468 research outputs found

    Nucleosynthesis in asymptotic giant branch stars: Relevance for galactic enrichment and solar system formation

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    We present a review of nucleosynthesis in AGB stars outlining the development of theoretical models and their relationship to observations. We focus on the new high resolution codes with improved opacities, which recently succeeded in accounting for the third dredge-up. This opens the possibility of understanding low luminosity C stars (enriched in s-elements) as the normal outcome of AGB evolution, characterized by production of 12C and neutron-rich nuclei in the He intershell and by mass loss from strong stellar winds. Neutron captures in AGB stars are driven by two reactions: 13C(α,n)16O, which provides the bulk of the neutron flux at low neutron densities (Nn ≤ 107 n/cm3), and 22Ne(α,n)25Mg, which is mildly activated at higher temperatures and mainly affects the production of s-nuclei depending on reaction branchings. The first reaction is now known to occur in the radiative interpulse phase, immediately below the region previously homogenized by third dredge-up. The second reaction occurs during the convective thermal pulses. The resulting nucleosynthesis phenomena are rather complex and rule out any analytical approximation (exponential distribution of neutron fluences). Nucleosynthesis in AGB stars, modeled at different metallicities, account for several observational constraints, coming from a wide spectrum of sources: evolved red giants rich in s-elements, unevolved stars at different metallicities, presolar grains recovered from meteorites, and the abundances of s-process isotopes in the solar system. In particular, a good reproduction of the solar system main component is obtained as a result of Galactic chemical evolution that mixes the outputs of AGB stars of different stellar generations, born with different metallicities and producing different patterns of s-process nuclei. The main solar s-process pattern is thus not considered to be the result of a standard archetypal s-process occurring in all stars. Concerning the 13C neutron source, its synthesis requires penetration of small amounts of protons below the convective envelope, where they are captured by the abundant 12C forming a 13C-rich pocket. This penetration cannot be modeled in current evolutionary codes, but is treated as a free parameter. Future hydrodynamical studies of time dependent mixing will be required to attack this problem. Evidence of other insufficiencies in the current mixing algorithms is common throughout the evolution of low and intermediate mass stars, as is shown by the inadequacy of stellar models in reproducing the observations of CNO isotopes in red giants and in circumstellar dust grains. These observations require some circulation of matter between the bottom of convective envelopes and regions close to the H-burning shell (cool bottom processing). AGB stars are also discussed in the light of their possible contribution to the inventory of short-lived radioactivities that were found to be alive in the early solar system. We show that the pollution of the protosolar nebula by a close-by AGB star may account for concordant abundances of 26Al, 41Ca, 60Fe, and 107Pd. The AGB star must have undergone a very small neutron exposure, and be of small initial mass (M <= 1.5 [sols]). There is a shortage of 26Al in such models, that however remains within the large uncertainties of crucial reaction rates. The net 26Al production problem requires further investigation

    Viscous growth and rebound of a bubble near a rigid surface

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    Motivated by the dynamics of microbubbles near catalytic surfaces in bubble-powered microrockets, we consider theoretically the growth of a free spherical bubble near a flat no-slip surface in a Stokes flow. The flow at the bubble surface is characterised by a constant slip length allowing us to tune the hydrodynamic mobility of its surface and tackle in one formulation both clean and contaminated bubbles as well as rigid shells. Starting with a bubble of infinitesimal size, the fluid flow and hydrodynamic forces on the growing bubble are obtained analytically. We demonstrate that, depending on the value of the bubble slip length relative to the initial distance to the wall, the bubble will either monotonically drain the fluid separating it from the wall, which will exponentially thin, or it will bounce off the surface once before eventually draining the thin film. Clean bubbles are shown to be a singular limit which always monotonically get repelled from the surface. The bouncing events for bubbles with finite slip lengths are further analysed in detail in the lubrication limit. In particular, we identify the origin of the reversal of the hydrodynamic force direction as due to the change in the flow pattern in the film between the bubble and the surface and to the associated lubrication pressure. Last, the final drainage dynamics of the film is observed to follow a universal algebraic scaling for all finite slip lengths.ER

