812 research outputs found

    Adaptació al Codi Tècnic de l'Edificació d'un edifici plurifamiliar de J.Ll. Sert

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    El tema que he escollit per a fer el Projecte Final de Carrera consisteix en l’adaptació al Codi Tècnic de l’Edificació de l’envolvent d’un edifici existent, i per això he triat la Casa Muntaner (1930-1931) de l’arquitecte modernista Josep Lluis Sert. El projecte comença amb un estudi històric del desenvolupament social, urbanístic i arquitectònic del moviment racionalista de l’època, el Gatcpac. Un cop introduït en l’època i el projectista, aprofunditzo amb una memòria descriptiva i constructiva de l’edifici, per a conèixer amb exactitud totes les seves característiques, que ens permetran fer l’estudi pràctic. A continuació, ja entro a la memòria del projecte, on explico com s’aplicarà el codi tècnic en l’edifi i especifico tots els detalls constructius que s’estudiaran segons els decrets. S’aplicaran 3 dels documents bàsics (HE, HR, HS1 i HS3) que conformen el codi tèncinc, i es dóna una proposta de solució per a obra nova i per a rehabilitació. Finalment, genero unes fitxes per detall constructiu on es veu la solució gràfica i analítica resumida per ambdós propostes de solució

    Temperature drives pre-reproductive selection and shapes the biogeography of a female polymorphism

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    Acknowledgements We are grateful to the many field assistants, PhD students and postdocs who have participated in the field work and thereby directly and indirectly contributed to this study over many years, since 2000 when it was started. We also wish to thank David and Rosalyn Sparrow who kindly hosted B. Willink during a field trip to Cyprus in 2017 and who provided valuable field work help and guidance, enabling us to gather information about morph frequencies of I. elegans at one of the southernmost localities of this species in Europe. Funding information Funding for this study has been provided by research grants from The Swedish Research Council (VR: grant no. 2016‐03356), Carl Tryggers Foundation (CTS), Gyllenstiernska Krapperupstiftelsen (grant no. KR2018‐0038), Stina Werners Foundation and Erik Philip Sörensens Stiftelse to E.I.S.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Continuous surveillance of points by rotating floodlights

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    Let P and F be sets of n ≥ 2 and m ≥ 2 points in the plane, respectively, so that P∪F is in general position. We study the problem of finding the minimum angle α ∈ [2π/m, 2π] such that one can install at each point of F a stationary rotating floodlight with illumination angle α, initially oriented in a suitable direction, in such a way that, at all times, every target point of P is illuminated by at least one light. All floodlights rotate at unit speed and clockwise. We give an upper bound for the 1-dimensional problem and present results for some instances of the general problem. Specifically, we solve the problem for the case in which we have two floodlights and many points, and give an upper bound for the case in which there are many floodlights and only two target points.Ministerio de Educación y CienciaEuropean Science FoundationMinisterio de Ciencia e InnovaciónComisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (Chile)Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (Chile

    Identification and validation of novel biomarkers and therapeutics for pulpitis using connectivity mapping

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    Aim: To create an irreversible pulpitis gene signature from microarray data of healthy and inflamed dental pulps, followed by a bioinformatics approach using connectivity mapping to identify therapeutic compounds that could potentially treat pulpitis. // Methodology: The Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database, an international public repository of genomics data sets, was searched for human microarray datasets assessing pulpitis. An irreversible pulpitis gene expression signature was generated by differential expression analysis. The statistically significant connectivity map (ssCMap) method was used to identify compounds with a highly correlating gene expression pattern. qPCR was used to validate novel pulpitis genes. An ex vivo pulpitis model was used to test the effects of the compounds identified, and the level of inflammatory cytokines was measured with qPCR, ELISA and multiplex array. Means were compared using the t-test or ANOVA with the level of significance set at p ≤ .05. // Results: Pulpitis gene signatures were created using differential gene expression analysis at cutoff points p = .0001 and .000018. Top upregulated genes were selected as potential pulpitis biomarkers. Among these, IL8, IL6 and MMP9 were previously identified as pulpitis biomarkers. Novel upregulated genes, chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 21 (CCL21), metallothionein 1H (MT1H) and aquaporin 9 (AQP9) were validated in the pulp tissue of teeth clinically diagnosed with irreversible pulpitis using qPCR. ssCMap analysis identified fluvastatin (Statin) and dequalinium chloride (Quaternary ammonium) as compounds with the strongest correlation to the gene signatures (p = .0001). Fluvastatin reduced IL8, IL6, CCL21, AQP9 (p < .001) and MMP9 (p < .05) in the ex vivo pulpitis model, while dequalinium chloride reduced AQP9 (p < .001) but had no significant effect on the other biomarkers. // Conclusions: AQP9, MT1H and CCL21 were identified and validated as novel biomarkers for pulpitis. Fluvastatin and dequalinium chloride identified by the ssCMap as potential therapeutics for pulpitis reduced selected pulpitis biomarkers in an ex vivo pulpitis model. In vivo testing of these licenced drugs is warranted

    Effectiveness of Cinacalcet in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease and Secondary Hyperparathyroidism Not Receiving Dialysis.

