109 research outputs found

    Improved ESP-index: a practical self-index for highly repetitive texts

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    While several self-indexes for highly repetitive texts exist, developing a practical self-index applicable to real world repetitive texts remains a challenge. ESP-index is a grammar-based self-index on the notion of edit-sensitive parsing (ESP), an efficient parsing algorithm that guarantees upper bounds of parsing discrepancies between different appearances of the same subtexts in a text. Although ESP-index performs efficient top-down searches of query texts, it has a serious issue on binary searches for finding appearances of variables for a query text, which resulted in slowing down the query searches. We present an improved ESP-index (ESP-index-I) by leveraging the idea behind succinct data structures for large alphabets. While ESP-index-I keeps the same types of efficiencies as ESP-index about the top-down searches, it avoid the binary searches using fast rank/select operations. We experimentally test ESP-index-I on the ability to search query texts and extract subtexts from real world repetitive texts on a large-scale, and we show that ESP-index-I performs better that other possible approaches.Comment: This is the full version of a proceeding accepted to the 11th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA2014

    Online Self-Indexed Grammar Compression

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    Although several grammar-based self-indexes have been proposed thus far, their applicability is limited to offline settings where whole input texts are prepared, thus requiring to rebuild index structures for given additional inputs, which is often the case in the big data era. In this paper, we present the first online self-indexed grammar compression named OESP-index that can gradually build the index structure by reading input characters one-by-one. Such a property is another advantage which enables saving a working space for construction, because we do not need to store input texts in memory. We experimentally test OESP-index on the ability to build index structures and search query texts, and we show OESP-index's efficiency, especially space-efficiency for building index structures.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the 22nd edition of the International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval (SPIRE2015

    Compressing and indexing aligned readsets

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    Compressed full-text indexes are one of the main success stories of bioinformatics data structures but even they struggle to handle some DNA readsets. This may seem surprising since, at least when dealing with short reads from the same individual, the readset will be highly repetitive and, thus, highly compressible. If we are not careful, however, this advantage can be more than offset by two disadvantages: first, since most base pairs are included in at least tens reads each, the uncompressed readset is likely to be at least an order of magnitude larger than the individual's uncompressed genome; second, these indexes usually pay some space overhead for each string they store, and the total overhead can be substantial when dealing with millions of reads. The most successful compressed full-text indexes for readsets so far are based on the Extended Burrows-Wheeler Transform (EBWT) and use a sorting heuristic to try to reduce the space overhead per read, but they still treat the reads as separate strings and thus may not take full advantage of the readset's structure. For example, if we have already assembled an individual's genome from the readset, then we can usually use it to compress the readset well: e.g., we store the gap-coded list of reads' starting positions; we store the list of their lengths, which is often highly compressible; and we store information about the sequencing errors, which are rare with short reads. There is nowhere, however, where we can plug an assembled genome into the EBWT. In this paper we show how to use one or more assembled or partially assembled genome as the basis for a compressed full-text index of its readset. Specifically, we build a labelled tree by taking the assembled genome as a trunk and grafting onto it the reads that align to it, at the starting positions of their alignments. Next, we compute the eXtended Burrows-Wheeler Transform (XBWT) of the resulting labelled tree and build a compressed full-text index on that. Although this index can occasionally return false positives, it is usually much more compact than the alternatives. Following the established practice for datasets with many repetitions, we compare different full-text indices by looking at the number of runs in the transformed strings. For a human Chr19 readset our preliminary experiments show that eliminating separators characters from the EBWT reduces the number of runs by 19%, from 220 million to 178 million, and using the XBWT reduces it by a further 15%, to 150 million

    A compact index for order-preserving pattern matching

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    Order-preserving pattern matching has been introduced recently, but it has already attracted much attention. Given a reference sequence and a pattern, we want to locate all substrings of the reference sequence whose elements have the same relative order as the pattern elements. For this problem, we consider the offline version in which we build an index for the reference sequence so that subsequent searches can be completed very efficiently. We propose a space-efficient index that works well in practice despite its lack of good worst-case time bounds. Our solution is based on the new approach of decomposing the indexed sequence into an order component, containing ordering information, and a \u3b4 component, containing information on the absolute values. Experiments show that this approach is viable, is faster than the available alternatives, and is the first one offering simultaneously small space usage and fast retrieval

