16 research outputs found

    Direccionamiento de células madre mesenquimales adultas para el tratamiento del infarto cerebral mediante la aplicación de campos magnéticos

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    La terapia con células madre mesenquimales (MSCs) resulta una opción prometedora para el tratamiento después del infarto cerebral, debido a las ventajas que presentan éstas frente a otros tipos de células madre: (i) pueden obtenerse en la práctica clínica mediante técnicas mínimamente invasivas, (ii) su cultivo primario y expansión in vitro resultan muy eficientes, (iii) poseen tropismo por las zonas lesionadas (homing) y (iv) tienen capacidad inmunomoduladora y antiinflamatoria en el organismo receptor. Todo ello, ha hecho que se conviertan en unas perfectas candidatas como agente terapéutico después del ictus, habiendo concluido varios ensayos clínicos con una mejor recuperación funcional después de su infusión intravenosa y con un excelente perfil de seguridad. Sin embargo, los estudios llevados a cabo en modelos animales utilizando dicha ruta de administración, muestran de forma reiterada un tasa de injerto muy baja de las MSCs en el órgano diana. Así, con la finalidad de potenciar el efecto local ejercido por las células en el tejido cerebral lesionado, en el presente trabajo hemos diseñado un sistema de direccionamiento magnético in vivo de las MSCs durante su infusión endovenosa. Para ello, les hemos conferido propiedades magnéticas gracias a la internalización de nanopartículas superparamagnéticas de óxido de hierro (SPIOs) y hemos conseguido una tendencia al aumento de la retención celular dentro del tejido cerebral, siendo potenciado este efecto de forma proporcional al volumen de la lesión. Además, mediante el estudio ultraestructural e inmunohistoquímico del microambiente de las MSCs en el parénquima cerebral, hemos apreciado que su viabilidad se encuentra claramente comprometida y el sistema inmune endógeno las ha reconocido iniciando procesos de fagocitosis. De estos resultados podemos concluir que, el direccionamiento magnético resulta una interesante estrategia en el ámbito clínico para la retención de las MSCs en el tejido cerebral lesionado después del ictus, pudiendo potenciar así la liberación de mediadores bioquímicos presentes en ellas aunque durante un tiempo limitado y como consecuencia, poder maximizar los efectos beneficiosos observados en estudios previos

    A Confirmatory Method Based on HPLC-MS/MS for the Detection and Quantification of Residue of Tetracyclines in Nonmedicated Feed

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    The Commission Regulation 574/2011/EC set up maximum levels of coccidiostats and histomonostats in nonmedicated feed as a consequence of carry-over during manufacturing. Carry-over takes place from medicated to nonmedicated feed during feed production. Similar contamination could also occur for other pharmaceuticals such as tetracyclines, a group of antibiotics commonly employed in food production animal. The objective of this work is to present a simple and fast method for the simultaneous detection of four tetracyclines (chlortetracycline, doxycycline, oxytetracycline, and tetracycline) in nontarget feed at a g/kg level. Validation of the method was performed according to the guideline included in the Commission Decision 2002/657/EC for official method. The validated method was successfully applied to 50 feed samples collected from different milk farms and 25 samples obtained from feed manufacturers. While oxytetracycline was the tetracycline most frequently detected, chlortetracycline was the analyte measured at the highest concentration 15.14 mg/Kg. From 75 nonmedicated feed analysed 15% resulted to be positive for the presence of one tetracyclineThe authors wish to thank the Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria, Xunta de Galicia (Project EM 2012/153), for financial supportS

    Murine muscle engineered from dermal precursors: an in vitro model for skeletal muscle generation, degeneration and fatty infiltration.

