843 research outputs found

    Penegakan Hukum terhadap Pelaku Penyalahgunaan Narkotika dan Psikotropika

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    Law enforcement toword the narcotics and psychotropica offenders is signed by the ratification of two conventions : single narcotics convention of 1961 and UN convention of 1988 on narcotics which was then followed by UN congress of 1990 on the prevention of crime and the treatment of offenders inHavana,Cuba. Since the ratification, law enforcement toword the narcotics affenders inIndonesiaincluding Jambi has always been based on the two conventions. However, the implementation always face many problems

    Tindak Pidana Trafficking Menurut Hukum Positif Dan Hukum Islam (Suatu Analisis Perbadingan Hukum)

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    This study discusses the criminal acts of Trafficking according to positive law and Islamic law (an analysis of comparative law). As for the problem that dibahan among others How positive law and Islamic law Against Trafficking and the Trafficking problem in the settings How the view of the second law. From the results obtained from studies that both positive law and Islamic law looked Against Trafficking is a form of offence that constitutes crimes against humanity. Setting the problem Trafficking in view of the positive law can be found in Act No. 21 of 2007 of Traffiking, whereas in view of Islamic law is set out in the Qur'an and the Hadith, the Prophet, where Islam is said to be opposed to slavery itself

    Status Anak Luar Nikah dalam Hukum Waris (Studi Komperatif antara Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata dengan Kompilasi Hukum Islam)

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    Based on the above explanation, the problem of inheritance law is about what and how the duty and rights about one's wealth when he/she passed away to be given to the beneficiary. Thus, one aspect of inheretince the presence of the beneficiaries who have rights to earn certain wealth from the death. To decide who will earn the wealth from the death (the beneficiaries) usually decided by the rules of law of certain communities or the culturall-law applied by certain ethnic group

    Artificial Ascites in Radiofrequency Ablation for Liver Cancer

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    Background: Radio Frequency Ablation (RFA) is one of the treatment modality for liver tumor either as primary tumor as well as secondary Malignancy. Occasionally, a good ablation can't be performed due to the tumor location. To assists the ablation in this particular case, some fluid can be deposited inside the abdomen which is called as artificial ascites. The aim of this study is to report and evaluate the method of artificial ascites in RFAMethod: This was a case series study consist of 19 consecutive patients that had been treated with ultrasound-guided RFA using artificial ascites from 2014 to 2017.Results: Artificial ascites was successfully performed in all 19 patients (100%) with total of 53 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) lesions in 34 RFA's sessions and tumor size ranges from 10mm to 50mm. Most of the tumors were primary tumor (14/19). 9 patients had single tumor and 10 patients had multiple tumors and most of the tumor were located in segment 5 (14/53). Artificial ascites was performed using 5% dextrose in water (D/W) solution ranging from 500ml to 1500ml. No adverse effect occurred during and after the procedure.Conclusion: Percutaneous RFA using artificial ascites technique was safe and effective for treating HC

    Portal Hypertensive Gastropathy: the Twilight Zone

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    As one of the major complication of liver cirrhosis, portal hypertensive gastropathy (PHG) should be an interesting topic to study. Until now the exact mechanism on how this phenomenon happened is yet, not clear.1 The occurrence of PHG is quite high in patient liver cirrhosis and some relationship occurred between PHG and portal hypertension. In liver cirrhosis patients, PHG may be closely associated with hepatic vein pressure gradient(HVPG).2 However, PHG may not be directly associated with portal pressure because the mucosal damage not linearly correlated with portal hypertension, hence other mechanism involved in the etiopathogenesis of PHG. In this regards, the most important factor related to PHG is the pressure in the splanchnic vasculature. Based on histopathology study in PHG, vascular congestion resulted from increased portal pressure reduced oxygen for gastric mucosa, hence exposed mucosal layer to irritants.2 Moreover, the congestion somehow increased the production of nitric oxide, either through the shearstress locally or as the result of increase production of splanchnic vasculature due to portal hypertension

    Hepatic Stellate Cells and Liver Disease

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    Solving fuzzy linear programming problems by using the fuzzy exponential barrier method

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    In order to resolve the fuzzy linear programming problem, the fuzzy exponential barrier approach is the major strategy employed in this article. To overcome the problems with fuzzy linear programming, this method uses an algorithm. In this concept, a fuzzy inequality constraint is produced since the objective functions are convex.numerical examples are provided

    Radial excitations of Q-balls, and their D-term

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    We study the structure of the energy-momentum tensor of radial excitations of Q-balls in scalar field theories with U(1) symmetry. The obtained numerical results for the 1≤N≤231\le N \le 23 excitations allow us to study in detail patterns how the solutions behave with N. We show that although the fields and energy-momentum tensor densities exhibit a remarkable degree of complexity, the properties of the solutions scale with N with great regularity. This is to best of our knowledge the first study of the D-term d1 for excited states, and we demonstrate that it is negative --- in agreement with results from literature on the d1 of ground state particles.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figure
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