4 research outputs found

    Socio-economic impact of Foot-and-Mouth Disease outbreaks and control measures:An analysis of Mongolian outbreaks in 2017

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    Mongolia is a large landlocked country in central Asia and has one of the highest per capita livestock ratios in the world. During 2017 reported Foot and Mouth disease (FMD) outbreaks in Mongolia increased considerably, prompting widespread disease control measures. This study estimates the socio‐economic impact of FMD and subsequent control measures on Mongolian herders. The analysis encompassed quantification of the impact on subsistence farmers’ livelihoods and food security and estimation of the national level gross losses due to reaction and expenditure during 2017. Data were collected from 112 herders across eight Provinces that reported disease. Seventy of these herders had cases of FMD, while 42 did not have FMD in their animals but were within quarantine zones. Overall, 86/112 herders reported not drinking milk for a period of time and 38/112 reduced their meat consumption. Furthermore, 55 herders (49.1%) had to borrow money to buy food, medicines and/or pay bills or bank loans. Among herders with FMD cases, the median attack rate was 31.7%, 3.8% and 0.59% in cattle, sheep and goats respectively, with important differences across Provinces. Herders with clinical cases before the winter had higher odds of reporting a reduction in their meat consumption. National level gross losses due to FMD in 2017 were estimated using government data. The estimate of gross economic loss was 18.4 billion Mongolian‐tugriks (US$7.35 million) which equates to approximately 0.65% of the Mongolian GDP. The FMD outbreaks combined with current control measures has negatively impacted herders’ livelihoods (including herders with and without cases of FMD) which is likely to reduce stakeholder advocacy. Possible strategies that could be employed to ameliorate the negative effects of the current control policy were identified. The findings and approach are relevant to other FMD endemic regions aiming to control the disease

    Outbreak of Peste des Petits Ruminants Virus among Criticially Endangered Mongolian Saiga and Other Wild Ungulates, Mongolia, 2016-2017

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    The 2016–2017 introduction of peste des petits ruminants virus (PPRV) into livestock in Mongolia was followed by mass mortality of the critically endangered Mongolian saiga antelope and other rare wild ungulates. To assess the nature and population effects of this outbreak among wild ungulates, we collected clinical, histopathologic, epidemiologic, and ecological evidence. Molecular characterization confirmed that the causative agent was PPRV lineage IV. The spatiotemporal patterns of cases among wildlife were similar to those among livestock affected by the PPRV outbreak, suggesting spillover of virus from livestock at multiple locations and time points and subsequent spread among wild ungulates. Estimates of saiga abundance suggested a population decline of 80%, raising substantial concerns for the species’ survival. Consideration of the entire ungulate community (wild and domestic) is essential for elucidating the epidemiology of PPRV in Mongolia, addressing the threats to wild ungulate conservation, and achieving global PPRV eradication

    Assessing potential pathogenicity of novel highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N6) viruses isolated from Mongolian wild duck feces using a mouse model

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    Several novel highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAIVs) A(H5N6) viruses were reported in Mongolia in 2020, some of which included host-specific markers associated with mammalian infection. However, their pathogenicity has not yet been investigated. Here, we isolated and evaluate two novel genotypes of A(H5N6) subtype in Mongolia during 2018-2019 (A/wildDuck/MN/H5N6/2018-19). Their evolution pattern and molecular characteristics were evaluated using gene sequencing and their pathogenicity was determined using a mouse model. We also compared their antigenicity with previous H5 Clade human isolates by cross-hemagglutination inhibition (HI). Our data suggests that A/wildDuck/MN/H5N6/2018-19 belongs to clade, and maintains several residues associated with mammal adaptation. In addition, our evaluations revealed that their isolates are less virulent in mice than the previously identified H5 human isolates. However, their antigenicity is distinct from other HPAIVs H5 clade, thus supporting their continued evaluation as potential infection risks and the preparation of novel candidate vaccines for their neutralization.N

    Comparison of the Whole-Genome Sequence of the African Swine Fever Virus from a Mongolian Wild Boar with Genotype II Viruses from Asia and Europe

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    African swine fever (ASF) is a highly contagious and severe viral hemorrhagic disease in domestic and wild pigs. ASF seriously affects the global swine industry as the mortality rate can reach 100% with highly virulent strains. In 2007, ASF was introduced into the Caucasus and spread to Russia and later into other European and Asian countries. This study reported the first whole-genome sequence (WGS) of the ASF virus (ASFV) that was detected in a Mongolian wild boar. This sequence was then compared to other WGS samples from Asia and Europe. Results show that the ASFV Genotype II from Mongolia is similar to the Asian Genotype II WGS. However, there were three nucleotide differences found between the Asian and European genome sequences, two of which were non-synonymous. It was also observed that the European Genotype II ASFV WGS was more diverse than that of the Asian counterparts. The study demonstrates that the ASFV Genotype II variants found in wild boars and domestic pigs are highly similar, suggesting these animals might have had direct or indirect contact, potentially through outdoor animal breeding. In conclusion, this study provides a WGS and mutation spectrum of the ASFV Genotype II WGS in Asia and Europe and thus provides important insights into the origin and spread of ASFV in Mongolia