1,492 research outputs found

    Vantagens comparativas de APLs no Brasil : uma análise de APLs selecionados

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Departamento de Ciências Econômicas, Mestrado em Desenvolvimento Econômico e Comércio Internacional, 2011.No Brasil, especialmente a partir de 2004, os APLs vem se estabelecendo como instrumento de política por meio do desenvolvimento do capital social e da capacidade de governança dos agentes locais; da endogeneização dos processos-chaves; da integração do espaço econômico regional e do apoio a mudanças na estrutura socioeconômica regional. Nesse contexto, coloca-se como importante a identificação de elementos que possibilitem uma maior instrumenta lização da estratégia, especialmente, no que tange ao incremento da competividade visando ao estabelecimento de estratégias sólidas de inserção nos mercados para as firmas localizadas nos Arranjos Produtivos Locais apoiados pela política. No estudo, buscou-se responder à seguinte questão: as firmas das aglomerações produtivas industriais apresentam vantagens comparativas superiores quando comparadas àquelas da região de referencia (UF) no setor produtivo em análise? Nesse sentido foram utilizados indicadores de vantagens comparativas de comércio internacional, de estrutura de mercado e de competitividade regional. Observou-se que, embora não se confirme uma relação linear positiva firme, as firmas dos APLs apresentam as seguintes vantagens em relação aos demais produtores das regiões de referência nos setores em análise: vantagens comparativas reveladas na produção dos bens nos quais são especializados; vantagens em termos de especialização setorial, com “ganhos” de vantagens comparativas ao longo do período 2000-2010; vantagens em relação ao tamanho das firmas localizadas nos APLs, que apresentam uma tendência de crescimento do tamanho das firmas superior àquela observada para as demais firmas do estado. Resultados estes que apontam para ganhos de escopo e escala intra-firma, além daqueles intra-aglomerado. Ainda, registrou-se uma correlação positiva forte entre aglomeração produtiva (QL e IVCLij) e indicadores de vantagens comparativas no comércio internacional, ao se utilizar a correlação de Spearman (por postos), bem como diferença entre as médias dos indicadores calculados para as firmas dos APLs e aqueles das demais firmas da região de referência (rejeição da hipótese nula de igualdade entre as médias). Concluindo-se pela existência de uma dinâmica aglomerativa convergente com a emergência de firmas de maior porte e com a expansão dos mercados, de um mercado regional e/ou nacional mais restrito, para iniciativas de inserção no comércio internacional. Cabe, por fim, destacar que, um limitante do estudo residiu no fato de, muitos dos APLs utilizados na relação inicial (APLs dos setores selecionados priorizados no âmbito do GTP APL), apresentarem Quocientes Locacionais abaixo da linha de corte (QL>2,5). Ademais a construção de indicadores objetivando medir a dinâmica evolutiva das aglomerações produtivas locais envolvem um complexo conjunto de fatores tangíveis e intangíveis, os quais não foram contemplados neste estudo. ______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTIn Brazil, especially from 2004, the APL has established itself as an instrument of policy through the development of social capital and governance capacity of local staff; the endogeneisation of key process, the integration of regional economic space and support changes in regional socio-economic structure. In this context, is important identify the elements that enable a strategy more instrumental, especially in order to enhance competitiveness, from strategies directed to new markets for firms located in Local Productive Arrangements. This project intended to answer the following question: firms located on industrial productive agglomerations detain comparative advantages when compared to those of the region of reference (UF) in the same productive sector? Were therefore used indicators of comparative advantages of international trade, market structure and regional competitiveness. It was observed that, although not confirmed a strong positive linear relationship, clusters of firms have the following in relation to other producers in the regions of reference: revealed comparative advantages in the production of goods in which they are specialized; advantages in terms sectorial specialization, besides "gain" comparative advantage over the period 2000-2010; advantages related to the size of firms located in clusters, which have a tendency to growing size of firms, higher than that observed for other firms in the state, which can possibility scope and scale economies, besides those from the APLs. Still, there was a strong positive correlation between clustering productive (IVCLij and QL) and indicators of comparative advantage in international trade, while using the Spearman correlation, as well were observed differences between the averages of the indicators calculated for firms of clusters and those of other firms in the region of reference (rejecting the null hypothesis of equality between the means). Concluding the existence of a dynamic agglomerative converged with the emergence of larger firms and the expansion of markets, of a regional market and / or national to initiatives for inclusion in international trade. It is finally noted that a limitation of the study lies in the fact that many of the clusters used in the initial list (priority APLs under the GTP APL), present Locational Quotients below the cut line (QL> 2.5.) Besides the construction of indicators aimed at measuring the dynamic evolution of local productive agglomerations involve a complex set of tangible and intangible factors, which were not included in this study

    Exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls and hexachlorobenzene, semen quality and testicular cancer risk

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    PURPOSE: We carried out a case-control study to investigate the possible role of occupational and environmental exposure to endocrine disruptors in the onset of testicular cancer (TC). METHODS: We evaluated 125 TC patients and 103 controls. Seminal fluid examination and organochlorine analysis were performed in all subjects. Cases and controls were also interviewed using a structured questionnaire to collect demographic information, residence, andrological medical history and dietary information. RESULTS: We found that a higher level of reproductive tract birth defects was associated with a higher risk of TC. With regard to diet, cases reported a higher consumption of milk and dairy products than controls. Overall, there was a statistically significant increase in TC risk in cases with detectable values of total polychlorinated organic compounds against controls (14.4 vs. 1.0 %; p < 0.001). TC patients with detectable levels of organochlorines had lower mean semen parameters than those with undetectable levels, although this difference was not statistically significant. CONCLUSION: The International Agency for Research on Cancer recently included dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in Group 1 of known human carcinogens. Our study confirmed and identified various risk factors for testicular cancer: cryptorchidism, consumption of milk and dairy products, parents' occupation and serum concentration of hexachlorobenzene and PCBs and, for the first time, we showed the correlation between semen quality and the serum concentration of these pollutants

    Disinclusion of unerupted teeth by mean of self-ligating brackets: effect of blood contamination on shear bond strength

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the effect of blood contamination on the shear bond strength and failure site of three different orthodontic self-ligating brackets. Study Design: 240 bovine permanent mandibular incisors were randomly divided into 12 groups of 20 specimens each. Orthodontic self-ligating brackets were tested under four different enamel surface conditions: a) dry, b) blood contamination before priming, c) blood contamination after priming, d) blood contamination before and after priming. Brackets were bonded to the teeth and subsequently tested using a Instron universal testing machine. Shear bond strength values and adhesive failure rate were recorded. Statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA and Tukey tests (strength values), and Chi squared test (ARI Scores). Results: Non-contaminated enamel surfaces showed highest bond strengths for all self ligating brackets. Under blood-contamination shear bond strengths lowered for all brackets tested. Groups contaminated before and after primer application showed the lowest shear bond strength. Significant differences in debond locations were found among the groups under the various enamel surface conditions. Conclusions: Blood contamination of enamel during the bonding procedure lowers bond strength values of self ligating brackets, expecially when contamination occur in different times of the bonding procedure

    I costi fiscali dell'evasione

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    Opening and closure forces of sliding mechanisms of different self-ligating brackets

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    Self-ligating brackets engage the wire by means of a slide mechanism. Forces that have to be applied to open and close the sliding mechanism of brackets are still unknown. Objective The aim of this study was to measure and compare the opening and closure forces of different self-ligating brackets. Material and Methods Three different stainless steel self-ligating brackets (Carriere LX, Ortho Organizers; F1000, Leone; Damon Q, Ormco) were tested. For each different bracket, 20 maxillary right central incisors and 20 mandibular right central incisors were used. Opening and closure forces were measured using an Instron Universal Testing Machine. Statistical analysis was performed and ANOVA and Tukey tests were carried out. Results Opening forces were registered between 1.1 N and 5.6 N, whereas closure forces were recorded between 1.57 N and 4.87 N. Significant differences were detected among the different brackets and between the two prescriptions tested. Conclusion The knowledge of different opening and closure forces of self-ligating brackets can help the orthodontist in the clinical management of these devices

    From Companion Diagnostics to Theranostics:A New Avenue for Alzheimer's Disease?

