542 research outputs found

    High-Performance Interactive Scientific Visualization With Datoviz via the Vulkan Low-Level GPU API

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    We reported initial work towards a new fast and scalable scientific visualization technology that leverages the Vulkan API to achieve unprecedented performance through GPUs. This technology is implemented in a C/C++ library called Datoviz that offers an intermediate-level API for scientific visualization libraries and software. Datoviz provides a unified graphics stack for 2-D, 3-D, graphical user interfaces, and natively supports efficient interactions between rendering and general-purpose GPU computing. A major direction of development is to investigate the integration of Datoviz as a low-level backend of a future version of VisPy, a popular Python scientific plotting librar

    Quantitative characterization of the x-ray imaging capability of rotating modulation collimators with laser light

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    We developed a method for making quantitative characterizations of bi-grid rotating modulation collimators (RMC ’s) that are used in a Fourier transform x-ray imager. With appropriate choices of the collimator spacings, this technique can be implemented with a beam-expanded He -Ne laser to simulate the plane wave produced by a point source at infinity even though the RMC ’s are diffraction limited at the He -Ne wavelength of 632.8 nm. The expanded beam passes through the grid pairs at a small angle with respect to their axis of rotation, and the modulated transmission through the grids as the RMC ’s rotate is detected with a photomultiplier tube. In addition to providing a quantitative characterization of the RMC ’s, the method also produces a measured point response function and provides an end-to-end check of the imaging system. We applied our method to the RMC ’s on the high-energy imaging device (HEIDI) balloon payload in its preflight configuration. We computed the harmonic ratios of the modulation time profile from the laser measurements and compared them with theoretical calculations, including the diffraction effects on irregular grids. Our results indicate the 25-in. (64-cm) x-ray imaging optics on HEIDI are capable of achieving images near the theoretical limit and are not seriously compromised by imperfections in the grids

    Project Rafiki: Consumer and Provider Perspectives on Food Assistance and its Impact on Quality of Life for Individuals Living with HIV/AIDS

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    Project Rafiki was designed to provide nonperishable food assistance to individuals living with HIV/AIDS in Tanzania, East Africa. The research study was developed to examine the extent to which the Project Rafiki food assistance program had impacted its participants over the course of one year. The aim of this research can be divided into five smaller objectives: 1) to gage the effectiveness of the food assistance program; 2) to assist in the expansion of inter-professional knowledge of resource-development regarding health and nutrition for vulnerable communities or rural areas; 3) to involve and immerse students in learning on a global level; 4) to grow and develop cross-cultural collaborations; and 5) to improve the health and well-being of individuals living with HIV/AIDS. This study focuses on discussing whether the implementation of Project Rafiki made a difference, and to what extent, to the target population. Overall it is the research team’s aim to study the benefits and challenges of Project Rafiki in order to improve, sustain, and replicate the program in global communities. The goal is to be able to share findings, with the purpose of hopefully creating more and similar sustainable food assistance programs in order to assist people living with HIV/AIDS both in America and outside of the country. The project aims to utilize the pilot data that was collected in Tanzania to build a foundation for future studies in this area

    Force-plate quantification of progressive behavioral deficits in the R6/2 mouse model of Huntington’s disease

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    The R6/2 mouse is a popular model of Huntington’s disease (HD) because of its rapid progression and measurable behavioral phenotype. Yet current behavioral phenotyping methods are usually univariate (e.g., latency to fall from a rotarod) and labor intensive. We used a force-plate actometer and specialized computer algorithms to partition the data into topographically specific behavioral categories that were sensitive to HD-like abnormalities. Seven R6/2 male mice and 7 wild type (WT) controls were placed in a 42 cm X 42 cm force-plate actometer for 20-min recording sessions at 6–7, 8–9, 10–11 and 12–13 weeks of age. Distance traveled, number of wall rears, and number of straight runs (traveling 175 mm or more in 1.5 s) were reduced in R6/2 relative to WT mice at all ages tested. Low mobility bouts (each defined as remaining continuously in a virtual circle of 15 mm radius for 5 s) were increased in R6/2 mice at 6–7 wk and beyond. Independent of body weight, force off-load during wall rears was reduced in R6/2 mice except at 6–7 wk. Power spectra of force variation during straight runs indicated an age-related progressive loss of rhythmicity in R6/2 compared to WT, suggesting gait dysrhythmia and dysmetria. Collectively, these data, which extend results obtained with other widely different behavioral phenotyping methods, document a multifaceted syndrome of motor abnormalities in R6/2 mice. We suggest, moreover, that the force-plate actometer offers a high-throughput tool for screening drugs that may affect symptom expression in R6/2 or other HD model mice

