1,433 research outputs found

    Dissecting a radiculomedullary artery as an infrequent cause of low back pain: illustrative casepproach

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    ANTECEDENTES Actualmente no hay ningún caso descrito en la literatura de hematoma epidural asociado a hemorragia subaracnoidea por disección de una arteria radiculomedular espontánea a nivel lumbar, por lo que se desconoce su incidencia y prevalencia. Sin embargo, se cree que su etiología es similar y puede no diagnosticarse dada su sintomatología inespecífica. OBSERVACIONES Los autores presentan el caso de un paciente adulto que consultó al servicio de urgencias por dolor lumbar de 2 semanas de evolución. En la exploración física había signos negativos de radiculopatía sin focalización neurológica. El paciente fue evaluado por neurocirugía mediante resonancia magnética de columna torácica y lumbosacra, con hallazgos de hematoma epidural asociado a hemorragia subaracnoidea en la región lumbosacra. Posteriormente, se realizó panangiografía. En el estudio, fue posible visualizar una disección de la arteria radicular en el nivel L2. La paciente no fue candidata a tratamiento quirúrgico y continuó con tratamiento médico del dolor. La paciente tuvo buena evolución clínica y fue dada de alta. LECCIONES El objetivo del presente caso es describir un caso único de disección de la arteria radiculomedular como causa de hematoma epidural espontáneo asociado a una hemorragia subaracnoidea en la región lumbar. © 2023 Los autores.BACKGROUND There is currently no case described in the literature of epidural hematoma associated with subarachnoid hemorrhage due to dissection of a spontaneous radiculomedullary artery at the lumbar level and therefore its incidence and prevalence are not known. However, its etiology is thought to be similar and may not be diagnosed given its nonspecific symptomatology. OBSERVATIONS The authors present the case of an adult patient who consulted the emergency department for 2 weeks of low back pain. On physical examination there were negative signs of radiculopathy without neurological focalization. The patient was evaluated by neurosurgery via thoracic and lumbosacral spine magnetic resonance imaging, with findings of epidural hematoma associated with subarachnoid hemorrhage in the lumbosacral region. After that, panangiography was done. In the study, it was possible to visualize a dissection of the radicular artery at the L2 level. The patient was not a candidate for surgical management and continued with medical pain management. The patient has a good clinical evolution and was discharged. LESSONS The aim of the present case is to describe a unique case of radiculomedullary artery dissection as a cause of spontaneous epidural hematoma associated with a subarachnoid hemorrhage in the lumbar region. © 2023 The authors

    Mechanical Power in Endurance Running: A Scoping Review on Sensors for Power Output Estimation during Running

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    Mechanical power may act as a key indicator for physiological and mechanical changes during running. In this scoping review, we examine the current evidences about the use of power output (PW) during endurance running and the di erent commercially available wearable sensors to assess PW. The Boolean phrases endurance OR submaximal NOT sprint AND running OR runner AND power OR power meter, were searched in PubMed, MEDLINE, and SCOPUS. Nineteen studies were finally selected for analysis. The current evidence about critical power and both power-time and power-duration relationships in running allow to provide coaches and practitioners a new promising setting for PW quantification with the use of wearable sensors. Some studies have assessed the validity and reliability of di erent available wearables for both kinematics parameters and PW when running but running power meters need further research before a definitive conclusion regarding its validity and reliability

    Well differentiated fetal adenocarcinoma of the lung in a 26 year old woman

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    El adenocarcinoma fetal bien diferenciado de pulmón es un tumor raro compuesto por glándulas neoplásicas ricas en glucógeno y túbulos que se parecen al pulmón fetal entre la semana 10 y 16 de gestación[1]. Se presenta el caso de una mujer de 26 años, con antecedentes de bronquitis aguda y tabaquismo, cuyos hallazgos clínicos, imaginológicos, macroscópicos y microscópicos fueron indicativos de esta neoplasia. Se le practicó lobectomía inferior izquierda.Reporte de caso484-489Well differentiated fetal adenocarcinoma is a rare lung tumour that is composed of glycogenrich neoplasic glands and tubules that resemble fetal lung at 10 to 16 weeks of gestation. In this report, we present a case of a 26 year old woman with a history of acute bronchitis and smoking, on which the clinical, imaging, macroscopic and microscopic features were compatible with this neoplasm. Lobectomy was performed of the left lower lobe

