660 research outputs found

    Desarrollo de una metodología para la medición de la rugosidad superficial del suelo

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    El objetivo de la presente tesis doctoral ha sido el desarrollo de una metodología fiable, fácil de usar y de bajo coste par ala toma de datos e interpretación de la rugosidad superficial del suelo. Sobre la base de los resultados publicados en la bibliografía se desarrollaron tres prototipos para la toma de datos de la rugosidad superficial del suelo. El primero basado en la metodología de láser sin contacto, el segundo tipo perfilométro de varillas, y un tercero, basado en el análisis de sombras. Para la interpretación de los resultados se han estudiado, por un lado la desviación típica, que es el índice que ha servido de base para la mayoría de los estudios que se han realizado y por otra parte, del coeficiente de variación. Dichos índices estadísticos se utilizaron para comparar la rugosidad obtenida en diferentes suelos y técnicas de laboreo. También se han empleado modelos fractales para evaluar la heterogeneidad y complejidad de los diferentes sistemas suelo-apero evaluados. El prototipo desarrollado sobre la base del láser sin contacto no funcionó en condiciones normales de campo y por lo tanto, se incidió en la metodología clásica del perfilómetro de varillas. Sobre la base dela experiencia previa se desarrolló un método más rápido a partir del análisis de sombras. Los trabajos de campo se realizan en un suelo de fuerte carácter antrópico de los Campos de Prácticas de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Agrónomos (E.T.S.I.A.) de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), y en otro, en los suelos de la finca experimental La Higueruela, perteneciente al Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), uno de carácter franco arcilloso y otro de carácter franco arenoso. Se han empleado diferentes aperos para labrar los suelos: rodillo, rotovator y chisel. La aplicación de los métodos de interpretación de la rugosidad dio como resultado que el suelo de los Campos de Prácticas presenta una rugosidad superficial, una vez que se han pasado los aperos de labranza, que denota un suelo más heterogéneo en cuanto a su composición y más complejo, resultados que describen la realidad de un suelo con alto grado de pedrogosidad, pcoa evolución y fuerte influencia antópica. Por el contrario los suelos de la finca La Higueruela (CSIC) presentan resultados que revelan unos suelos menos complejos y más estructurados y homogéneos. A su vez, el suelo franco arenoso de dichos terrenos presenta una composición más homogénea y menos compleja, una bez labrado, que el franco arcilloso. Asimismo, los resultados revelan la conservación de la estructura espacial de la rugosidad, una vez que se han pasado las diferentes herramientas de laboreo, y en general, se observa una rugosidad mayor cuando se utiliza el chisel, que disminuye progresivamente cuando se pasa el rotovator y que es mínima con el rodillo. Finalmente, se desarrolla un método de análisis de sombras basado en el hecho de que a mayor rugosidades se generarán más sombras en el suelo. Comparando los resultados obtenidos con índices estadísticos sobre datos del perfilómetro de varillas y el análisis de sombras, aplicados en campo, estos concuerdan con un 82% de sus variantes. Esto 0permite simplificar el método para la interpretación de la rugosidad superficial del suelo, tanto en el tiempo invertido, de 12 a 20 veces menor, como en la sencillez de la metodología

    Ammonia effects on proton conductivity properties of coordination polymers

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    Crystalline metal phosphonates are referred to as a type of structurally versatile coordination polymers [1]. Many of them contain guest molecules (H2O, heterocyclics, etc.), acidic sites and, furthermore, their structure can be also amenable for post‐synthesis modifications in order to enhance desired properties [2]. In the present work, we examine the relationships between crystal structure and proton conductivity for several metal phosphonates derive from multifunctional ligands, such as 5-(dihydroxyphosphoryl)isophthalic acid (PiPhtA) [3] and 2-hydroxyphosphonoacetic acid (H3HPAA). Crystalline divalent metal derivatives show a great structural diversity, from 1D to 3D open-frameworks, possessing hydrogen-bonded water molecules and acid groups. These solids present a proton conductivity range between 7.2·10-6 and 1.3·10−3 S·cm-1. Upon exposure to ammonia vapor, from an aqueous solution, solid state transformations are observed accompanied of enhance proton conductivities. The stability of these solids under different environment conditions (temperature and relative humidities) as well as the influence of the ammonia adsorption on the proton conduction properties of the resulting solids will be discussed.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Diferenciación de grupos de especies del género Alternaria mediante la reacción en cadena de la Polimerasa (PCR)

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    Se ha desarrollado una técnica de PCR múltiple para la diferenciación de grupos de especies del género Alternaria. Para ello se han diseñado cebadores que amplifican un fragmento del gen Alt a 1 a partir del ADN de las especies de Alternaria pertenecientes a un grupo determinado y no producen amplificación a partir del ADN de especies de otros grupos de Alternaria ni de otros organismos analizados. La introducción de un tercer cebador en la reacción de PCR múltiple permite amplificar una banda común a todas las especies de Alternaria analizadas, además del fragmento específico de cada grupo.A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method, based on oligonucleotide primers targeting the Alt a 1 gene, has been developed for the specific identification of several species-groups within the genus Alternaria. The introduction of a third oligonucleotide in the multiplex PCR allows amplification of a common DNA fragment in all Alternaria species, besides the specific fragment of each group

