45 research outputs found

    A review of the human vs. porcine female genital tract and associated immune system in the perspective of using minipigs as a model of human genital Chlamydia infection

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    International audienceAbstractSexually transmitted diseases constitute major health issues and their prevention and treatment continue to challenge the health care systems worldwide. Animal models are essential for a deeper understanding of the diseases and the development of safe and protective vaccines. Currently a good predictive non-rodent model is needed for the study of genital chlamydia in women. The pig has become an increasingly popular model for human diseases due to its close similarities to humans. The aim of this review is to compare the porcine and human female genital tract and associated immune system in the perspective of genital Chlamydia infection. The comparison of women and sows has shown that despite some gross anatomical differences, the structures and proportion of layers undergoing cyclic alterations are very similar. Reproductive hormonal cycles are closely related, only showing a slight difference in cycle length and source of luteolysing hormone. The epithelium and functional layers of the endometrium show similar cyclic changes. The immune system in pigs is very similar to that of humans, even though pigs have a higher percentage of CD4+/CD8+ double positive T cells. The genital immune system is also very similar in terms of the cyclic fluctuations in the mucosal antibody levels, but differs slightly regarding immune cell infiltration in the genital mucosa - predominantly due to the influx of neutrophils in the porcine endometrium during estrus. The vaginal flora in Göttingen Minipigs is not dominated by lactobacilli as in humans. The vaginal pH is around 7 in Göttingen Minipigs, compared to the more acidic vaginal pH around 3.5–5 in women. This review reveals important similarities between the human and porcine female reproductive tracts and proposes the pig as an advantageous supplementary model of human genital Chlamydia infection

    Enhanced mucosal and systemic immune responses to Helicobacter pylori antigens through mucosal priming followed by systemic boosting immunizations

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    It is estimated that Helicobacter pylori infects the stomachs of over 50% of the world's population and if not treated may cause chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, gastric adenocarcinoma and gastric B-cell lymphoma. The aim of this study was to enhance the mucosal and systemic immune responses against the H. pylori antigens cytotoxin-associated gene A (CagA) and neutrophil-activating protein (NAP), through combinations of mucosal and systemic immunizations in female BALB/c mice. We found that oral or intranasal (i.n.) followed by i.m. immunizations induced significantly higher serum titres against NAP and CagA compared to i.n. alone, oral alone, i.m. alone, i.m. followed by i.n. or i.m. followed by oral immunizations. However, only oral followed by i.m. immunizations induced anti-NAP antibody-secreting cells in the stomach. Moreover, mucosal immunizations alone or in combination with i.m., but not i.m. immunizations alone, induced mucosal immunoglobulin A (IgA) responses in faeces. Any single route or combination of immunization routes with NAP and CagA preferentially induced antigen-specific splenic interleukin-4-secreting cells and far fewer interferon-γ-secreting cells in the spleen. Moreover, i.n. immunizations alone or in combination with i.m. immunizations induced predominantly serum IgG1 and far less serum IgG2a. Importantly, we found that while both i.n. and i.m. recall immunizations induced similar levels of serum antibody responses, mucosal IgA responses in faeces were only achieved through i.n. recall immunization. Collectively, our data show that mucosal followed by systemic immunization significantly enhanced local and systemic immune responses and that i.n. recall immunization is required to induce both mucosal and systemic memory type responses

    Immunogenicity and protective efficacy of a recombinant filamentous haemagglutinin from Bordetella pertussis

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    Bordetella pertussis is the causative agent of whooping cough, a major childhood pathogen; acellular vaccines consisting of purified B. pertussis antigens such as filamentous haemagglutinin (FHA) are commonly used to prevent pertussis. Despite the importance of FHA in B. pertussis pathogenesis and its inclusion in most acellular vaccines, the functional importance of individual domains in the induction of protective immunity is largely unknown. In this study, we have purified a recombinant FHA protein from Escherichia coli consisting of a 42 kDa maltose binding domain of E. coli and the 43 kDa type I immunodominant domain of FHA. The fusion protein (Mal85) was purified from E. coli cell lysates via affinity chromatography with an amylose column. Mal85 was then delivered to BALB/c mice intranasally encapsulated in liposomes, formulated with Protollinâ„¢ or in conjuction with an immunostimulatory CpG oligonucleotide. Mice were also vaccinated intraperitoneally with alum-adsorbed Mal85. Sera from all treatment groups showed strong IgG responses to Mal85 and recognized native FHA. Specific salivary IgA was induced in mice vaccinated with Mal85 in liposomes, Protollinâ„¢ and delivered with CpG. Vaccination with Mal85 encapsulated in liposomes or formulated with Protollinâ„¢ provided protection against aerosol challenge with B. pertussis in BALB/c mice. These data indicate that the type I domain of FHA is a protective antigen in mice and may serve as a candidate for inclusion in new acellular pertussis vaccines