21 research outputs found

    Spermatic cord metastasis presenting as strangulated inguinal hernia – first manifestation of a multifocal colon adenocarcinoma: a case report

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    Spermatic cord is a rare metastatic site of colorectal cancer. We herein report a case of spermatic cord metastasis of a previous undiagnosed multifocal colon adenocarcinoma, which was clinically presented as a strangulated groin hernia


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    The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of exercise on the rehabilitation of knee ligament injuries in athletes and to identify what the injured athletes consider as the most effective treatment concerning their rehabilitation, through the administration of a reported condition inquiry. Two hundred ninety six healthy subjects, 22,59+6,31 years old, participated in the research. All the subjects were active or former athletes, competed or had competed in athletic clubs throughout Greece, in various team sports or individual sports and competing categories and had suffered a knee ligament injury in their career as athletes. The effects of exercise on the rehabilitation of knee ligament injuries were measured through a scale of measurements. For data analysis was used the descriptive analysis of the SPSS version 20 for Windows. Data processing showed that the highest percentage of the knee injuries (43,80%) concerns anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rupture, 34,40% partial or total meniscus rupture, 15,60% ligament injuries and 6,20% medial collateral ligament (MCL) or lateral collateral ligament (LCL) rupture. More than half of the knee injuries (53,10%), namely ruptures of ACL (76,50%), the partial-total rupture of meniscus (17,60%), and the patella dislocations and partial ruptures of MCL and LCL (5,90%), were treated surgically, combined with abstaining from training and matches, medication, bandage usage, immobilization with plaster-brace, medical examinations, physiotherapies, and special therapeutic exercise. The rest of the cases of the knee injuries (46,90%), namely all the cases of ligament over-voltages, ¾ of the meniscus ruptures, half of the patella dislocations and partial ruptures of MCL and LCL, as well as 1,25% of ACL rupture, were treated conservatively, with different combinations of  physiotherapies, special therapeutic exercises, abstention from training and games, medication, bandage usage, immobilization with plaster-brace, further medical examinations. In addition, almost all the injured athletes (except a 6,20%) did a combination of exercise modes for the rehabilitation of their knee ligament injury. More specifically, 18,80% did exercises with straps, resistance bands, weightbearing and isokinetic machine. In addition, 15,60% did exercises with straps, resistance bands, weightbearing, exercises in the water and isokinetic machine and the same percentage (15,60%) did exercises with straps, resistance bands, weightbearing and exercises in the water. 12,50% did exercises with resistance bands and weightbearing, 9,40% did exercises with resistance bands and in smaller percentages the athletes did exercises in the water and gaiting (6,20%), exercises with straps, resistance bands and weightbearing (6,20%), exercises with straps and resistance bands (3,10%), exercises with isokinetic machine and exercises in the water (3,10%), as well as exercises with resistance bands, exercises in the water and in the isokinetic machine (3,10%). In addition, 93,80% of the athletes stated that their knee ligament injury is completely or partially restored. Concerning the athletes’ opinions,  43,80% consider that the most effective treatment for the rehabilitation of their knee ligament injury was strengthening with weightbearing and resistance bands. Likewise, 35,30% of the athletes who underwent surgery consider strengthening mainly by weightbearing and resistance bands as the most effective treatment for the rehabilitation of their injury. In conclusion, according to the opinions of the athletes, who treated their knee ligament injury both non-operatively and operatively, the most effective treatment for the rehabilitation of the knee ligament injury was exercise in the mode of weightbearing and resistance bands. Thus, it could be said that exercise brings about significant positive effects on the rehabilitation of the knee ligament injury. Consequently, exercise should be an integral part of the knee ligament injury rehabilitation and prevention.   Article visualizations

    Dietary Intakes and Nutritional Status of a Greek Team of Female Volleyball Players