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    Skeletal muscle can be engineered by converting dermal precursors into muscle progenitors and differentiated myocytes. However, the efficiency of muscle development remains relatively low and it is currently unclear if this is due to poor characterization of the myogenic precursors, the protocols used for cell differentiation, or a combination of both. In this study, we characterized myogenic precursors present in murine dermospheres, and evaluated mature myotubes grown in a novel three-dimensional culture system. After 57 days of differentiation, we observed isolated, twitching myotubes followed by spontaneous contractions of the entire tissue-engineered muscle construct on an extracellular matrix (ECM). In vitro engineered myofibers expressed canonical muscle markers and exhibited a skeletal (not cardiac) muscle ultrastructure, with numerous striations and the presence of aligned, enlarged mitochondria, intertwined with sarcoplasmic reticula (SR). Engineered myofibers exhibited Na+- and Ca2+-dependent inward currents upon acetylcholine (ACh) stimulation and tetrodotoxin-sensitive spontaneous action potentials. Moreover, ACh, nicotine, and caffeine elicited cytosolic Ca2+ transients; fiber contractions coupled to these Ca2+ transients suggest that Ca2+ entry is activating calcium-induced calcium release from the SR. Blockade by d-tubocurarine of ACh-elicited inward currents and Ca2+ transients suggests nicotinic receptor involvement. Interestingly, after 1 month, engineered muscle constructs showed progressive degradation of the myofibers concomitant with fatty infiltration, paralleling the natural course of muscular degeneration. We conclude that mature myofibers may be differentiated on the ECM from myogenic precursor cells present in murine dermospheres, in an in vitro system that mimics some characteristics found in aging and muscular degeneration

    Treatment and reuse of textile wastewaters by mild solar photo-Fenton in the presence of humic-like substances

