212 research outputs found

    Selector de aerosol para la caracterización de atomizadores de orificios múltiples

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    Referencia OEPM: P200402228 .-- Fecha de solicitud: 17/09/2004.-- Titulares: Universidad de Matanzas, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).Dispositivo selector de un aerosol, especialmente diseñado para la caracterización de atomizadores con múltiples orificios de salida. Consta de un cuerpo cilíndrico mecanizado con aperturas en ambas caras, con un asentamiento interior para seleccionar el orificio de descarga que se pretende caracterizar. La forma en que están concebidos el diseño y construcción de la pieza permite adaptarlo a cualquier ángulo de salida y diámetro del orificio de descarga. Este dispositivo posibilita la realización de medidas de tamaños de gotas, ángulo del aerosol y caudal de líquido de cada uno de los orificios individuales en los atomizadores sin afectar el funcionamiento nominal del mismo. Con su uso se podrá mejorar el diseño de las boquillas que manejan grandes flujos de combustibles como las que se emplean para la atomización de petróleos pesados en centrales eléctricas, en los hornos de carbón, en la pulverización depinturas, etc.Peer reviewe

    Brain MRI study for glioma segmentation using convolutional neural networks and original post-processing techniques with low computational demand

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    Gliomas are brain tumors composed of different highly heterogeneous histological subregions. Image analysis techniques to identify relevant tumor substructures have high potential for improving patient diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. However, due to the high heterogeneity of gliomas, the segmentation task is currently a major challenge in the field of medical image analysis. In the present work, the database of the Brain Tumor Segmentation (BraTS) Challenge 2018, composed of multimodal MRI scans of gliomas, was studied. A segmentation methodology based on the design and application of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) combined with original post-processing techniques with low computational demand was proposed. The post-processing techniques were the main responsible for the results obtained in the segmentations. The segmented regions were the whole tumor, the tumor core, and the enhancing tumor core, obtaining averaged Dice coefficients equal to 0.8934, 0.8376, and 0.8113, respectively. These results reached the state of the art in glioma segmentation determined by the winners of the challenge.Comment: 34 pages, 12 tables, 23 figure

    Bifactorial structure of Locus of Control cross-culturally invariant across Spain, Chile and United Kingdom

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    Locus of control (LOC) is an often studied variable owing to the important role it plays in different contexts. Nonetheless, there is no unanimous agreement about how many dimensions make up the factorial structure of the locus of control. The goal of this research was to add new evidence of cross cultural validity in relation to the bifactorial invariance of the LOC. The test was given to a total of 1,781 participants from Spain (697), Chile (890) and The United Kingdom (194). The study of the factorial invariance between the groups was carried out using multigroup confirmatory factor analysis models for ordered-categorical data. The progressive evaluation of factorial invariance confirms that factor loadings, thresholds and error variances are invariant across groups. Relevant cross-cultural differences in LOC between Spain, Chile, and United Kingdom were not found (PS < .50)

    Electrosynthesis of 2,3-butanediol and methyl ethyl ketone from acetoin in flow cells

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    Acetoin could shortly become a platform molecule due to current progress in fermentation technology, the megatrend for shifting from an oil-based economy to one based on biomass, the quest for green manufacturing processes and its two highly reactive carbonyl and hydroxyl moieties. In this paper, the successful electro-conversion of acetoin into two valuable chemicals, 2,3-butandiol (2,3-BD) and methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), at constant electrical current in aqueous phase at room temperature using both divided and undivided 20 cm2 filter-press flow cells under experimental conditions suitable for industrial production is reported. Cathode material is the key parameter to drive the electroreduction towards one or another chemical. 2,3-BD is the major chemical produced by electrohydrogenation when low hydrogen overvoltage cathodes, such as Pt and Ni, of high surface area obtained by PVD coating on a carbon gas diffusion layer are used, while MEK is the principal product produced by electrohydrogenolysis when high hydrogen overvoltage cathodes, such as graphite, Pb and Cd foils, are employed. 2,3-BD and MEK can be obtained, respectively, in 92.8% and 85.7% selectivities, 71.7% and 80.4% current efficiencies, with 1.21 and 1.08 kg.h-1.m-2 productivities and power consumptions of 2.94 and 4.1 kWh.kg-1 using undivided cells and aqueous K2HPO4 electrolysis media at pHs of 3.6 and 5.5. The reported electroconversion of acetoin is highly flexible because 2,3-BD and MEK can be produced by changing just the cathode but using the same cell, with the same electrolyte at the same current density

