10 research outputs found

    Incidental Diagnosis of Bladder Cancer in a 17-year-old Patient

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    AbstractBladder cancer is the fourth most common type of cancer among males and the ninth most common cause of cancer death. Bladder cancer can occur at any age. This paper reports the incidental diagnosis of bladder cancer in a 17-year-old female patient. Data on bladder cancer at this age are uncommon in the literature

    Top predators in relation to bathymetry, ice and krill during austral winter in Marguerite Bay, Antarctica

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    Author Posting. © Elsevier B.V., 2007. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 55 (2008): 485-499, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2007.11.006.A key hypothesis guiding the U.S. Southern Ocean Global Ocean Ecosystems Dynamics (U.S. SO GLOBEC) program is that deep across-shelf troughs facilitate the transport of warm and nutrient-rich waters onto the continental shelf of the Western Antarctic Peninsula, resulting in enhanced winter production and prey availability to top predators. We tested aspects of this hypothesis during austral winter by assessing the distribution of the resident pack-ice top predators in relation to these deep across-shelf troughs and by investigating associations between top predators and their prey. Surveys were conducted July-August 2001 and August-September 2002 in Marguerite Bay, Antarctica, with a focus on the main across-shelf trough in the bay, Marguerite Trough. The common pack-ice seabird species were snow petrel (Pagodroma nivea, 1.2 individuals km-2), Antarctic petrel (Thalassoica antarctica, 0.3 individuals km-2), and Adélie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae, 0.5 individuals km-2). The most common pack-ice pinniped was crabeater seal (Lobodon carcinophagus). During both winters, snow and Antarctic petrels were associated with low sea ice concentrations independent of Marguerite Trough, while Adélie penguins occurred in association with this trough. Krill concentrations, both shallow and deep, were also associated with Adélie penguin and snow petrel distributions. During both winters, crabeater seal occurrence was associated with deep krill concentrations and with regions of lower chlorophyll concentration. The area of lower chlorophyll concentrations occurred in an area with complex bathymetry close to land and heavy ice concentrations. Complex or unusual bathymetry via its influence on physical and biological processes appears to be one of the keys to understanding how top predators survive during the winter in this Antarctic region.This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants No. OPP-9910096 (to C. Ribic), OPP-9910307 (to P. Wiebe), OPP-9632763, OPP-0120525, OPP-0217282 and OPP-0224727 (to W. Fraser), and a Fulbright Scholarship and Office of Naval Research Grant N00014-03-0212 (to G. Lawson)

    Destination Management: Switzerland and the case study of Winterthur

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    reservedL'elaborato scritto verterà sul concetto di turismo e di come i flussi turistici siano cambiati prima, durante e dopo il Covid-19, tenendo conto anche della guerra in Ucraina. Esaminerà poi il concetto di destinazione, di destination management e destination marketing, con filo conduttore il tema della sostenibilità, importante anche per il successivo approfondimento sulla destinazione Svizzera e il caso di Winterthur, quest'ultima ossevata al fine di trarne delle proposte conclusive di miglioramento.The written paper will focus on the concept of tourism and how tourist flows have changed before, during and after Covid-19, also taking into account the war in Ukraine. It will then examine the concept of destination, destination management and destination marketing, with the theme of sustainability, which is also important for the subsequent study of the Swiss destination and the case of Winterthur, the latter observed in order to draw conclusive proposals for improvement

    Retratamento endodontico : solventes, instrumentos rotatorios e cirurgia parendodontica

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    O tratamento endodôntico é considerado um insucesso quando existe o aparecimento, aumento ou não regressão de uma lesão periapical, podendo estar acompanhado de sinais e sintomas como fístula, dor à palpação e/ou percussão, mobilidade entre outros. As bactérias pré-existentes no canal radicular são as principais responsáveis por esse quadro de fracasso do tratamento endodôntico. O retratamento endodôntico visa solucionar o insucesso endodôntico através de um método não-cirúrgico (via canal) ou cirúrgico (cirurgia parendodôntica). Assim, o objetivo desse trabalho foi realizar uma revisão da literatura sobre o uso de solventes, suas indicações, características e contra-indicações; fazer uma comparação entre limas rotatórias e manuais e entre retratamento convencional e cirurgia parendodôntica. Os solventes são utilizados a fim de facilitar a remoção do material obturador, mas podem apresentar efeitos indesejáveis e prejudiciais aos pacientes em casos de extravasamento apical. Por isso, sempre que possível deve-se optar por aquele que apresenta melhores propriedades biológicas, como o óleo de laranja, ou mesmo pela remoção do material obturador sem o uso dos mesmos. As limas rotatórias, produzidas em níquel-titânio, parecem facilitar o processo de desobturação e agilizar o procedimento, porém, possuem limitações inerentes ao material, como fraturas e distorções, custo e necessidade de treinamento específico. Além disso, apesar do avanço no desenvolvimento dos instrumentos rotatórios, há a permanência de pequenas quantidades de material obturador quando se faz uso de instrumentos manuais ou rotatórios. A cirurgia parendodôntica sempre é tida como uma segunda opção ao retratamento e só deve ser realizada em casos de fracasso do retratamento convencional ou em casos em que o acesso ao canal via usual não é possível.The endodontic treatment is considered insucess when radiographs show apical radiolucency and classical clinical complaints, such as tenderness on touch, fistulas, na chewing pain on palpatoty action. Most treatment failures are caused by microorganisms persisteng in the apical parts of root canals of obturated teeth. The endodontic retreatment can be surgical or nonsurgical. The aim of this study was review types of solvents, rotary instruments and surgical and nonsurgical retreatment. Usually the mechanical removal is assisted by the application of various chemical solvents that must be able to dissolve gutta-percha, as well as different root canal sealers, but the most effective gutta-percha solvents are toxic ar otherwise hazardous. Nickel-titanium rotary instruments have been proposed for the removal of filling materials from the root canal walls and various studies reported their efficacy, cleaning ability and safety, but ali instruments (rotary or manual) left filling material inside the root canal. In cases which endodontic treatment fails, it is generally agreed that the optimal approach is to undertake conventional retreatment, but periapical surgery remains an additional or alternative option for management of cases in which retreatment is not possible

