1,026 research outputs found

    All-Optical Manipulation of Electron Spins in Carbon-Nanotube Quantum Dots

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    We demonstrate theoretically that it is possible to manipulate electron or hole spins all optically in semiconducting carbon nanotubes. The scheme that we propose is based on the spin-orbit interaction that was recently measured experimentally; we show that this interaction, together with an external magnetic field, can be used to achieve optical electron-spin state preparation with a fidelity exceeding 99%. Our results also imply that it is possible to implement coherent spin rotation and measurement using laser fields linearly polarized along the nanotube axis, as well as to convert spin qubits into time-bin photonic qubits. We expect that our findings will open up new avenues for exploring spin physics in one-dimensional systems

    Prevalence and factors associated with fatigue in the Lausanne middle-aged population: a population-based, cross-sectional survey.

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    To assess the prevalence and factors associated with fatigue in the general population. Population-based, cross-sectional survey performed between May 2014 and April 2017. General population of the city of Lausanne, Switzerland. 2848 participants (53.2% women, age range 45-86 years). Prevalence of fatigue the previous week, defined as a score of ≥4 using the Fatigue Severity Scale. The prevalence of fatigue was 21.9% (95% CI 20.4% to 23.4%) in the total sample. On bivariate analysis, participants with fatigue were younger, had a higher body mass index, a lower handgrip strength and lower ferritin levels. Participants with fatigue were more frequently women, had a lower educational level, presented more frequently with clinical insomnia, diabetes, anaemia, depression and low thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) values, had a higher consumption of antihistamines, antidepressants and hypnotics, and rated more frequently their health as bad or very bad. Multivariable analysis showed that obesity (OR 1.40 (95% CI 1.03 to 1.91)), insomnia categories (p value for trend <0.001), depression (OR 3.26 (95% CI 2.38 to 4.46)), anaemia (OR 1.70 (95% CI 1.00 to 2.89)) and low self-rated health status (p value for trend <0.001) were positively associated with fatigue, while older age (p value for trend 0.002) was negatively associated with fatigue. Conversely, no association was found for diabetes, TSH levels, antihistamines or hypnotics. In a population-based sample aged 45-86, fatigue was present in one out of five subjects. Regarding clinical factors, sleep disturbances such as insomnia and sleep apnoea should be assessed first, followed by depression. Regarding biological factors, anaemia should be ruled out, while screening for hypothyroidism is not recommended as a first step. Sleep complaints and fatigue in older subjects are not due to ageing and should prompt identification of the underlying cause

    A purely geometric distance to the binary star Atlas, a member of the Pleiades

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    We present radial velocity and new interferometric measurements of the double star Atlas, which permit, with the addition of published interferometric data, to precisely derive the orbital parameters of the binary system and the masses of the components. The derived semi-major axis, compared with its measured angular size, allows to determine a distance to Atlas of 132+-4 pc in a purely geometrical way. Under the assumption that the location of Atlas is representative of the average distance of the cluster, we confirm the distance value generally obtained through main sequence fitting, in contradiction with the early Hipparcos result (118.3+-3.5 pc).Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in A&A Letter

    Picosecond imaging of sprays

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    Preliminary results from applying a Kerr-Fourier imaging system to a water/air spray produced by a shear coaxial element are presented. The physics behind ultrafast time-gated optical techniques is discussed briefly. A typical setup of a Kerr-Fourier time gating system is presented

    Discovery of a planet around the K giant star 4 UMa

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    Context: For the past 3 years we have been monitoring a sample of 62 K giant stars using precise stellar radial velocity measurements taken at the Thueringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg. Aims: To search for sub-stellar companions to giant stars and to understand the nature of the diverse radial velocity variations exhibited by K giant stars. Methods: We present precise stellar radial velocity measurements of the K1III giant star 4 UMa (HD 73108). These were obtained using the coude echelle spectrograph of 2-m Alfred Jensch Telescope. The wavelength reference for the radial velocity measurements was provided by an iodine absorption cell. Results: Our measurements reveal that the radial velocity of 4 UMa exhibits a periodic variation of 269.3 days with a semiamplitude K = 216.8 m/s. A Keplerian orbit with an eccentricity, e = 0.43 +/- 0.02 is the most reasonable explanation for the radial velocity variations. The orbit yields a mass function, f(m) = (2.05 +/- 0.24) x 10^(- 7) M_sun. From our high resolution spectra we calculate a metallicity of -0.25 +/- 0.05 and derive a stellar mass of 1.23 M_sun +/- 0.15 for the host star. Conclusions: The K giant star 4 UMa hosts a substellar companion with minimum mass m sin i = 7.1 +/- 1.6 M_Jupiter.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables, accepted in A&

    Tumor-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Use Distinct Mechanisms to Block the Activity of Natural Killer Cell Subsets.

