4,150 research outputs found

    Study of winglets applied to biplanes

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    The possibility of improving the aerodynamic characteristics of a biplane configuration by adding winglets is examined both theoretically and experimentally. Theoretical calculations show good agreement with experiment in predicting inviscid drag due to lift. Theoretical and experimental results indicate that the addition of winglets to an optimized biplane configuration can increase the ideal efficiency factor by up to 13 percent, as well as increasing the lift curve slope and maximum lift coefficient

    Study of an efficient long-range Mach 2.7 supersonic transport configuration concept

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    A long range Mach 2.7 supersonic transport configuration concept was studied utilizing linear theory methods. The configuration was sized to carry 290 passengers 6,000 nautical miles nonstop. The final configuration has a maximum takeoff gross weight of 687,200 pounds, a wing loading of 69.8 lbf/sq.ft. and a thrust weight ratio of .278. The most significant result is that a significantly improved trimmed maximum lift drag ratio of 11.04 can be obtained for a supersonic transport at Mach 2.62 and 55,000 feet

    The topological structure of scaling limits of large planar maps

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    We discuss scaling limits of large bipartite planar maps. If p is a fixed integer strictly greater than 1, we consider a random planar map M(n) which is uniformly distributed over the set of all 2p-angulations with n faces. Then, at least along a suitable subsequence, the metric space M(n) equipped with the graph distance rescaled by the factor n to the power -1/4 converges in distribution as n tends to infinity towards a limiting random compact metric space, in the sense of the Gromov-Hausdorff distance. We prove that the topology of the limiting space is uniquely determined independently of p, and that this space can be obtained as the quotient of the Continuum Random Tree for an equivalence relation which is defined from Brownian labels attached to the vertices. We also verify that the Hausdorff dimension of the limit is almost surely equal to 4.Comment: 45 pages Second version with minor modification

    Utilisation de la Réalité Virtuelle en neuropsychologie clinique

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    Dans cet article, les principales applications des techniques de Réalité Virtuelle en clinique neuropsychologique sont examinées. Il s\u27agit, d\u27une part, de l\u27aide à l\u27évaluation des troubles cognitifs et comportementaux secondaires aux lésions du système nerveux central et, d\u27autre part, des perspectives ouvertes dans le champ de la prise en charge rééducative de ces déficits. Ces données cliniques et expérimentales permettent de discuter l\u27intérêt et les limites de l\u27utilisation de ces techniques

    Les phénomènes de dépendance à l’environnement: réflexions sur l’autonomie humaine à partir de la clinique neurologique

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    Dans cet article, nous proposons d’analyser la perte d’autonomie caractérisée par les phénomènes de dépendance à l’environnement observés chez certains patients neurologiques présentant des lésions des lobes frontaux. Des propositions théoriques issues de la neuropsychologie cognitive et de la théorie de la médiation sont développées et confrontées. La démarche offre l’occasion, au plan théorique, de questionner la détérioration possible du système de la personne suite à des lésions cérébrales et, au plan méthodologique, d’interroger notre manière d’examiner ces patients en confrontant les modèles théoriques aux observations clinique

    Penicillin kills chlamydia following the fusion of bacteria with Lysosomes and prevents genital inflammatory lesions in C. muridarum-infected mice

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    The obligate intracellular bacterium Chlamydia exists as two distinct forms. Elementary bodies (EBs) are infectious and extra-cellular, whereas reticulate bodies (RBs) replicate within a specialized intracellular compartment termed an ‘inclusion’. Alternative persistent intra-cellular forms can be induced in culture by diverse stimuli such as IFNγ or adenosine/EHNA. They do not grow or divide but revive upon withdrawal of the stimulus and are implicated in several widespread human diseases through ill-defined in vivo mechanisms. β-lactam antibiotics have also been claimed to induce persistence in vitro. The present report shows that upon penicillin G (pG) treatment, inclusions grow as fast as those in infected control cells. After removal of pG, Chlamydia do not revert to RBs. These effects are independent of host cell type, serovar, biovar and species of Chlamydia. Time-course experiments demonstrated that only RBs were susceptible to pG. pG-treated bacteria lost their control over host cell apoptotic pathways and no longer expressed pre-16S rRNA, in contrast to persistent bacteria induced with adenosine/EHNA. Confocal and live-video microscopy showed that bacteria within the inclusion fused with lysosomal compartments in pG-treated cells. That leads to recruitment of cathepsin D as early as 3 h post pG treatment, an event preceding bacterial death by several hours. These data demonstrate that pG treatment of cultured cells infected with Chlamydia results in the degradation of the bacteria. In addition we show that pG is significantly more efficient than doxycycline at preventing genital inflammatory lesions in C. muridarum-C57Bl/6 infected mice. These in vivo results support the physiological relevance of our findings and their potential therapeutic applications
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