792 research outputs found

    Executive function and intelectual disabilities: assesment and relevance.

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    Este trabajo es una revisión teórica de los últimos instrumentos utilizados en la evaluación de las funciones ejecutivas (FE) en la discapacidad intelectual (DI). A pesar de la importancia cada vez mayor que se está concediendo a las FE en el perfil cognitivo de las personas con DI, son todavía pocos los trabajos que han abordado el estudio de las funciones ejecutivas en esta población y muy escasas las pruebas disponibles para una evaluación estandarizada. Por tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo es poner a disposición de los profesionales e investigadores en el campo de la Psicología y de la Educación una serie de instrumentos que pueden ser utilizados para la evaluación de las FE en la discapacidad intelectual.In this work, a theoretical review about the last tools used to assessment the executive functioning (EF) in people with intellectual disability (ID) is presented. Despite the growing importance that the research is giving to the executive function in the cognitive profile of people with ID, there are few studies about the executive function in this population and there are few standardized available tests. Therefore, the aim of this work is to make available a set of instruments to assessment the EF in the ID that could be used by psychologists and educators.peerReviewe

    The Impact of Enforcement Capabilities on the Effectiveness of Public Assessment on Occupational Safety

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    número del art. 6426(1) Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of enforcement capabilities on the efficacy of two public interventions to improve occupational safety in olive mills. (2) Method: The difference in efficacy was evaluated by comparing the risks detected in two groups in an initial assessment (with visits in the 2006–2008 period) to the risks detected in a later assessment, either after an intervention by Authorized Technicians with enforcement capabilities or after an intervention by Technical Advisors without enforcement capabilities (2011–2013). The assessments identified risks in the companies, according to a specific risk map for olive oil mill enterprises. (3) Results: Statistically significant differences were observed in the comparison of the risk reductions of the two groups, with regard to the initial assessment. The greatest reductions in risk were found in the companies that received interventions by Authorized Technicians with enforcement capabilities, in the sections of individual protection equipment and the storage of dangerous products. (4) Conclusion: Interventions by Authorized Technicians with enforcement capabilities are more effective than interventions by Technical Advisors without enforcement capabilities

    Experimental investigation of rear flexible flaps interacting with the wake dynamics behind a squareback Ahmed body

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    We have conducted an experimental study on the use of rear flexible vertical flaps as adaptive solutions to reduce the drag of a squareback Ahmed body, and on the fluid–structure interaction mechanisms at the turbulent wake. To that aim, wind tunnel experiments were conducted to compare the performance of various configurations including the baseline body, the body with rigid flaps and with flexible flaps. These configurations were tested under different aligned and cross-flow conditions. The results reveal that the flexible adaptive devices effectively reduce the drag within for low values of the dimensionless stiffness quantified through the Cauchy number, ����. Thus, the two-dimensional deformation of the flexible flaps, which undergo progressive inwards reconfiguration (with an averaged tip deflection angle of �� ≃ 4◦), reduces the bluffness of the flow separation at the body base, thus shrinking the recirculation region. This reconfiguration leads to increased base pressure, resulting into a 8.3% decrease in the global drag, ����, under aligned conditions. Similar drag reductions are observed under yawed conditions. Two regimes are identified in terms of the coupled fluid–structure dynamics. For low ����, the passive reconfiguration of the flaps include small amplitude, periodic oscillations corresponding to the first free deformation mode of a cantilevered beam. Alongside these weak oscillations, the flaps are deformed guided by the changes in the value of the horizontal base pressure gradient, depicting bi-stable behavior which is caused by the synchronization between the Reflectional Symmetry Breaking (RSB) mode, typically present in the wake of three-dimensional bluff bodies, and the flaps deformation. For higher values of ����, the flexible flaps deflect inwardly by about �� ≃ 20◦ on average, but exhibit vigorous oscillations combining the first and second free deformation modes of a cantilevered beam. These large amplitude oscillations excite the flow separation at the model’s trailing edges, leading to significant fluctuations in the separated shear layers and a consequent 31% increase in the global drag. Under yawed conditions, the flaps responses for large values of ���� are different due to the asymmetry of the corresponding recirculation region.This work is a result of the Projects PDC2021-121288-I00, TED2021-131805B-C21 and TED2021-131805B-C22, financed by the Spanish MCIN/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033/, FEDER, UE, and the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR. M.L.D. also acknowledges the support from grant FJC2020-043093-I funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR. Finally, J.C.M.H. acknowledges for the support of the Spanish MECD through FPU20/07261. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada / CBUA

    Biogeochemical patterns in the Atlantic Inflow through the Strait of Gibraltar

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    The effects of tidal forcing on the biogeochemical patterns of surface water masses flowing through the Strait of Gibraltar are studied by monitoring the Atlantic Inflow (AI) during both spring and neap tides. Three main phenomena are defined depending on the strength of the outflowing phase predicted over the Camarinal Sill: non-wave events (a very frequent phenomenon during the whole year); type I Internal wave events (a very energetic event, occurring during spring tides); and type II Internal wave events (less intense, occurring during neap tides). During neap tides, a non-wave event comprising oligotrophic open-ocean water from the Gulf of Cádiz is the most frequent and clearly dominant flow through the Strait. In this tidal condition, the inflow of North Atlantic Central Water (NACW) provides the main nutrient input to the surface layer of the Alboran Sea, supplying almost 70% of total annual nitrate transport to the Mediterranean basin. A low percentage of active and large phytoplankton cells and low average concentrations of chlorophyll (0.3–0.4 mg m−3) are found in this tidal phase. Around 50% of total annual phytoplankton biomass transport into the Mediterranean Sea through the Strait presents these oligotrophic characteristics. In contrast, during spring tides, patches of water with high chlorophyll levels (0.7–1 mg m−3) arrive intermittently, and these are recorded concurrently with the passage of internal waves coming from the Camarinal Sill (type I internal wave events). When large internal waves are arrested over the Camarinal Sill this implies strong interfacial mixing and the probable concurrent injection of coastal waters into the main channel of the Strait. These processes result in a mixed water column in the AI and can account for around 30% of total annual nitrate transport into the Mediterranean basin. Associated with type I internal wave events there is a regular inflow of large and active phytoplankton cells, transported in waters with relatively high nutrient concentrations, which constitutes a significant supply of planktonic resources to the pelagic ecosystem of the Alboran Sea (almost 30% of total annual phytoplankton biomass transport)

