251 research outputs found

    Police interrogation practice in Slovenia

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    Interrogation techniques are well explored, but in Slovenia it has remained unknown what interrogation techniques are used and what the basic characteristics of suspect interrogations are. The Slovenian interrogation manual proposes some coercive interrogation techniques and neglects their weaknesses. The aim of the current study was to examine Slovenian police officers’ beliefs as to the basic characteristics of their interrogations and whether techniques proposed by the manual are used in practice to begin to provide some insight into what actually happens in such interrogations. A survey instrument was used to obtain selfreport data from a sample of criminal investigators. From 86 completed questionnaires it was found that a typical interrogation of a suspect lasts around 90 minutes and is not recorded. Interviewers typically use three interrogation techniques namely (i) conducting interrogations in isolation; (ii) identifying contradictions in the suspect’s story; and (iii) confronting the suspect with evidence. Findings suggest that some coercive interrogation techniques are used in practice (e.g. offering moral justifications, alluding to have evidence of guilt, good cop/bad cop routine, and minimization). The study is the first insight into the practices of Slovenian investigators when questioning suspects. Differences among general, white-collar and organized crime investigators are also discussed

    Environmental Emission of Pharmaceuticals from Wastewater Treatment Plants in the USA

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    The residual drugs, drug bioconjugates, and their metabolites, mostly from human and veterinary usage, are routinely flushed down the drain, and enter wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). Increasing population, excessive use of allopathic medicine, continual introduction of novel drugs, and existing inefficient wastewater treatment processes result in the discharge of large volumes of pharmaceuticals and their metabolites from the WWTPs into the environment. The effluent from the WWTPs globally contaminate ~25% of rivers and the lakes. Pharmaceuticals in the environment, as contaminants of emerging concerns, behave as pseudo-persistent despite their relatively short environmental half-lives in the environment. Therefore, residual levels of pharmaceuticals in the environment not only pose a threat to the wildlife but also affect human health through contaminated food and drinking water. This chapter highlights WWTPs as point-sources of their environmental emissions and various effects on the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem

    From Producer Innovation to User and Open Collaborative Innovation

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    In this paper we assess the economic viability of innovation by producers relative to two increasingly important alternative models: innovations by single user individuals or firms, and open collaborative innovation. We analyze the design costs and architectures and communication costs associated with each model. We conclude that both innovation by individual users and open collaborative innovation increasingly compete with and may displace producer innovation in many parts of the economy. We explain why this represents a paradigm shift with respect to innovation research, policymaking, and practice. We discuss important implications and offer suggestions for further research

    Lucro líquido do franqueado: um sinal para a escolha de franquia em época de crise

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    Este artículo aborda desde la perspectiva de la Teoría de Señales la elección de una franquicia por un potencial franquiciado que elige este canal de distribución por primera vez. El objetivo es analizar la relación entre algunas señales enviadas por el franquiciador y la elección de una franquicia por el potencial franquiciado. Concluimos que los efectos de las variables macroeconómicas de España en el periodo 2006-2013 influyeron en los ingresos netos de los franquiciados para que se convirtiera en una señal empleada por éstos a la hora de elegir la franquicia donde abrir un establecimiento.This paper adopts the perspective of Theory of Signals to discuss how someone starting a business as a franchisee for the first time can choose a suitable franchise brand. The aim was to analyze the relationship between certain signals sent by the franchisor and the choice of a franchise brand by the prospective franchisee. Using panel data, we found that the effects of macroeconomic variables in Spain for the 2006-2013 crisis period influenced franchisees' net income, which thus became a relevant signal in their process of choosing a franchise brand to start a business.Sob a perspectiva da Teoria de Sinais, este artigo aborda a seleção de uma franquia por um franqueado que elege esse potencial canal de distribuição pela primeira vez. O objetivo é analisar a relação entre alguns sinais enviados pelo franqueador e a escolha de uma franquia pelo potencial franqueado. Usando a metodologia de dados em painel, os resultados obtidos nos permitiram concluir que os efeitos das variáveis macroeconômicas da Espanha no período de crise econômica (2006-2013) influenciaram as receitas líquidas dos franqueados, tornando-se um sinal para eles elegerem onde abrir um estabelecimento franqueado

