41 research outputs found

    Novel inferences of ionisation & recombination for particle/power balance during detached discharges using deuterium Balmer line spectroscopy

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    The physics of divertor detachment is determined by divertor power, particle and momentum balance. This work provides a novel analysis technique of the Balmer line series to obtain a full particle/power balance measurement of the divertor. This supplies new information to understand what controls the divertor target ion flux during detachment. Atomic deuterium excitation emission is separated from recombination quantitatively using Balmer series line ratios. This enables analysing those two components individually, providing ionisation/recombination source/sinks and hydrogenic power loss measurements. Probabilistic Monte Carlo techniques were employed to obtain full error propagation - eventually resulting in probability density functions for each output variable. Both local and overall particle and power balance in the divertor are then obtained. These techniques and their assumptions have been verified by comparing the analysed synthetic diagnostic 'measurements' obtained from SOLPS simulation results for the same discharge. Power/particle balance measurements have been obtained during attached and detached conditions on the TCV tokamak.Comment: The analysis results of this paper were formerly in arXiv:1810.0496

    Dependence on plasma shape and plasma fueling for small edge-localized mode regimes in TCV and ASDEX Upgrade

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    Within the EUROfusion MST1 work package, a series of experiments has been conducted on AUG and TCV devices to disentangle the role of plasma fueling and plasma shape for the onset of small ELM regimes. On both devices, small ELM regimes with high confinement are achieved if and only if two conditions are fulfilled at the same time. Firstly, the plasma density at the separatrix must be large enough (n e,sep/n G ∼ 0.3), leading to a pressure profile flattening at the separatrix, which stabilizes type-I ELMs. Secondly, the magnetic configuration has to be close to a double null (DN), leading to a reduction of the magnetic shear in the extreme vicinity of the separatrix. As a consequence, its stabilizing effect on ballooning modes is weakened

    Evidence of Hydronium Formation in Water-Chabazite Zeolite Using Inelastic Neutron Scattering Experiments and ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations

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    [EN] A combined study of inelastic neutron scattering and ab initio molecular dynamics simulations has been performed in order to study the water-acid site interaction in zeolite chabazite with a ratio Si/Al = 16 that corresponds to 2 protons/uc with two different water coverages with the number of water molecules being lower and higher than that of proton sites. These results have provided a clear picture of the water-acid site interaction, and it has been demonstrated that there are two regimens of water adsorption, which depend on the water loading. (i) At low water coverage (water/acid site similar to 0.5), the main interactions between water and the zeolitic acid sites are established through hydrogen bond and there is no proton transference to water. (ii) At relatively high water loading (water/acid site similar to 3), the clustering of water molecules and hydronioum cations formed by the complete transference of the zeolitic proton to the water molecules has been observed. The formation of water-hydronium clusters interacting with oxygen atoms of the zeolite framework provides the stabilization energy needed for the protonation of water molecules confined in the cavities of chabazite. These results are the experimental evidence obtained from INS of proton transfer from the zeolitic acid site and the hydronium formation and are in agreement with a previous computational study (Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2009, 11, 1702-1712) and very recent solid state NMR spectroscopy studies (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 3444-3455). The inspection of the low energy bands (translational and optic modes) and librational bands of the experimental results allows obtaining information about the Hbond network of the hydronium-water clusterWe thank MICINN of Spain for funding through Projects RTI2018-101784-B-I00 and SEV-2016-0683. The authors thank the ILL for neutron beam-time allocation (experiment 7-05-456) and the ILL C-Lab for support. A. Moraleda is acknowledged for the synthesis of CHA-16. G.S. and T.L. thank the ILL for the provision of Contract SRH/GRI/AS-15/222 and a Ph.D. contract.Jiménez-Ruiz, M.; Gahle, DS.; Lemishko, T.; Valencia Valencia, S.; Sastre Navarro, GI.; Rey Garcia, F. (2020). Evidence of Hydronium Formation in Water-Chabazite Zeolite Using Inelastic Neutron Scattering Experiments and ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 124(9):5436-5443. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b11081S54365443124