    Strength training habits in amateur endurance runners in Spain: influence of athletic level

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    This study determined the strength training (ST) habits of amateur endurance runners in Spain regarding athletic level. A sixteen-item online questionnaire comprised of (i) demographic information, (ii) performance, and (iii) training contents was completed by 1179 athletes. Five group levels were determined according to the personal best times of the athletes in a 10-km trial (LG1: level group 1, 50–55 min; LG2: level group 2, 45–50 min; LG3: level group 3, 40–45 min; LG4: level group 4, 35–40 min; LG5: level group 5, 30–35 min). Most athletes (n = 735, 62.3%) perceived ST as being a key component in their training program. Resistance training (RT) was reported as a ST type used by 63.4% of the athletes, 66.9% reported using bodyweight exercises, 46.8% reported using plyometric training, 65.6% reported using uphill runs, and 17.8% reported using resisted runs. The prevalence of runners who excluded ST from their training programs decreased as the athletic performance level increased (18.2% in lower-level athletes vs. 3.0% in higher-level), while the inclusion of RT, bodyweight exercises, plyometric training, and uphill and resisted runs was more frequent within higher-level groups. Most athletes included ST using low-to-moderate loads and high a number of repetitions/sets comprised of RT, plyometric training, resisted runs, and core, respiratory, and foot muscles training

    The polypeptides COX2A and COX2B are essential components of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase of Toxoplasma gondii

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    AbstractTwo genes encoding cytochrome c oxidase subunits, Cox2a and Cox2b, are present in the nuclear genomes of apicomplexan parasites and show sequence similarity to corresponding genes in chlorophycean algae. We explored the presence of COX2A and COX2B subunits in the cytochrome c oxidase of Toxoplasma gondii. Antibodies were raised against a synthetic peptide containing a 14-residue fragment of the COX2A polypeptide and against a hexa-histidine-tagged recombinant COX2B protein. Two distinct immunochemical stainings localized the COX2A and COX2B proteins in the parasite's mitochondria. A mitochondria-enriched fraction exhibited cyanide-sensitive oxygen uptake in the presence of succinate. T. gondii mitochondria were solubilized and subjected to Blue Native Electrophoresis followed by second dimension electrophoresis. Selected protein spots from the 2D gels were subjected to mass spectrometry analysis and polypeptides of mitochondrial complexes III, IV and V were identified. Subunits COX2A and COX2B were detected immunochemically and found to co-migrate with complex IV; therefore, they are subunits of the parasite's cytochrome c oxidase. The apparent molecular mass of the T. gondii mature COX2A subunit differs from that of the chlorophycean alga Polytomella sp. The data suggest that during its biogenesis, the mitochondrial targeting sequence of the apicomplexan COX2A precursor protein may be processed differently than the one from its algal counterpart

    Sarcoidosis cardíaca: Una causa infrecuente de arritmias ventriculares malignas

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    The most frequent cause of ventricular tachycardia in our environment is, by far, chronic ischemic heart disease. However, there is also a less infrequent and more heterogeneous group of other causes that must be taken into account in the differential diagnosis. One of the most typical is sarcoidosis. We present a clinical case of cardiac sarcoidosis that is a good example of the typical pattern of the disease on imaging tests.La causa más frecuente en nuestro medio de taquicardia ventricular es, con mucha diferencia, la cardiopatía isquémica crónica. Sin embargo, también existe un grupo menos infrecuente y más heterogéneo de otras causas que hay que tener en cuenta en el diagnóstico diferencial. Una de las más típicas es la sarcoidosis. Presentamos un caso clínico de sarcoidosis cardíaca que es un buen ejemplo del patrón típico de la enfermedad en las pruebas de imagen


