215 research outputs found

    Involuntary Unemployment in a Competitive Labour Market

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    High an persistent unemployment, especially in the sector of low-skilled work, is usually attributed to the presence of minimum wages or unemployment benefits creating a reservation wage at wich labour demand of firms is insufficient. While not refusing this view this paper argues that also without these obstacles a situation is likely to occur which is similar to unemployment and in a rigorous sense even worse: people not finding a job in the sector of "honest work" at a wages sufficient to meet minimum consumption are forced to recourse to less desirable activities. The topic is analyzed in an OLG-context with two working periods for each generation.

    Involuntary Unemployment in a Compentitive Labour Market

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    High an persistent unemployment, especially in the sector of low-skilled work, is usually attributed to the presence of minimum wages or unemployment benefits creating a reservation wage at wich labour demand of firms is insufficient. While not refusing this view this paper argues that also without these obstacles a situation is likely to occur which is similar to unemployment and in a rigorous sense even worse: people not finding a job in the sector of "honest work" at a wages sufficient to meet minimum consumption are forced to recourse to less desirable activities. The topic is analyzed in an OLG-context with two working periods for each generation

    Athena Parthenos der Ermitage

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    Learning from THEODORE: A Synthetic Omnidirectional Top-View Indoor Dataset for Deep Transfer Learning

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    Recent work about synthetic indoor datasets from perspective views has shown significant improvements of object detection results with Convolutional Neural Networks(CNNs). In this paper, we introduce THEODORE: a novel, large-scale indoor dataset containing 100,000 high-resolution diversified fisheye images with 14 classes. To this end, we create 3D virtual environments of living rooms, different human characters and interior textures. Beside capturing fisheye images from virtual environments we create annotations for semantic segmentation, instance masks and bounding boxes for object detection tasks. We compare our synthetic dataset to state of the art real-world datasets for omnidirectional images. Based on MS COCO weights, we show that our dataset is well suited for fine-tuning CNNs for object detection. Through a high generalization of our models by means of image synthesis and domain randomization, we reach an AP up to 0.84 for class person on High-Definition Analytics dataset.Comment: Paper accepted in WACV 202

    Le dévouement à la nation. Les combats d’idées entre 1911 et 1914

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    La contribution dévoile les orientations bellicistes qui, particulièrement à partir de 1911, se fraient un chemin dans le public, les médias et parmi leurs représentants intellectuels. Ce sont particulièrement les professeurs d’université allemands Meinecke, Rickert, von Below, Dehlbrück et les écrivains français Péguy, Tarde et Massis qui poussent à la guerre, inévitable selon eux. Les intellectuels situent les nations dans un combat colonial et planétaire. La politique menée à l’échelle mondiale n’apporte pas la paix : elle se termine dans le clash des nations.Der Beitrag deckt die bellizistischen Einstellungen insbesondere ab 1911 in der modernen medialen Öffentlichkeit und ihren geistigen Wortführern auf, was den politischen Handlungsspielraum verengt. Besonders deutsche Professoren wie Meinecke, Rickert, von Below, Dehlbrück und französische Schriftsteller wie Péguy, Tarde, Massis treiben zum angeblich unvermeidlichen Krieg. Die Geistesarbeiter sehen die Nationen in einen kolonialen und planetarischen Kampf verwickelt. Weltpolitik befriedet nicht, sondern mündet in einen clash der Nationen.This paper sheds light on the bellicist ideas that, particularly from 1911 onwards, spread amongst the public, the medias and their representatives, thus narrowing down the political options. German professors in particular such as Meinecke, Rickert, von Below, Dehlbrück, and French writers such as Peguy, Tarde and Massis call for a supposedly unavoidable war. The intellectuals see the nations as involved in a colonial and worldwide conflict. Far from bringing peace, world politics ends in a clash of nations
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