    Agronomic and phytotoxicity test with biosolids from anaerobic CO- DIGESTION with temperature and micro-organism phase separation, based on sewage sludge, vinasse and poultry manure

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    This study deals with energy and agronomic valorisation by anaerobic co-digestion with temperature and microorganism phase separation of sewage sludge, vinasse and poultry manure, with the aim of achieving an integral waste management, obtaining bioenergy and biofertilizer that returns nutrients to the soil in a natural way. The yields obtained were 40 mL H2/gVS and 391 mLCH4/gVS. The resulting effluent showed more than 98% removal of E. coli and total coliforms, as well as total removal of Salmonella. The results obtained in the phytotoxicity tests showed that all the proportions studied had phytostimulant and phytonutrient properties, with 20% having the highest germination index (GI) with mean values of 145.30%. Finally, the agronomic trial carried out with strawberry crops (Fragaria sp.) showed that the addition of this biosolid has fertilising properties and can be used as an agronomic amendment, with an increase of 145% in fresh weight and 102.5% in dry weight, and fruit production doubled with respect to the control. The ANOVA statistical study corroborated that there were significant differences in crop growth when applying different proportions of biofertilizer in the fertilizer. Therefore, these results show that this technology is promising and would contribute environmentally, socially and economically to the transfer towards a circular economy model.Este estudio aborda la valorización energética y agronómica mediante codigestión anaeróbica con temperatura y separación de fases de microorganismos de lodos de depuradora, vinazas y gallinazas, con el objetivo de conseguir una gestión integral de residuos, obteniendo bioenergía y biofertilizante que devuelva nutrientes al suelo de forma Manera natural. Los rendimientos obtenidos fueron 40 mL H2/gVS y 391 mLCH4/gVS. El efluente resultante mostró más del 98% de eliminación de E. coli y coliformes totales, así como una eliminación total de Salmonella. Los resultados obtenidos en las pruebas de fitotoxicidad mostraron que todas las proporciones estudiadas tenían propiedades fitoestimulantes y fitonutrientes, siendo el 20% el de mayor índice de germinación (IG) con valores medios de 145,30%. Finalmente, el ensayo agronómico realizado con cultivos de fresa (Fragaria sp.) demostró que la adición de este biosólido tiene propiedades fertilizantes y puede ser utilizado como enmienda agronómica, con un aumento del 145% en peso fresco y del 102,5% en peso seco. y la producción de frutos se duplicó respecto al testigo. El estudio estadístico ANOVA corroboró que existieron diferencias significativas en el crecimiento del cultivo al aplicar diferentes proporciones de biofertilizante en el fertilizante. Por tanto, estos resultados muestran que esta tecnología es prometedora y contribuiría ambiental, social y económicamente a la transferencia hacia un modelo de economía circular.Soporte papel y electrónico de un articulo científico de 8 Páginas

    Improvement of the anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge by co-digestion with wine vinasse and poultry manure: Effect of different hydraulic retention times

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    This study arose in response to the management of different organic wastes generated locally, which cause environmental damage. These wastes could be used to obtain biogas and class A biosolids through anaerobic digestion. For this purpose, the mesophilic anaerobic tri-digestion of sewage sludge (S), wine vinasse (V) and poultry manure (PM) (49.5:49.5:1) was studied to obtain biogas in an improved way compared to bi-digestion of SV (50:50) and mono-digestion of S. Tests were carried out in anaerobic digesters, at laboratory scale, to compare the benefits at different hydraulic retention time (HRT) (20, 15, 13, 10, 8 and 6 days). From the results obtained, anaerobic tri-digestion of the waste gave the best results, with a total chemical oxygen demand (TCOD) removal efficiency of 51%, volatile solids (VS) removal efficiency of 57%, and methane yield values of 261 mLCH4/gVSadded at a HRT of 13 days. In relation to the pathogens, both co-digestion studies addressed managed to inactivate enough pathogens in the effluent to be classified as class A biosolids. This would allow considering the anaerobic tri-digestion as a promising technology, which allows valorizing organic waste, obtaining biogas and class A biosolids, moving towards a circular bioeconomy. © 2022 The Author(s)This study has been funded by the Project Management of agro-food waste and sludge within the framework of the circular economy: energy and fertilizer production through anaerobic codigestion in a pilot plant (P18-RT-1348) of the Andalusian Research, Development and Innovation Plan (PAIDI 2020)

    Effect of temperature on biohydrogen and biomethane production using a biochemical potential test with different mixtures of sewage sludge, vinasse and poultry manure

