708 research outputs found

    Book review: injustice: why social inequality still persists by Danny Dorling

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    The revised edition of Danny Dorling’s book Injustice: Why Social Inequality Still Persists provides an analysis of contemporary issues and practices underpinning inequality and a concise interpretation of the main causes of the persistence of injustice in rich countries, together with possible solutions. Gaja Maestri finds that despite touching only marginally on broader scholarly debates, the book remains a critical contribution to the ongoing debate on growing social inequality. Moreover, the pragmatism of the book gives readers the feeling that we can start to do something from our very everyday practices, workplaces and neighbourhoods

    Broadband linear antenna array for BAN applications

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    Tato práce se zabývá návrhem a praktickou realizací jednotlivého elementu anténní řady a simulací celé řady pro aplikaci v BAN. Práce pojednává o základních principech směrování svazku anténní řady do specifického poloprostoru s potlačením nežádoucích postranních laloků. Na základě těchto principů je vytvořen skript v programovacím prostředí MATLAB, který efektivně analyzuje vlastnosti anténní řady. Další část práce řeší navržení úzkopásmové flíčkové antény a širokopásmové Vivaldi antény v pásmu ISM 5,8 GHz a napájecí sítě pro anténní řady. Anténní řady byly ověřeny v simulátoru elektromagnetického pole CST a to včetně jejich funkcí a vlastností v blízkosti fantomu lidské tkáně. Tyto simulace byly experimentálně provedeny pouze pro jeden element anténní řady. Výsledky z naměřených vyzařovacích charakteristik byly ve skriptu vyšetřeny jako řada o osmi elementech.The work deals with the design and the practical realization of a single element of antenna arrays and with the simulation of all elements of antenna arrays for application in BAN. The main attention is focused on the shaping of radiation pattern with suppression of unwanted side lobes. Based on these principles the script was created in MATLAB environment which effectively analyses features of each desired antenna array. The next section of this work is focused on design of narrowband Patch antenna and broadband Vivaldi antenna in frequency band ISM 5.8 GHz and supply network for antenna arrays. Designed antenna arrays were verified in simulator of electromagnetic field CST including their function and features in proximity of human tissue. These simulations were experimentally made only for a single element of antenna arrays. The results from measured radiation pattern were analyzed in script as array about eight elements.

    Beyond the Reasons Stated in Judgments

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    A Review of The Legal Reasoning of the European Court of Justice: Towards a European Jurisprudence by Joxerramon Bengoetxe

    Struggles and ambiguities over political subjectivities in the camp: Roma camp dwellers between neoliberal and urban citizenship in Italy

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    What is the political subjectivity of the Roma living in Italian camps? Although the camp prevents the Roma from enjoying a series of rights, it does not fully determine their citizenship status. Indeed, citizenship is always contested and evolving through the interaction of a plurality of actors. By understanding the camp as an ‘assemblage space’, this article aims to unpack the complex political subjectivities of Roma camps-dwellers and to reflect on the struggles and ambiguities characterising the citizenship-making process in camp spaces. Through in-depth interviews conducted with members of non-governmental organisations and social movements in the city of Rome, I investigate the contention over meanings produced around the space of the camp and the Roma political subjectivities. I finally identify and discuss two framing strategies constituting the Roma as right bearers and supporting their demand to housing inclusion: a neoliberal and a ‘right to the city’ discourse that generate entrepreneurial and urban subjects

    Analysis and modeling of depth-of-cut during end milling of deposited material

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    This study addresses depth-of-cut detection and tool-workpiece engagement using an acoustic emission monitoring system during milling machining for a deposited material. Online detection of depth-of-cut presents many technical difficulties. Researchers have used various types of sensors and methods to assess the depth-of-cut and surface errors. Due to the strong correlation between acoustic emission and cutting depth during the depth end milling process, it is useful to forecast the depth-of-cut from the acoustic emission signal. This work used regression analysis to model and detect the depth-of-cut. The experiments were carried out on a Fadal vertical 5-Axis computer numerical control machine using a carbide end-mill tool, and a piezoelectric sensor (Kistler 8152B211) was used to acquire the acoustic emission signal. A National Instruments real-time system, combined with a National Instruments LabVIEW graphical development environment, was used as a data acquisition system. A series of experiments were conducted to create a depth-of-cut model. The inputs were used to predict depth-of cut are the identified root mean square of the acoustic emission, spindle speed, feed rate, and tool status. The effects of these inputs were evaluated using a fractional factorial design-of-experiment approach --Abstract, page iii

