104 research outputs found

    High-Pass Filtering and Dynamic Gain Regulation Enhance Vertical Bursts Transmission along the Mossy Fiber Pathway of Cerebellum

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    Signal elaboration in the cerebellum mossy fiber input pathway presents controversial aspects, especially concerning gain regulation and the spot-like (rather than beam-like) appearance of granular to molecular layer transmission. By using voltage-sensitive dye imaging in rat cerebellar slices (Mapelli et al., 2010), we found that mossy fiber bursts optimally excited the granular layer above ∼50 Hz and the overlaying molecular layer above ∼100 Hz, thus generating a cascade of high-pass filters. NMDA receptors enhanced transmission in the granular, while GABA-A receptors depressed transmission in both the granular and molecular layer. Burst transmission gain was controlled through a dynamic frequency-dependent involvement of these receptors. Moreover, while high-frequency transmission was enhanced along vertical lines connecting the granular to molecular layer, no high-frequency enhancement was observed along the parallel fiber axis in the molecular layer. This was probably due to the stronger effect of Purkinje cell GABA-A receptor-mediated inhibition occurring along the parallel fibers than along the granule cell axon ascending branch. The consequent amplification of burst responses along vertical transmission lines could explain the spot-like activation of Purkinje cells observed following punctuate stimulation in vivo

    Inhibitory Plasticity: From Molecules to Computation and Beyond

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    Synaptic plasticity is the cellular and molecular counterpart of learning and memory and, since its first discovery, the analysis of the mechanisms underlying long-term changes of synaptic strength has been almost exclusively focused on excitatory connections. Conversely, inhibition was considered as a fixed controller of circuit excitability. Only recently, inhibitory networks were shown to be finely regulated by a wide number of mechanisms residing in their synaptic connections. Here, we review recent findings on the forms of inhibitory plasticity (IP) that have been discovered and characterized in different brain areas. In particular, we focus our attention on the molecular pathways involved in the induction and expression mechanisms leading to changes in synaptic efficacy, and we discuss, from the computational perspective, how IP can contribute to the emergence of functional properties of brain circuits

    Scattering Compensation for Deep Brain Microscopy: The Long Road to Get Proper Images

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    Multiphoton microscopy is the most widespread method for preclinical brain imaging when sub-micrometer resolution is required. Nonetheless, even in the case of optimal experimental conditions, only a few hundred micrometers under the brain surface can be imaged by multiphoton microscopy. The main limitation preventing the acquisition of images from deep brain structures is the random light scattering which, until recently, was considered an unsurmountable obstacle. When in 2007 a breakthrough work by Vellekoop and Mosk [1] proved it is indeed possible to compensate for random scattering by using high resolution phase modulators, the neuro-photonics community started chasing the dream of a multiphoton microscopy capable of reaching arbitrary depths within the brain. Unfortunately, more than 10 years later, despite a massive improvement of technologies for scattering compensation in terms of speed, performances and reliability, clear images from deep layers of biological tissues are still lacking. In this work, we review recent technological and methodological advances in the field of multiphoton microscopy analyzing the big issue of scattering compensation. We will highlight the limits hampering image acquisition, and we will try to analyze the road scientists must tackle to target one of the most challenging issue in the field of biomedical imaging

    Biologically Plausible Information Propagation in a CMOS Integrate-and-Fire Artificial Neuron Circuit with Memristive Synapses

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    Neuromorphic circuits based on spikes are currently envisioned as a viable option to achieve brain-like computation capabilities in specific electronic implementations while limiting power dissipation given their ability to mimic energy efficient bio-inspired mechanisms. While several network architectures have been developed to embed in hardware the bio-inspired learning rules found in the biological brain, such as the Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity, it is still unclear if hardware spiking neural network architectures can handle and transfer information akin to biological networks. In this work, we investigate the analogies between an artificial neuron combining memristor synapses and rate-based learning rule with biological neuron response in terms of information propagation from a theoretical perspective. Bio-inspired experiments have been reproduced by linking the biological probability of release with the artificial synapses conductance. Mutual information and surprise have been chosen as metrics to evidence how, for different values of synaptic weights, an artificial neuron allows to develop a reliable and biological resembling neural network in terms of information propagation and analysi

    A Hybrid CMOS-Memristor Spiking Neural Network Supporting Multiple Learning Rules