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11356-016-7889-1In this paper, the possibility of reusing textile effluents for new dyeing baths has been investigated. For this purpose, different trichromies using Direct Red 80, Direct Blue 106, and Direct Yellow 98 on cotton have been used. Effluents have been treated by means of a photo-Fenton process at pH 5. Addition of humic-like substances isolated form urban wastes is necessary in order to prevent iron deactivation because of the formation of non-active iron hydroxides. Laboratory-scale experiments carried out with synthetic effluents show that comparable results were obtained when using as solvent water treated by photo-Fenton with SBO and fresh deionized water. Experiments were scaled up to pilot plant illuminated under sunlight, using in this case a real textile effluent. Decoloration of the effluent could be achieved after moderate irradiation and cotton dyed with this water presented similar characteristics as when deionized water was used.This work was realized with the financial support of a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange project funded by the European Commission H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014 within the framework of the research project Mat4treaT (project number 645551). Financial support from Spanish Government (CTQ2015-69832-C4-4-R) is gratefully acknowledged. The authors acknowledge the financial support of the Generalitat Valenciana, Conselleria d’Educació, Cultura i Esport (GV/AICO/2015/124) and CTQ2015-69832-C4-4-R.García-Negueroles, P.; Bou-Belda, E.; Santos-Juanes Jordá, L.; Amat Payá, AM.; Arques Sanz, A.; Vercher Pérez, RF.; Monllor Pérez, P.... (2017). Treatment and reuse of textile wastewaters by mild solar photo-Fenton in the presence of humic-like substances. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 24(14):12664-12672. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-016-7889-1S12664126722414Ali N, Hameed A et al (2009) Physicochemical characterization and bioremediation perspective of textile effluent, dyes and metals by indigenous bacteria. J Hazard Mater 164(1):322–328Amat AM, Arques A, Miranda MA, Seguí S (2004) Photo-Fenton reaction for the abatement of commercial surfactants in a solar pilot plant. Sol Energy 77:559–566Amorim CC, Leão MMD, Moreira RFPM, Fabris JD, Henriques AB (2013) Performance of blast furnace waste for azo dye degradation through photo-Fenton-like processes. Chem Eng J 224:59–66Anjaneyulu Y, Sreedhara Chary N et al (2005) Decolorization of industrial effluents: available methods and emerging technologies. Environmental Science and Biotechnology 4(4):245–273Arslan-Alaton I, Tureli G, Olmez-Hanci T (2009) Treatment of azo dye production wastewaters using photo-Fenton-like advanced oxidation processes: optimization by response surface methodology. J Photochem Photobiol A Chem 202:142–153Azbar N, Yonar T, Kestioglu K (2004) Comparison of various advanced oxidation processes and chemical treatment methods for COD and color removal from a polyester and acetate fiber dyeing effluent. Chemosphere 55:35–43Baba Y, Yatagai T, Harada T, Kawase Y (2015) Hydroxyl radical generation in the photo-Fenton process: effects of carboxylic acids on iron redox cycling. Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 277(1):229–241Bakshi DK, Sharma P (2003) Genotoxicity of textile dyes evaluated with Ames test and rec-assay. J Environ Pathol Toxicol Oncol 22:10Blanco J, Torrades F, Morón M, Brouta-Agnesá M, García-Montaño J (2014) Photo-Fenton and sequencing batch reactor coupled to photo-Fenton processes for textile wastewater reclamation: feasibility of reuse in dyeing processes. Chem Eng J 240:469–475Chen Q, Yang Y, Zhou M, Liu M, Yu S, Gao C (2015) Comparative study on the treatment of raw and biologically treated textile effluents through submerged nanofiltration. Original research article. J Hazard Mater 284(2):121–129dos Santos AB, Cervantes FJ, van Lier J (2007) Review paper on current technologies for decolorisation of textile wastewater: perspectives for anaerobic biotechnology. Bioresour Technol 37:315–377Durán A, Monteagudo JM, Amores E (2008) Solar photo-Fenton degradation of reactive blue 4 in a CPC reactor. Appl Catal B Environ 80(1–2):42–50Ergas S, Therriault B, Reckhow D (2006) Evaluation of water reuse technologies for the textile industry. J Environ Eng 132:315–323García Ballesteros S, Costante R, Vicente R, Mora M, Amat AM, Arques A, Carlos L, García Einschlag FS (2016) Humic-like substances from urban waste as auxiliaries for photo-Fenton treatment: a fluorescence EEM-PARAFAC study. Ptotochem Photobiol Sci in press. doi: 10.1039/c6pp00236fGhaly AE, Ananthashankar R, Alhattab M, Ramakrishnan VV (2014) Production, characterization and treatment of textile effluents: a critical review. J Chem Eng Process Technol 05:1–18Ghoreishian SM, Maleknia L, Mirzapour H, Norouzi M (2013) Antibacterial properties and color fastness of silk fabric dyed with turmeric extract. Fiber Polym 14(2):201–207. doi: 10.1007/s12221-013-0201-9Gomis J, Vercher RF, Amat AM, Mártire DO, González MC, Bianco Prevot A, Montoneri E, Arques A, Carlos L (2013) Application of soluble bio-organic substances (SBO) as photocatalysts for wastewater treatment: sensitizing effect and photo-Fenton-like process. Catal Today 209:176–180Gomis J, Carlos L, Bianco Prevot A, Teixeira ACSC, Mora M, Amat AM, Vicente R, Arques A (2015) Bio-based substances from urban waste as auxiliaries for solar photo-Fenton treatment under mild conditions: optimization of operational variables. Catal Today 240:39–45Gupta D, Khare SK, Laha A (2004) Antimicrobial properties of natural dyes against gram negative bacteria. Color Technol 120(4):167–171. doi: 10.1111/j.1478-4408.2004.tb00224.xHan S, Yang Y (2005) Antimicrobial activity of wool fabric treated with curcumin. Dyes Pigments 64(2):157–161. doi: 10.1016/j.dyepig.2004.05.008Huang W, Brigante M, Wu F, Mousty C, Hanna K, Mailhot G (2013) Assessment of the Fe (III)–EDDS complex in Fenton-like processes: from the radical formation to the degradation of bisphenol A. Environ Sci Technol 47(4):1952–1959Ince NH, Tezcanh G (1999) Treatability of textile dye-bath effluents by advanced oxidation: preparation for reuse. Water Sci Technol 40(1):183–190ISO 6332:1988. 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Chemosphere 82(10):1422–1430Malato S, Blanco J, Cáceres J, Fernández-Alba AR, Agüera A, Rodríguez A (2002) Photocatalytic treatment of water-soluble pesticides by photo-Fenton and TiO2 using solar energy. Catalysis Today 76 2002(2–4):209–220Malato S, Fernández-Ibáñez P, Maldonado MI, Blanco J, Gernjak W (2009) Decontamination and disinfection of water by solar photocatalysis: recent overview and trends. Catal Today 147(1):1–59Malpass GRP, Miwa DW, Mortari DA, Machado SAS, Motheo AJ (2007) Decolorisation of real textile waste using electrochemical techniques: effect of the chloride concentration. Water Res 41:2969–2977Manenti D, Soares P, Silva TCV, Módenes A, Espinoza-Quiñones F, Bergamasco R, Boaventura RR, Vilar VP (2015) Performance evaluation of different solar advanced oxidation processes applied to the treatment of a real textile dyeing wastewater. 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    Estudio del uso de dispositivos absorbentes en pacientes incontinentes institucionalizados aplicando una escala de valoración de dermatitis de pañal por humedad

