1,131 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Gagne, Joseph N. (Lewiston, Androscoggin County)

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    Sub-Kolmogorov-Scale Fluctuations in Fluid Turbulence

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    We relate the intermittent fluctuations of velocity gradients in turbulence to a whole range of local dissipation scales generalizing the picture of a single mean dissipation length. The statistical distribution of these local dissipation scales as a function of Reynolds number is determined in numerical simulations of forced homogeneous isotropic turbulence with a spectral resolution never applied before which exceeds the standard one by at least a factor of eight. The core of the scale distribution agrees well with a theoretical prediction. Increasing Reynolds number causes the generation of ever finer local dissipation scales. This is in line with a less steep decay of the large-wavenumber energy spectra in the dissipation range. The energy spectrum for the highest accessible Taylor microscale Reynolds number R_lambda=107 does not show a bottleneck.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures (Figs. 1 and 3 in reduced quality

    A multi-wavelength view on the dusty Wolf-Rayet star WR 48a

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    We present results from the first attempts to derive various physical characteristics of the dusty Wolf-Rayet star WR 48a based on a multi-wavelength view of its observational properties. This is done on the basis of new optical and near-infrared spectral observations and on data from various archives in the optical, radio and X-rays. The optical spectrum of WR 48a is acceptably well represented by a sum of two spectra: of a WR star of the WC8 type and of a WR star of the WN8h type. The strength of the interstellar absorption features in the optical spectra of WR 48a and the near-by stars D2-3 and D2-7 (both members of the open cluster Danks 2) indicates that WR 48a is located at a distance of ~4 kpc from us. WR 48a is very likely a thermal radio source and for such a case and smooth (no clumps) wind its radio emission suggests a relatively high mass-loss rate of this dusty WR star (dM/dt = a few x 10^(-4) solar masses per year). Long timescale (years) variability of WR 48a is established in the optical, radio and X-rays. Colliding stellar winds likely play a very important role in the physics of this object. However, some LBV-like (luminous blue variable) activity could not be excluded as well.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS; 16 pages, 16 figures, 6 table

    Development of a Low-Lift Chiller Controller and Simplified Precooling Control Algorithm - Final Report

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    KGS Buildings LLC (KGS) and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) have developed a simplified control algorithm and prototype low-lift chiller controller suitable for model-predictive control in a demonstration project of low-lift cooling. Low-lift cooling is a highly efficient cooling strategy conceived to enable low or net-zero energy buildings. A low-lift cooling system consists of a high efficiency low-lift chiller, radiant cooling, thermal storage, and model-predictive control to pre-cool thermal storage overnight on an optimal cooling rate trajectory. We call the properly integrated and controlled combination of these elements a low-lift cooling system (LLCS). This document is the final report for that project

    Sentiment Analysis of Conservation Studies Captures Successes of Species Reintroductions

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    Learning from the rapidly growing body of scientific articles is constrained by human bandwidth. Existing methods in machine learning have been developed to extract knowledge from human language and may automate this process. Here, we apply sentiment analysis, a type of natural language processing, to facilitate a literature review in reintroduction biology. We analyzed 1,030,558 words from 4,313 scientific abstracts published over four decades using four previously trained lexicon-based models and one recursive neural tensor network model. We find frequently used terms share both a general and a domain-specific value, with either positive (success, protect, growth) or negative (threaten, loss, risk) sentiment. Sentiment trends suggest that reintroduction studies have become less variable and increasingly successful over time and seem to capture known successes and challenges for conservation biology. This approach offers promise for rapidly extracting explicit and latent information from a large corpus of scientific texts

    Spatially-Resolved Spectra of the "Teacup" AGN: Tracing the History of a Dying Quasar

