1,193 research outputs found

    Flavour Mixing, Gauge Invariance and Wave-function Renormalisation

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    We clarify some aspects of the LSZ formalism and wave function renormalisation for unstable particles in the presence of electroweak interactions when mixing and CP violation are considered. We also analyse the renormalisation of the CKM mixing matrix which is closely related to wave function renormalisation. We critically review earlier attempts to define a set of "on-shell" wave function renormalisation constants. With the aid of an extensive use of the Nielsen identities complemented by explicit calculations we corroborate that the counter term for the CKM mixing matrix must be explicitly gauge independent and demonstrate that the commonly used prescription for the wave function renormalisation constants leads to gauge parameter dependent amplitudes, even if the CKM counter term is gauge invariant as required. We show that a proper LSZ-compliant prescription leads to gauge independent amplitudes. The resulting wave function renormalisation constants necessarily possess absorptive parts, but we verify that they comply with the expected requirements concerning CP and CPT. The results obtained using this prescription are different (even at the level of the modulus squared of the amplitude) from the ones neglecting the absorptive parts in the case of top decay. The difference is numerically relevant.Comment: 19 pages, plain latex, one ps figur

    Higher Order Power Corrections in Inclusive B Decays

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    We discuss order 1/m_b^4 and 1/m_b^5 corrections in inclusive semileptonic decay of a BB meson. We identify relevant hadronic matrix elements of dimension seven and eight and estimate them using the ground-state saturation approximation. Within this approach the effects on the integrated rate and on kinematic moments are estimated. The overall relative shift in V_{cb} turns out about +0.4% as applied to the existing fits. Similar estimates are presented for B -> X_s+\gamma decays.Comment: 30 pages, 16 figure

    Physical renormalization condition for the quark-mixing matrix

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    We investigate the renormalization of the quark-mixing matrix in the Electroweak Standard Model. We show that the corresponding counterterms must be gauge independent as a consequence of extended BRS invariance. Using rigid SU(2)_L symmetry, we proof that the ultraviolet-divergent parts of the invariant counterterms are related to the field renormalization constants of the quark fields. We point out that for a general class of renormalization schemes rigid SU(2)_L symmetry cannot be preserved in its classical form, but is renormalized by finite counterterms. Finally, we discuss a genuine physical renormalization condition for the quark-mixing matrix that is gauge independent and does not destroy the symmetry between quark generations.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX, minor changes, references adde

    An XMM-Newton and INTEGRAL view on the hard state of EXO 1745-248 during its 2015 outburst

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    CONTEXT - Transient low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) often show outbursts lasting typically a few-weeks and characterized by a high X-ray luminosity (Lx≈1036−1038L_{x} \approx 10^{36}-10^{38} erg/sec), while for most of the time they are found in X-ray quiescence (LX≈1031−1033L_X\approx10^{31} -10^{33} erg/sec). EXO 1745-248 is one of them. AIMS - The broad-band coverage, and the sensitivity of instrument on board of {\xmm} and {\igr}, offers the opportunity to characterize the hard X-ray spectrum during {\exo} outburst. METHODS - In this paper we report on quasi-simultaneous {\xmm} and {\igr} observations of the X-ray transient {\exo} located in the globular cluster Terzan 5, performed ten days after the beginning of the outburst (on 2015 March 16th) shown by the source between March and June 2015. The source was caught in a hard state, emitting a 0.8-100 keV luminosity of ≃1037\simeq10^{37}~{\lumcgs}. RESULTS - The spectral continuum was dominated by thermal Comptonization of seed photons with temperature kTin≃1.3kT_{in}\simeq1.3 keV, by a cloud with moderate optical depth τ≃2\tau\simeq2 and electron temperature kTe≃40kT_e\simeq 40 keV. A weaker soft thermal component at temperature kTth≃0.6kT_{th}\simeq0.6--0.7 keV and compatible with a fraction of the neutron star radius was also detected. A rich emission line spectrum was observed by the EPIC-pn on-board {\xmm}; features at energies compatible with K-α\alpha transitions of ionized sulfur, argon, calcium and iron were detected, with a broadness compatible with either thermal Compton broadening or Doppler broadening in the inner parts of an accretion disk truncated at 20±620\pm6 gravitational radii from the neutron star. Strikingly, at least one narrow emission line ascribed to neutral or mildly ionized iron is needed to model the prominent emission complex detected between 5.5 and 7.5 keV. (Abridged)Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure, 2 tables. Accepted for publication on A&A (21/03/2017

    Occurrence of Antibiotic Resistance in the Mediterranean Sea

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    Seawater could be considered a reservoir of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and antibiotic resistance genes. In this communication, we evaluated the presence of bacterial strains in seawater collected from different coasts of Sicily by combining microbiological and molecular methods. Specifically, we isolated viable bacteria that were tested for their antibiotic resistance profile and detected both antibiotic and heavy metal resistance genes. Both antibiotic-resistant Gram-negative bacteria, Vibrio and Aeromonas, and specific antibiotic resistance genes were found in the seawater samples. Alarming levels of resistance were determined towards cefazolin, streptomycin, amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, ceftriaxone, and sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim, and mainly genes conferring resistance to β-lactamic and sulfonamide antibiotics were detected. This survey, on the one hand, presents a picture of the actual situation, showing the pollution status of the Tyrrhenian coast of Sicily, and, on the other hand, can be considered as a baseline to be used as a reference time for future analysis

    Homotopy Theoretic Models of Type Theory

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    We introduce the notion of a logical model category which is a Quillen model category satisfying some additional conditions. Those conditions provide enough expressive power that one can soundly interpret dependent products and sums in it. On the other hand, those conditions are easy to check and provide a wide class of models some of which are listed in the paper.Comment: Corrected version of the published articl