    Monitoring of hybrid manufacturing using acoustic emission sensor

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    The approach of hybrid manufacturing addressed in this research uses two manufacturing processes, one process builds a metal part using laser metal deposition, and the other process finishes the part using a milling machining. The ability to produce complete functioning parts in a short time with minimal cost and energy consumption has made hybrid manufacturing popular in many industries for parts repair and rapid prototyping. Monitoring of hybrid manufacturing processes has become popular because it increases the quality and accuracy of the parts produced and reduces both costs and production time. The goal of this work is to monitor the entire hybrid manufacturing process. During the laser metal deposition, the acoustic emission sensor will monitor the defect formation. The acoustic emission sensor will monitor the depth of cut during milling machining. There are three tasks in this study. The first task addresses depth-of-cut detection and tool-workpiece engagement using an acoustic emission monitoring system during milling machining for a deposited material. The second task, defects monitoring system was proposed to detect and classify defects in real time using an acoustic emission (AE) sensor and an unsupervised pattern recognition analysis (K-means clustering) in conjunction with a principal component analysis (PCA). In the third task, a study was conducted to investigate the ability of AE to detect and identify defects during laser metal deposition using a Logistic Regression Model (LR) and an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) --Abstract, page iv

    The bicycle: mass urban transportation a paradigm shift. Case study: the City of Valencia

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    [EN] The bicycle was for decades a mode of transportation with full presence in most Spanish cities. Until the consolidation of the so-called economic miracle, in the 60s, only public transports would dispute the hegemony in the use of public space. But with the advent of economic development the irruption of the automobile, outstandingly represented by the Fiat 600, manufactured in Franco s Spain as Seat 600, that order of things was reversed. A certain complex of "nouveau riche" was installed in the social consciousness and getting around on a bicycle was reduced to the poorer classes; even the emerging middle class, that could hardly aspire to buy a car, did not kept cycling, and opted for public transportation instead. As economic development, initiated after the Economic Stabilization Plan of 1959, got consolidated, the new middle class made the ownership of a car a symbol of triumph and the bicycle disappeared from the urban landscape. To this extinction largely contributed the attitude of the Public Administration that far from protecting and promoting it, saw it almost as a shameful transportation, unworthy of a society that pretended to be developed. Thus the use of bicycles as a mode of transportation virtually disappeared in the city, reduced to a limited use as a sport. But in the last decades bicycle as a transport mode has come to back to the city, reclaiming a hegemony that should have never lost.Gaja Díaz, F. (2015). The bicycle: mass urban transportation a paradigm shift. Case study: the City of Valencia. WIT Transactions on the Built Environment (Online). 146:27-37. doi:10.2495/UT150031S273714

    Ecological Urbanism, Daydream or Nightmare?

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    El desgaste del término “Urbanismo sostenible” ha dado lugar a la utilización de otras expresiones de recambio; entre ellas destaca la de “Ecourbanismo”. El texto plantea las bases teóricas de un Urbanismo Ecológico que responda a los desafíos planteados por la crisis ecológica y la depleción de las materias primas. Ni la opción “cosmética”, ni la “tecnológica”, ni la “ambientalista” suponen una verdadera alternativa para la construcción de modelos urbanos viables. Desde la asunción del concepto central de la finitud del desarrollo, y teniendo en cuenta el balance de una década de boom inmobiliario, se formulan propuestas de intervención a corto, medio y largo plazo, entendiendo el Ecourbanismo no como un sueño, una situación ideal, sino como una alternativa de supervivencia.The weakening of the word “Sustainable Urbanism” has given way to the use of other terms such as “Ecourbanism”. In the text we discuss the basis of valid Ecological Urbanism, one that fulfils the challenges derived from the Ecological Crisis and the Depletion of raw materials. Neither the “cosmetic” choice, nor the “technological” one, not even the “environmentalist” option are real alternatives for the construction of long lasting urban models. Assuming that finiteness is the central concept of an ecological system, and considering the balance of a decade of real estate boom in Spain, proposals on a short, medium and long terms are formulated, agreeing that Ecourbanism will not be anymore a daydream, but a survival strategy.Peer Reviewe

    Bildung als Korrelation von Selbstreferenz und Fremdreferenz

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    Die Kontingenz des Subjekts gilt in der Postmoderne als unbestreitbar. Der Einzelne verfügt nicht vollends über sich selbst, er ist weder autonom noch souverän. Der Einzelne sieht sich Herrschafts- und Geltungsansprüchen anderer ausgesetzt. Er ist nicht ganz verantwortlich; dennoch ist Verantwortlichkeit von ihm zu fordern. Das sind einige Grundgedanken Judith Butlers, wie sie sie in der Kritik der ethischen Gewalt darlegt. Die dort als Subjekttheorie entfaltete Philosophie, welche die Spur der Gender-Theorie trägt, verweist auf ein genuin bildungsphilosophisches Problem: Die Rückgewinnung der Selbstbestimmung angesichts von Fremdbestimmung. Dieser Gedanke findet sich bei Wolfgang Cramer, in seiner Grundlegung einer Theorie des Geistes. Im Rahmen einer korrelativ gedachten Bildungstheorie wird Cramers Bildungsverständnis poststrukturalistisch und BUTLERs Subjekttheorie neukantianisch, methodisch und bildungstheoretisch gewendet