9 research outputs found

    Highly anisotropic thermal conductivity of discotic nematic liquid crystalline films with homeotropic alignment

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    Discotic nematic liquid crystal (DNLC) films are prepared by thermal treatment and a photo-crosslinking reaction inside sandwiched glass plates. The DNLC films exhibit outstanding in-plane thermal conductivity which is much larger than cross-plane thermal conductivity. The homeotropic alignment and higher crosslinking density of DNLCs in the films further increase the thermal conductivity anisotropy

    A Case of Recurrent Solid Pseudopapillary Tumor of the Pancreas with Involvement of the Spleen and Kidney

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    Solid pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas (SPTP) is a rare primary pancreatic tumor of an unknown etiology that is usually diagnosed in adolescent girls and young women. Most SPTPs are considered to be benign and only rarely metastasize. We report here on a 27-year old woman with recurrent SPTP with involvement of both the spleen and left kidney at the time of the initial diagnosis, and with aggressive behavior. In July 1995, she was admitted with abdominal discomfort and mass. She underwent exploratory laparotomy with distal pancrea tectomy, left nephrectomy and splenectomy, and was diagnosed with SPTP with invasion to both the spleen and left kidney. In June 2001, she again presented with abdominal pain and was diagnosed as having recurrence of the tumor. She underwent mass excision and omentectomy. Then she was lost to follow-up. In November 2005, she presented once again with an abdominal mass and was diagnosed with recurred SPTP, which formed a huge intraperitoneal mass with peritoneal seeding and the tumor showed multiple metastases in the liver. She is currently being treated conservatively