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the way computing is performed to cope with real-world, ill-defined tasks for which traditional algorithms fail. AI requires significant memory access, thus running into the von Neumann bottleneck when implemented in standard computing platforms. In this respect, low-latency energy-efficient in-memory computing can be achieved by exploiting emerging memristive devices, given their ability to emulate synaptic plasticity, which provides a path to design large-scale brain-inspired spiking neural networks (SNNs). Several plasticity rules have been described in the brain and their coexistence in the same network largely expands the computational capabilities of a given circuit. In this work, starting from the electrical characterization and modeling of the memristor device, we propose a neuro-synaptic architecture that co-integrates in a unique platform with a single type of synaptic device to implement two distinct learning rules, namely, the spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) and the Bienenstock-Cooper-Munro (BCM). This architecture, by exploiting the aforementioned learning rules, successfully addressed two different tasks of unsupervised learning

    Modeling Early Phases of COVID-19 Pandemic in Northern Italy and Its Implication for Outbreak Diffusion

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has sparked an intense debate about the hidden factors underlying the dynamics of the outbreak. Several computational models have been proposed to inform effective social and healthcare strategies. Crucially, the predictive validity of these models often depends upon incorporating behavioral and social responses to infection. Among these tools, the analytic framework known as “dynamic causal modeling” (DCM) has been applied to the COVID-19 pandemic, shedding new light on the factors underlying the dynamics of the outbreak. We have applied DCM to data from northern Italian regions, the first areas in Europe to contend with the outbreak, and analyzed the predictive validity of the model and also its suitability in highlighting the hidden factors governing the pandemic diffusion. By taking into account data from the beginning of the pandemic, the model could faithfully predict the dynamics of outbreak diffusion varying from region to region. The DCM appears to be a reliable tool to investigate the mechanisms governing the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 to identify the containment and control strategies that could efficiently be used to counteract further waves of infection

    The effect of desflurane on neuronal communication at a central synapse

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    Although general anesthetics are thought to modify critical neuronal functions, their impact on neuronal communication has been poorly examined. We have investigated the effect induced by desflurane, a clinically used general anesthetic, on information transfer at the synapse between mossy fibers and granule cells of cerebellum, where this analysis can be carried out extensively. Mutual information values were assessed by measuring the variability of postsynaptic output in relationship to the variability of a given set of presynaptic inputs. Desflurane synchronized granule cell firing and reduced mutual information in response to physiologically relevant mossy fibers patterns. The decrease in spike variability was due to an increased postsynaptic membrane excitability, which made granule cells more prone to elicit action potentials, and to a strengthened synaptic inhibition, which markedly hampered membrane depolarization. These concomitant actions on granule cells firing indicate that desflurane re-shapes the transfer of information between neurons by providing a less informative neurotransmission rather than completely silencing neuronal activity

    Information Transfer in Neuronal Circuits: From Biological Neurons to Neuromorphic Electronics

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    The advent of neuromorphic electronics is increasingly revolutionizing the concept of computation. In the last decade, several studies have shown how materials, architectures, and neuromorphic devices can be leveraged to achieve brain-like computation with limited power consumption and high energy efficiency. Neuromorphic systems have been mainly conceived to support spiking neural networks that embed bioinspired plasticity rules such as spike time-dependent plasticity to potentially support both unsupervised and supervised learning. Despite substantial progress in the field, the information transfer capabilities of biological circuits have not yet been achieved. More importantly, demonstrations of the actual performance of neuromorphic systems in this context have never been presented. In this paper, we report similarities between biological, simulated, and artificially reconstructed microcircuits in terms of information transfer from a computational perspective. Specifically, we extensively analyzed the mutual information transfer at the synapse between mossy fibers and granule cells by measuring the relationship between pre- and post-synaptic variability. We extended this analysis to memristor synapses that embed rate-based learning rules, thus providing quantitative validation for neuromorphic hardware and demonstrating the reliability of brain-inspired applications

    A realistic morpho-anatomical connection strategy for modelling full-scale point-neuron microcircuits

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    The modeling of extended microcircuits is emerging as an effective tool to simulate the neurophysiological correlates of brain activity and to investigate brain dysfunctions. However, for specific networks, a realistic modeling approach based on the combination of available physiological, morphological and anatomical data is still an open issue. One of the main problems in the generation of realistic networks lies in the strategy adopted to build network connectivity. Here we propose a method to implement a neuronal network at single cell resolution by using the geometrical probability volumes associated with pre- and postsynaptic neurites. This allows us to build a network with plausible connectivity properties without the explicit use of computationally intensive touch detection algorithms using full 3D neuron reconstructions. The method has been benchmarked for the mouse hippocampus CA1 area, and the results show that this approach is able to generate full-scale brain networks at single cell resolution that are in good agreement with experimental findings. This geometric reconstruction of axonal and dendritic occupancy, by effectively reflecting morphological and anatomical constraints, could be integrated into structured simulators generating entire circuits of different brain areas facilitating the simulation of different brain regions with realistic models