean precipitation of around 300 mm. One of the main challengesin the region is to secure a reliable water supply in both quantity and quality terms, to provide a water supply and agricultural irrigation, while water desalination has become an extensively applied solution, and one of the most sustainable solutions to the water scarcity problem. As water availability is lacking and groundwater quality is poor, the agricultural sector in Campo de Cartagena has developed small private brackish groundwater desalination plants (15-20 m3/h) through already existing agricultural wells. Costs and benefits (C-B) for citrus cultivation (1 ha) in three such plants have been assessed. The results indicate that for the studied cases, current agricultural management is feasible and costs outweigh benefits, with a positive NPV and a cost/benefit ratio higher than 1. The internal rate of return is also positive and higher than 11%. The results evidence practical and theoretical implications as to how to increase water resources in areas where water is scarce by closing the loop, ensuring farmers’ profitability and encouraging private sector investments.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
Biotechnological approaches to develop nitrogen-fixing cereals: A review
Funding: This work has been funded by the Junta de Andalucia through the research group AGR123.Agricultural yields are often limited by nitrogen (N) availability, especially in countries of the developing world, whereas in industrialized
nations the application of chemical N fertilizers has reached unsustainable levels that have resulted in severe environmental
consequences. Finding alternatives to inorganic fertilizers is critical for sustainable and secure food production. Although gaseous nitrogen
(N2) is abundant in the atmosphere, it cannot be assimilated by most living organisms. Only a selected group of microorganisms termed
diazotrophs, have evolved the ability to reduce N2 to generate NH3 in a process known as biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) catalysed by
nitrogenase, an oxygen-sensitive enzyme complex. This ability presents an opportunity to improve the nutrition of crop plants, through the
introduction into cereal crops of either the N fixing bacteria or the nitrogenase enzyme responsible for N fixation. This review explores three
potential approaches to obtain N-fixing cereals: (a) engineering the nitrogenase enzyme to function in plant cells; (b) engineering the legume
symbiosis into cereals; and (c) engineering cereals with the capability to associate with N-fixing bacteria.Junta de Andaluci
Diseño y cálculo de la instalación fotovoltaica aislada para un colegio de educación primaria
[ES] El objetivo de este TFG es el diseño y cálculo de la instalación fotovoltaica sobre la azotea de un edificio, aislada de la red eléctrica, para suminstro a un colegio de educación primaria. La potencia a suministrar por los paneles fotovoltaicos será de 45 kW. Para el diseño de la instalación se tendrán en cuenta tanto los diferentes tipos de autoconsumo eléctrico existentes, como los distintos tipos de paneles solares fotovoltaicos, así como la distribución de los paneles sobre la azotea para colocar el máximo número posible, evitando que proyecten sombras unos sobre otros para aprovechar al máximo su rendimiento. El proyecto constará de los documentos siguientes: memoria, cálculos justificativos (energéticos y eléctricos), pliego de condiciones, planos de la instalación y de ubicación del edificio y el presupuesto del proyecto. Además, estará incluido un análisis de la viabilidad económica de la instalación para mostrar, con datos económicos, si es factible o no la implementación del sistema.Del Moral García, J. (2021). Diseño y cálculo de la instalación fotovoltaica aislada para un colegio de educación primaria. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/171608TFG
Taxonomic differences between Pinus sylvestris and P. uncinata revealed in the stomata and cuticle characters for use in the study of fossil material
Taxonomic differences in the needle epidermis characteristics of Pinus sylvestris L. and Pinus uncinata Ramond ex DC. from two Iberian populations were sought; such information could help identify these species when pollen analysis and the inspection of wood anatomy fails. The features of the cuticle are commonly well preserved in the fossil record. Although the epidermal patterns of the examined taxa were similar, qualitative differences were seen in the subsidiary and guard cells. P. sylvestris showed small subsidiary cells homogenously arranged around the opening of the epistomatal chamber, while P. uncinata showed small, lateral subsidiary cells and non-differentiated subsidiary cells in the polar position. The aperture of the epistomatic chamber of P. uncinata was also larger in diameter (15.1 ± 1.8 µm P. sylvestris; 21.1 ± 2.8 µm P. uncinata). Principal components analysis and discriminant analysis was performed on the features of the guard cells characterising the size and shape of the cuticular thickenings — all the variables analysed can be measured in disperse stomata in microscope preparations for pollen analysis. Significant differences were found in the upper woody lamellae width and the coefficient associated with the shape of the medial lamellae borders (discriminant analysis weighting 0.739 and 0.826 respectively). Other significant parameters included the coefficient associated with the relative size of the medial lamellae border width of the guard cells with respect to the distance between the external limits of the medial lamellae borders, and the length of the upper woody lamella. Different light regimens appeared not to significantly affect the variability of the studied features
Determining the Habitual Practice of Abuse (Article 173.3, Spanish Criminal Code)
La habitualidad se configuraba como el elemento esencial del delito de maltrato habitual (artículo 173.3 CP). Pese a ello, no se contiene, en el Código Penal español, una definición de lo que ha de entenderse por habitualidad. El legislador se ha limitado a fijar los criterios que deben ser tomados en consideración por el órgano judicial para apreciar su concurrencia. Pues bien, la finalidad de este artículo es el análisis de esos criterios a efectos de aportar los elementos materiales con los que dar contenido a cada uno de ellos. Para ello hemos tomado en consideración no solo las opiniones doctrinales y la jurisprudencia existente al respecto, sino también los datos extraídos de los expedientes de la Fiscalía de Santiago de Compostela (Galicia, España), relativos a asuntos sobre violencia de género y que concluyeron con sentencia firme, por delito de maltrato habitual, durante los años 2005 a 2012.Habitual practice was seen as the essential element of the crimeof habitual abuse (Article 173.3, Criminal Code). However, the Spanish Criminal Code does not contain a definition on what should be understood as habitual practice. The legal system has been restricted to set the criteria to be taken into consideration by the legal system to consider its concurrence. The purpose of this article is to analyze such criteria in order to provide necessary material elements to give meaning to such criteria. For this purpose, the article has not only taken the doctrinal opinions and the existing jurisprudence into consideration, but also the data taken from the files kept by Santiago de Compostela Prosecutor’s Office in Galicia (Spain), in relation to issues on gender violence that ended up in a final verdict for the crime of habitual abuse between 2005 and 2012
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