66 research outputs found

    Volume I. Introduction to DUNE

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    The preponderance of matter over antimatter in the early universe, the dynamics of the supernovae that produced the heavy elements necessary for life, and whether protons eventually decay—these mysteries at the forefront of particle physics and astrophysics are key to understanding the early evolution of our universe, its current state, and its eventual fate. The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is an international world-class experiment dedicated to addressing these questions as it searches for leptonic charge-parity symmetry violation, stands ready to capture supernova neutrino bursts, and seeks to observe nucleon decay as a signature of a grand unified theory underlying the standard model. The DUNE far detector technical design report (TDR) describes the DUNE physics program and the technical designs of the single- and dual-phase DUNE liquid argon TPC far detector modules. This TDR is intended to justify the technical choices for the far detector that flow down from the high-level physics goals through requirements at all levels of the Project. Volume I contains an executive summary that introduces the DUNE science program, the far detector and the strategy for its modular designs, and the organization and management of the Project. The remainder of Volume I provides more detail on the science program that drives the choice of detector technologies and on the technologies themselves. It also introduces the designs for the DUNE near detector and the DUNE computing model, for which DUNE is planning design reports. Volume II of this TDR describes DUNE\u27s physics program in detail. Volume III describes the technical coordination required for the far detector design, construction, installation, and integration, and its organizational structure. Volume IV describes the single-phase far detector technology. A planned Volume V will describe the dual-phase technology

    Highly-parallelized simulation of a pixelated LArTPC on a GPU

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    The rapid development of general-purpose computing on graphics processing units (GPGPU) is allowing the implementation of highly-parallelized Monte Carlo simulation chains for particle physics experiments. This technique is particularly suitable for the simulation of a pixelated charge readout for time projection chambers, given the large number of channels that this technology employs. Here we present the first implementation of a full microphysical simulator of a liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) equipped with light readout and pixelated charge readout, developed for the DUNE Near Detector. The software is implemented with an end-to-end set of GPU-optimized algorithms. The algorithms have been written in Python and translated into CUDA kernels using Numba, a just-in-time compiler for a subset of Python and NumPy instructions. The GPU implementation achieves a speed up of four orders of magnitude compared with the equivalent CPU version. The simulation of the current induced on 10^3 pixels takes around 1 ms on the GPU, compared with approximately 10 s on the CPU. The results of the simulation are compared against data from a pixel-readout LArTPC prototype

    The DUNE far detector vertical drift technology. Technical design report

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    DUNE is an international experiment dedicated to addressing some of the questions at the forefront of particle physics and astrophysics, including the mystifying preponderance of matter over antimatter in the early universe. The dual-site experiment will employ an intense neutrino beam focused on a near and a far detector as it aims to determine the neutrino mass hierarchy and to make high-precision measurements of the PMNS matrix parameters, including the CP-violating phase. It will also stand ready to observe supernova neutrino bursts, and seeks to observe nucleon decay as a signature of a grand unified theory underlying the standard model. The DUNE far detector implements liquid argon time-projection chamber (LArTPC) technology, and combines the many tens-of-kiloton fiducial mass necessary for rare event searches with the sub-centimeter spatial resolution required to image those events with high precision. The addition of a photon detection system enhances physics capabilities for all DUNE physics drivers and opens prospects for further physics explorations. Given its size, the far detector will be implemented as a set of modules, with LArTPC designs that differ from one another as newer technologies arise. In the vertical drift LArTPC design, a horizontal cathode bisects the detector, creating two stacked drift volumes in which ionization charges drift towards anodes at either the top or bottom. The anodes are composed of perforated PCB layers with conductive strips, enabling reconstruction in 3D. Light-trap-style photon detection modules are placed both on the cryostat's side walls and on the central cathode where they are optically powered. This Technical Design Report describes in detail the technical implementations of each subsystem of this LArTPC that, together with the other far detector modules and the near detector, will enable DUNE to achieve its physics goals

    Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE), far detector technical design report, volume III: DUNE far detector technical coordination

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    The preponderance of matter over antimatter in the early universe, the dynamics of the supernovae that produced the heavy elements necessary for life, and whether protons eventually decay—these mysteries at the forefront of particle physics and astrophysics are key to understanding the early evolution of our universe, its current state, and its eventual fate. The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is an international world-class experiment dedicated to addressing these questions as it searches for leptonic charge-parity symmetry violation, stands ready to capture supernova neutrino bursts, and seeks to observe nucleon decay as a signature of a grand unified theory underlying the standard model. The DUNE far detector technical design report (TDR) describes the DUNE physics program and the technical designs of the single- and dual-phase DUNE liquid argon TPC far detector modules. Volume III of this TDR describes how the activities required to design, construct, fabricate, install, and commission the DUNE far detector modules are organized and managed. This volume details the organizational structures that will carry out and/or oversee the planned far detector activities safely, successfully, on time, and on budget. It presents overviews of the facilities, supporting infrastructure, and detectors for context, and it outlines the project-related functions and methodologies used by the DUNE technical coordination organization, focusing on the areas of integration engineering, technical reviews, quality assurance and control, and safety oversight. Because of its more advanced stage of development, functional examples presented in this volume focus primarily on the single-phase (SP) detector module

    Exaggerated TSH response to TRH ("sub-biochemical" hypothyroidism) in prepubertal and adolescent thalassaemic patients with iron overload: prevalence and 20-year natural history.

