193 research outputs found

    A Belief Propagation Based Framework for Soft Multiple-Symbol Differential Detection

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    Soft noncoherent detection, which relies on calculating the \textit{a posteriori} probabilities (APPs) of the bits transmitted with no channel estimation, is imperative for achieving excellent detection performance in high-dimensional wireless communications. In this paper, a high-performance belief propagation (BP)-based soft multiple-symbol differential detection (MSDD) framework, dubbed BP-MSDD, is proposed with its illustrative application in differential space-time block-code (DSTBC)-aided ultra-wideband impulse radio (UWB-IR) systems. Firstly, we revisit the signal sampling with the aid of a trellis structure and decompose the trellis into multiple subtrellises. Furthermore, we derive an APP calculation algorithm, in which the forward-and-backward message passing mechanism of BP operates on the subtrellises. The proposed BP-MSDD is capable of significantly outperforming the conventional hard-decision MSDDs. However, the computational complexity of the BP-MSDD increases exponentially with the number of MSDD trellis states. To circumvent this excessive complexity for practical implementations, we reformulate the BP-MSDD, and additionally propose a Viterbi algorithm (VA)-based hard-decision MSDD (VA-HMSDD) and a VA-based soft-decision MSDD (VA-SMSDD). Moreover, both the proposed BP-MSDD and VA-SMSDD can be exploited in conjunction with soft channel decoding to obtain powerful iterative detection and decoding based receivers. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms in DSTBC-aided UWB-IR systems.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, 3 tables, accepted to appear on IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Aug. 201

    Space-Time Hierarchical-Graph Based Cooperative Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    It has been shown that cooperative localization is capable of improving both the positioning accuracy and coverage in scenarios where the global positioning system (GPS) has a poor performance. However, due to its potentially excessive computational complexity, at the time of writing the application of cooperative localization remains limited in practice. In this paper, we address the efficient cooperative positioning problem in wireless sensor networks. A space-time hierarchical-graph based scheme exhibiting fast convergence is proposed for localizing the agent nodes. In contrast to conventional methods, agent nodes are divided into different layers with the aid of the space-time hierarchical-model and their positions are estimated gradually. In particular, an information propagation rule is conceived upon considering the quality of positional information. According to the rule, the information always propagates from the upper layers to a certain lower layer and the message passing process is further optimized at each layer. Hence, the potential error propagation can be mitigated. Additionally, both position estimation and position broadcasting are carried out by the sensor nodes. Furthermore, a sensor activation mechanism is conceived, which is capable of significantly reducing both the energy consumption and the network traffic overhead incurred by the localization process. The analytical and numerical results provided demonstrate the superiority of our space-time hierarchical-graph based cooperative localization scheme over the benchmarking schemes considered.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figures, 4 tables, accepted to appear on IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Sept. 201

    Detecting Byzantine Attacks Without Clean Reference

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    We consider an amplify-and-forward relay network composed of a source, two relays, and a destination. In this network, the two relays are untrusted in the sense that they may perform Byzantine attacks by forwarding altered symbols to the destination. Note that every symbol received by the destination may be altered, and hence no clean reference observation is available to the destination. For this network, we identify a large family of Byzantine attacks that can be detected in the physical layer. We further investigate how the channel conditions impact the detection against this family of attacks. In particular, we prove that all Byzantine attacks in this family can be detected with asymptotically small miss detection and false alarm probabilities by using a sufficiently large number of channel observations \emph{if and only if} the network satisfies a non-manipulability condition. No pre-shared secret or secret transmission is needed for the detection of these attacks, demonstrating the value of this physical-layer security technique for counteracting Byzantine attacks.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, accepted to appear on IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, July 201

    Achieving full diversity in multi-antenna two-way relay networks via symbol-based physical-layer network coding

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    This paper considers physical-layer network coding (PNC) with M-ary phase-shift keying (MPSK) modulation in two-way relay channel (TWRC). A low complexity detection technique, termed symbol-based PNC (SPNC), is proposed for the relay. In particular, attributing to the outer product operation imposed on the superposed MPSK signals at the relay, SPNC obtains the network-coded symbol (NCS) straightforwardly without having to detect individual symbols separately. Unlike the optimal multi-user detector (MUD) which searches over the combinations of all users’ modulation constellations, SPNC searches over only one modulation constellation, thus simplifies the NCS detection. Despite the reduced complexity, SPNC achieves full diversity in multi-antenna relay as the optimal MUD does. Specifically, antenna selection based SPNC (AS-SPNC) scheme and signal combining based SPNC (SC-SPNC) scheme are proposed. Our analysis of these two schemes not only confirms their full diversity performance, but also implies when SPNC is applied in multi-antenna relay, TWRC can be viewed as an effective single-input multiple-output (SIMO) system, in which AS-PNC and SC-PNC are equivalent to the general AS scheme and the maximal-ratio combining (MRC) scheme. Moreover, an asymptotic analysis of symbol error rate (SER) is provided for SC-PNC considering the case that the number of relay antennas is sufficiently large

    Incorporating Intra-Class Variance to Fine-Grained Visual Recognition

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    Fine-grained visual recognition aims to capture discriminative characteristics amongst visually similar categories. The state-of-the-art research work has significantly improved the fine-grained recognition performance by deep metric learning using triplet network. However, the impact of intra-category variance on the performance of recognition and robust feature representation has not been well studied. In this paper, we propose to leverage intra-class variance in metric learning of triplet network to improve the performance of fine-grained recognition. Through partitioning training images within each category into a few groups, we form the triplet samples across different categories as well as different groups, which is called Group Sensitive TRiplet Sampling (GS-TRS). Accordingly, the triplet loss function is strengthened by incorporating intra-class variance with GS-TRS, which may contribute to the optimization objective of triplet network. Extensive experiments over benchmark datasets CompCar and VehicleID show that the proposed GS-TRS has significantly outperformed state-of-the-art approaches in both classification and retrieval tasks.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure