1,609 research outputs found

    Diversità culturale e identità di gruppo nei cristiani della romanità tardoantica

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    Abstract: Although Christians lived in the Roman Empire and respected its social and legal ways of life, they introduced an idea of estrangement from the earthly world, making them foreigners in every country, reinforcing their group identity. The 'Encomio in Roma' by Elio Aristide and the Letter to Diogneto by an anonymous author, contain, in various respects, reflections on their ideology

    Rex Pope, Alan Pratt, and Bernard Hoyle, eds — Social Welfare in Britain, 1885-1985.

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    Modalità di accesso ed esercizio del potere a Bisanzio

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    L'ideologia del potere imperiale nella tarda età bizantina registra la comparsa, particolarmente nelle fonti retoriche (fra cui spiccano i logoi basilikoi), del concetto di predestinazione, che va ad arricchire il fondamento teocratico della basileia e, svuotando di contenuto le scelte terrene, condiziona la strategia per la successione al soglio supremo, che appare sempre più decisamente orientata verso il criterio dinastico. The ideology of imperial power during late Byzantine age shows an element of predestination in the choice of the new emperor, above all through rhetoric sources such as enchomiastic speeches. This meant that the criterion of imperial power's legitimisation was gradually diverted from popular election/acclamation to dynastic succession

    Cautio Muciana e crisi di un'élite

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    Un'indagine sul rimedio noto nel tempo come cautio Muciana, sull'occasione della sua invenzione e sulle motivazioni forse perseguite inizialmente da Q. Mucio Scevola, offre occasione di riflessione sui valori incarnati da uno dei più autorevoli membri dell'élite repubblicana e sulla loro crisi

    Means of access and use of power in Byzantium

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    L’ideologia del potere imperiale nella tarda età bizantina registra la comparsa, particolarmente nelle fonti retoriche (fra cui spiccano i logoi basilikoi), del concetto di predestinazione, che va ad arricchire il fondamento teocratico della basileia e, svuotando di contenuto le scelte terrene (particolarmente la formale elezione/acclamazione popolare), condiziona la strategia per la successione al soglio supremo, che appare sempre più decisamente orientata verso il criterio dinastico. Nonostante ciò, fino alla fine del millennio bizantino, la basileia non è astrattamente ereditabile.The ideology of imperial power during the late Byzantine age shows an element of predestination in the choice of the new emperor, above all through rhetoric sources such as enchomiastic speeches. This meant that the criterion of imperial power’s legitimisation was gradually diverted from popular election/acclamation to dynastic succession.Ciencias ReligiosasDerech

    Just Compensation for Per Se Environmental Takings

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    Changing social conditions and heightened awareness of environmental conditions have led to a dramatic increase in land regulations. This Comment will further focus on and explore takings claims based-on environmental surveillance. Under the Comprehensive Environmental Response & Liability Act (CERCLA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has authority to gain access to real property and conduct tests, some of which require both the removal of soil and installation of monitoring devices. Affected property owners have, in the past, challenged environmental surveillance as an unconstitutional taking. While some landowners have been successful, others have not. This Comment will conclude that the current analysis of takings claims based on the physical occupation of private property must continue to be treated as per se compensable. However, this Comment will ultimately advance the theory that the compelling government interest in regulating and treating hazardous wastes requires a non-traditional approach to calculating what just compensation should be

    Post-traumatic Stress Disorder: Healing the Body and Mind

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    Each day hospitals strive to provide optimal care for physically traumatized patients. While the word trauma is often associated with the physical injuries of patients in an emergency room or an intensive care unit, the meaning may be significantly different to the one who has been traumatized. At a glance, a patient who enters the hospital as a victim of sexual assault or a motor vehicle accident (MV A) may appear to have sustained only a severe physically traumatic event. If one looks closer and uses other senses such as hearing, touch, and personal, intimate eye-to-eye communication, then one would discover that the injuries penetrate much deeper. Nurses play an essential role in healing not only bodily trauma, but also emotional and cognitive trauma. This research seeks to convey the emotional and mental state of traumatized patients and to discover what the nurse can do to help heal the whole person, not just the physical wounds of their patients

    The New Lex Mercatoria

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    We live in a post-industrial era. We learn this from sociologists who demonstrate it by showing the index of the number of industrial employees is lower than that of service employees, thus, a transition from an industrial to a post-industrial era. The United States was the first to pass this point in 1956, while Italy passed it in 1982. Post-industrial society is not just a society of automation. The prefix post implies other aspects as well. Besides an industrial society there is also a financial society. What is new is not only how the goods are produced (with machines controlled by computers and not people) but also what is produced. The word product , originally used to designate material goods, has now become a metaphor used to indicate financial products . In this era of finance, contractual techniques are substituted for industrial technology

    Devising And Executing Training Sessions For Parents In Critical Thinking

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    This project attempted to show the increased achievement of second grade students whose parents learned and applied critical thinking techniques. The implementation component encompassed a ten week segment: five training sessions and five written newsletters for parents. Without any changes in educational programs, teaching techniques or new materials in the classroom, students increased in achievement as measured and evaluated in three areas. Area I, content, was measured by the Cognitive Abilities Test (Riverside Publications), a professionally prepared test designed to assess the development of cognitive abilities related to verbal, non-verbal and quantitative reasoning and problem solving. Area II, strategy, was measured through observation and evaluation by the classroom teacher using the Teacher Assessment Chart (Coronado Publications), a professionally prepared instrument designed to assess the students level of thinking. Area III, performance, was evaluated by parents’ feedback on a questionnaire which assessed students’ work habits and level of responsibility at home. It was concluded that parent participation in critical thinking can impact student achievement significantly. Appendices include a teacher survey, a sample parent training program agenda, initial parent questionnaire, sample parent training activity, sample newsletters, test results, a teacher assessment chart and a final questionnaire to parents

    Feast of souls: Indians and Spaniards in the seventeenth-century missions of Florida and New Mexico

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    During the seventeenth century, Spanish conquerors established Franciscan missions among the native inhabitants of Florida and New Mexico. The missionaries in the northern frontier doctrinas of Spain\u27s New World empire adapted methods tested in Iberia and Central and South America to conditions among the Guales, Timucuas, Apalaches, and the various Pueblo peoples. The mission Indians of Florida and New Mexico responded to conquest and conversion in myriad ways. They incorporated Spaniards in traditional ways, they attempted to repel the interlopers, they joined the newcomers and accepted novel modes of behavior, they discriminated between which foreign concepts to adopt and which to reject, and they avoided entangling relations with the Spaniards as best they could. By the end of the seventeenth century the frontier missions of Florida and New Mexico collapsed under the weight of violent struggles among Indians, Spanish officials, Franciscan missionaries, and outside invaders. This comparative study will reveal patterns in Spanish frontier colonization and Indian responses to Spanish conquest and missions
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