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    Aim: The purpose of this study was to assess the dietary intakes and nutritional status of a nationally ranked team of female volleyball players. Methods: The subjects completed a general history questionnaire and 7-day food and physical activity records. Anthropometric measurements included height, weight, triceps and subscapular skinfolds and mid-upper-arm circumference. Biochemical assessment included parameters for protein, lipid, and iron status. Results: All subjects had normal menstrual cycles and body fat values (27 %) at levels higher than for optimum performance. Most were in negative energy balance and had low energy (30 kcal/kg/d), carbohydrate (3.8 g/kg/d) and protein (1.0 g/kg/d) intakes. Fat intakes were high (39 %) and micronutrient intakes were below recommended levels, except for vitamin C, vitamin B12 and niacin. Biochemical indices were normal except for iron and lipid status of some players. Conclusion: These results indicate that the players of this team have dietary intakes that place them at risk for nutritional shortages and compromised performance; they need professional counseling regarding nutrition practices for optimum health and performance

    Consequences of Job Insecurity on the Psychological and Physical Health of Greek Civil Servants

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    The aim of this study was to estimate the short term consequences of job insecurity associated with a newly introduced mobility framework in Greece. In specific, the study examined the impact of job insecurity on anxiety, depression, and psychosomatic and musculoskeletal symptoms, two months after the announcement of the mobility framework. In addition the study also examined the "spill over" effects of job insecurity on employees not directly affected by the mobility framework. Personal interviews using a structured questionnaire were conducted for 36 university administrative employees awaiting repositioning, 36 coworkers not at risk, and 28 administrative employees of a local hospital not at risk. Compared to both control groups the employees in the anticipation phase of labor mobility had significantly worse scores for perceived stress, anxiety, depression, positive affect, negative affect, social support, marital discord, common somatic symptoms, and frequency of musculoskeletal pain. This study highlights the immediate detrimental effects of job insecurity on the physical, psychological, and social functioning of employees. There is a need for the development of front line interventions to prevent these effects from developing into chronic conditions with considerable cost for the individual and society in general

    Coupling and Decoupling Relationships between Energy Consumption and Air Pollution from the Transport Sector and the Economic Activity

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    In the present paper an analysis of whether and under which conditions coupling or decoupling exists between growth rates (as reflecting in GDP rates) of the economy and energy consumption and air pollution from the transport sector. An extensive time period from 1995 to 2012 is surveyed and divided into two periods, from 1995 to 2008 (growth period) and from 2008 to 2012 (recession period). The analysis is conducted for the 28 European Union countries and illustrates, for most of these countries, a coupling phenomenon for the growth period and a decoupling phenomenon for the recession period. This finding may be essential for the further institutional steps to be undertaken, in view of the reduction of CO2 and of energy conservation. Keywords: Coupling; Decoupling; Transportation; Environment; Sustainability JEL Classifications: H23; O44; R4; Q53

    Evaluation of anatomical parameters and haemodynamics with noninvasive techniques in the hands of athletes: a reasearch in tennis players

