582 research outputs found

    Multiparametric Analysis of Factors Associated With Eosinophilic Chronic Rhinosinusitis With Nasal Polyps

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    Introduction: Previous studies have reported a diverse range of threshold values for blood eosinophilia. In addition, a single predictive biomarker for eosinophilic chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) with nasal polyps (ECRSwNP) has not yet been identified. Objectives: The aim of this study is to compare the clinical characteristics of ECRSwNP and non-ECRSwNP to evaluate the preoperative risk of tissue eosinophilia of chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) through a multiparametric statistical analysis. Methods: One hundred ten patients with evidence of chronic polypoid rhinosinusitis were included in this study and clinical records were retrospectively reviewed. Eosinophilic CRSwNP was diagnosed based on the presence of at least 10 eosinophils per high-power field. The demographic and clinical features of ECRSwNP and non-ECRSwNP are described. The values of blood eosinophilia as predictors of tissue eosinophilia have been identified using receiver operating characteristic curves. As the predictive value of the identified cutoff through regression analysis was low, we evaluated whether other risk factors could be statistically associated with ECRSwNP, and from this, a new predictive model was proposed for the identification of eosinophilic nasal polyps before surgery. Results: We found that the best method for predicting ECRSwNP is based on a model having asthma, blood eosinophil percentage, posterior ethmoid value in Lund-Mackay score, and modified Lund-Kennedy score as explanatory variables. Conclusions: This study provides new data for a better understanding of the polypoid CRS endotypes, and the proposed model allows the endotype to be identified preoperatively

    Efficacy and use of benralizumab in patients with eosinophilic chronic rhinosinusitis

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    Abstract Chronic rhinosinusitis has a multifactorial etiology resulting from a dysfunctional interaction between various environmental factors and the host immune system. The patient of case report is affected by chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps and a type 2 molecular pattern, has comorbid asthma and symptoms resistant to adequate medical and surgical therapy. The patient was treated with benralizumab, a mAb that binds IL-5Rα. The therapy resulted in a reduction in blood and tissue eosinophilia, but this was not associated with an improvement in the clinical and objective rhinological picture. Instead, at the lung level, there was a marked improvement in the control of severe asthma. Therefore, the patient was undergoing revision Full FESS in association with biological drug therapy. The patient showed an immediately improvement in the clinical and objective rhinological picture and this association allowed for control of the disease almost one year after surgery

    Insight into microstructure and flexural strength of ultra-high temperature ceramics enriched SICARBONâ„¢ composite

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    Research efforts on Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMCs) are aimed to increase the operating temperature in oxidizing environments by adding Ultra-High Temperature Ceramic (UHTC) phases to the matrix. The structural performances of UHTC-enriched CMCs are generally investigated through bending test because it requires simple fixture and specimen geometry with small quantity of plate material. However, there are hardly any scientific studies which bring out what bending test conditions are required to determine reliable flexural strength of these composites. In this study, the effect of span length and specimen orientation on the flexural strength of UHTC-enriched SICARBONâ„¢ material, produced by Airbus, was comprehensively evaluated and reported. Transition of the failure mode was obtained by tilting the specimens with horizontal build direction instead of lay-up configuration (vertical build direction). The tilted configuration allowed to get a valid flexural strength of 370 MPa even with small specimens of about 30 mm. To assess failure mode in different test configurations, virtual microstructure was generated on the base of cumulative distribution functions of observed microstructural features. Tsai-Wu failure criterion was extended in order to evaluate direction dependent failure indices for different lay-up configurations

    Influence of Y2O3 addition on the mechanical and oxidation behaviour of carbon fibre reinforced ZrB2/SiC composites

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    The influence of Y2O3 addition on the microstructure, thermo-mechanical properties and oxidation resistance of carbon fibre reinforced ZrB2/SiC composites was investigated. Y2O3 reacted with oxide impurities present on the surface of ZrB2 and SiC grains and formed a liquid phase, effectively lowering the sintering temperature and allowing to reach full density at 1900 °C. The presence of a carbon source (fibres) led to additional reactions which resulted in the formation of new secondary phases such as yttrium boro-carbides. Mechanical properties were significantly enhanced compared to the un-doped composite. Further tests at high temperatures resulted in strength increase up to 700 MPa at 1500 °C which was attributed to stress relaxation. Oxidation tests carried out at 1500 °C and 1650 °C in air showed that the presence of the Y-based secondary phases enhanced the growth of ZrO2 grains, but offered limited protection to oxygen due to the lower availability of surficial SiO2 formed from SiC