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    ResumenEste documento describe el diseño e implementación de un multímetro digital de bajo costo para la medición de voltaje y corriente (directa y alterna), impedancia y temperatura. Para su implementación, se utilizó un divisor de voltaje, un sensor de corriente ACS712, el medidor de impedancias AD5933, un LM35 para la medición de temperatura. Después del acondicionamiento respectivo de cada sensor, las señales se adquirieron por un microcontrolador PIC16F877A para finalmente realizar el desplegado de datos en una pantalla de cristal líquido (LCD, por sus siglas en inglés) de 16x2. El multímetro diseñado realiza mediciones de 0 a 500 V, de 0 a 2 A, impedancias desde 1 kΩ hasta 10 MΩ y temperaturas de 0 a 150 ᵒC.  El multímetro posee rangos aceptables de medición, con la capacidad de realizar tales mediciones sin la necesidad de hacer un cambio de escala. De igual manera, su costo es menor comparado con equipos comerciales con capacidades similares.Palabras Claves: Corriente, impedancia, multímetro digital, temperatura, voltaje. DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A DIGITAL MULTIMETER WITH EXTENDED LOW-COST FUNCTIONSAbstractThis document describes the design and implementation of a low-cost digital multimeter for measuring temperature, impedance, voltage and current. For its implementation, an ACS 712 current sensor, the AD5933 impedance meter, an LM35 for temperature measurement and a voltage divider for voltage measurement were used. After the respective conditioning of each sensor, the signals were acquired by a PIC16F877A microcontroller to finely perform the data display on a 16x2 LCD (liquid crystal display). The designed multimeter supports 0 to 500 V measurements, 0 to 2 A, 0 to 150 °C and impedance measurements from 1 kΩ to 10 MΩ.Keywords: Current, digital multimeter, impedance, temperature, voltage

    Concordancia entre cinco criterios de síndrome metabólico en adolescentes de una zona altoandina del Perú

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    Objetivo. Determinar la concordancia entre cinco criterios diagnósticos de síndrome metabólico (SM) entre adolescentes residentes de una zona altoandina del Perú. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio transversal con datos secundarios de un estudio de intervención en dos escuelas públicas en el año 2019. Participaron 397 adolescentes que residen en la ciudad de Cajamarca ubicada en la región andina del Perú. Se aplicaron cinco criterios diagnósticos: Third Adult Treatment Panel (ATP-III) modificados por Cook, de la Federación Internacional de Diabetes (IDF), de la American Heart Association (AHA), de Ferranti, y de la Organización Mundial de Salud (OMS). Se estimaron las prevalencias puntuales y de intervalo con los cinco criterios. Se estimó el coeficiente de concordancia de Kappa con su respectivo intervalo de confianza al 95% (IC 95%). Resultados. El criterio de Ferranti identificó un 17,1% (IC 95%: 13,4 a 20,8) de adolescentes con SM, seguido del criterio de la ATP-III con 4,3% (IC 95%: 2,3 a 6,3); los demás criterios identificaron una menor frecuencia. La mejor concordancia fue encontrada entre los criterios de la AHA y la ATP-III (k = 0,905), los criterios de la OMS e IDF tuvieron un coeficiente de 0,628. Los cinco criterios coincidieron en clasificar como SM a seis adolescentes (1,5%). Conclusiones. Los criterios de la AHA y la ATP-III modificados por Cook tuvieron una concordancia casi perfecta, que se mantuvo en ambos sexos. Los criterios ATP-III, de Ferranti, IDF, AHA y OMS concuerdan en menos del 2% en identificar SM en el mismo grupo de adolescentes