134 research outputs found

    A Hydrophobic Gate in an Ion Channel: The Closed State of the Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor

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    The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) is the prototypic member of the `Cys-loop' superfamily of ligand-gated ion channels which mediate synaptic neurotransmission, and whose other members include receptors for glycine, gamma-aminobutyric acid, and serotonin. Cryo-electron microscopy has yielded a three dimensional structure of the nAChR in its closed state. However, the exact nature and location of the channel gate remains uncertain. Although the transmembrane pore is constricted close to its center, it is not completely occluded. Rather, the pore has a central hydrophobic zone of radius about 3 A. Model calculations suggest that such a constriction may form a hydrophobic gate, preventing movement of ions through a channel. We present a detailed and quantitative simulation study of the hydrophobic gating model of the nicotinic receptor, in order to fully evaluate this hypothesis. We demonstrate that the hydrophobic constriction of the nAChR pore indeed forms a closed gate. Potential of mean force (PMF) calculations reveal that the constriction presents a barrier of height ca. 10 kT to the permeation of sodium ions, placing an upper bound on the closed channel conductance of 0.3 pS. Thus, a 3 A radius hydrophobic pore can form a functional barrier to the permeation of a 1 A radius Na+ ion. Using a united atom force field for the protein instead of an all atom one retains the qualitative features but results in differing conductances, showing that the PMF is sensitive to the detailed molecular interactions.Comment: Accepted by Physical Biology; includes a supplement and a supplementary mpeg movie can be found at http://sbcb.bioch.ox.ac.uk/oliver/download/Movies/watergate.mp

    Historical Contingencies Modulate the Adaptability of Rice Yellow Mottle Virus

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    The rymv1-2 and rymv1-3 alleles of the RYMV1 resistance to Rice yellow mottle virus (RYMV), coded by an eIF(iso)4G1 gene, occur in a few cultivars of the Asiatic (Oryza sativa) and African (O. glaberrima) rice species, respectively. The most salient feature of the resistance breaking (RB) process is the converse genetic barrier to rymv1-2 and rymv1-3 resistance breakdown. This specificity is modulated by the amino acid (glutamic acid vs. threonine) at codon 49 of the Viral Protein genome-linked (VPg), a position which is adjacent to the virulence codons 48 and 52. Isolates with a glutamic acid (E) do not overcome rymv1-3 whereas those with a threonine (T) rarely overcome rymv1-2. We found that isolates with T49 had a strong selective advantage over isolates with E49 in O. glaberrima susceptible cultivars. This explains the fixation of the mutation T49 during RYMV evolution and accounts for the diversifying selection estimated at codon 49. Better adapted to O. glaberrima, isolates with T49 are also more prone than isolates with E49 to fix rymv1-3 RB mutations at codon 52 in resistant O. glaberrima cultivars. However, subsequent genetic constraints impaired the ability of isolates with T49 to fix rymv1-2 RB mutations at codons 48 and 52 in resistant O. sativa cultivars. The origin and role of the amino acid at codon 49 of the VPg exemplifies the importance of historical contingencies in the ability of RYMV to overcome RYMV1 resistance

    Conformational changes in α7 acetylcholine receptors underlying allosteric modulation by divalent cations