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    La incontinencia es un problema con elevada presencia en la población geriátrica. La lesiones cutáneas que se desarrollan con más frecuencia son las causadas por la humedad y el contacto directo de la orina y/o las heces sobre la piel. Nuestro objetivo fue diseñar una escala de valoración de la dermatitis del pañal por humedad para desarrollar un plan de cuidados sobre el uso adecuado de los dispositivos absorbentes en personas incontinentes y el tratamiento de lesiones producidas por la humedad. Metodología del estudio: Para el diseño de la escala visual iconográfica de la dermatitis del pañal por humedad (DPH) se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, observacional descriptivo sobre 140 Historias Clínicas. Para la aplicación de la escala de humedad y su tratamiento sobre ancianos con uso de dispositivos absorbentes se realizó un estudio prospectivo multicéntrico, durante una semana, sobre 134 pacientes institucionalizados. Los dispositivos absorbentes utilizados fueron proporcionados por el equipo investigador por las características del producto y para evitar el sesgo en la investigación. Resultados: El 45% de la población a estudio era mayor de 80 años y el 87% eran mujeres. El 88% tenía incontinencia mixta y más del 50% riesgo medio-alto de desarrollar úlceras por presión. Para 78% de los casos el dispositivo absorbente utilizado no presentó incidencias por uso. Con relación a los factores relacionados con la humedad las lesiones que más mejoraron fueron el eritema y la sequedad. Conclusiones: La utilización de escalas de valoración cutánea adecuadas al uso de dispositivos absorbentes favorece el cuidado de la integridad de la piel en pacientes incontinentes.Incontinence is a problem with strong presence in geriatric population. The most common skin lesions are the ones caused by the moisture and by the direct contact with urine and/or feces. Our goal was to design a diaper rash scale for developing a care guide about the proper use of absorbent dressings within incontinent elderly and about the treatment of wounds caused by moisture. Methodology: A retrospective, observational, descriptive study was conducted to design the iconographic visual scale of the diaper rash caused by moisture. A total of 140 patients were screened in this study. A multicenter, prospective study was conducted to apply the moisture scale within the treatment of elderlies with the use of absorbents dressings. A total of 134 institutionalized patients were screened in this study during a week. The absorbent dressings were provided by the investigation team in order to avoid bias in the investigation. Results: 45% of studied patients was over 80 years old, and 87% was women. 88% experienced mixed incontinence, and more than 50% ran the risk of developing pressure ulcers. The absorbent dressing used did not have any problem by its use in the 78% of the studied cases. Regarding the humidity-related factors, erythema and dryness were the most improved lesions. Conclusion: The use of skin lesion scales based on absorbent dressings stimulates the care of the skin integrity in incontinent elderlies.Enfermerí

    El patrimonio cultural árabo-islámico en Madrid como herramienta para el conocimiento y reflexión sobre la historia y los usos de la memoria, la gestión ciudadana del patrimonio y la promoción de la diversidad y la inclusión

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    Este proyecto de innovación docente desarrollado durante el curso 2022-2023 ha planteado el diseño y ejecución de una serie de rutas urbanas y actividades relacionadas con el patrimonio árabo-islámico de Madrid, incluida la presencia musulmana en el Madrid actual, con el objetivo de darlo a conocer, ponerlo en valor y reflexionar sobre los procesos de narración de la historia y producción de memoria, para ponerlos en relación con la diversidad cultural y religiosa de la sociedad madrileña de hoy. Se trata de un proyecto interdisciplinar e interfacultativo.Depto. de Lingüística, Estudios Árabes, Hebreos y de Asia OrientalFac. de FilologíaFALSEsubmitte

    Frequency, risk factors, and outcomes of hospital readmissions of COVID-19 patients

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    To determine the proportion of patients with COVID-19 who were readmitted to the hospital and the most common causes and the factors associated with readmission. Multicenter nationwide cohort study in Spain. Patients included in the study were admitted to 147 hospitals from March 1 to April 30, 2020. Readmission was defined as a new hospital admission during the 30 days after discharge. Emergency department visits after discharge were not considered readmission. During the study period 8392 patients were admitted to hospitals participating in the SEMI-COVID-19 network. 298 patients (4.2%) out of 7137 patients were readmitted after being discharged. 1541 (17.7%) died during the index admission and 35 died during hospital readmission (11.7%, p = 0.007). The median time from discharge to readmission was 7 days (IQR 3-15 days). The most frequent causes of hospital readmission were worsening of previous pneumonia (54%), bacterial infection (13%), venous thromboembolism (5%), and heart failure (5%). Age [odds ratio (OR): 1.02; 95% confident interval (95% CI): 1.01-1.03], age-adjusted Charlson comorbidity index score (OR: 1.13; 95% CI: 1.06-1.21), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (OR: 1.84; 95% CI: 1.26-2.69), asthma (OR: 1.52; 95% CI: 1.04-2.22), hemoglobin level at admission (OR: 0.92; 95% CI: 0.86-0.99), ground-glass opacification at admission (OR: 0.86; 95% CI:0.76-0.98) and glucocorticoid treatment (OR: 1.29; 95% CI: 1.00-1.66) were independently associated with hospital readmission. The rate of readmission after hospital discharge for COVID-19 was low. Advanced age and comorbidity were associated with increased risk of readmission