    Sustainable Financing of Innovative Therapies: A Review of Approaches

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    The process of innovation is inherently complex, and it occurs within an even more complex institutional environment characterized by incomplete information, market power, and externalities. There are therefore different competing approaches to supporting and financing innovation in medical technologies, which bring their own advantages and disadvantages. This article reviews value- and cost-based pricing, as well direct government funding, and cross-cutting institutional structures. It argues that performance-based risk-sharing agreements are likely to have little effect on the sustainability of financing; that there is a role for cost-based pricing models in some situations; and that the push towards longer exclusivity periods is likely contrary to the interests of industry

    The plants, rituals and spells that 'cured' helminthiasis in Sicily

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The author reports on the plants, rituals and spells used against worms and the so-called <it>scantu </it>(fright) in some areas of Sicily. The work is based on ethnobotanical research carried out, prevalently, between 2002-2006, in some areas of Eastern, South-Eastern, North-Central and South-Central Sicily.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This research is based on dialogue. Senior 'healers' were contacted; furthermore, doctors, teachers, farmers and in general 'experts' with herbs and 'magic' rituals. Information was collected about the way the plants of folk medicine are prepared. The interviewees were also invited to recite prayers and spells against helminthiasis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The author has highlighted the importance of how, in some parts of Sicily, some ailments like helminthiasis and other correlated pathologies like <it>scantu </it>are 'treated' and, especially within the rural social classes, by folk medicine remedies, herbal practises, particular prayers, rituals and spells.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>As regards health/illness, it should be noted that in the last ten years conventional medicine has provided very satisfactory results even resolving potentially mortal pathologies. However, in certain social classes, there is no real collaboration between conventional and folk medicine; so for some senior citizens, the 'healer' with his rituals and empirical and magical herbs is still the person to turn to for the 'cure' of particular ailments. Interest in these practises from ancestral heritage in an advanced country like Italy, is only relevant if the aim is to recoup a cultural identity which is already in decline.</p> <p>It is significant to report a piece: on 14 October 2007 the news on a well-known national Italian TV channel reported an interview with a 94 year-old man from Arbatax (Sardinia) referred to as a 'healer' because both his townspeople and others from all over the world go to him for his cures. He is not paid except in kind and has been known to cure St. Anthony's fire, burns, scalding and marine fungal infections, by smearing his saliva over the infected part and reciting 'special words'.</p

    Tumor Necrosis Factor α Inhibits Expression of the Iron Regulating Hormone Hepcidin in Murine Models of Innate Colitis

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    Background: Abnormal expression of the liver peptide hormone hepcidin, a key regulator of iron homeostasis, contributes to the pathogenesis of anemia in conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Since little is known about the mechanisms that control hepcidin expression during states of intestinal inflammation, we sought to shed light on this issue using mouse models. Methodology/Principal Findings: Hepcidin expression was evaluated in two types of intestinal inflammation caused by innate immune activation—dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)-induced colitis in wild-type mice and the spontaneous colitis occurring in T-bet/Rag2-deficient (TRUC) mice. The role of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) α\alpha was investigated by in vivo neutralization, and by treatment of a hepatocyte cell line, as well as mice, with the recombinant cytokine. Expression and activation of Smad1, a positive regulator of hepcidin transcription, were assessed during colitis and following administration or neutralization of TNFα\alpha. Hepcidin expression progressively decreased with time during DSS colitis, correlating with changes in systemic iron distribution. TNFα\alpha inhibited hepcidin expression in cultured hepatocytes and non-colitic mice, while TNFα\alpha neutralization during DSS colitis increased it. Similar results were obtained in TRUC mice. These effects involved a TNFα\alpha-dependent decrease in Smad1 protein but not mRNA. Conclusions/Significance: TNFα\alpha inhibits hepcidin expression in two distinct types of innate colitis, with down-regulation of Smad1 protein playing an important role in this process. This inhibitory effect of TNFα\alpha may be superseded by other factors in the context of T cell-mediated colitis given that in the latter form of intestinal inflammation hepcidin is usually up-regulated