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    The recent literature signals a growing paradigm shift toward integrating therapeutics and diagnostics rather than developing and deploying them separately. In this gradual move toward more effective and personalized medications, companion diagnostics are an intermediate stage. The next step may be "theranostics", in which single chemical entities are developed to deliver therapy and diagnosis simultaneously. This strategy has been successfully exploited in oncology and is now emerging as a possibility for Alzheimer's disease, where its feasibility has caught the attention of researchers from industry and academia. Medicinal chemists do not yet completely understand the nuances of theranostic action and consequently have not yet developed universally validated strategies for developing theranostic clinical applications against Alzheimer's disease. However, given the emerging indications of the potentially enormous benefits that theranostics may bring to the fight against this devastating disease, further rigorous research is warranted

    Clinical evaluation of bond failures and survival between mandibular canine-to-canine retainers made of flexible spiral wire and fiber-reinforced composite

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    Objectives: The purpose of this longitudinal prospective randomized study was to evaluate the clinical reliability of two different types of postorthodontic treatment retainers: a silanised-treated glass fibers-reinforced resin composite (FRC) and a directly bonded multistranded stainless steel wire. The hypothesis of the study was to assess if significant differences are present between failure rates of the two retainers. Study Design: This prospective study was based on an assessment of 87 patients (35 men and 52 women),with an average age of 24 years who required a lower arch fixed retainer after orthodontic treatment. Patients were divided in two groups. Assignment was carried out with random tables. A follow-up examination was carried out once a month. The number, cause, and date of single bond adhesive failures were recorded for both retainers over 12 months. Teeth that were rebonded after failure were not included in the success analysis. Statistical analysis was performed by means of a Fisher's exact test, Kaplan-Meier survival estimates, and log rank test. Results: Bond failure rate was significantly higher (P=0.0392) for multistranded metallic wire than for FRC. Conclusions: Glass fiber-reinforced resin composite retainers and multistranded metallic wires showed no significant difference in single bond failure rates over a one-year follow up

    Human–Machine Interface in Transport Systems: An Industrial Overview for More Extended Rail Applications

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    This paper provides an overview of Human Machine Interface (HMI) design and command systems in commercial or experimental operation across transport modes. It presents and comments on different HMIs from the perspective of vehicle automation equipment and simulators of different application domains. Considering the fields of cognition and automation, this investigation highlights human factors and the experiences of different industries according to industrial and literature reviews. Moreover, to better focus the objectives and extend the investigated industrial panorama, the analysis covers the most effective simulators in operation across various transport modes for the training of operators as well as research in the fields of safety and ergonomics. Special focus is given to new technologies that are potentially applicable in future train cabins, e.g., visual displays and haptic-shared controls. Finally, a synthesis of human factors and their limits regarding support for monitoring or driving assistance is propose

    Effect of water contamination on the shear bond strength of self-ligating brackets

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    AbstractPurposeThe aim of the present study is to evaluate the effect of water contamination on the shear bond strength (SBS) and adhesive remnant index (ARI) score of self-ligating brackets.Materials and methodsOne conventional bracket and three different self-ligating brackets were bonded onto 160 bovine permanent mandibular incisors, divided randomly into 8 groups. For each type of bracket, 20 samples were bonded on dry enamel and 20 after water contamination. After 24h, all specimens were tested for SBS using an Instron Universal Testing Machine, and ARI scores were evaluated.ResultsAll groups showed clinically adequate SBSs. Quick brackets bonded onto dry enamel showed significantly higher SBSs than all other groups tested, whereas the lowest shear strength values were recorded for Step, Quick, and Damon 3MX brackets bonded onto contaminated enamel and for Damon 3MX onto dry enamel. Frequency distribution of ARI Scores showed a prevalence of ARI “2” and “3” for all the groups tested.ConclusionsWater contamination reduces the SBS of self-ligating brackets, but significant differences have been found only for Quick brackets. All groups showed a significant higher frequency of ARI Score of “2” and “3”