    A jade polished hand-axe from Tubino’s colection (Valencina de la Concepción Local Museum, Sevilla, Spain)

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    A pished axe donated to the Valencina de la Concepción Museum (Seville, Spain) in November 2010, and that had belonged to Francisco María Tubino y Oliva's (1833-1888) personal clection, is studied. Although the exact provenance of this object is unknown, there are reasons to think that it might have been found on some archaẽogical site of the Seville province. Through the application of two different analytical techniques (XRD, DCμRS), this axe is identified as a jade-jadeite of purity above 95 ml%, which necessarily implies it came from the Alps. In the conclusions a discussion of this artifact is made in terms of long distance contact in Iberian Late Prehistory.En este trabajo se estudia un hacha pulimentada inédita excepcional depositada en el Museo de Valencina de la Concepción (Sevilla) en noviembre de 2010 y que formó parte de la colección personal de Francisco María Tubino y Oliva (1833-1888). Aunque la procedencia exacta de la pieza es desconocida, existen razones para pensar que podría proceder de algún yacimiento arqueológico de la provincia de Sevilla. Mediante la aplicación de dos técnicas analíticas diferentes (XRD, DCμRS), se identifica la pieza como jade-jadeíta de una pureza superior al 95 ml%, lo que implica su procedencia de los Alpes. En las conclusiones se realiza una valoración de la significación de esta pieza en términos de contactos a larga distancia en la Prehistoria Reciente ibérica.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad HAR2013-3462

    ASIC para sistemas de medidas ambientales

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    El circuito integrado que aquí se describe ha sido diseñado con tecnología puramente digital, y tiene como función servir como centro concentrador de datos en estaciones meteorológicas, aunque por su diseño genérico puede ser usado en cualquier otro campo. Su objetivo principal es la adquisición de medidas (condiciones ambientales como velocidad y dirección del viento, tempera-turas, humedades relativas,...) y la generación de señales analógicas y digitales telemandadas procedentes de un canal de radio o de un canal SPI. Esta realización se enmarca dentro del programa GAME y ha sido desarrollada en colaboración con la empresa SAINCO

    Sistema de refrigeración de baja carga de amoniaco en expansión seca aplicado a un túnel de congelados

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    La utilización de amoníaco como refrigerante para equipos industriales está más que extendida. Hoy día, con el auge de los refrigerantes naturales debido a una normativa cada vez más restrictiva, es necesaria la investigación de nuevas aplicaciones y tecnologías para mejorar los equipos actuales recurriendo a ciclos más eficientes y sistemas con menor peligrosidad. En este artículo, se presenta una tecnología de ultra congelación en expansión seca de amoníaco de baja carga compuesta por una central frigorífica con recuperación de calor del aceite para desescarche por glicol caliente y un evaporador vertical dentro de un túnel de congelados. Se expone, además, un modelo del compresor empleado y se analizan los parámetros básicos de un ciclo de congelación real

    Modeling the biogeochemical seasonal cycle in the Strait of Gibraltar

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    A physical-biological coupled model was used to estimate the effect of the physical processes at the Strait of Gibraltar over the biogeochemical features of the Atlantic Inflow (AI) towards the Mediterranean Sea. This work was focused on the seasonal variation of the biogeochemical patterns in the AI and the role of the Strait; including primary production and phytoplankton features. As the physical model is 1D (horizontal) and two-layer, different integration methods for the primary production in the Biogeochemical Fluxes Model (BFM) have been evaluated. An approach based on the integration of a production-irradiance function was the chosen method. Using this Plankton Functional Type model (BFM), a simplified phytoplankton seasonal cycle in the AI was simulated. Main results included a principal bloom in spring dominated by nanoflagellates, whereas minimum biomass (mostly picophytoplankton) was simulated during summer. Physical processes occurring in the Strait could trigger primary production and raise phytoplankton biomass (during spring and autumn), mainly due to two combined effects. First, in the Strait a strong interfacial mixing (causing nutrient supply to the upper layer) is produced, and, second, a shoaling of the surface Atlantic layer occurs eastward. Our results show that these phenomena caused an integrated production of 105 g C m− 2 year− 1 in the eastern side of the Strait, and would also modify the proportion of the different phytoplankton groups. Nanoflagellates were favored during spring/autumn while picophytoplankton is more abundant in summer. Finally, AI could represent a relevant source of nutrients and biomass to Alboran Sea, fertilizing the upper layer of this area with 4.95 megatons nitrate year− 1 (79.83 gigamol year− 1) and 0.44 megatons C year− 1. A main advantage of this coupled model is the capability of solving relevant high-resolution processes as the tidal forcing without expensive computing requirements, allowing to assess the effect of these phenomena on the biogeochemical patterns at longer time scales