46 research outputs found

    The DynAlloy Visualizer

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    We present an extension to the DynAlloy tool to navigate DynAlloy counterexamples: the DynAlloy Visualizer. The user interface mimics the functionality of a programming language debugger. Without this tool, a DynAlloy user is forced to deal with the internals of the Alloy intermediate representation in order to debug a flaw in her model.Comment: In Proceedings LAFM 2013, arXiv:1401.056

    Enhancing Search-based Testing with Testability Transformations for Existing APIs

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    Search-based software testing (SBST) has been shown to be an effective technique to generate test cases automatically. Its effectiveness strongly depends on the guidance of the fitness function. Unfortunately, a common issue in SBST is the so-called flag problem, where the fitness landscape presents a plateau that provides no guidance to the search. In this paper, we provide a series of novel testability transformations aimed at providing guidance in the context of commonly used API calls (e.g., strings that need to be converted into valid date/time objects). We also provide specific transformations aimed at helping the testing of REST Web Services. We implemented our novel techniques as an extension to EvoMaster, a SBST tool that generates system level test cases. Experiments on nine open-source REST web services, as well as an industrial web service, show that our novel techniques improve performance significantlyacceptedVersio

    On Verifying Resource Contracts using Code Contracts

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    In this paper we present an approach to check resource consumption contracts using an off-the-shelf static analyzer. We propose a set of annotations to support resource usage specifications, in particular, dynamic memory consumption constraints. Since dynamic memory may be recycled by a memory manager, the consumption of this resource is not monotone. The specification language can express both memory consumption and lifetime properties in a modular fashion. We develop a proof-of-concept implementation by extending Code Contracts' specification language. To verify the correctness of these annotations we rely on the Code Contracts static verifier and a points-to analysis. We also briefly discuss possible extensions of our approach to deal with non-linear expressions.Comment: In Proceedings LAFM 2013, arXiv:1401.056

    EvoMaster: A Search-Based System Test Generation Tool

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    Testing web/enterprise applications is complex and expensive when done manually. Often, software testing takes up to half of the development time and cost for a system. So much testing is needed because the cost of software failure is simply too large: for example, in 2017, 304 software failures (reported in the media) impacted 3.6 billion people and $1.7 trillion in assets worldwide (Tricentis, 2017). Unfortunately, due to its high cost, software testing is often left incomplete, and only applied partially.To address this problem, in Software Engineering (SE) research a lot of effort has been spent in trying to design and implement novel techniques aimed at automating several different tasks, where software testing is among the most studied tasks. Search-Based Software Test- ing (SBST) (Harman et al., 2012) casts the problem of software testing as an optimization problem, aimed at, for example, maximizing code coverage and fault detection.Our SBST tool called EvoMaster addresses these challenges by using evolutionary techniques to automatically generate test cases. It currently focuses on RESTful web services, which are the pillars of modern web and enterprise applications (Allamaraju, 2010; Fielding, 2000).Fil: Arcuri, Andrea. Kristiania University College; NoruegaFil: Galeotti, Juan Pablo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias de la Computación. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias de la Computación; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Computación; ArgentinaFil: Marculescu, Bogdan. Kristiania University College; NoruegaFil: Zhang, Man. Kristiania University College; Norueg

    Improving search-based test suite generation with dynamic symbolic execution

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    Abstract—Search-based testing can automatically generate unit test suites for object oriented code, but may struggle to generate specific values necessary to cover difficult parts of the code. Dynamic symbolic execution (DSE) efficiently generates such specific values, but may struggle with complex datatypes, in particular those that require sequences of calls for construction. The solution to these problems lies in a hybrid approach that integrates the best of both worlds, but such an integration needs to adapt to the problem at hand to avoid that higher coverage in a few corner cases comes at the price of lower coverage in the general case. We have extended the Genetic Algorithm (GA) in the EVOSUITE unit test generator to integrate DSE in an adaptive approach where feedback from the search determines when a problem is suitable for DSE. In experiments on a set of difficult classes our adaptive hybrid approach achieved an increase in code coverage of up to 63 % (11 % on average); experiments on the SF100 corpus of roughly 9,000 open source classes confirm that the improvement is of practical value, and a comparison with a DSE tool on the Roops set of benchmark classes shows that the hybrid approach improves over both its constituent techniques, GA and DSE. I

    XMLMate: Evolutionary XML Test Generation

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    Generating system inputs satisfying complex constraints is still a challenge for modern test generators. We present XMLMATE, a search-based test generator specially aimed at XML-based systems. XMLMATE leverages program structure, existing XML schemas, and XML inputs to generate, mutate, recombine, and evolve valid XML inputs. Over a set of seven XML-based systems, XMLMATE detected 31 new unique failures in production code, all triggered by system inputs and thus true alarms