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    The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Galaxy Zoo project has revealed a number of spectacular galaxies possessing Extended Emission-Line Regions (EELRs), the most famous being Hanny's Voorwerp galaxy. We present another EELR object discovered in the SDSS endeavor: the Teacup Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN), nicknamed for its EELR, which has a handle like structure protruding 15 kpc into the northeast quadrant of the galaxy. We analyze physical conditions of this galaxy with long-slit ground based spectroscopy from Lowell, Lick, and KPNO observatories. With the Lowell 1.8m Perkin's telescope we took multiple observations at different offset positions, allowing us to recover spatially resolved spectra across the galaxy. Line diagnostics indicate the ionized gas is photoionized primarily by the AGN. Additionally we are able to derive the hydrogen density from the [S II] 6716/6731 ratio. We generated two-component photoionization models for each spatially resolved Lowell spectrum. These models allow us to calculate the AGN bolometric luminosity seen by the gas at different radii from the nuclear center of the Teacup. Our results show a drop in bolometric luminosity by more than two orders of magnitude from the EELR to the nucleus, suggesting that the AGN has decreased in luminosity by this amount in a continuous fashion over 46,000 years, supporting the case for a dying AGN in this galaxy independent of any IR based evidence. We demonstrate that spatially resolved photoionization modeling could be applied to EELRs to investigate long time scale variability.Comment: 38 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Simulations of Spinodal Nucleation in Systems with Elastic Interactions

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    Systems with long-range interactions quenched into a metastable state near the pseudospinodal exhibit nucleation that is qualitatively different than the classical nucleation observed near the coexistence curve. We have observed nucleation droplets in our Langevin simulations of a two-dimensional model of martensitic transformations and have determined that the structure of the nucleating droplet differs from the stable martensite structure. Our results, together with experimental measurements of the phonon dispersion curve, allow us to predict the nature of the droplet. These results have implications for nucleation in many solid-solid transitions and the structure of the final state

    Separation between coherent and turbulent fluctuations. What can we learn from the Empirical Mode Decomposition?

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    The performances of a new data processing technique, namely the Empirical Mode Decomposition, are evaluated on a fully developed turbulent velocity signal perturbed by a numerical forcing which mimics a long-period flapping. First, we introduce a "resemblance" criterion to discriminate between the polluted and the unpolluted modes extracted from the perturbed velocity signal by means of the Empirical Mode Decomposition algorithm. A rejection procedure, playing, somehow, the role of a high-pass filter, is then designed in order to infer the original velocity signal from the perturbed one. The quality of this recovering procedure is extensively evaluated in the case of a "mono-component" perturbation (sine wave) by varying both the amplitude and the frequency of the perturbation. An excellent agreement between the recovered and the reference velocity signals is found, even though some discrepancies are observed when the perturbation frequency overlaps the frequency range corresponding to the energy-containing eddies as emphasized by both the energy spectrum and the structure functions. Finally, our recovering procedure is successfully performed on a time-dependent perturbation (linear chirp) covering a broad range of frequencies.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figures, submitted to Experiments in Fluid

    The Active Corona of HD 35850 (F8 V)

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    We present Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer spectroscopy and photometry of the nearby F8 V star HD 35850 (HR 1817). The EUVE spectra reveal 28 emission lines from Fe IX and Fe XV to Fe XXIV. The Fe XXI 102, 129 A ratio yields an upper limit for the coronal electron density, log n < 11.6 per cc. The EUVE SW spectrum shows a small but clearly detectable continuum. The line-to-continuum ratio indicates approximately solar Fe abundances, 0.8 < Z < 1.6. The resulting emission-measure distribution is characterized by two temperature components at log T of 6.8 and 7.4. The EUVE spectra have been compared with non-simultaneous ASCA SIS spectra of HD 35850. The SIS spectrum shows the same temperature distribution as the EUVE DEM analysis. However, the SIS spectral firs suggest sub-solar abundances, 0.34 < Z < 0.81. Although some of the discrepancy may be the result of incomplete X-ray line lists, we cannot explain the disagreement between the EUVE line-to-continuum ratio and the ASCA-derived Fe abundance. Given its youth (t ~ 100 Myr), its rapid rotation (v sin i ~ 50 km/s), and its high X-ray activity (Lx ~ 1.5E+30 ergs/s), HD 35850 may represent an activity extremum for single, main-sequence F-type stars. The variability and EM distribution can be reconstructed using the continuous flaring model of Guedel provided that the flare distribution has a power-law index of 1.8. Similar results obtained for other young solar analogs suggest that continuous flaring is a viable coronal heating mechanism on rapidly rotating, late-type, main-sequence stars.Comment: 32 pages incl. 14 figures and 3 tables. To appear in the 1999 April 10 issue of The Astrophysical Journa
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