2,211 research outputs found

    Motivations and decisive factors in women's entrepreneurship: a gender perspective in education and professional guidance

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    Ponencia de 7th International Conference on Intercultural Education “Education, Health and ICT for a Transcultural World”, EDUHEM 2016, AlmeriaPartial results of the Project R&D, Career Design and entrepreneurial talent management, of national dimension, funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness in the call for Excellence 2013 State Plan 2013 - 2016 with reference: EDU2013 - 45704 - P. Specifically we focus on (subject) describe and analyze the situation of Andalusian women confronting the entrepreneurship, their motivations and the factors that influence these processes and, all including a gender perspective. The objectives refer to: 1) Describing the situation of Andalusian women in entrepreneurship ; 2) Understanding and explain the motivations and decisions that drive them to take; 3) Identifying and describing the ( positive and negative) conditions that perceive women against undertaking; 4) Understanding from a gender analysis the positions of women on entrepreneurship related to their life projects. A descriptive and qualitative methodology is combined, collecting info rmation through various techniques such as social indicators, observational documentary sources and procedures, as well as interviews and life stories. Results and Conclusions. The findings so far point to an unequal situation regarding entrepreneurship. Relevant results are also obtained as to the incentives and decisions that drive to undertake, either obligation, because of the limited supply and possibilities of market access to paid employment , or vocation, leading us to question what barriers - internal - external and more or less subtle ones operating in these processes. On this issue we find factors that result in inequalities, such as maternity (number of children) and family and dependency (care) all for the economic and employment model that still prevails responsibilitie

    Conclusiones de la mesa de comunicaciones nº 6: Metodologías en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje

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    Este trabajo resume las principales aportaciones de las comunicaciones presentadas en la Mesa de Comunicaciones nº 6 en las XIII Jornadas de Redes de Investigación en Docencia Universitaria 2014: “Nuevas estrategias organizativas y metodológicas en la formación universitaria para responder a la necesidad de adaptación y cambio” celebradas los días 2 y 3 de julio en la Universidad de Alicante. Encuadradas en el núcleo temático “Metodologías en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje”, todas ellas comparten su compromiso con la mejora de la calidad de la enseñanza incorporando el aprendizaje activo, centrado en el estudiante, como principal estrategia pedagógica

    X-ray/gamma-ray flux correlations in the BL Lacs Mrk 421 and 501 using HAWC data

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    The HAWC gamma ray observatory is located at the Sierra Negra Volcano in Puebla, Mexico, at an altitude of 4,100 meters. HAWC is a wide field of view array of 300 water Cherenkov detectors that are continuously surveying ~ 2sr of the sky, operating since March 2015. The large collected data sample allows HAWC to perform an unbiased monitoring of the BL Lac Mrk 421. This is the closest and brightest known extragalactic high-synchrotron-peaked BL Lac in the gamma-ray/X- ray bands and is extensively monitored by the Large Area Telescope (LAT) on-board the Fermi satellite, and the BAT and XRT instruments of the Swift satellite. In this work, we use 25 months of HAWC data together with Swift-XRT data to characterize potential correlations between both wavelengths. This analysis shows that HAWC and Swift-XRT data are correlated even stronger than expected for quasi-simultaneous observations.Comment: Presented at the 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2017), Bexco, Busan, Korea. See arXiv:1708.02572 for all HAWC contribution

    Vocación de la escritura en Georges Bernanos

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    These pages try to show the experience of God in George Bernanos’ work, an intimate presence that we consider the true storyline of his whole career; a presence that can be found at the root of his vocation for writing. Therefore, far from what the author stated when he put forward as aim of his writing the moral and spiritual reconstruction, or the historical compromise before the evolution of the events in France or Europe.Estas páginas pretenden mostrar la experiencia de Dios en Georges Bernanos, presencia íntima que consideramos la verdadera línea argumental de toda su obra, y que se encuentra asimismo en la raíz de su vocación de escritor. Muy lejos, por tanto, de lo afirmado por el propio autor al presentar como finalidad de su escritura la reconstrucción moral y espiritual o el compromiso histórico ante el devenir de los acontecimientos en Francia o Europa

