1 research outputs found

    Common Traits of Unicorn Companies in Latin America

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    The amount of companies reaching a 1Bvaluations,unicornstatus,hasbeengrowingconstantlyforthelastfewyears.Thishasbeenaglobaltendency.Inthisresearch,weaimedtoanalyzehighgrowthcompaniesfromtheLatinAmericaregioninsearchofcommontraits.Weevaluate11privatelyheldcompaniesbackedbyventurecapitalfirmswithvaluationsof1B valuations, unicorn status, has been growing constantly for the last few years. This has been a global tendency. In this research, we aimed to analyze high-growth companies from the Latin America region in search of common traits. We evaluate 11 privately held companies backed by venture capital firms with valuations of 1B or more, from the Latin America region. By creating an overview of the market, the company history, founders‘ history, business model, and financing, between other aspects, we compared the findings and establish common traits found in our sample group. We have found similarities in founders‘ profiles, market conditions, and financing tendencies. From an entrepreneurial perspective, this study has created a better description of the main characteristics of high-growth companies in Latin America to provide entrepreneurs a better understanding of each company‘s conditions, that in order might represent the entrepreneurial environment in Latin America.The amount of companies reaching a 1Bvaluations,unicornstatus,hasbeengrowingconstantlyforthelastfewyears.Thishasbeena globaltendency.Inthisresearch,weaimedtoanalyzehighgrowthcompaniesfromtheLatinAmericaregioninsearchofcommontraits.Weevaluate11privatelyheldcompaniesbackedbyventurecapitalfirmswithvaluationsof1B valuations, unicorn status, has been growing constantly for the last few years. This has been a global tendency. In this research, we aimed to analyze high-growth companies from the Latin America region in search of common traits. We evaluate 11 privately held companies backed by venture capital firms with valuations of 1B or more, from the Latin America region. By creating an overview of the market, the company history, founders‘ history, business model, and financing, between other aspects, we compared the findings and establish common traits found in our sample group. We have found similarities in founders‘ profiles, market conditions, and financing tendencies. From an entrepreneurial perspective, this study has created a better description of the main characteristics of high-growth companies in Latin America to provide entrepreneurs a better understanding of each company‘s conditions, that in order might represent the entrepreneurial environment in Latin America