    Programa Mira'T. Programa de prevención selectiva dirigido a jóvenes menores de 25 años sancionados por consumo-tenencia de drogas en la vía pública

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    Programa de prevención selectiva dirigido a menores de 25 años. Incluye cuestionarios de evaluación pre y postest, cuestionarios para los padres de menores de edad, actividades a realizar con los menores, actividades con los padres y material necesario (imprimible) para realizar las actividades

    El patrimonio cultural árabo-islámico en Madrid como herramienta para el conocimiento y reflexión sobre la historia y los usos de la memoria, la gestión ciudadana del patrimonio y la promoción de la diversidad y la inclusión (IslaMad)

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    Memoria del proyecto de innovación docente 2023-2024 "El patrimonio cultural árabo-islámico en Madrid como herramienta para el conocimiento y reflexión sobre la historia y los usos de la memoria, la gestión ciudadana del patrimonio y la promoción de la diversidad y la inclusión (IslaMad)"Depto. de Lingüística, Estudios Hebreos, Vascos y de Asia OrientalFac. de FilologíaFALSEsubmitte

    Estudio del uso de dispositivos absorbentes en pacientes incontinentes institucionalizados aplicando una escala de valoración de dermatitis de pañal por humedad

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    Incontinence is a problem with strong presence in geriatric population. The most common skin lesions are the ones caused by the moisture and by the direct contact with urine and/or feces. Our goal was to design a diaper rash scale for developing a care guide about the proper use of absorbent dressings within incontinent elderly and about the treatment of wounds caused by moisture. Methodology: A retrospective, observational, descriptive study was conducted to design the iconographic visual scale of the diaper rash caused by moisture. A total of 140 patients were screened in this study. A multicenter, prospective study was conducted to apply the moisture scale within the treatment of elderlies with the use of absorbents dressings. A total of 134 institutionalized patients were screened in this study during a week. The absorbent dressings were provided by the investigation team in order to avoid bias in the investigation. Results: 45% of studied patients was over 80 years old, and 87% was women. 88% experienced mixed incontinence, and more than 50% ran the risk of developing pressure ulcers. The absorbent dressing used did not have any problem by its use in the 78% of the studied cases. Regarding the humidity-related factors, erythema and dryness were the most improved lesions. Conclusion: The use of skin lesion scales based on absorbent dressings stimulates the care of the skin integrity in incontinent elderlies.La incontinencia es un problema con elevada presencia en la población geriátrica. La lesiones cutáneas que se desarrollan con más frecuencia son las causadas por la humedad y el contacto directo de la orina y/o las heces sobre la piel. Nuestro objetivo fue diseñar una escala de valoración de la dermatitis del pañal por humedad para desarrollar un plan de cuidados sobre el uso adecuado de los dispositivos absorbentes en personas incontinentes y el tratamiento de lesiones producidas por la humedad. Metodología del estudio: Para el diseño de la escala visual iconográfica de la dermatitis del pañal por humedad (DPH) se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, observacional descriptivo sobre 140 Historias Clínicas. Para la aplicación de la escala de humedad y su tratamiento sobre ancianos con uso de dispositivos absorbentes se realizó un estudio prospectivo multicéntrico, durante una semana, sobre 134 pacientes institucionalizados. Los dispositivos absorbentes utilizados fueron proporcionados por el equipo investigador por las características del producto y para evitar el sesgo en la investigación. Resultados: El 45% de la población a estudio era mayor de 80 años y el 87% eran mujeres. El 88% tenía incontinencia mixta y más del 50% riesgo medio-alto de desarrollar úlceras por presión. Para 78% de los casos el dispositivo absorbente utilizado no presentó incidencias por uso. Con relación a los factores relacionados con la humedad las lesiones que más mejoraron fueron el eritema y la sequedad. Conclusiones: La utilización de escalas de valoración cutánea adecuadas al uso de dispositivos absorbentes favorece el cuidado de la integridad de la piel en pacientes incontinentes