1,252 research outputs found

    Requirement of a Plasmid-Encoded Catalase for Survival of \u3cem\u3eRhizobium etli\u3c/em\u3e CFN42 in a Polyphenol-Rich Environment

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    Nitrogen-fixing bacteria collectively called rhizobia are adapted to live in polyphenol-rich environments. The mechanisms that allow these bacteria to overcome toxic concentrations of plant polyphenols have not been clearly elucidated. We used a crude extract of polyphenols released from the seed coat of the black bean to simulate a polyphenol-rich environment and analyze the response of the bean-nodulating strain Rhizobium etli CFN42. Our results showed that the viability of the wild type as well as that of derivative strains cured of plasmids p42a, p42b, p42c, and p42d or lacking 200 kb of plasmid p42e was not affected in this environment. In contrast, survival of the mutant lacking plasmid p42f was severely diminished. Complementation analysis revealed that the katG gene located on this plasmid, encoding the only catalase present in this bacterium, restored full resistance to testa polyphenols. Our results indicate that oxidation of polyphenols due to interaction with bacterial cells results in the production of a high quantity of H2O2, whose removal by the katG-encoded catalase plays a key role for cell survival in a polyphenol-rich environment

    Condición física, adiposidad y autoconcepto en adolescentes. Estudio piloto

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    Un alto índice de masa corporal y una baja capacidad aeróbica se asocia con un peor autoconcepto. Se ha observado también que personas obesas pero con buena forma física están físicamente sanos, fenómeno conocido como "fat but fit". El presente estudio pretende: 1) determinar la relación entre cantidad de grasa corporal y principales componentes de la condición física con el autoconcepto en adolescentes; 2) testar si el fenómeno fat but fit se asocia con un mejor autoconcepto. Un total de 69 adolescentes (14.68 ± 1.36 años) participaron en la evaluación de la composición corporal y la condición física (Batería ALPHA-Fitness). La capacidad aeróbica (forma vs. no en forma) e índice de masa corporal (normo-peso vs. sobrepeso-obesidad) fueron categorizadas usando criterios estándar. Cinco dimensiones del autoconcepto fueron evaluadas mediante el Cuestionario de Autoconcepto Forma 5. La grasa total y central se correlacionó negativamente con el autoconcepto físico, mientras que la condición física (fuerza, velocidad-agilidad y capa- cidad aeróbica) se correlacionó positivamente (p .3). Los resultados confirman la paradoja fat but fit, el sobrepeso se asocia a un peor autoconcepto físico, pero si se tiene una buena forma física los valores de autoconcepto se igualan a los de los adolescentes con normo-peso.A high body mass index and low level of cardiorespiratory fitness are associated with a poor self-concept. It has also been noted that obese people who are fit are physically healthy, a fact which is known as 'fat but fit'. The present study aims to: 1) determine the association between body fat and the main components of physical fitness and adolescents' self-concept; 2) test whether the phenomenon called 'fat but fit' is related to a better selfconcept. A total of 69 adolescents (14.68 ± 1.36 years old) took part in the body composition and physical fitness evaluation (ALPHA-Fitness Test Battery). Cardiorespiratory fitness (fit vs. not fit) and the body mass index (normal-weight vs. overweight-obesity) were classified using standard criteria. Five dimensions of self-concept were evaluated by means of the Self-Concept Form 5 Questionnaire. Total and central fat was negatively correlated with physical self-concept, whereas physical condition (strength, speed-agility and aerobic capacity) was positively correlated (p < .05 to .001). High levels of fat mass and little speed-agility were correlated with a worse social self-concept (p < .05). The adolescents who were overweight-obese but in good physical condition (fat but fit) showed a higher self-concept than those who were overweight-obese/not fit (p = .006), with similar figures to adolescents with a normal weight