    Processing of (BaSr)Fe12O19 for antenna miniaturization

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    Hexaferrites of M-type at high-frequency are investigated, owing to their higher ferro-magnetic resonances as compared to traditional magnetic materials, thus ensuring a less dispersive behavior of the material at microwaves frequencies. Here we present the experimental work concerned with the ceramic process for the production of the barium-strontium hexaferrite (BSFO). The critical issue in the production of this material is to obtain a fully dense and homogeneous microstructure. These aspects have been addressed by introducing powder grinding processes, and by varying the cold consolidation conditions of the powders. A number of samples of the material have been produced, both for morphological and microstructural characterization and a demonstrator antenna, onto which conductive patches were applied, and the radiating properties of which were tested. Barium-strontium hexaferrite as supporting material for antennas - while allowing substantial device miniaturization – displays relatively high dielectric and magnetic losses

    Development of UHTCMCs via water based ZrB2 powder slurry infiltration and polymer infiltration and pyrolysis

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    Cf/ZrB2-SiC ultra-high temperature composites were manufactured via aqueous slurry impregnation coupled with polymer infiltration and pyrolysis, using a allylhydrido polycarbosilane precursor. For the first time we used ultra-high modulus pitch-based carbon fibres for the PIP process, investigating three different architectures, 0/0°, 0/90°, and 2D. Microstructure, mechanical properties and oxidation resistance in air at 1650 °C were investigated. As expected, the mechanical properties showed the tendency to decrease with increase of the preforms complexity, due to the higher amount of flaws and residual stresses. For instance, the flexural strength was approaching 500 MPa for 0/0°, 370 MPa for 0/90° and 190 MPa for 2D. The materials showed an optimal resistance to oxidation at 1650 °C thanks to formation of a viscous borosilicate glass that guaranteed a self-healing functionality

    Toughening effect of non-periodic fiber distribution on crack propagation energy of UHTC composites

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    Different configurations of continuous carbon fiber-reinforced ultrahigh temperature ceramics (UHTCs), by combining coatings and matrix, were produced via electrophoretic deposition (EPD) and slurry infiltration. The toughening of non-periodic fiber distribution induced by the EPD process was investigated through work of fracture analysis. The results show that a non-periodic fiber distribution results in toughness increase from 8 MPa√m to 11 MPa√m with respect to a periodic fiber distribution. This toughness improvement does not strongly affect the flexural strength, which is mainly related to the fiber volumetric amount. It is shown that the assembling of carbon fibers into bundles (i.e. by dispersing the fibers with a non-periodic distribution) increases the crack propagation energy dissipated on the crack-wake from 0.5 kJ/m2 to 1 kJ/m2, which can be mainly ascribed to the fiber/bundle pull-out. On the other hand, the energy dissipated on the crack-tip (as fiber/matrix debonding) is fiber distribution-independent and increases from 0.3 kJ/m2 to 0.4 kJ/m2 with increasing the fiber amount from 33 vol% to 40 vol%. Finally, WoF analysis is proposed as test to evaluate pull-out toughening instead of push-in and push-out tests

    Formation of high entropy metal diborides using arc-melting and combinatorial approach to study quinary and quaternary solid solutions

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    High entropy metal diborides (HEBs) represent a radically new approach to extend the chemical composition window of ultra-high temperature ceramics (UHTCs). In this work, arc-melting was used to produce dense HEBs starting from UHTC powders. In order to understand the influence of each individual diboride within the quinary system (HfB2, ZrB2, TiB2, TaB2 and CrB2), we investigated five quaternary equimolar solid solutions e.g. Hf-Zr-Ti-Ta, Hf-Zr-Ti-Cr, Hf-Zr-Ta-Cr, Hf-Ti-Ta-Cr, Zr-Ti-Ta-Cr and the overall quinary equimolar combination. Arc-melting allowed a rapid screening of favorable and unfavorable combinations. The produced HEBs were free from undesired oxides and characterized by linear variation of lattice parameters typical of diborides and binary solid solutions. Because of evaporation during arc melting, CrB2 was hardly found in the solid solution, suggesting that vapor pressure should be taken into account when designing HEB compositions especially for operating temperatures exceeding 2000 °C. Finally, Vickers microhardness ranged between the typical values of starting diborides


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    Abstract. The research presented here is part of an on-going research focused on the 3D documentation of rock-cut Underground Built Heritage with a complex morphology and characterised by narrow spaces, the Hypogeum of Calaforno (province of Ragusa, Sicily). It is one of the most interesting prehistoric monuments in Sicily in terms of size and unique rock-cut architecture. Various digital techniques have been tested over the years on the site, to represent its spatiality, such as Laser Scanner and Structure from Motion. The proposed methodological approach for the knowledge and the documentation of this archaeological site is based on an interdisciplinary approach involving archaeological and engineering disciplines. This paper focuses on the use of expeditious techniques such as iMMS (indoor Mobile Mapping Systems) based on SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) and on the comparison of different surveying equipment in order to verify data quality and accuracy, as well as the inherent advantages of using one technology over another in relation to the characteristics of the site. Through the global verification of TLS and SLAM model reliability, we maintain that such research can contribute to enriching the protocols surrounding the archaeological investigation of sites characterized by complex morphology, irregular surfaces, narrow spaces, specific chromatic features, scarce or total lack of lighting, and physical obstacles
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