    Efficient and Compact Representations of Some Non-canonical Prefix-Free Codes

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-46049-9_5[Abstract] For many kinds of prefix-free codes there are efficient and compact alternatives to the traditional tree-based representation. Since these put the codes into canonical form, however, they can only be used when we can choose the order in which codewords are assigned to characters. In this paper we first show how, given a probability distribution over an alphabet of σσ characters, we can store a nearly optimal alphabetic prefix-free code in o(σ)o(σ) bits such that we can encode and decode any character in constant time. We then consider a kind of code introduced recently to reduce the space usage of wavelet matrices (Claude, Navarro, and Ordóñez, Information Systems, 2015). They showed how to build an optimal prefix-free code such that the codewords’ lengths are non-decreasing when they are arranged such that their reverses are in lexicographic order. We show how to store such a code in O(σlogL+2ϵL)O(σlog⁡L+2ϵL) bits, where L is the maximum codeword length and ϵϵ is any positive constant, such that we can encode and decode any character in constant time under reasonable assumptions. Otherwise, we can always encode and decode a codeword of ℓℓ bits in time O(ℓ)O(ℓ) using O(σlogL)O(σlog⁡L) bits of space.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad; TIN2013-47090-C3-3-PMinisterio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad; TIN2015-69951-RMinisterio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad; ITC-20151305Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad; ITC-20151247Xunta de Galicia; GRC2013/053Chile. Núcleo Milenio Información y Coordinación en Redes; ICM/FIC.P10-024FCOST. IC1302Academy of Finland; 268324Academy of Finland; 25034

    Tailoring r-index for Document Listing Towards Metagenomics Applications

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    A basic problem in metagenomics is to assign a sequenced read to the correct species in the reference collection. In typical applications in genomic epidemiology and viral metagenomics the reference collection consists of a set of species with each species represented by its highly similar strains. It has been recently shown that accurate read assignment can be achieved with k-mer hashing-based pseudoalignment: a read is assigned to species A if each of its k-mer hits to a reference collection is located only on strains of A. We study the underlying primitives required in pseudoalignment and related tasks. We propose three space-efficient solutions building upon the document listing with frequencies problem. All the solutions use an r-index (Gagie et al., SODA 2018) as an underlying index structure for the text obtained as concatenation of the set of species, as well as for each species. Given t species whose concatenation length is n, and whose Burrows-Wheeler transform contains r runs, our first solution, based on a grammar-compressed document array with precomputed queries at non terminal symbols, reports the frequencies for the distinct documents in which the pattern of length m occurs in time. Our second solution is also based on a grammar-compressed document array, but enhanced with bitvectors and reports the frequencies in time, over a machine with wordsize w. Our third solution, based on the interleaved LCP array, answers the same query in time. We implemented our solutions and tested them on real-world and synthetic datasets. The results show that all the solutions are fast on highly-repetitive data, and the size overhead introduced by the indexes are comparable with the size of the r-index.Peer reviewe

    Matching Reads to Many Genomes with the r-Index

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    The r-index is a tool for compressed indexing of genomic databases for exact pattern matching, which can be used to completely align reads that perfectly match some part of a genome in the database or to find seeds for reads that do not. This article shows how to download and install the programs ri-buildfasta and ri-align; how to call ri-buildfasta on an FASTA file to build an r-index for that file; and how to query that index with ri-align

    Efficient Construction of a Complete Index for Pan-Genomics Read Alignment

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    While short read aligners, which predominantly use the FM-index, are able to easily index one or a few human genomes, they do not scale well to indexing databases containing thousands of genomes. To understand why, it helps to examine the main components of the FM-index in more detail, which is a rank data structure over the Burrows-Wheeler Transform () of the string that will allow us to find the interval in the string\u2019s suffix array () containing pointers to starting positions of occurrences of a given pattern; second, a sample of the that\u2014when used with the rank data structure\u2014allows us access to the . The rank data structure can be kept small even for large genomic databases, by run-length compressing the , but until recently there was no means known to keep the sample small without greatly slowing down access to the . Now that Gagie et al. (SODA 2018) have defined an sample that takes about the same space as the run-length compressed \u2014we have the design for efficient FM-indexes of genomic databases but are faced with the problem of building them. In 2018 we showed how to build the of large genomic databases efficiently (WABI 2018) but the problem of building Gagie et al.\u2019s sample efficiently was left open. We compare our approach to state-of-the-art methods for constructing the sample, and demonstrate that it is the fastest and most space-efficient method on highly repetitive genomic databases. Lastly, we apply our method for indexing partial and whole human genomes and show that it improves over Bowtie with respect to both memory and time

    Document Retrieval on Repetitive Collections

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    Document retrieval aims at finding the most important documents where a pattern appears in a collection of strings. Traditional pattern-matching techniques yield brute-force document retrieval solutions, which has motivated the research on tailored indexes that offer near-optimal performance. However, an experimental study establishing which alternatives are actually better than brute force, and which perform best depending on the collection characteristics, has not been carried out. In this paper we address this shortcoming by exploring the relationship between the nature of the underlying collection and the performance of current methods. Via extensive experiments we show that established solutions are often beaten in practice by brute-force alternatives. We also design new methods that offer superior time/space trade-offs, particularly on repetitive collections.Comment: Accepted to ESA 2014. Implementation and experiments at http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/group/suds/rlcsa