    La Administración Pública de la Provincia de Buenos Aires como ámbito laboral : La situación del Personal perteneciente a la Ley 10.430. Un estudio de caso sobre percepciones y representaciones acerca del Empleo Público de los trabajadores estatales

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    Fil: Gil García, Magdalena. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina

    El marqués d'Olincourt o la alteridad como defensa del yo en un relato del marqués de Sade

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    Effectiveness of structural-strategic family therapy in the treatment of adolescents with mental health problems and their families

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    Mental health problems during adolescence constitute a major public health concern today for both families and stakeholders. Accordingly, different family-based interventions have emerged as an effective treatment for adolescents with certain disorders. Specifically, there is evidence of the effectiveness of concrete approaches of systemic family therapy on the symptoms of adolescents and family functioning in general. However, few studies have examined the effectiveness of other relevant approaches, such as structural and strategic family therapy, incorporating parent–child or parental dyadic measurement. The purpose of this study was to test the effectiveness of a structural–strategic family therapy with adolescents involved in mental health services and their families. For this purpose, 41 parents and adolescents who participated in this treatment were interviewed at pre-test and post-test, providing information on adolescent behavior problems, parental sense of competence, parental practices, parenting alliance, and family functioning. Regardless of participants’ gender, adolescents exhibited fewer internalizing and externalizing problems after the treatment. Parents reported higher family cohesion, higher satisfaction and perceived efficacy as a parent, and healthier parental practices (less authoritarian and permissive practices, as well as more authoritative ones). An interaction effect between parenting alliance and gender was found, with more favorable results for the mothers. In conclusion, this paper provides evidence of the usefulness of structural–strategic family therapy for improving family, dyadic, and individual facets in families with adolescents exhibiting mental health problems

    Form-function rules in the first words stage: A longitudinal study of two children.

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    This work analyzes pragmatic development in the first words stage, specifically the form-function rules that infants construct for communicating. It presents data from two children who took part in a longitudinal/ observational case study research. Our results point to the general tendencies identified with respect to form-function rules (Ninio, 1994b; Ninio Snow, 1996) and to the existence of inter-individual differences. These differences refer to: a) the mapping of form-function rules and b) pragmatic flexibility. Differences in early lexical acquisition are related to the children's general communicative profile

    La influencia del habla de estilo materno en la adquisición del lenguaje: valor y límites de la hipótesis del input

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es revisar algunos de los estudios que han tratado el tema de las relaciones entre el habla que la madre dirige al niño y el proceso de adquisición del lenguaje. La revisión recoge trabajos que abordan las características especiales del habla materna, sus posibles determinantes, su momento de aparición y evolución, así como aquéllos que evaluan especficamente la posible influencia de dichas características sobre la adquisición del lenguaje (hipótesis del habla de estilo materno -motherese hypothesis- o hipótesis del input. Precedemos la revisión de algunas reflexiones acerca de la importancia explicativa que las distintas posiciones teóricas sobre la adquisición del lenguaje conceden al input. Finalmente, señalamos la conveniencia de redefinir teórica y metodológicamente el estudio de la influencia del habla adulta sobre la adquisición del lenguaje desde una perspectiva no-causal. En nuestra opinion, dicha redefinición habrá de contemplar la naturaleza interpersonal del lenguaje, así como los mecanismos internos que intervienen en la adquisición

    Un acercamiento a la variación por estudiantes de nivel medio superior y superior, basado en la modelación del movimiento

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    En este artículo presentamos los avances de una investigación que tiene por objetivo que los estudiantes de nivel medio superior y superior, a través de la evolución de la práctica social de modelación, en este caso tomamos el movimiento como fenómeno a modelar, construyan la variación como herramienta, para ello se adaptaron una serie de actividades que llevan al estudiante a partir de la comunicación del movimiento, pasando por lo lineal y lo cuadrático, a construir lo cúbico a través de la variación. Para ello utilizamos sensores de movimiento y la calculadora Class-Pad 300. La perspectiva teórica que asumimos es la socioepistemología e insertamos nuestro trabajo en la línea de investigación de las Practicas sociales y la construcción social del conocimiento, aceptando a la práctica social de modelación como la base de nuestro diseño de aprendizaje, la cual es entendida como una práctica que combina el trabajo, la intervención en la naturaleza y la especulación matemática