43 research outputs found

    On distributions of functionals of anomalous diffusion paths

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    Functionals of Brownian motion have diverse applications in physics, mathematics, and other fields. The probability density function (PDF) of Brownian functionals satisfies the Feynman-Kac formula, which is a Schrodinger equation in imaginary time. In recent years there is a growing interest in particular functionals of non-Brownian motion, or anomalous diffusion, but no equation existed for their PDF. Here, we derive a fractional generalization of the Feynman-Kac equation for functionals of anomalous paths based on sub-diffusive continuous-time random walk. We also derive a backward equation and a generalization to Levy flights. Solutions are presented for a wide number of applications including the occupation time in half space and in an interval, the first passage time, the maximal displacement, and the hitting probability. We briefly discuss other fractional Schrodinger equations that recently appeared in the literature.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figure

    In Vivo Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Monitors Binding of Specific Probes to Cancer Biomarkers

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    One of the most important factors in choosing a treatment strategy for cancer is characterization of biomarkers in cancer cells. Particularly, recent advances in Monoclonal Antibodies (MAB) as primary-specific drugs targeting tumor receptors show that their efficacy depends strongly on characterization of tumor biomarkers. Assessment of their status in individual patients would facilitate selection of an optimal treatment strategy, and the continuous monitoring of those biomarkers and their binding process to the therapy would provide a means for early evaluation of the efficacy of therapeutic intervention. In this study we have demonstrated for the first time in live animals that the fluorescence lifetime can be used to detect the binding of targeted optical probes to the extracellular receptors on tumor cells in vivo. The rationale was that fluorescence lifetime of a specific probe is sensitive to local environment and/or affinity to other molecules. We attached Near-InfraRed (NIR) fluorescent probes to Human Epidermal Growth Factor 2 (HER2/neu)-specific Affibody molecules and used our time-resolved optical system to compare the fluorescence lifetime of the optical probes that were bound and unbound to tumor cells in live mice. Our results show that the fluorescence lifetime changes in our model system delineate HER2 receptor bound from the unbound probe in vivo. Thus, this method is useful as a specific marker of the receptor binding process, which can open a new paradigm in the “image and treat” concept, especially for early evaluation of the efficacy of the therapy

    Detection limits of multi-spectral optical imaging under the skin surface

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    The present work shows that the optical/biological information contained in a typical spectral image mainly reflects the properties of a small (conic like) volume of tissue situated vertically under each individual pixel. The objects appearing on a spectral image reasonably reproduce the correct geometrical shape and size (like a non-deformed shadow) of underlying inclusions of pathological tissue. The information contained in a spectral image comes from a depth that does not exceed approximately 2-3 mm. The number of photons that visit a given tissue voxel situated at a depth larger than approximately 2 mm represents less than the 1% of the total number of photons reaching the corresponding detection pixel (forming the image). A pathological inclusion (e.g. a pool of blood or vascular tumor) situated at a depth of approximately 0.5 mm with a thickness of 0.5 mm produces an image intensity contrast of approximately 5% (for images taken at wavelengths in the 600-1000 nm range) when compared to the normal skin background. The same inclusion at a depth of 20 microm provides a contrast decreasing from 55 to 20% with respect to an increase in wavelength. The dermis/hypodermis interface behaves as a partial barrier for the photons, limiting their access to deeper skin regions. The image contrast depends on the depth and the type of chromophore contained in the inclusion. An increase in the concentration of a given molecule may produce different contrast, independently of the depth, depending on the characteristics of the skin layer where this change occurs

    Light transport in tissue by 3D Monte Carlo: influence of boundary voxelization

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    Monte Carlo (MC) based simulations of photon transport in living tissues have become the "gold standard" technique in biomedical optics. Three-dimensional (3D) voxel-based images are the natural way to represent human (and animal) tissues. It is generally believed that the combination of 3D images and MC based algorithms allows one to produce the most realistic models of photon propagation. In the present work, it is shown that this approach may lead to large errors in the MC data due to the "roughness" of the geometrical boundaries generated by the presence of the voxels. In particular, the computed intensity of the light detected on the tissue surface of a simple cubic tissue phantom may display errors from -80% to 120%. It is also shown that these errors depend in a complex manner on optical and geometrical parameters such as the interoptode distance, scattering coefficient, refractive index, etc. and on the degree of voxelization ("roughness") of the boundaries. It is concluded that if one wants to perform reliable 3D Monte Carlo simulations on complex geometries, such as human brain, skin or trabecular bone, it is necessary to introduce boundary meshing techniques or other equivalent procedures in the MC code to eliminate the deleterious effect of voxelization