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate cardiovascular parameters in tennis players, during a simulation of a tennis match. Morphological adaptations of the dominant hand to the non-dominant hand were correlated as well. During the common breaks of a tennis match, the blood velocity of brachial arteries was evaluated with the use of the Doppler. The blood velocity continuously increased in both hands. The peak of the velocity appeared in different moments both at the dominant and non-dominant hand. The blood perfusion of the dominant hand was higher than the other hand at a level of statistical significance (p<0,05). After a period of time blood flow, stabilized in lower values compared to the first peak with no significant variations until the end of the match. The mean heart rate appeared as following almost the same attitude, reaching about the 170 beats/min and stabilized at about 20 beats less until the end of the performance. During the common breaks of a tennis match, the skin blood flow of the forearms was evaluated by using the Laser Doppler. The skin blood flow increased in both hands. At the beginning of the performance the non-dominant forearm reached higher values compared to the dominant one. After a period of time the values inverted and the dominant forearm skin blood flow enhanced at a level of statistical significance (p<0,05). The morphological evaluation determined that the length and the diameter of the dominant forearm were increased compared to the non-dominant one. In addition the diameter of the brachial artery of the dominant hand was significantly higher than the other one. The study reveal morphological adaptations of the forearms of tennis players and cardiovascular parameters during a match. The results of this study could help to improve advanced training tennis programs, fitness tennis programs and also to prevent overload injuries and burnout syndromes.Ο σκοπός αυτής της μελέτης ήταν ο προσδιορισμός αιμοδυναμικών παραμέτρων σε αντισφαιριστές κατά τη διάρκεια προσομοίωσης αγώνα αντισφαίρισης. Συσχετίσαμε ακόμα μορφολογικές προσαρμογές του δεξιού σε σχέση με το αριστερό αντιβράχιο. Κατά τη διάρκεια των καθιερωμένων διαλειμμάτων ενός αγώνα αντισφαίρισης, μετρήσαμε την ταχύτητα ροής του αίματος της Βραχιόνιας αρτηρίας και στα δύο άνω άκρα, με τη χρήση του Doppler. Η ταχύτητας της ροής παρουσίασε συνεχόμενη άνοδο και στα δύο άκρα. Η μέγιστη τιμή εμφανίστηκε σε διαφορετική χρονική στιγμή στο δεξιό απ’ ότι στο αριστερό άνω άκρο. Η αιματική παροχή στο δεξί αντιβράχιο παρουσίαζε στατιστικώς σημαντικά αυξημένη διαφορά (p<0,05) σε σχέση με το αριστερό. Μετά την πάροδο συγκεκριμένης χρονικής περιόδου οι τιμές της αιματικής ταχύτητας σταθεροποιήθηκαν σε επίπεδα χαμηλότερα απ’ τα μέγιστα χωρίς αξιοσημείωτες διακυμάνσεις έως και το τέλος του αγώνα. Η μέση τιμή της καρδιακής συχνότητας των αντισφαιριστών ακολούθησε παρόμοιες διακυμάνσεις εμφανίζοντας ως μέγιστη τιμή τους 170 σφυγμούς το λεπτό και σταθεροποιήθηκε στη συνέχεια περίπου στους 150 σφυγμούς έως και το τέλος της δοκιμασίας. Κατά τη διάρκεια των καθιερωμένων διαλειμμάτων ενός αγώνα αντισφαίρισης, μετρήσαμε την ταχύτητα, ροή και όγκο της δερματικής αιματικής κυκλοφορίας με τη χρήση του Laser Doppler. Η αιματική ροή αυξήθηκε και στα δύο άνω άκρα. Στην αρχή της διαδικασίας το αριστερό αντιβράχιο παρουσίασε τιμές μεγαλύτερες απ’ ότι το δεξί. Μετά από την πάροδο συγκεκριμένης χρονικής περιόδου οι τιμές αντιστράφηκαν και το δεξί αντιβράχιο παρουσίασε στατιστικά σημαντική διαφορά σε σχέση με το αριστερό (p<0,05). Η μελέτη των ανατομικών δεδομένων έδειξε αυξημένο το μήκος και τη διάμετρο του δεξιού αντιβραχίου καθώς και της διαμέτρου της δεξιάς βραχιόνιας αρτηρίας (p<0,05). Τα αποτελέσματα της παρούσης μελέτης που αφορούν τις μορφολογικές προσαρμογές του αντιβραχίου των αντισφαιριστών καθώς και τις αιμοδυναμικές παραμέτρους που εμφανίζονται κατά τη διάρκεια του αγώνα, μπορούν νακαθοδηγήσουν στη βελτίωση του σχεδιασμού της προπόνησης των αντισφαιριστών, σε βελτίωση εξειδικευμένων προγραμμάτων φυσικής κατάστασης, καθώς και στην προληπτική αντιμετώπιση κακώσεων υπέρχρησης και συνδρόμων του αθλήματος

    Hamstring-to-Quadriceps Ratio in Female Athletes with a Previous Hamstring Injury, Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction, and Controls