    Cosmological implications of dwarf spheroidal chemical evolution

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    The chemical properties of dwarf spheroidals in the local group are shown to be inconsistent with star formation being truncated after the reionization epoch (z~8). Enhanced levels of [Ba/Y] in stars in dwarf spheroidals like Sculptor indicate strong s-process production from low-mass stars whose lifetimes are comparable with the duration of the pre-reionization epoch. The chemical evolution of Sculptor is followed using a model with SNeII and SNeIa feedback and mass- and metallicity-dependent nucleosynthetic yields for elements from H to Pb. We are unable to reproduce the Ba/Y ratio unless stars formed over an interval long enough for the low-mass stars to pollute the interstellar medium with s-elements. This robust result challenges the suggestion that most of the local group dwarf spheroidals are fossils of reionization and supports the case for large initial dark matter halos.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ. Minor changes following referee repor

    The s process in massive stars at low metallicity. Effect of primary N14 from fast rotating stars

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    The goal of this paper is to analyze the impact of a primary neutron source on the s-process nucleosynthesis in massive stars at halo metallicity. Recent stellar models including rotation at very low metallicity predict a strong production of primary N14. Part of the nitrogen produced in the H-burning shell diffuses by rotational mixing into the He core where it is converted to Ne22 providing additional neutrons for the s process. We present nucleosynthesis calculations for a 25 Msun star at [Fe/H] = -3, -4, where in the convective core He-burning about 0.8 % in mass is made of primary Ne22. The usual weak s-process shape is changed by the additional neutron source with a peak between Sr and Ba, where the s-process yields increase by orders of magnitude with respect to the yields obtained without rotation. Iron seeds are fully consumed and the maximum production of Sr, Y and Zr is reached. On the other hand, the s-process efficiency beyond Sr and the ratio Sr/Ba are strongly affected by the amount of Ne22 and by nuclear uncertainties, first of all by the Ne22(alpha,n)Mg25 reaction. Finally, assuming that Ne22 is primary in the considered metallicity range, the s-process efficiency decreases with metallicity due to the effect of the major neutron poisons Mg25 and Ne22. This work represents a first step towards the study of primary neutron source effect in fast rotating massive stars, and its implications are discussed in the light of spectroscopic observations of heavy elements at halo metallicity.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters, 11 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl

    128Xe and 130Xe: Testing He-shell burning in AGB stars

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    The s-process branching at 128I has been investigated on the basis of new, precise experimental (n,g) cross sections for the s-only isotopes 128Xe and 130Xe. This branching is unique, since it is essentially determined by the temperature- and density-sensitive stellar decay rates of 128I and only marginally affected by the specific stellar neutron flux. For this reason it represents an important test for He-shell burning in AGB stars. The description of the branching by means of the complex stellar scenario reveals a significant sensitivity to the time scales for convection during He shell flashes, thus providing constraints for this phenomenon. The s-process ratio 128Xe/130Xe deduced from stellar models allows for a (9+-3)% p-process contribution to solar 128Xe, in agreement with the Xe-S component found in meteoritic presolar SiC grains.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Astophysical Journa

    Domain-Specific Multi-Modeling of Security Concerns in Service-Oriented Architectures

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    As a common reference for many in-development standards and execution frameworks, special attention is being paid to Service-Oriented Architectures. SOAs modeling, however, is an area in which a consensus has not being achieved. Currently, standardization organizations are defining proposals to offer a solution to this problem. Nevertheless, until very recently, non-functional aspects of services have not been considered for standardization processes. In particular, there exists a lack of a design solution that permits an independent development of the functional and non-functional concerns of SOAs, allowing that each concern be addressed in a convenient manner in early stages of the development, in a way that could guarantee the quality of this type of systems. This paper, leveraging on previous work, presents an approach to integrate security-related non-functional aspects (such as confidentiality, integrity, and access control) in the development of services