    Large 2HDM(II) one-loop corrections in leptonic tau decays

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    The one-loop contributions to the branching ratios for leptonic tau decays are calculated in the CP conserving 2HDM(II). We found that these one-loop contributions, involving both neutral and charged Higgs bosons, dominate over the tree-level H^+ exchange, the latter one being totally negligible for the decay into electron. The analysis is focused on large tanbeta enhanced contributions to the considered branching ratios. We derive a simple analytical expression for the one-loop contribution which holds in this case. We show that the leptonic branching ratios of tau are complementary to the Higgsstrahlung processes for h(H) and have a large potential on constraining parameters of the model. In this work we provide upper limits on Yukawa couplings for both light h and light A scenarios and we derive new lower limit on mass of M_{H^+} as a function of tanbeta, which differs significantly from what was considered as standard constraint based on the tree-level H^{+} exchange only. Interestingly we obtain also an upper limit on M_{H^+}. For a SM-like h scenario, with heavy and degenerate additional Higgs bosons, one-loop corrections disappear.Comment: 25 pgs. Figures and their descriptions improved, references adde

    Note on CKM Matrix Renormalization

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    A simple inspection of the one loop quark self-energy suggests a prescription of the CKM matrix renormalization in the standard model. It leads to a CKM matrix counterterm which is gauge parameter independent and satisfies the unitarity constraint, and renormalized physical amplitudes which are gauge parameter independent and smooth in quark mass difference. We make a point that caution should be practiced when interpreting the CKM martix counterterm in terms of those of parameters in a given representation due to rephasing effects from renormalization. We show how this can be done using the degrees of freedom in the on-shell renormalization scheme.Comment: version 1: 10 pages, no figures; version 2: proofread version for Phys Rev D with minor revisions: (1) divided into 3 sections; (2) added a footnote Comment on Ref. [8] as Ref. item [13]; (3) typos fixed and minor rewordin

    Construction of a synthetic infectious cDNA clone of Grapevine Algerian latent virus (GALV-Nf) and its biological activity in Nicotiana benthamiana and grapevine plants

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    Background: Grapevine Algerian latent virus (GALV) is a tombusvirus first isolated in 1989 from an Algerian grapevine (Vitis spp.) plant and more recently from water samples and commercial nipplefruit and statice plants. No further reports of natural GALV infections in grapevine have been published in the last two decades, and artificial inoculations of grapevine plants have not been reported. We developed and tested a synthetic GALV construct for the inoculation of Nicotiana benthamiana plants and different grapevine genotypes to investigate the ability of this virus to infect and spread systemically in different hosts. Methods: We carried out a phylogenetic analysis of all known GALV sequences and an epidemiological survey of grapevine samples to detect the virus. A GALV-Nf clone under the control of the T7 promoter was chemically synthesized based on the full-length sequence of the nipplefruit isolate GALV-Nf, the only available sequence at the time the project was conceived, and the infectious transcripts were tested in N. benthamiana plants. A GALV-Nf-based binary vector was then developed for the agroinoculation of N. benthamiana and grapevine plants. Infections were confirmed by serological and molecular analysis and the resulting ultrastructural changes were investigated in both species. Results: Sequence analysis showed that the GALV coat protein is highly conserved among diverse isolates. The first epidemiological survey of cDNAs collected from 152 grapevine plants with virus-like symptoms did not reveal the presence of GALV in any of the samples. The agroinoculation of N. benthamiana and grapevine plants with the GALV-Nf binary vector promoted efficient infections, as revealed by serological and molecular analysis. The GALV-Nf infection of grapevine plants was characterized in more detail by inoculating different cultivars, revealing distinct patterns of symptom development. Ultrastructural changes induced by GALV-Nf in N. benthamiana were similar to those induced by tombusviruses in other hosts, but the cytopathological alterations in grapevine plants were less severe. Conclusions: This is the first report describing the development of a synthetic GALV-Nf cDNA clone, its artificial transmission to grapevine plants and the resulting symptoms and cytopathological alterations

    Antibiotic susceptibility profile and tetracycline resistance genes detection in salmonella spp. Strains isolated from animals and food

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    Salmonella spp. is among the leading causes of foodborne infections in humans and a large number of animals. Salmonella spp. is a pathogen involved in the dissemination of antimicrobial resistance because it can accumulate antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs). In this study, the antibiotic resistance profile to 15 antibiotics, belonging to six different classes, of 60 strains of Salmonella spp. collected from pets, farm animals, wildlife, and food in Sicily (Italy) was investigated by the Kirby-Bauer method. Given that almost 33.3% of the Salmonella spp. strains were resistant to tetracycline, Real-Time PCR analysis was applied on all the 60 strains to detect the presence of eight selected tet resistance genes. Besides, the presence of the int1 gene, related to the horizontal gene transfer among bacteria, was also investigated in all the strains by Real-Time PCR analysis. Our data showed that 56% of the isolated strains harbored one or more tet resistance genes and that these strains were most frequently isolated from animals living in close contact with humans. Concerning int1, 17 strains (28.3%) harbored this genetic element and eight of these simultaneously contained tet genes. The results of this study highlight the importance of using a molecular approach to detect resistance genetic determinants, whose spread can increase the diffusion of multidrug-resistant strains. Besides, the study of zoonotic bacteria such as Salmonella spp. which significantly contribute to ARGs dissemination should always follow a One Health approach that considers the health of humans, animals, and the environment to be closely related
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