502 research outputs found

    Recommendations of the Stiglitz-Sen-Fitoussi Report: A few illustrations

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    In September 2009 the Stiglitz-Sen-Fitoussi Commission submitted its report on the measurement of economic performance and social progress. The report is based on a large body of applied research work conducted in recent years in various fields of the economic and social sciences. Some of this research work proposes composite well-being indicators more appropriate than GDP. A parallel trend rather favours the construction of dashboards, i.e. sets of indicators designed to provide an understanding of the several facets of economic performance and quality of life. Without neglecting the interest of constructing composite indicators, the commission strongly emphasized the multidimensional nature of well-being. To address this multidimensional nature, it did not propose its own ready-made dashboard. The report must rather be read as providing guidelines to be followed for constructing such a dashboard. This dossier outlines the main lessons to be learned from a comparison between France and a few other countries with the same level of development, as measured against the criteria used by the Stiglitz Commission. The use of alternative standard of living indicators involves a few reclassifications across countries but without really calling into question the apparent advance of the United States. However, living conditions indicators do show far more marked contrasts in the areas of health, education, the risks of unemployment and poverty, and security. Contributions to the problem of climatic sustainability can be up to three times greater from one country to the next. As for economic sustainability, the indicator proposed by the commission suggests that this sustainability remains warranted, although with a fairly small safety margin in several countries.Stiglitz-Sen-Fitoussi report, measurement of well-being, international comparison, quality of life, sustainable development, economic growth

    'He Understands Me in a Different Way Than Others Do': Faroese Teenagers’ Narratives on Fatherhood, Masculinity, and Family Life

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    In this paper a group of young people from Torshavn, the capital of the Faroe Islands, share their personal reflections and views on the ‘Faroese father’ in present-day society. The material from this qualitative study is used to examine and analyse the role and position of the father in relation to his family and working life, his masculinity and identity, and his general historic status in society. The main aim of the paper is to outline and illustrate a pattern of transition in Faroese fatherhood resonating new gender and family values, but also a social shift towards a (late) modern and diversified labour market with emerging female-dominated professions. Seen from the son’s and the daughter’s perspective, this paper suggests, the father’s place in the life of his children mirrors a very special relation associated with feelings of affection, safety, and guidance. Drawing on theoretical scholarship from fatherhood research in the tradition of critical men’s studies, as well as from anthropological family studies, this paper contributes to scientific reviews of fatherhood and masculinity in small island communities in shift. This study is part of the larger research project called Faroese Fatherhood in Transition (2018-2021) financed by Research Council Faroe Islands. Keywords: fatherhood, masculinity, family life, fishermen, small islands, young peopl

    Altered Islands: Young Faroe Islanders’ Future Landscapes

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    This paper explores scenarios created by young Faroe Islanders reflecting on the future of their local community and islands. The main objective is to outline and analyse the dynamic relationship between young people’s future images and present-day realities. Based on data from an ethnographic study from 2014, the paper discusses young people’s future-oriented essays in relation to their islands’ history, culture, and values. The essays, as methodological schemes, encourage the youth to draw a ‘future landscape’ without necessarily linking it directly to their personal (intimate) perspectives. They offer an opportunity to discuss the relation between micro- and macro-level events and between material and cultural shifts. In these narratives, we notice a strong commitment to connect the future to the past in a collective Faroese project. The future is often drawn as altered islands—a mesmerizing breakaway from present-day realities. The opportunity to dream and to imagine tomorrow is an important part of young people’s everyday life practices and identities

    Analytical Model Development for Unified 2D Electron Gas Sheet Charge Density of AlInN/GaN MOSHEMT

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    We have developed a unified analytical model for computation of 2D electron gas sheet charge density in AlInN/GaN metal-oxide-semiconductor high electron mobility transistor device structure. This model has been developed by incorporating the variation in lowest three energy sub-bands and Fermi level energy in the quantum-well with respect to gate voltage. We noticed that the dependency of lowest sub-band energy with Fermi energy having two fields, which are the lowest sub-band energy is greater and lesser than the Fermi level energy. According to these two fields, we have developed the fermi energy and sheet charge density expressions in each field.  By combining each field of the models, developed a unified 2D electron gas sheet charge density model. The Fermi level and sheet charge density are interdependent in the model development.  The developed model results are compared with TCAD simulation results and obtain a good consistency between them. This model is fitted to other metal-oxide-semiconductor high electron mobility transistor devices also with modifications in related physical values

    Finite bias visibility of the electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer

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    We present an original statistical method to measure the visibility of interferences in an electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer in the presence of low frequency fluctuations. The visibility presents a single side lobe structure shown to result from a gaussian phase averaging whose variance is quadratic with the bias. To reinforce our approach and validate our statistical method, the same experiment is also realized with a stable sample. It exhibits the same visibility behavior as the fluctuating one, indicating the intrinsic character of finite bias phase averaging. In both samples, the dilution of the impinging current reduces the variance of the gaussian distribution.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Hvad har du lært i skolen i dag? Familiekapital og skole på Færøerne

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    Denne artikel undersøger relationen mellem familie- og folkeskoleinstitutionerne ud fra flere perspektiver med det formål at analysere hvilken betydning social kapital og familiekapital har i dagens senmoderne færøske samfund. Artiklen sætter fokus på social kommunikation, værdier og uddannelseskultur i skole og hjem for siden at definere nogle familiekategorier og hovedmønstre i det færøske samfund. Hvilke familier med hvilken familiekapital har de bedste muligheder hvad angår børnenes fremtidsudsigter

    Familie, leg og erfaring: Børnehavebørn og moderniseringsprocessen på Færøerne

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