    JUGE: An Infrastructure for Benchmarking Java Unit Test Generators

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    Researchers and practitioners have designed and implemented various automated test case generators to support effective software testing. Such generators exist for various languages (e.g., Java, C#, or Python) and for various platforms (e.g., desktop, web, or mobile applications). Such generators exhibit varying effectiveness and efficiency, depending on the testing goals they aim to satisfy (e.g., unit-testing of libraries vs. system-testing of entire applications) and the underlying techniques they implement. In this context, practitioners need to be able to compare different generators to identify the most suited one for their requirements, while researchers seek to identify future research directions. This can be achieved through the systematic execution of large-scale evaluations of different generators. However, the execution of such empirical evaluations is not trivial and requires a substantial effort to collect benchmarks, setup the evaluation infrastructure, and collect and analyse the results. In this paper, we present our JUnit Generation benchmarking infrastructure (JUGE) supporting generators (e.g., search-based, random-based, symbolic execution, etc.) seeking to automate the production of unit tests for various purposes (e.g., validation, regression testing, fault localization, etc.). The primary goal is to reduce the overall effort, ease the comparison of several generators, and enhance the knowledge transfer between academia and industry by standardizing the evaluation and comparison process. Since 2013, eight editions of a unit testing tool competition, co-located with the Search-Based Software Testing Workshop, have taken place and used and updated JUGE. As a result, an increasing amount of tools (over ten) from both academia and industry have been evaluated on JUGE, matured over the years, and allowed the identification of future research directions

    Enabledness-based testing of object protocols

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    A significant proportion of classes in modern software introduce or use object protocols, prescriptions on the temporal orderings of method calls on objects. This paper studies search-based test generation techniques that aim to exploit a particular abstraction of object protocols (enabledness preserving abstractions, EPAs) to find failures. We define coverage criteria over an extension of EPAs that includes abnormal method termination and define a search-based test case generation technique aimed at achieving high coverage. Results suggest that the proposed case generation technique with a fitness function that aims at combined structural and extended EPA coverage can provide better failure-detection capabilities not only for protocol failures but also forgeneral failures when compared to random testing and search-based test generation for standard structural coverage.This article was published in ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, Volume 30. Issue 2.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Building an open-source system test generation tool: lessons learned and empirical analyses with EvoMaster

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    Research in software testing often involves the development of software prototypes. Like any piece of software, there are challenges in the development, use and verification of such tools. However, some challenges are rather specific to this problem domain. For example, often these tools are developed by PhD students straight out of bachelor/master degrees, possibly lacking any industrial experience in software development. Prototype tools are used to carry out empirical studies, possibly studying different parameters of novel designed algorithms. Software scaffolding is needed to run large sets of experiments efficiently. Furthermore, when using AI-based techniques like evolutionary algorithms, care needs to be taken to deal with their randomness, which further complicates their verification. The aforementioned represent some of the challenges we have identified for this domain. In this paper, we report on our experience in building the open-source EvoMaster tool, which aims at system-level test case generation for enterprise applications. Many of the challenges we faced would be common to any researcher needing to build software testing tool prototypes. Therefore, one goal is that our shared experience here will boost the research community, by providing concrete solutions to many development challenges in the building of such kind of research prototypes. Ultimately, this will lead to increase the impact of scientific research on industrial practice.publishedVersio

    Software verification using Alloy

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    La verificación acotada de software usando SAT consiste en la traducción del programa junto con las anotaciones provistas por el usuario a una fórmula proposicional. Luego de lo cual la fórmula es analizada en busca de violaciones a la especificación usando un SAT-solver. Si una violación es encontrada, una traza de ejecución exponiendo el error es exhibida al usuario. Alloy es un lenguaje formal relacional que nos permite automáticamente analizar especificiaciones buscando contraejemplos de aserciones con la ayuda de un SAT-solver off-the-shelf. Las contribuciones de la presente tesis son principalmente dos. Por un lado, se presenta una traducción desde software anotado en lenguaje JML al lenguaje Alloy. Para conseguir esto, se presenta: • DynAlloy, una extensión al lenguaje de especificación Alloy para describir propiedades dinámicas de los sistemas usando acciones. Extendemos la sintaxis de Alloy con una notación para escribir aserciones de correctitud parcial. La semántica de estas aserciones es una adaptación del precondición liberal más débil de Dijsktra. • DynJML, un lenguaje de especificación orientado a objetos que sirve de representación intermedia para facilitar la traducción de JML a DynAlloy. • TACO, un prototipo que implementa la traducción de JML a DynAlloy. En segundo lugar, introducimos una técnica novedosa, general y complementamente automatizable para analizar programas Java secuenciales anotados con JML usando SAT. Esta técnica es especialmente beneficiosa cuando el programa opera con estructuras de datos complejas. Para esto, se instrumenta el modelo Alloy con un predicado de ruptura de simetrías que nos permite el cómputo paralelo y automatizado de cotas ajustadas para los campos Java