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    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) display pleiotropic functions, which include secretion of soluble factors with immunosuppressive activity implicated in cancer progression. We compared the immunomodulatory effects on natural killer (NK) cells of paired intratumor (T)- and adjacent non-tumor tissue (N)-derived MSCs from patients with squamous cell lung carcinoma (SCC). We observed that T-MSCs were more strongly immunosuppressive than N-MSCs and affected both NK function and phenotype, as defined by CD56 expression. T-MSCs shifted NK cells toward the CD56 <sup>dim</sup> phenotype and differentially modulated CD56 <sup>bright/dim</sup> subset functions. Whereas MSCs affected both degranulation and activating receptor expression in the CD56 <sup>dim</sup> subset, they primarily inhibited interferon-γ production in the CD56 <sup>bright</sup> subset. Pharmacological inhibition of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) synthesis and, in some MSCs, interleukin-6 (IL-6) activity restored NK function, whereas NK cell stimulation by PGE2 alone mimicked T-MSC-mediated immunosuppression. Our observations provide insight into how stromal responses to cancer dampen NK cell activity in human lung SCC

    Polyploidy in the Olive Complex (Olea europaea): Evidence from Flow Cytometry and Nuclear Microsatellite Analyses

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    Background Phylogenetic and phylogeographic investigations have been previously performed to study the evolution of the olive tree complex (Olea europaea). A particularly high genomic diversity has been found in north-west Africa. However, to date no exhaustive study has been addressed to infer putative polyploidization events and their evolutionary significance in the diversification of the olive tree and its relatives. Methods Representatives of the six olive subspecies were investigated using (a) flow cytometry to estimate genome content, and (b) six highly variable nuclear microsatellites to assess the presence of multiple alleles at co-dominant loci. In addition, nine individuals from a controlled cross between two individuals of O. europaea subsp. maroccana were characterized with microsatellites to check for chromosome inheritance. Key Results Based on flow cytometry and genetic analyses, strong evidence for polyploidy was obtained in subspp. cerasiformis (tetraploid) and maroccana (hexaploid), whereas the other subspecies appeared to be diploids. Agreement between flow cytometry and genetic analyses gives an alternative approach to chromosome counting to determine ploidy level of trees. Lastly, abnormalities in chromosomes inheritance leading to aneuploid formation were revealed using microsatellite analyses in the offspring from the controlled cross in subsp. maroccana. Conclusions This study constitutes the first report for multiple polyploidy in olive tree relatives. Formation of tetraploids and hexaploids may have played a major role in the diversification of the olive complex in north-west Africa. The fact that polyploidy is found in narrow endemic subspecies from Madeira (subsp. cerasiformis) and the Agadir Mountains (subsp. maroccana) suggests that polyploidization has been favoured to overcome inbreeding depression. Lastly, based on previous phylogenetic analyses, we hypothesize that subsp. cerasiformis resulted from hybridization between ancestors of subspp. guanchica and europae

    Environmental Asbestotic Pleural Plaques in Northeast Corsica: Correlations with Airborne and Pleural Mineralogic Analysis

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    We report a prevalence study of environmental pleural plaques in subjects over 50 years old from the northeastern Corsican village of Murato, built on asbestos surface deposits. The percentage of plaques was 41%, versus 7.5% in the control village of Vezzani. Although surface deposits contain both chrysotile and tremolite, airborne pollution and asbestos lung burden of exposed inhabitants consist essentially of tremolite as assessed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). However, TEM analysis of the parietal pleura of three animals bred in exposed areas showed a predominance of short fibers of chrysotile. The respective roles of tremolite and chrysotile in inducing pleural plaques in Corsica should thus be considered.—Environ Health Perspect 102(Suppl 5):251–252 (1994