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    The severity of thyroid dysfunction in patients with beta-thalassaemia major is variable in different series. An exaggerated thyrotropin response to thyrotropin-releasing-hormone (TRH) has been found in 1 out of 5 beta-thalassaemia major patients. Because it is not well known how many of these patients will develop overt or subclinical hypothyroidism, we reviewed retrospectively the thyroid status (thyroid hormones, TBG, TG basal and TSH peak after TRH test) of 24 children and adolescents with beta-thalassemia major (mean age 12.1+/-3.9 years) on periodic transfusion therapy, regularly followed in our Centre during the last 20 years. As controls we studied 30 normal subjects aged 13.4+/-2.5 years. In our group of 24 thalassaemics an exaggerated TSH response to TRH test was found in 8 (33.3%), 3 of whom developed subclinical or overt hypothyroidism from 3 to 11 years later. TSH peak values correlated directly with ferritin levels, ALT, and compliance index to chelation therapy. Our data suggest that an exaggerated TSH response to TRH test is frequent in beta-thalassemia major, and may evolve into subclinical or overt hypothyroidism as we found in 37.5% of our patients with sub-biochemical hypothyroidism

    Reproductive behaviour of thalassemic couples segregating for Cooley anemia

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    The reproductive behavior in 1984 of families segregating for Cooley anemia in Ferrara was compared with that of a control group of families, matched for some biological variables which affect fertility. At the resolution power of the sample, it was found that there is no significant difference in these variables due to segregation for Cooley anemia, and it appears that there is no longer significant reproductive compensation in thalassemic couples, although a tendency to compensate does still exist. The increased life span of children affected by Cooley anemia, due to improvements in treatment in the past decade, is probably the main reason why the compensatory reproductive behaviour of the past has almost disappeared.--

    Adrenal Incidentaloma in Thalassemia: A Case Report and Literature Review

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    In the last 30 years the development and widespread use of modern imaging techniques has caused a 20-time increase in the diagnosis of adrenal incidentaloma (AI). Among AIs myelolipoma (ML) is reported with a frequency up to 10%. In the literature 8 patients with adrenal masses in thalassaemia or chronic haemolytic anaemia have been reported: five cases were shown to have extramedullary haematopoiesis (EH) and 3 ML. We describe here a case of an adult male affected by beta thalassaemia intermedia and large bilateral lipomatous adrenal masses. The patient was referred to our ward at the age of 55 and underwent hormonal testing, MRI, and SPECT/CT scans. Adrenal masses were hormonally inactive, and fat-containing on MRI and CT scans. SPECT/CT examination with 99mTccolloid demonstrated the presence of marrow tissue. ML and EH are the only two tumours with marrow tissue among lipomatous adrenal masses. In our patient a brown nodular mass was resected and histologically classified as ML. In benign adrenal masses, radiological follow-up is indicated; in case of large bilateral masses adrenal function tests are suggested periodically in order to detect possible adrenal hypofunction

    L'ipoparatiroidismo nella talassemia major: l'esperienza personale dal 1954 al 2010 (I parte)

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    L'poparatiroidismo (HP), secondario alla emosiderosi, nei pazienti con beta talassemia major (TM) è stato descritto per la prima volta da Gabriele nel 1971. È una patologia di non frequente osservazione, secondaria ad un deficit assoluto o parziale di paratormone (PTH). Il deficit di PTH causa modificazioni del metabolismo calcio/fosforo e la comparsa di segni clinici prevalentemente di natura neuro-muscolare. Questo lavoro riporta un'analisi retrospettiva, dal 1954 al 2010, dei pazienti con TM che hanno sviluppato nel corso degli anni un HP. Gli obiettivi dello studio comprendono la valutazione della incidenza e prevalenza dell'HP, le caratteristiche dei pazienti al momento della diagnosi e la presenza di altre complicanze, di natura endocrina e non endocrina. Il trattamento prevede l'impiego di vitamina D (Calcitriolo) e calcio. Durante la terapia è necessario un controllo periodico della calcemia e del rapporto calciuria/creatininuria (mmol), su un campione di urina (il rapporto deve essere < a 0.7). La terapia ferrochelante ha indotto la regressione dell'HP in due pazienti con severo accumulo di ferro

    L'ipoparatiroidismo nella talassemia major: l'esperienza personale dal 1954 al 2010 (II) parte

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    L'poparatiroidismo (HP), secondario alla emosiderosi, nei pazienti con beta talassemia major (TM) è stato descritto per la prima volta da Gabriele nel 1971. È una patologia di non frequente osservazione, secondaria ad un deficit assoluto o parziale di paratormone (PTH). Il deficit di PTH causa modificazioni del metabolismo calcio/fosforo e la comparsa di segni clinici prevalentemente di natura neuro-muscolare. Questo lavoro riporta un'analisi retrospettiva, dal 1954 al 2010, dei pazienti con TM che hanno sviluppato nel corso degli anni un HP. Gli obiettivi dello studio comprendono la valutazione della incidenza e prevalenza dell'HP, le caratteristiche dei pazienti al momento della diagnosi e la presenza di altre complicanze, di natura endocrina e non endocrina. Il trattamento prevede l'impiego di vitamina D (Calcitriolo) e calcio. Durante la terapia è necessario un controllo periodico della calcemia e del rapporto calciuria/creatininuria (mmol), su un campione di urina (il rapporto deve essere < a 0.7). La terapia ferrochelante ha indotto la regressione dell'HP in due pazienti con severo accumulo di ferro