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    Background Secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHPT) is a common complication in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients. Cinacalcet could be a therapeutic option although its use is controversial in patients not receiving dialysis. Thus, the aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness and safety of cinacalcet in patients with CKD and SHPT without renal replacement treatment (RRT) and without renal transplantation (RT). Methods A retrospective observational study was conducted. Patients were included if they had collected cinacalcet, under off-label use, during 2010 and 2011. Patients selected were followed from the beginning of cinacalcet therapy for one year of treatment. Results A total of 37 patients were included with CKD stage 3 (38%), 4 (51%) and 5 (11%). Baseline mean PTH value was 400.86 ± 168.60 mg/dl. At 12 months, a 67% of patients achieved at least a 30% reduction in their PTH value (p<0.001; CI 49.7-83.6), and the overall mean reduction of PTH values was 38% (p< 0.001; IC -49.1, -27.5). A 28% of the patients achieved KDOQI PTH goals (p = 0.003, CI 12%-50%). At 12 months, mean serum calcium values decreased by 6% and mean serum phosphorus values increased by 13%. A 19% of patients experienced hypocalcemia episodes while an increase of 24% in hyperphosphatemia episodes was observed. A 25% of patients finished cinacalcet before a year of treatment. Main withdrawal reasons were: gastrointestinal and other discomfort (8%), hypocalcaemia (8%), non-compliance (3%), interactions (3%) and excess of efficacy (3%). Conclusions Cinacalcet was effective in patients with CKD and SHPT not receiving dialysis. Electrolytic imbalances could be managed with administration of vitamin D and analogues or phosphate binders

    Improved Performance of an Epoxy Matrix as a Result of Combining Graphene Oxide and Reduced Graphene

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    We present an easy and effective way to improve the mechanical properties of an epoxy matrix by reinforcing it with a combination of graphene oxide (GO) and reduced graphene oxide (RGO). These nanocomposites were prepared with different load of nanofillers: 0.1, 0.4, 0.7, 1.0 wt% and a neat epoxy. Ratios of graphene oxide and reduced graphene (GO : RGO) employed were: 0 : 1, 0.25 : 0.75, 0.5 : 0.5, 0.75 : 0.25, and 1 : 0. Results show that with only 0.4 wt% and a ratio 0.2 : 0.75 of GO : RGO, tensile strength and tensile toughness are 52% and 152% higher than neat epoxy while modulus of elasticity was improved ~20%. The obtained results suggest that it is possible achieve advantageous properties by combining graphene in oxidized and reduced conditions as it shows a synergic effect by the presence of both nanofillers

    Solving common influence region queries with the GPU

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    In this paper we propose and solve common influence region queries. We present GPU parallel algorithms, designed under CUDA architecture, for approximately solving the studied queries. We also provide and discuss experimental results showing the efficiency of our approach.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovació

    Development of a Standardized Method for Measuring Bioadhesion and Mucoadhesion That Is Applicable to Various Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms

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    Although some methods for measuring bioadhesion/mucoadhesion have been proposed, a standardized method is not yet available. This is expected to hinder systematic comparisons of results across studies. This study aimed to design a single/systematic in vitro method for measuring bioadhesion/mucoadhesion that is applicable to various pharmaceutical dosage forms. To this end, we measured the peak force and work of adhesion of minitablets, pellets, and a bioadhesive emulsion using a texture analyzer. Porcine tissue was used to simulate human stomach/skin conditions. The results of these formulations were then compared to those for formulations without the bioadhesive product. We conducted a case study to assess the stability of a bioadhesive emulsion. The results for the two parameters assessed were contact time = 60 s and contact force = 0.5 N at a detachment speed of 0.1 mm/s. Significant differences were observed between the bioadhesive and control formulations, thus demonstrating the adhesive capacity of the bioadhesive formulations. In this way, a systematic method for assessing the bioadhesive capacity of pharmaceutical dosage forms was developed. The method proposed here may enable comparisons of results across studies, i.e., results obtained using the same and different pharmaceutical formulations (in terms of their bioadhesion/mucoadhesion capacity). This method may also facilitate the selection of potentially suitable formulations and adhesive products (in terms of bioadhesive properties)

    Immunological changes in nestlings growing under predation risk

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    Predation is one of the most relevant selective forces in nature. However, the physiological mechanisms behind anti-predator strategies have been overlooked, despite their importance to understand predator-prey interactions. In this context, the immune system could be especially revealing due to its relationship with other critical functions and its ability to enhance prey's probabilities of survival to a predator's attack. Developing organisms (e.g. nestlings) are excellent models to study this topic because they suffer a high predation pressure while undergoing the majority of their development, which maximizes potential trade-offs between immunity and other biological functions. Using common blackbirds Turdus merula as model species, we experimentally investigated whether an elevated nest predation risk during the nestling period affects nestlings' immunity and its possible interactions with developmental conditions (i.e. body condition and growth). Experimental nestlings modified some components of their immunity, but only when considering body condition and growth rate, indicating a multifaceted immunological response to predation risk and an important mediator role of nestlings' developmental conditions. Predation risk induced a suppression of IgY but an increase in lymphocytes in nestlings with poor body condition. In addition, experimental but not control nestlings showed a negative correlation between growth and heterophils, demonstrating that nest predation risk can affect the interaction between growth and immunity. This study highlights the importance of immunity in anti-predator response in nestlings and shows the relevance of including physiological components to the study of predation risk.</p