2 research outputs found

    Tétanos du post-partum sur déchirure vaginale à propos d’un cas à l’Hôpital National de Zinder, Niger

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    We report an exceptional case of postpartum tetanus occurring in an unvaccinated primipara having given birth in a health center. Six days after childbirth, she had a trismus associated with generalized muscle contractions suggestive of tetanus. Obstructed labor was complicated by a vulvar tear repaired with wires under septic conditions. Functional sequelae, such as dysarthria, quadriesteria, and a decrease in visual acuity, marked the evolution. The newborn was free from neonatal tetanus. Our patient poses the problem of access to preventive care and the quality of care in health facilities in developing countries

    Tuberculose pulmonaire en milieu carcéral au Niger : aspects épidémiologiques, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques et évolutifs

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    Objectif : DĂ©crire les aspects Ă©pidĂ©miologiques, diagnostiques, thĂ©rapeutiques et Ă©volutifs de la tuberculose pulmonaire en milieu carcĂ©ral au Niger. Il s’agissait d’une Ă©tude transversale rĂ©alisĂ©e sur 3ans incluant tous les cas confirmĂ©s de tuberculose pulmonaire Ă  microscopie positive (TPM+), les co-infections VIH/ tuberculose et les cas de tuberculose pulmonaire Ă  microscopie nĂ©gative (TPM-). RĂ©sultats : Au total 3322 Ă©taient dĂ©tenus avec une prĂ©valence de la tuberculose de 0,84%. Tous les patients Ă©taient des hommes. La moyenne d’âge Ă©tait de 36 ans avec des extrĂŞmes allant de 21 Ă  62 ans. 17,85% exerçaient dans le secteur informel.35, 71% provenaient des milieux urbains. Sur le plan juridique 71,48% des patients Ă©taient des condamnĂ©s et 36% des patients avaient une durĂ©e de dĂ©tention de plus de 3ans au moment du diagnostic. La triade faite de toux (100% de cas) –fièvre (92,85% de cas) -expectoration (67,85% de cas) dominait le tableau clinique. L’amaigrissement (46,42% de cas) et la cachexie (42,46% de cas) constituaient l’essentiel des signes gĂ©nĂ©raux. Le taux de co-infection VIH/SIDA- tuberculose s’élevait Ă  21,42%. Sur le plan thĂ©rapeutique 82,14% des patients Ă©taient de la catĂ©gorie 1. 53,56% des patients avaient fait l’objet d’une hospitalisation tandis que 46,44% avaient observĂ© le traitement selon un mode ambulatoire. La guĂ©rison Ă©tait de 46,42% de cas, le dĂ©cès Ă©tait 28,53 %. Conclusion : Des mesures prĂ©ventives et thĂ©rapeutiques efficaces sont indispensables en milieu pĂ©nitencier.   Objectives: Describe the epidemiological, diagnostic, therapeutic and evolutionary aspects of pulmonary tuberculosis in prisons in Niger. This was a cross-sectional 3-year study that included all confirmed cases of smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis, HIV / TB co-infections, and smearnegative pulmonary tuberculosis (TPM-). Results: A total of 3322 inmates and the prevalence of tuberculosis was 0.84%. All the patients were men. The average age was 36 years old with extremes ranging from 21 to 62 years old. 17.85% were in the informal sector. 35 71% came from urban areas. In legal terms, 71.48% of patients were convicted and 36% of patients had a detention period of more than 3 years at the time of diagnosis. The triad made of cough (100% of cases) -fever (92.85% of cases) -expectoration (67.85% of cases) dominated the clinical picture. Weight loss (46.42% of cases) and cachexia (42.46% of cases). The clinical signs, the bacteriological examination of the sputum as well as the x-ray (50% of the patients) formed the basis of the diagnosis with miliary predominance. The HIV / AIDS-TB co-infection rate was 21.42%. 82.14% of patients were in Category 1. 53.56% of patients had been hospitalized while 46.44% had been on ambulatory therapy. The therapeutic success was 46, 42% and the death rate was 28.53%. Conclusion: Effective preventive and therapeutic measures are essential in a penitentiary environment