    Test de camp per valorar la resistència dels músculs del tronc

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    El test Biering-Sorensen (BST), el test Side Bridge (SBT) i el test Ito (IT) són tres dels tests de camp més utilitzats per mesurar la resistència dels músculs del tronc. L’objectiu d’aquest estudi va ser analitzar la fiabilitat absoluta i relativa dels tests referits, així com valorar-ne l’efecte en el rendiment de l’antropometria dels participants en les proves. En l’estudi van participar 27 joves homes (23,5 ± 4,0 anys) i físicament actius. Els participants van fer dues sessions de registre en què van executar els tres tests (recuperació de 8 min entre proves) i on es van mesurar diverses variables antropomètriques. La fiabilitat relativa va ser bona, amb ICC majors de 0,80 en tots els tests, però la fiabilitat absoluta no, amb SEM que van oscil·lar entre 13,36 % en el BST i 19,89 % en l’IT. L’IT va mostrar una correlació negativa amb la massa (r = – ,475; p = ,014) i el diàmetre bileocrestal (r = – ,404; p = ,040), i el SBT una correlació negativa amb la massa (r = – ,610; p = ,001), el diàmetre bileocrestal (r = – ,546; p = ,004), el diàmetre biacromial (r = – ,456; p = ,019) i l’índex acromioilíac (r = – ,413; p = ,036). Les dades de fiabilitat absoluta qüestionen la utilitat d’aquestes proves en programes d’entrenament on els participants tenen poc marge de millora. A més a més, si es fan comparacions entre subjectes és important tenir en compte les seves diferències antropomètriques, ja que durant l’execució dels tests el cos s’utilitza com a instrument de mesura

    Test de campo para valorar la resistencia de los músculos del tronco

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    El Biering-Sorensen test (BST), el Side Bridge test (SBT) y el Ito test (IT) son tres de los test de campo más utilizados para medir la resistencia de los músculos del tronco. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la fiabilidad absoluta y relativa de los test referidos, así como valorar el efecto de la antropometría de los participantes en el rendimiento en las pruebas. En el estudio participaron 27 jóvenes varones (23,5 ± 4,0 años) y físicamente activos. Los participantes realizaron dos sesiones de registro en las que ejecutaron los tres test (recuperación de 8 min entre pruebas) y donde se midieron diversas variables antropométricas. La fiabilidad relativa fue buena, con ICC mayores de 0.80 en todos los test, pero no así la fiabilidad absoluta, con SEM que oscilaron entre el 13,36 % en el BST y el 19,89 % en el IT. El IT mostró una correlación negativa con la masa (r= – ,475; p= ,014) y el diámetro bileocrestal (r = – ,404; p = ,040) y el SBT una correlación negativa con la masa (r = –,610; p = ,001), el diámetro bileocrestal (r = –,546; p = ,004), el diámetro biacromial (r= - ,456; p = ,019) y el índice acromioiliaco (r= –,413; p = ,036). Los datos de fiabilidad absoluta cuestionan la utilidad de estas pruebas en programas de entrenamiento donde los participantes tienen poco margen de mejora. Además, si se realizan comparaciones entre sujetos es importante tener en cuenta sus diferencias antropométricas, ya que durante la ejecución de los test el cuerpo se utiliza como instrumento de medida

    A new leaky-wave directional coupler in hybrid dielectric-waveguide printed-circuit technology

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    This paper presents the design of a novel leaky-wave coupler, based on hybrid dielectric-waveguide printed-circuit technology. The working mechanism of the proposed structure is explained, and the design procedure is illustrated in order to obtain the geometrical dimensions for a coupler working at 5.5GHz. The design is performed using commercial electromagnetic analysis software. This novel directional coupler presents interesting advantages when compared to previous wave couplersThis work has been partially supported by Spanish national projects ESP2001-4546-PE,TEC2004-04313-C02-02 and regional Séneca project 2002PB/4/FS/02

    A Straightforward Access to New Families of Lipophilic Polyphenols by Using Lipolytic Bacteria

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    The chemical synthesis of new lipophilic polyphenols with improved properties presents technical difficulties. Here we describe the selection, isolation and identification of lipolytic bacteria from food-processing industrial wastes, and their use for tailoring a new set of com- pounds with great interest in the food industry. These bacteria were employed to produce lipolytic supernatants, which were applied without further purification as biocatalysts in the chemoselective and regioselective synthesis of lipophilic partially acetylated phenolic com- pounds derived from olive polyphenols. The chemoselectivity of polyphenols acylation/dea- cylation was analyzed, revealing the preference of the lipases for phenolic hydroxyl groups and phenolic esters. In addition, the alcoholysis of peracetylated 3,4-dihydroxyphenylglycol resulted in a series of lipophilic 2-alkoxy-2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)ethyl acetate through an unexpected lipase-mediated etherification at the benzylic position. These new compounds are more lipophilic and retained their antioxidant properties. This approach can provide access to unprecedented derivatives of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylglycol with improved propertiesJunta de Andalucía P08-NMR-3515, P11-CVI-7427 MO, FQM134 y BIO-213European Regional Development Fund (FEDER

