9,012 research outputs found

    X-ray Spectroscopy of QSOs with Broad Ultraviolet Absorption Lines

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    For the population of QSOs with broad ultraviolet absorption lines, we are just beginning to accumulate X-ray observations with enough counts for spectral analysis at CCD resolution. From a sample of eight QSOs [including four Broad Absorption Line (BAL) QSOs and three mini-BAL QSOs] with ASCA or Chandra spectra with more than 200 counts, general patterns are emerging. Their power-law X-ray continua are typical of normal QSOs with Gamma~2.0, and the signatures of a significant column density [N_H~(0.1-4)x10^{23} cm^{-2}] of intrinsic, absorbing gas are clear. Correcting the X-ray spectra for intrinsic absorption recovers a normal ultraviolet-to-X-ray flux ratio, indicating that the spectral energy distributions of this population are not inherently anomalous. In addition, a large fraction of our sample shows significant evidence for complexity in the absorption. The subset of BAL QSOs with broad MgII absorption apparently suffers from Compton-thick absorption completely obscuring the direct continuum in the 2-10 keV X-ray band, complicating any measurement of their intrinsic X-ray spectral shapes.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, uses AASTeX. Accepted to the Astrophysical Journa

    X-raying the Winds of Luminous Active Galaxies

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    We briefly describe some recent observational results, mainly at X-ray wavelengths, on the winds of luminous active galactic nuclei (AGNs). These winds likely play a significant role in galaxy feedback. Topics covered include (1) Relations between X-ray and UV absorption in Broad Absorption Line (BAL) and mini-BAL quasars; (2) X-ray absorption in radio-loud BAL quasars; and (3) Evidence for relativistic iron K BALs in the X-ray spectra of a few bright quasars. We also mention some key outstanding problems and prospects for future advances; e.g., with the International X-ray Observatory (IXO).Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, to appear in proceedings of the conference "The Monster's Fiery Breath: Feedback in Galaxies, Groups, and Clusters", June 2009, Madison, Wisconsi

    Ultraviolet/X-ray variability and the extended X-ray emission of the radio-loud broad absorption line quasar PG 1004+130

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    We present the results of recent Chandra, XMM-Newton, and Hubble Space Telescope observations of the radio-loud (RL), broad absorption line (BAL) quasar PG 1004+130. We compare our new observations to archival X-ray and UV data, creating the most comprehensive, high signal-to-noise, multi-epoch, spectral monitoring campaign of a RL BAL quasar to date. We probe for variability of the X-ray absorption, the UV BAL, and the X-ray jet, on month-year timescales. The X-ray absorber has a low column density of NH=8×10204×1021N_{H}=8\times10^{20}-4\times10^{21} cm2^{-2} when it is assumed to be fully covering the X-ray emitting region, and its properties do not vary significantly between the 4 observations. This suggests the observed absorption is not related to the typical "shielding gas" commonly invoked in BAL quasar models, but is likely due to material further from the central black hole. In contrast, the CIV BAL shows strong variability. The equivalent width (EW) in 2014 is EW=11.24±\pm0.56 \AA, showing a fractional increase of ΔEW/EW\Delta EW / \langle EW \rangle=1.16±\pm0.11 from the 2003 observation, 3183 days earlier in the rest-frame. This places PG 1004+130 among the most highly variable BAL quasars. By combining Chandra observations we create an exposure 2.5 times deeper than studied previously, with which to investigate the nature of the X-ray jet and extended diffuse X-ray emission. An X-ray knot, likely with a synchrotron origin, is detected in the radio jet ~8 arcsec (30 kpc) from the central X-ray source with a spatial extent of ~4 arcsec (15 kpc). No similar X-ray counterpart to the counterjet is detected. Asymmetric, non-thermal diffuse X-ray emission, likely due to inverse Compton scattering of Cosmic Microwave Background photons, is also detected.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Facilitated spin models of dissipative quantum glasses

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    We introduce a class of dissipative quantum spin models with local interactions and without quenched disorder that show glassy behaviour. These models are the quantum analogs of the classical facilitated spin models. Just like their classical counterparts, quantum facilitated models display complex glassy dynamics despite the fact that their stationary state is essentially trivial. In these systems, dynamical arrest is a consequence of kinetic constraints and not of static ordering. These models display a quantum version of dynamic heterogeneity: the dynamics towards relaxation is spatially correlated despite the absence of static correlations. Associated dynamical fluctuation phenomena such as decoupling of timescales is also observed. Moreover, we find that close to the classical limit quantum fluctuations can enhance glassiness, as recently reported for quantum liquids.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Laser and microwave spectroscopy of even-parity Rydberg states of neutral ytterbium and Multichannel Quantum Defect Theory analysis

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    New measurements of high-lying even parity 6sns1 ⁣S06sns\, {}^1 \! S_0 and 6snd3,1 ⁣D26snd\,{}^{3,1}\!D_2 levels of neutral 174^{174}Yb are presented in this paper. Spectroscopy is performed by a two-step laser excitation from the ground state 4f146s21 ⁣S04f^{14}6s^2 \, {}^1 \! S_0, and the Rydberg levels are detected by using the field ionization method. Additional two-photon microwave spectroscopy is used to improve the relative energy accuracy where possible. The spectroscopic measurements are complemented by a multichannel quantum defect theory (MQDT) analysis for the J=0 and the two-coupled J=2 even parity series. We compare our results with the previous analysis of Aymar {\it{et al}} \cite{Aymar_1980} and analyze the observed differences. From the new MQDT models, a revised value for the first ionization limit I6s=50443.07041(25)I_{6s}=50443.07041(25) cm1^{-1} is proposed.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Steady-state crystallization of Rydberg excitations in an optically driven lattice gas

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    We study resonant optical excitations of atoms in a one-dimensional lattice to the Rydberg states interacting via the van der Waals potential which suppresses simultaneous excitation of neighboring atoms. Considering two- and three-level excitation schemes, we analyze the dynamics and stationary state of the continuously-driven, dissipative many-body system employing time-dependent density-matrix renormalization group (t-DMRG) simulations. We show that two-level atoms can exhibit only nearest neighbor correlations, while three-level atoms under dark-state resonant driving can develop finite-range crystalline order of Rydberg excitations. We present an approximate rate equation model whose analytic solution yields qualitative understanding of the numerical results.Comment: 5 pages,3 figure

    Spin-dependent phenomena and device concepts explored in (Ga,Mn)As

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    Over the past two decades, the research of (Ga,Mn)As has led to a deeper understanding of relativistic spin-dependent phenomena in magnetic systems. It has also led to discoveries of new effects and demonstrations of unprecedented functionalities of experimental spintronic devices with general applicability to a wide range of materials. In this article we review the basic material properties that make (Ga,Mn)As a favorable test-bed system for spintronics research and discuss contributions of (Ga,Mn)As studies in the general context of the spin-dependent phenomena and device concepts. Special focus is on the spin-orbit coupling induced effects and the reviewed topics include the interaction of spin with electrical current, light, and heat.Comment: 47 pages, 41 figure