    El uso de ítems inversos en las escalas tipo Likert: una práctica cuestionable

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    The use of positively worded items and reversed forms aims to reduce response bias and is a commonly used practice nowadays. The main goal of this research is to analyze the psychometric implications of the use of positive and reversed items in measurement instruments. Method: A sample of 374 participants was tested aged between 18 and 73 (M=33.98; SD=14.12), 62.60% were women. A repeated measures design was used, evaluating the participants with positive, reversed, and combined forms of a self-effi cacy test. Results: When combinations of positive and reversed items are used in the same test the reliability of the test is fl awed and the unidimensionality of the test is jeopardized by secondary sources of variance. In addition, the variance of the scores is reduced, and the means differ signifi cantly from those in tests in which all items are either positive or reversed, but not combined. Conclusions: The results of this study present a trade-off between a potential acquiescence bias when items are positively worded and a potential different understanding when combining regular and reversed items in the same test. The specialized literature recommends combining regular and reversed items for controlling for response style bias, but these results caution researchers in using them as well after accounting for the potential effect of linguistic skills and the fi ndings presented in this study.Antecedentes: el uso de ítems formulados positivamente junto con otros inversos es una práctica habitual para tratar de evitar sesgos de respuesta. El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar las implicaciones psicométricas de utilizar ítems directos e inversos en la misma prueba. Método: se utilizó una muestra de 374 participantes con edades comprendidas entre 18 y 73 años (M=33.98; DT=14.12), con un 62,60% de mujeres. Mediante un diseño de medidas repetidas se evaluó a los participantes en una prueba de autoefi cacia con tres condiciones: todos los ítems positivos, todos negativos y un combinado de ambos. Resultados: cuando se utilizan en la misma prueba tanto ítems positivos como negativos su fi abilidad se deteriora, y la unidimensionalidad de la prueba se ve comprometida por fuentes secundarias de varianza. La varianza de las puntuaciones disminuye, y las medias difi eren signifi cativamente respecto de las pruebas en las que todos los ítems están formulados positiva o negativamente. Conclusiones: los resultados de este estudio presentan una disyuntiva entre un posible sesgo de aquiescencia cuando los ítems tienen una redacción positiva y una comprensión potencialmente diferente cuando se combinan ítems regulares e invertidos en la misma prueba. La literatura especializada recomienda combinar ítems regulares e invertidos para poder controlar el sesgo del estilo de respuesta, pero estos resultados advierten a los investigadores que los usen también después de tener en cuenta el potencial efecto de las habilidades lingüísticas y de los hallazgos presentados en este estudio.This research was funded by the Spanish Association of Methodology of Behavioral Sciences and Health (AEMCCO), member of the European Association of Methodology (EAM), and by the FPI programme from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Government of Spain (PSI2014-56114-P, BES2012-053488, and PSI2017-85724-P)

    Prejuicios, estereotipos y asignación de culpa

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    El objetivo de esta investigación fue estudiar la tendencia de las personas a expresar un juicio sin información o con información claramente insuficiente incluso cuando se pudiesen provocar consecuencias negativas para la persona prejuzgada. El muestreo fue incidental, cubriendo un gran rango de edad (entre 17 y 87 años de edad) de hombres y mujeres del Principado de Asturias. Como instrumentos de evaluación se han utilizado una técnica de engaño, 20 fotografías de estudiantes universitarios y tres cuestionarios de comparaciones binarias de Thurstone. Se tuvieron en cuenta como posibles condicionantes del prejuicio, variables de tipo social: atractivo físico, aspecto aseado y adaptación a las normas sociales en relación con el aspecto exterior. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto que las personas son capaces de emitir juicios con información claramente insuficiente y que, además, estos juicios se realizan en función de variables de tipo social como el atractivo físico, el aspecto aseado o el ajuste a la norma social


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    Within the process of updating the economic model in Cuba, increasing efficiency and effectiveness in the knowledge of international contracting management is of vital importance. For this purpose, the specialists in external prices have among their job to review in a systematic way, the purchasing operations presented for approval in the Contracting Committee of the importing companies and the Higher Organizations of Business Management (OSDEs). The reviews carried out have detected deficiencies, both in the analysis of external prices and in aspects related to the concurrency sheets. Therefore, a document that organizes and guides such revision process, at the specialist level, should be implemented. In order to respond to this need, the bases for such a Procedure that optimizes the revision of external prices, which contributes to the decision making of closing operations, will be prepared.En el marco del proceso de actualización del modelo económico en Cuba, recubre vital importancia la labor de elevar la eficiencia y eficacia en los conocimientos de la gestión de contratación internacional. Con este propósito, los especialistas en precios externos contienen en sus objetivos de trabajo de forma sistemática, la revisión de las operaciones de compra que se presentan para aprobación en el Comité de Contratación de las empresas importadoras y las Organizaciones Superiores de Dirección Empresarial (OSDEs). Las revisiones realizadas han detectado deficiencias, tanto en el análisis de los precios externos, como en aspectos relacionados con la elaboración de los pliegos de concurrencia. Por lo tanto, debe implementase un documento que organice y guíe a nivel de especialista, de tal proceso de revisión. Para dar respuesta a esta necesidad, se elaborarán las bases para un Procedimiento que permita optimizar la revisión de los precios externos, que tribute a la toma de decisiones de cierre de operaciones