    Comparison of high density and nitrogen seeded detachment using SOLPS-ITER simulations of the tokamak á configuration variable

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    First of a kind SOLPS-ITER simulations on tokamak á configuration variable (TCV) that include nitrogen have been performed to model recent nitrogen seeded detachment experiments. Based on spectroscopic measurements, a nitrogen recycling coefficient RNp ≈ 0.3–0.5 on the graphite walls of TCV is estimated. The experimentally observed decrease of core nitrogen density with increasing plasma density is reproduced and linked to a reduction of the ionisation mean free path in the scrape-off layer. Although the influence of sputtered carbon impurities from TCV’s graphite wall cannot be fully eliminated, seeding nitrogen increases control over the total impurity density. This facilitates disentangling the effect of impurities from that of high upstream density on the main characteristics of detachment, namely target power and ion current reductions and the development of a parallel pressure drop. Increasing the density and the seeding rate reduce the power on the divertor targets in a different way: with density, the ion current increases and the target temperature strongly decreases, whereas seeding impurities decreases the ion current and affects less strongly the temperature. The reduction in ion current when seeding nitrogen is due to a lower ionisation source, which is not related to power limitation nor an increased momentum loss, but to a decrease of the ionisation reaction rate. Impurity seeding leads to less volumetric momentum losses (and hence pressure drop) than density ramps, for the same level of energy flux reduction. Additionally, main chamber sputtering of carbon is identified as a possible explanation for the missing target ion current roll-over during density ramps in the simulations

    A novel hydrogenic spectroscopic technique for inferring the role of plasma-molecule interaction on power and particle balance during detached conditions

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    Detachment, an important mechanism for reducing target heat deposition, is achieved through reductions in power, particle and momentum; which are induced through plasma-atom and plasma-molecule interactions. Experimental research in how those reactions precisely contribute to detachment is limited. Both plasma-atom as well as plasma-molecule interactions can result in excited hydrogen atoms which emit atomic line emission. In this work, we investigate a new Balmer Spectroscopy technique for Plasma-Molecule Interaction-BaSPMI. This first disentangles the Balmer line emission from the various plasma-atom and plasma-molecule interactions and secondly quantifies their contributions to particle (ionisation and recombination) and power balance (radiative power losses). Its performance is verified using synthetic diagnostic techniques of both attached and detached TCV and MAST-U SOLPS-ITER simulations. We find that H2 plasma chemistry involving H+2 and/or H− can substantially elevate the Hα emission during detachment, which we show is an important precursor for Molecular Activated Recombination. An example illustration analysis of the full BaSPMI technique shows that the hydrogenic line series, even Lyα as well as the medium-n Balmer lines, can be significantly influenced by plasma-molecule interactions by tens of percent. That has important implications for using atomic hydrogen spectroscopy for diagnosing divertor plasmas

    An improved understanding of the roles of atomic processes and power balance in divertor target ion current loss during detachment

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    The process of divertor detachment, whereby heat and particle fluxes to divertor surfaces are strongly diminished, is required to reduce heat loading and erosion in a magnetic fusion reactor to acceptable levels. In this paper, the physics leading to the decrease of the total divertor ion current (I t), or 'roll-over', is experimentally explored on the TCV tokamak through characterization of the location, magnitude and role of the various divertor ion sinks and sources including a complete analysis of particle and power balance. These first measurements of the profiles of divertor ionisation and hydrogenic radiation along the divertor leg are enabled through novel spectroscopic techniques. Over a range in TCV plasma conditions (plasma current and electron density, with/without impurity-seeding) the I t roll-over is ascribed to a drop in the divertor ion source; recombination remains small or negligible farther into the detachment process. The ion source reduction is driven by both a reduction in the power available for ionization, P recl, and concurrent increase in the energy required per ionisation, E ion: This effect of power available on the ionization source is often described as 'power starvation' (or 'power limitation'). The detachment threshold is found experimentally (in agreement with analytic model predictions) to be ∼P recl/I t E ion ∼ 2, corresponding to a target electron temperature, T t ∼ E ion/γ where γ is the sheath transmission coefficient. The target pressure reduction, required to reduce the target ion current, is driven both by volumetric momentum loss as well as upstream pressure loss. The measured evolution through detachment of the divertor profile of various ion sources/sinks as well as power losses are quantitatively reproduced through full 2D SOLPS modelling through the detachment process as the upstream density is varied