    Mitochondrial membrane models built from native lipid extracts: Interfacial and transport properties

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    The mitochondrion is an essential organelle enclosed by two membranes whose functionalities depend on their very specific protein and lipid compositions. Proteins from the outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM) are specialized in mitochondrial dynamics and mitophagy, whereas proteins of the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM) have dedicated functions in cellular respiration and apoptosis. As for lipids, the OMM is enriched in glycerophosphatidyl choline but cardiolipin is exclusively found within the IMM. Though the lipid topology and distribution of the OMM and IMM are known since more than four decades, little is known about the interfacial and dynamic properties of the IMM and OMM lipid extracts. Here we build monolayers, supported bilayers and giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) of native OMM and IMM lipids extracts from porcine heart. Additionally, we perform a comparative analysis on the interfacial, phase immiscibility and mechanical properties of both types of extract. Our results show that IMM lipids form more expanded and softer membranes than OMM lipids, allowing a better understanding of the physicochemical and biophysical properties of mitochondrial membranes.Fil: Schiaffarino, Olivia. Universidad Complutense de Madrid; EspañaFil: Valdivieso González, David. Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre; España. Universidad Complutense de Madrid; EspañaFil: García Pérez, Inés M.. Universidad Complutense de Madrid; EspañaFil: Peñalva, Daniel Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Bahía Blanca. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Bahía Blanca; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur; ArgentinaFil: Almendro Vedia, Víctor G.. Universidad Complutense de Madrid; España. Hospital Doce de Octubre, Madrid; EspañaFil: Natale, Paolo. Universidad Complutense de Madrid; España. Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre; EspañaFil: López Montero, Iván. Universidad Complutense de Madrid; España. Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre; Españ

    Effects of CYP1A2 and ADORA2A Genotypes on the Ergogenic Response to Caffeine in Professional Handball Players.

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    Previous investigations have found that several genes may be associated with the interindividual variability to the ergogenic response to caffeine. The aim of this study is to analyze the influence of the genetic variations in CYP1A2 (−163C  > A, rs762551; characterized such as “fast” (AA genotype) and “slow” caffeine metabolizers (C-carriers)) and ADORA2A (1976T  > C; rs5751876; characterized by “high” (TT genotype) or “low” sensitivity to caffeine (C-carriers)) on the ergogenic response to acute caffeine intake in professional handball players. Thirty-one professional handball players (sixteen men and fifteen women; daily caffeine intake = 60 ± 25 mg·d−1) ingested 3 mg·kg−1·body mass (bm) of caffeine or placebo 60 min before undergoing a battery of performance tests consisting of a countermovement jump (CMJ), a sprint test, an agility test, an isometric handgrip test, and several ball throws. Afterwards, the handball players performed a simulated handball match (2 × 20 min) while movements were recorded using inertial units. Saliva samples were analyzed to determine the genotype of each player for the −163C  > A polymorphism in the CYP1A2 gene (rs762551) and for the 1976T  > C polymorphism in the ADORA2A gene (rs5751876). In the CYP1A2, C-allele carriers (54.8%) were compared to AA homozygotes (45.2%). In the ADORA2A, C-allele carriers (80.6%) were compared to TT homozygotes (19.4%). There was only a genotype x treatment interaction for the ball throwing from 7 m (p = 0.037) indicating that the ergogenic effect of caffeine on this test was higher in CYP1A2 AA homozygotes than in C-allele carriers. In the remaining variables, there were no genotype x treatment interactions for CYP1A2 or for ADORA2A. As a whole group, caffeine increased CMJ height, performance in the sprint velocity test, and ball throwing velocity from 9 m (2.8–4.3%, p = 0.001–0.022, effect size = 0.17–0.31). Thus, pre-exercise caffeine supplementation at a dose of 3 mg·kg−1·bm can be considered as an ergogenic strategy to enhance some neuromuscular aspects of handball performance in professional handball players with low daily caffeine consumption. However, the ergogenic response to acute caffeine intake was not modulated by CYP1A2 or ADORA2A genotypes.post-print617 K