    Monolithic SiC supports with tailored hierarchical porosity for molecularly selective membranes and supported liquid-phase catalysis

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    Monolithic support materials with the mechanical resistance and thermal conductivity of SiC as well as tunable surface chemistry and textural properties were developed for their use in catalytic membrane reactors. After heat treatment, the extruded SiC monoliths have a monomodal distribution of macropores of a few μm in diameter depending on the particle size of the starting material. A macroporous, defect-free, smoother skin was applied onto the external wall using a solution of sub-micrometer SiC particles. These monoliths with skin could be coated successfully with molecularly selective membranes, and thus have application in membrane reactor processes. Finally, metal oxide nanoparticles were infiltrated into the macropores to modify the surface texture and chemistry, allowing the immobilization of liquid phase catalysts. The resulting multimodal distribution of pore sizes could be tuned by the choice of SiC and oxide particle sizes, number of wash-coats and calcination temperature. Mesopores created between nanoparticles had diameters of roughly 40 % of those of the nanoparticles. Small macropores, between 10−1000 nm, were also created, with bigger size and volume at higher calcination temperatures due to the metal oxide particles contraction. The developed materials were validated as support for PDMS membranes and for continuous gas-phase hydroformylation of 1-butene using Rh-diphosphite catalysts.The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the European Commissionwithin the Horizon2020-SPIRE project ROMEO (Grant Agreement Number 680395). Furthermore, the authors would like to thank Dr. Andreas Bösmann and M. Sc. Patrick Wolf (Universit ̈at Erlangen-Nürnberg) for the XRF measurements, as well as Markus Wist (RWTH Aachen University) for his work in the membrane fabricatio

    Epidemiological, Clinical and Genetic Study of Hypophosphatasia in A Spanish Population: Identification of Two Novel Mutations in The Alpl Gene

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    Hypophosphatasia (HPP) is a genetic disease caused by one or several mutations in ALPL gene encoding the tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase affecting the mineralization process. Due to its low prevalence and lack of recognition, this metabolic disorder is generally confused with other more frequent bone disorders. An assessment of serum total alkaline phosphatase (ALP) levels was performed in 78,590 subjects. Pyridoxal-5′-phosphate (PLP) concentrations were determined and ALPL gene was sequenced in patients potentially affected by HPP. Functional validation of the novel mutations found was performed using a cell-based assay. Our results showed persistently low serum ALP levels in 0.12% of subjects. Among the studied subjects, 40% presented with HPP-related symptoms. Nine of them (~28%) had a history of fractures, 5 (~16%) subjects showed chondrocalcinosis and 4 (~13%) subjects presented with dental abnormalities. Eleven subjects showed increased PLP concentrations. Seven of them showed ALPL gene mutations (2 of the mutations corresponded to novel genetic variants). In summary, we identified two novel ALPL gene mutations associated with adult HPP. Using this protocol, almost half of the studied patients were diagnosed with HPP. Based on these results, the estimated prevalence of mild HPP in Spain could be up to double than previously reported.Resource for Biocomputing, Visualization, and Informatics at the University of California, San Francisco (with support from NIH P41-GM103311)grants from Alexion and FEIOMM, by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (grants PI18-00803 and PI18-01235)co-funding from FEDER and by Junta de Andalucía (grant PI-0207-2016)GM-N is supported by the predoctoral program from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (FI17/00178) and by the Research Initiation Grants for Official Master Students program from the University of Granada (2017)PJR is a Ramon y Cajal Researcher from the MINECO (RYC-2015-18383) at GENyO and University of Granada

    Blockade of the SNARE protein syntaxin 1 inhibits glioblastoma tumor growth

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    Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most prevalent adult brain tumor, with virtually no cure, and with a median overall survival of 15 months from diagnosis despite of the treatment. SNARE pro- teins mediate membrane fusion events in cells and are essential for many cellular process- es including exocytosis and neurotransmission, intracellular trafficking and cell migration. Here we show that the blockade of the SNARE protein Syntaxin 1 (Stx1) function impairs GBM cell proliferation. We show that Stx1 loss-of-function in GBM cells, through ShRNA lentiviral transduction, a Stx1 dominant negative and botulinum toxins, dramatically reduces the growth of GBM after grafting U373 cells into the brain of immune compromised mice. In- terestingly, Stx1 role on GBM progression may not be restricted just to cell proliferation since the blockade of Stx1 also reduces in vitro GBM cell invasiveness suggesting a role in several processes relevant for tumor progression. Altogether, our findings indicate that the blockade of SNARE proteins may represent a novel therapeutic tool against GBM