102 research outputs found

    Mobile Data Services Usage: An In Depth Investigation Of The Influence Of The “Personal Layer” Of Place

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    The new mobile networked environments ask for more investigation in order to explain users’ behaviour and users’ low demand for mobile data services. A field study, conducted in the territory of Greece, researched the use of a specific mobile data services platform, called here as Service A trying to identify how users experience place before deciding to use mobile data services. The findings of the research tend to suggest that participants did experience the different places in a similar way before deciding to use mobile data services. The study adopted the humanistic geographical perspective as represented by the four “layers of place” introduced by Yi-Fu Tuan’s theory. The findings presented in this specific paper highlight the strongest patterns coming from the analysis of the “Personal layer” of place as represented by Tuan that are important influential elements in the decision of the users to start using mobile data services . The contribution of this paper is that it argues that the users’ decision to start using mobile data services is influenced and triggered by their interaction with their surrounding environment and thus there is need to consider the role of this environment in the study of adoption and use of mobile data services

    Does Pluralism in Economics Education Make Better Educated, Happier Students? A Qualitative Analysis

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    This paper contributes to the debate on pluralism in the economics curriculum. Here pluralism means a diversity of theoretical perspectives. One set of pedagogical arguments for pluralism are those found in 'liberal' philosophy of education. To this end, the first part of the paper presents arguments for pluralism based on 'liberal' pedagogical arguments. The paper also notes more instrumental arguments for pluralism and the barriers to such an approach. Finally, the paper considers new primary evidence from focus groups on student perceptions of economics. This evidence shows support for the arguments that a pluralist curriculum is popular and develops cognitive capacities of criticism, comparison and analysis – exactly those argued for in (liberal) pedagogical discussion – as well as judgement, understanding and writing skills. However, pluralism as a teaching strategy may be more difficult for those delivering it.

    Does pluralism in economics education make better educated, happier students? A qualitative analysis.

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    This paper contributes to the debate on pluralism in the Economics curriculum. Here pluralism means a diversity of theoretical perspectives. One set of pedagogical arguments for pluralism are those found in ‘liberal’ philosophy of education. To this end, the first part of the paper presents arguments for pluralism based on ‘liberal’ pedagogical arguments. The paper also notes more instrumental arguments for pluralism; and barriers to such an approach. Finally, the paper considers new primary evidence from focus groups on student perceptions of economics. This evidence shows support for the arguments that a pluralist curriculum is popular and develops cognitive capacities of criticism, comparison and analysis – exactly those argued for in (liberal) pedagogical discussion – as well as judgement, understanding and writing skills. However, pluralism as a teaching strategy may be more difficult for those delivering it.Students; pedagogy, pluralism, perceptions, focus groups

    Implementation of Project Based Learning Model for Enhancing Students’ Practical Skill and Scientific Literacy

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    Abstract: Implementation of Project Based Learning Model for Enhancing Students’ Practical Skill and Scientific Literacy. Objectives: This study is aimed to determine the difference of implementation between project based learning and direct instruction model in chemistry teaching of acid and base matter to enhancing students’ practical skill and scientific literacy. Methods: The sampling technique was purposive sampling that obtained class XI MIPA 1 as an experimental class was taught using project based learning model, while XI MIPA 2 as a control class was taught using direct instruction model. The instruments of data collecting are test and non test. The test by using the form of a description was used to measure students' scientific literacy, while non test by using the observation sheet was used to measure students' practical skill. The data analysis used manova test at significance level of 5%. Findings: The results showed that the Hotelling's Trace value on the manova test had a significance of 0.000. Conclusion: there is a significant difference between implementation of project based learning and direct instruction model in chemistry teaching of acid and base matter for enhancing students’ practical skill and scientific literacy wholly and partially. Keywords: Project based learning, practical skill, scientific literac

    Conduction system disorders after surgical patch closure of ventricular septal defects; a comparison between two suturing techniques

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    Background: Ventricular septal defect (VSD) is the most common congenital heart disease, and conduction disorder is one of the frequent complications after VSD closure. Suturing technique used for VSD closure may affect the occurrence of this complication. The aim of this study was to compare the outcome of VSD surgical patch closure using continuous versus interrupted suture techniques. Methods: The study included 150 VSD patients who had surgical patch closure between December 2014 and March 2017. They were subclassified into two groups according to the suture technique; continuous suture technique (n= 75) and interrupted suture technique (n= 75). Preoperative, operative, and postoperative variables were reviewed and analyzed. The postoperative rhythm was recorded using contіnuous electrocardiogram during intensive care unit stay. 12-leads electrocardiogram and echocardiography were performed immediately after surgery and repeated before discharge and after 3, 6, 12 months then yearly. The follow-up period ranged from 1 to 3.25 years (2.04 ± 0.84 years). Results: Aortіc cross-clamp tіme was longer in the interrupted technique group (51.40±15.21 vs. 42.32±13.86 minutes; p <0.01). 7 (9.3%) patients in the continuous technique group had an atrioventricular block during ICU stay, and 2 (2.7 %) had complete heart block. However, one patient  (1.3%) in the interrupted technique group had an atrioventricular block, and no patient had complete heart block (p=0.006). Incidence of conduction defects during follow-up was insignificantly different between the groups. There was no significant difference in the postoperative complications between the groups. Conclusions: Complete heart block is an infrequent complication after VSD patch closure. The interrupted suture technique was associated with a lower incidence of conduction defects during the early postoperative perio

    Applied Ecology of Stored-Product Pests

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    48 6 Conclusions The relationship between the rate of increase of temperature was significant for A.siro, Aleuroglyphus ovatus and T. putrescentiae. By using real temperatures recorded in Czech grain stores, it was shown that the pest mite population increases only during 3.5 months within a typical 9-month storage season in central Europe. This result indicated that control of mites is recommended during these months when pests and allergens are produced, i.e. from September to mid November and in May. The addition of bean flour to the diet was toxic for all mite species tested, as indicated by the suppression of their population growth. Bean flour (i.e. admixture with food in a concentration of 5 %) is able to suppress any population growth, thereby keeping the mite population at the starting density. This is the first report that leguminous plant compounds suppress the population growth of storage mites.48 6 Conclusions The relationship between the rate of increase of temperature was significant for A.siro, Aleuroglyphus ovatus and T. putrescentiae. By using real temperatures recorded in Czech grain stores, it was shown that the pest mite population increases only during 3.5 months within a typical 9-month storage season in central Europe. This result indicated that control of mites is recommended during these months when pests and allergens are produced, i.e. from September to mid November and in May. The addition of bean flour to the diet was toxic for all mite species tested, as indicated by the suppression of their population growth. Bean flour (i.e. admixture with food in a concentration of 5 %) is able to suppress any population growth, thereby keeping the mite population at the starting density. This is the first report that leguminous plant compounds suppress the population growth of storage mites.Katedra ekologieDepartment of EcologyPƙírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Dispensing Errors Of Unit Dose Drug Distribution System At Central Pharmacy Of Penang Hospital

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    Dispensing error (DE) is the medication error which normally occurred at pharmacy site or service before medications supply or administer to patients. Findings from DE study are used as indicator to determine the quality of the drug supply from drug distribution system of the pharmacy services. DE should be avoided because it may affect patient’s health status complications and prolong hospital stay. Penang Hospital implemented the unit dose drug distribution system in order to reduce medication errors. An observational prospective study was conducted at Central Pharmacy of Penang Hospital for six months to determine data on patients’ demographic characteristics, incidence of DE, pharmacological classes of drugs and types of medications involved and also the risk factors