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    Muscle strength imbalances around the knee are often observed in athletes after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) surgery and hamstring muscle injury. This study examined three hamstrings-to-quadriceps (H:Q) strength ratio types (conventional, functional, and mixed) in thirteen female athletes with a history of hamstring injury, fourteen basketball players following ACL reconstruction and 34 controls. The conventional (concentric H:Q) peak torque ratio was evaluated at 120&deg;&middot;s&minus;1 and 240&deg;&middot;s&minus;1. The functional (eccentric hamstring to concentric quadriceps) torque ratio was evaluated at 120&deg;&middot;s&minus;1. Finally, the mixed (eccentric hamstrings at 30&deg;&middot;s&minus;1 to concentric quadriceps at 240&deg;&middot;s&minus;1) torque ratio was calculated. Both ACL and the hamstring-injured groups showed a lower quadriceps and hamstrings strength compared with controls (p &lt; 0.05). However, non-significant group differences in the H:Q ratio were found (p &gt; 0.05). Isokinetic assessment of muscle strength may be useful for setting appropriate targets of training programs for athletes with a history of ACL surgery or hamstring strain. However, isokinetic evaluation of the H:Q ratio is not injury&mdash;specific and it does not vary between different methods of calculating the H:Q ratio

    Use of Ultrasound to Monitor Biceps Femoris Mechanical Adaptations after Injury in a Professional Soccer Player

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    This study examined the use of ultrasound to monitor changes in the long head of the biceps femoris (BF) architecture of aprofessional soccer player with acute first-time hamstring strain. The player followed a 14 session physiotherapy treatment until return to sport. The pennation angle and aponeurosis strain of the long head of the biceps femoris (BF) were monitored at 6 occasions (up until 1 year) after injury. The size of the scar / hematoma was reduced by 63.56% (length) and 67.9% (width) after the intervention and it was almost non-traceable one year after injury. The pennation angle of the fascicles underneath the scar showed a decline of 51.4% at the end of the intervention while an increase of 109.2% of the fascicles which were closer to deep aponeurosis was observed. In contrast, pennation angle of fascicles located away from the injury site were relatively unaffected. The treatment intervention resulted in a 57.9% to 77.3% decline of maximum strain per unit of MVC moment and remained similar one year after the intervention. This study provided an example of the potential use of ultrasound-based parameters to link the mechanical adaptations of the injured muscle to specific therapeutic intervention

    Training in-service physical educators to improve class time management. (Formar a profesores de Educaciόn Fίsica en la mejora de la administración del tiempo de clase.)

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    <b>Abstract</b> <p align="justify">The purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of a short-term training program οn physical education time management, in elementary school. Thirty-two physical educators were randomly divided into experimental and control group. Each teacher taught six lessons (two for pre-test, two for post-test and two for retention test). After the pre-test, the experimental group attended a training program which included a two-hour lecture with emphasis on how to effectively manage the allotted class time, and a two-hour practicum, supervised by the researcher. Then, both groups were post- and retention tested. For the evaluation of class time management, the form Time Management (Graham, 2001) was used. Multivariate analysis of variance with repeated measures and analysis of covariance were used for data analysis. Results showed that physical educators in the experimental group learned to increase student activity time, and managed student waiting time significantly better than those in the control group which, on the other hand, managed significantly better the time allotted to provide instructions. It is concluded that a short but focused training can significantly influence class time management, an important criterion of teaching effectiveness.</p> <b>Resumen</b> <p align="justify">Este estudio ha perseguido analizar qué efecto tiene la aplicación de un programa educativo corto en la administración del tiempo en Educación Física en Enseñanza Primaria. Para ello, treinta y dos profesores fueron divididos aleatoriamente en dos grupos: experimental y control. Cada profesor impartió seis clases (dos pre-test, dos post-test y dos de retención). Tras el pre-test, el grupo experimental siguiό un programa sobre cόmo administrar eficazmente el tiempo de clase, con dos horas de lectura y un prácticum de dos horas supervisado por el investigador. Todo ello fue seguido de un post-test y retenciόn de pruebas por ambos grupos, para lo cual se utilizó el formulario de Administraciόn de Tiempo (Graham, 2001). Los análisis de la variaciόn multivariante para las medidas repetidas y de la covariaciόn demostraron que los profesores del grupo experimental aumentaron el tiempo de actividad del estudiante y manejaron su tiempo de espera significativamente mejor que el grupo de control, el cual por su parte manejό significativamente mejor el tiempo asignado para proporcionar instrucciones. Puede concluirse que un programa debidamente enfocado puede influir significativamente en la administración de tiempo de la clase, un criterio importante de eficacia en la enseñanza.</p