    Overview of the TCV tokamak experimental programme

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    The tokamak a configuration variable (TCV) continues to leverage its unique shaping capabilities, flexible heating systems and modern control system to address critical issues in preparation for ITER and a fusion power plant. For the 2019-20 campaign its configurational flexibility has been enhanced with the installation of removable divertor gas baffles, its diagnostic capabilities with an extensive set of upgrades and its heating systems with new dual frequency gyrotrons. The gas baffles reduce coupling between the divertor and the main chamber and allow for detailed investigations on the role of fuelling in general and, together with upgraded boundary diagnostics, test divertor and edge models in particular. The increased heating capabilities broaden the operational regime to include T (e)/T (i) similar to 1 and have stimulated refocussing studies from L-mode to H-mode across a range of research topics. ITER baseline parameters were reached in type-I ELMy H-modes and alternative regimes with \u27small\u27 (or no) ELMs explored. Most prominently, negative triangularity was investigated in detail and confirmed as an attractive scenario with H-mode level core confinement but an L-mode edge. Emphasis was also placed on control, where an increased number of observers, actuators and control solutions became available and are now integrated into a generic control framework as will be needed in future devices. The quantity and quality of results of the 2019-20 TCV campaign are a testament to its successful integration within the European research effort alongside a vibrant domestic programme and international collaborations

    An assessment of nitrogen concentrations from spectroscopic measurements in the JET and ASDEX upgrade divertor

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    The impurity concentration in the tokamak divertor plasma is a necessary input for predictive scaling of divertor detachment, however direct measurements from existing tokamaks in different divertor plasma conditions are limited. To address this, we have applied a recently developed spectroscopic N II line ratio technique for measuring the N concentration in the divertor to a range of H-mode and L-mode plasma from the ASDEX Upgrade and JET tokamaks, respectively. The results from both devices show that as the power crossing the separatrix, Psep_{sep}, is increased under otherwise similar core conditions (e.g. density), a higher N concentration is required to achieve the same detachment state. For example, the N concentrations at the start of detachment increase from ≈2% to ≈9% as Psep is increased from ≈2.5 MW to ≈7 MW. These results tentatively agree with scaling law predictions (e.g. Goldston et al.) motivating a further study examining the parameters which affect the N concentration required to reach detachment. Finally, the N concentrations from spectroscopy and the ratio of D and N gas valve fluxes agree within experimental uncertainty only when the vessel surfaces are fully-loaded with N

    Overview of the TCV tokamak experimental programme

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    The tokamak à configuration variable (TCV) continues to leverage its unique shaping capabilities, flexible heating systems and modern control system to address critical issues in preparation for ITER and a fusion power plant. For the 2019-20 campaign its configurational flexibility has been enhanced with the installation of removable divertor gas baffles, its diagnostic capabilities with an extensive set of upgrades and its heating systems with new dual frequency gyrotrons. The gas baffles reduce coupling between the divertor and the main chamber and allow for detailed investigations on the role of fuelling in general and, together with upgraded boundary diagnostics, test divertor and edge models in particular. The increased heating capabilities broaden the operational regime to include Te/Ti ∼1 and have stimulated refocussing studies from L-mode to H-mode across a range of research topics. ITER baseline parameters were reached in type-I ELMy H-modes and alternative regimes with 'small' (or no) ELMs explored. Most prominently, negative triangularity was investigated in detail and confirmed as an attractive scenario with H-mode level core confinement but an L-mode edge. Emphasis was also placed on control, where an increased number of observers, actuators and control solutions became available and are now integrated into a generic control framework as will be needed in future devices. The quantity and quality of results of the 2019-20 TCV campaign are a testament to its successful integration within the European research effort alongside a vibrant domestic programme and international collaborations