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    Allosteric modulation of membrane receptors is a widespread mechanism by which endogenous and exogenous agents regulate receptor function. For example, several members of the nicotinic receptor family are modulated by physiological concentrations of extracellular calcium ions. In this paper, we examined conformational changes underlying this modulation and compare these with changes evoked by ACh. Two sets of residues in the α7 acetylcholine receptor extracellular domain were mutated to cysteine and analyzed by measuring the rates of modification by the thiol-specific reagent 2-aminoethylmethane thiosulfonate. Using Ba2+ as a surrogate for Ca2+, we found a divalent-dependent decrease the modification rates of cysteine substitutions at M37 and M40, residues at which rates were also slowed by ACh. In contrast, Ba2+ had no significant effect at N52C, a residue where ACh increased the rate of modification. Thus divalent modulators cause some but not all of the conformational effects elicited by agonist. Cysteine substitution of either of two glutamates (E44 or E172), thought to participate in the divalent cation binding site, caused a loss of allosteric modulation, yet Ba2+ still had a significant effect on modification rates of these residues. In addition, the effect of Ba2+ at these residues did not appear to be due to direct occlusion. Our data demonstrate that modulation by divalent cations involves substantial conformational changes in the receptor extracellular domain. Our evidence also suggests the modulation occurs via a binding site distinct from one which includes either (or both) of the conserved glutamates at E44 or E172

    The multiple phenotypes of allosteric receptor mutants.

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    Identification of calcium binding sites that regulate potentiation of a neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor.

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    The divalent cation calcium potentiates the physiological response of neuronal nicotinic receptors to agonists by enhancing ionic current amplitudes, apparent agonist affinity and cooperativity. Here we show that mutations in several consensus Ca2+ binding sequences from the N-terminal domain of the neuronal alpha 7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor alter Ca2+ potentiation of the alpha 7-V201-5HT3 chimera. Mutations E18Q or E44Q abolish calcium-enhanced agonist affinity but preserve the calcium increase of plateau current amplitudes and cooperativity. On the other hand, mutations of amino acids belonging to the 12 amino acid canonical domain (alpha 7 161-172) alter all features of potentiation by enhancing (D163, S169), reducing (E161, S165, Y167) or abolishing (E172) calcium effects on ionic current amplitudes and agonist affinity. Introduction of the alpha 7 161-172 domain in the calcium insensitive 5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT3) serotoninergic receptor results in a receptor activated by 5HT and potentiated by calcium. In vitro terbium fluorescence studies with an alpha 7 160-174 peptide further show that mutation E172Q also alters in vitro calcium binding. Data are consistent with the occurrence of distinct categories of regulatory calcium binding sites, among which the highly conserved (alpha 7 161-172) domain may simultaneously contribute to calcium and agonist binding

    Synthesis and characterization of fluorescent and photoactivatable MIP-1alpha ligands and interactions with chemokine receptors CCR1 and CCR5

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    Photoaffinity and fluorescent analogues of the 70-amino acid chemokine macrophage inflammatory protein-1alpha (MIP-1alpha) were designed, synthesized, characterized, and applied to probe MIP-1alpha interactions with the chemokine receptors CCR1 and CCR5. The photoactivatable MIP-1alpha ligand, BP-MIP-1alpha, and the fluorescent ligand, Flu-MIP-1alpha were prepared by selective chemical coupling of p-benzoylphenylthiocarbamyl or fluoresceinthiocarbamyl, respectively, at the N-terminus of MIP-1alpha. Both ligands BP-MIP-1alpha and Flu-MIP-1alpha retained high binding affinity and agonist potency at CCR1 and CCR5. Photoaffinity labeling of CCR1 and CCR5 receptors stably expressed in CHO cells resulted in specific covalent attachment of [125I]BP-MIP-1alpha and production of protein complexes of 54 and 48 kDa, respectively, on SDS-PAGE. This represents the first photo-cross-linking between a chemokine and its receptor. Flu-MIP-1alpha selectively labeled CCR1 or CCR5 receptors expressed in CHO cells and was used to characterize receptor binding domains. When bound to CCR1 or CCR5 receptors, the fluorescence signal of Flu-MIP-1alpha was quenched by collision with iodide indicating that the N-terminal end of MIP-1alpha is accessible to the solvent. These data strongly suggest that the N-terminal end of MIP-1alpha interacts with domains of CCR1 or CCR5 receptors located at the extracellular surface. The photoactivatable BP-MIP-1alpha described here should prove valuable for the identification of contact sites on receptors by photoaffinity labeling experiments