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    A two-stage anaerobic co-digestion system has been proposed, comprising a first acidogenic stage at different temperatures, where biohydrogen is obtained; and a second mesophilic methanogenic stage where biomethane is obtained. The objective of this research was to evaluate the biochemical hydrogen potentials (BHP) at different temperature ranges, and their effect on the biochemical methane potentials subsequently carried out with the effluents from the BHP, in batch trials. Also, to evaluate the effect of adding a third co-substrate (poultry manure) to the mixture of sewage sludge and wine vinasse. For the BHP tests, temperatures of 35°, 55° and 70 °C were tested in mixtures of sewage sludge:vinasse (50:50) and sewage sludge:vinasse:poultry manure (49.5:49.5:1). It was found that the addition of poultry manure and a thermophilic temperature of 55 °C was ideal for biohydrogen generation with the highest recorded yield of 27.1mLH2/gVS. In the BMP trials consisting of effluent from the BHP and programmed at 35 °C, it was found that the effluent from the hyperthermophilic BHP trials (70 °C) generated more biogas and had a higher methane yield (117.36 mLCH4/gVS), and that this yield was higher for the sewage sludge and vinasse mixture alone. This proportion also had the highest percentage of VS removal (45.74%). The Modified Gompertz model was the best fit to the experimental data, with R2 > 0.983 in all cases. The search for the most suitable temperature ranges for the production of H2 and CH4 is necessary in order to be able to efficiently realise this technology on a larger scale. © 2022 The Author

    Temperature-phased enhanced the single-stage anaerobic co-digestion of sewage sludge, wine vinasse and poultry manure: Perspetives for the circular economy

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    The effect of hydraulic retention time (HRT) on single-stage (mesophilic and thermophilic range) and temperature-phase anaerobic co-digestion processes (TPAD) of sewage sludge, wine vinasse, poultry manure was studied. The HRTs studied were 20, 15, 13 and 10 days for the single-stage and TPAD process. For the TPAD with an HRT of 20 days, 65 % of total chemical oxygen demand (TCOD) were removed, which was higher than the single-stage process (26 % and 17 % TCOD removal, respectively for the thermophilic and mesophilic phases). Regarding the volatile solids (VS) removal, TPAD process presented a higher efficiency (90 %) when compared with the thermophilic (41 %) and mesophilic (43 %) single-stage digesters. At an HRT of 13 days 155 mLCH4/ gVSadded (thermophilic), 260 mLCH4/gVSadded (mesophilic), and 202 mLCH4/gVSadded (TPAD) were obtained. The maximum methane yield was achieved for the TPAD process operated at an HRT of 20 days (320 mLCH4/ gVSadded) with the additional benefit of obtaining hydrogen in the first stage (40.41 mLH2/gVSadded). The digestate obtained from the TPAD process were classified as class A biosolids, and could be used for agriculture fertilizer. In conclusion, TPAD waste management process presented better operational performance and methane yield when compared to a single-stage conventional system, direcly contributing for the framework of a circular economy transition of the agri-food industry

    Thermophilic-mesophilic temperature phase anaerobic co-digestion of sewage sludge, wine vinasse and poultry manure: Effect of hydraulic retention time on mesophilic-methanogenic stage

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    The present study investigated the influence of the hydraulic retention time (HRT) in temperature-phase anaerobic co-digestion (TPAcD) for methane production. The reactors were started-up with a mixing ratio of 49.5:49.5:1 of sewage sludge, wine vinasse and poultry manure. The TPAcD was operated at thermophilic temperatures in the first stage and mesophilic temperatures in the second stage. The thermophilic stage operated with a constant HRT of 5 days, while the methanogenic stage was optimized under the HRT of 15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 4, and 3 days. The best results were obtained for an HRT of 12 days in the methanogenic stage, 56.35 % of volatile solids (VS) biodegradation was achieved, with a methane yield of 391 mL CH4/gVSadded. Regarding the whole TPAcD process (acidogenic following by methanogenic), the vS and total volatile fatty acids reached, respec-tively, 93.13 % and 97.43 % of removal efficiency. The microbial population revealed that Eubacteria was higher than the Archaea at the HRT with the highest methane yield, and the microbial activity increased proportionally to the organic loading rate, which in turn was related to methane production. Due to the strong pathogen reduction in the TPAcD, the digestate obtained can be classified as class A biosolids in all HRT evaluated, being a promising alternative for its application as agricultural fertilizer. Finally, the presented TPAcD process can be an environmeltally friendly alternative for the management of sewage sludge, wine vinasse, and poultry manure in an integrated biorefinery for the recovery of bioenergy and fertilizer, advocating a sustainable approach for the circular economy transition

    Automatic grading of student-specific exercises in large groups of the subject theory of machines and mechanisms

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    This study establishes an already defined and tested method to grade exercises of kinematics and dynamics within the course entitled “Theory of Machines and Mechanisms” of the Industrial Technologies Engineering Degree at the Seville School of Engineering (Spain). Particular emphasis is made on the automation of grading and personalization of the exercises, due to the large number of students enrolled in this course. The former is made through a teaching platform available at the University of Seville and called Doctus, whilst the latter is achieved by defining the input data of the exercises and the requested results as a function of the digits of the student’s ID. The students must face and solve a personalized problem by their own with the knowledge and competences acquired during the academic course. This paper describes the exercises and the tools used to grade them and shows the satisfactory results obtained with these exercises after three academic courses