    Pharmacist Contributions to the U.S. Health Care System

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    Objective: The overall goal for this study was to conduct a segment analysis of the pharmacist workforce during 2009 based upon time spent in medication providing and in patient care services. Methods: Data for this study were obtained from the 2009 National Pharmacist Workforce Survey in which a random sample of 3,000 pharmacists was selected. Cluster analysis was used for identifying pharmacist segments and descriptive statistics were used for describing and comparing segments.Results: Of the 2,667 surveys that were presumed to be delivered to a pharmacist, 1,395 were returned yielding a 52.3% overall response rate. Of these, 1,200 responses were usable for cluster analysis. Findings from this study revealed five segments ofpharmacists: (1) Medication Providers, (2) Medication Providers who also Provide Patient Care, (3) Other Activity Pharmacists, (4) Patient Care Providers Who also Provide Medication, and (5) Patient Care Providers. The results showed that, in 2009, 41% of U.S. pharmacists were devoted wholly to medication providing (Medication Providers). Forty-three percent of pharmacists contributed significantly to patient care service provision (Medication Providers who also Provide Patient Care, Patient Care Providers who also Provide Medication, and Patient Care Providers) and the remaining 16% (Other Activity Pharmacists) contributed most of their time to business / organization management, research, education, and other health-system improvement activities. Conclusions: Based on the findings, we propose that the pharmacy profession currently has, and will continue to build, capacity for contributing to the U.S. health care system in new roles for which they have been identified. However, as shifts in professional roles occur, a great deal of capacity is required related to new service provision. Resources are scarce, so an understanding of the most appropriate timing for making such changes can lead to cost-effective use of limited resources for improving patient care

    Reframing human rights: the global network of moral conservative homeschooling activists

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    In this article, we investigate the composition and actions of a principled issue network within the field of human rights that uses rights-claims to pursue traditionalist goals: the moral conservative pro-homeschooling network. We analyse the rising importance of homeschooling within the global moral conservative movement and examine the transnationalization of pro-homeschooling advocacy. We show that the transnational homeschooling advocacy network, while not successful in court cases, has managed to establish home education as part of a global conservative agenda and has made incursions into redefining the terms of the debate within international organizations. Moral conservative homeschooling advocates use a vocabulary of rights and freedoms, and even of moral pluralism, but in the conservative reading human rights are reframed and used to defend a pro-family agenda that establishes the patriarchal family as the ultimate source of authority and the primary carrier of rights

    Gray space \u3ci\u3eand\u3c/i\u3e green space proximity associated with higher anxiety in youth with autism

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    This study used ZIP code level data on children\u27s health (National Survey of Children\u27s Health, 2012) and land cover (National Land Cover Database, 2011) from across the United States to investigate connections between proximity to green space (tree canopy), gray space (impervious surfaces), and expression of a critical co-morbid condition, anxiety, in three groups of youth: children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD, n=1501), non-ASD children with special healthcare needs (CSHCN, n=15,776), and typically developing children (n=53,650). Both impervious surface coverage and tree canopy coverage increased the risk of severe anxiety in youth with autism, but not CSHCN or typical children. Children with ASD might experience the stress-reducing benefits of nature differently than their typically developing peers. More research using objective diagnostic metrics at finer spatial scales would help to illuminate complex relationships between green space, anxiety, and other co-morbid conditions in youth with ASD
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