    Ensaios de sorção de água, rugosidade superficial e solubilidade em resinas acrílicas ativadas termicamente por energia de microondas e banho de água, associado ao polimento químico e convencional

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    Conhecendo a importância que as resinas acrílicas ativadas termicamente ocupam no contexto da Odontologia, é de real importância o enriquecimento de dados e conhecimentos que nos levam a um melhor entendimento de novos métodos de manuseio desta resina. O objetivo deste trabalho é a realização de testes de sorção de água, solubilidade e rugosidade superficial em amostras confeccionadas com resina termopolimerizável processadas por 1) energia de microondas a 500 Watts durante 3 minutos e 2) banho de água à 73°C * 1°C por 9 horas. As amostras foram polidas através de dois métodos distintos: 1) polimento químico e 2) polimento mecânico convencional. Foram confeccionadas 40 amostras, de acordo com a especificação n° 12 da American Dental Association, reunidas aleatoriamente em 4 grupos, com 10 repetições para cada um (Gl, Gil, Gill e GIV). Os grupos Gl e Gil foram compostos pelas amostras processadas por energia de microondas e os grupos GIM e GIV, pelas amostras processadas por banho de água. Os grupos Gl e Gill receberam polimento químico e os grupos Gil e GIV, polimento mecânico convencional. As amostras foram submetidas ao teste de sorção de água, utilizando água destilada, pressão ambiente, temperatura de 37 ±1°C, por 30 dias. O valor para o índice de sorção de água foi calculado em função da metodologia proposta pela A.D.A. (1975). As médias de sorção de água expressas em mg/cm2, observadas foram as seguintes: Gl: 0,000953, Gil: 0,001069, Gill: 0,000958 e GIV: 0,001491. Quando analisadas através do teste t de Student e Tukey, não demonstraram diferença estatística entre si (p>0,05), permitindo concluir que a polimerização da resina por energia de microondas e o polimento químico não alteraram os índices de sorção de água das amostras. O valor para o índice de solubilidade de água e rugosidade superficial foi calculado em função da metodologia proposta pela A.D.A. (1975). Os resultados para solubilidade, em mg/cm2, foram: Gl: 0,02; Gll:0,04; Gill: 0,07; GIV: -0,014. Resultados de rugosidade superficial, em um: Gl: 0,4892; Gil: 0,1085; Gill: 0,4190; GIV: 0,0992. De acordo com os resultadosconcluiu-se que: 1) amostras polimerizadas por banho de água e polidas mecanicamenteapresentaram menor grau de solubilidade e 2) amostras polidas mecanicamente apresentaram menor rugosidade superficial

    Influence of mechanical and chemical polishing in the solubility of acrylic resins polymerized by microwave irradiation and conventional water bath

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    Objectives. The aim of this work was to evaluate the solubility of acrylic resin activated by microwave irradiation (MI) or water bath (WB), when submitted to chemical (CP) or mechanical (MP) polishing. Methods. Forty acrylic resin samples were made and processed either by water bath (74 +/- 1degreesC, 9 h) or microwave irradiation (500 W, 3 min). After deflasking, the samples were finished with aluminum oxide sandpapers in decreasing granulations till reaching similar dimensions. The samples were divided into four groups according to the association between kind of polymerization and polishing: A (WB + CP), B (WB + MP), C (MI + CP) and D (MI + MP). Solubility test was performed for each group and percentile solubility was calculated. Data were statistically analyzed using variance analysis and Kruskat-Wallis. Results. The average of percentile solubility (%) was obtained: A = 0.07, B = 0.02, C = 0.04, D = -0.14, however, no significant difference was found between types of polishing in the samples polymerized by water bath (A and B). When processed by microwave irradiation (C and D), there was significant difference between the applied methods of polishing, so that mechanical polishing lead to a lower solubility. Significance. Solubility is a property of acrylic resins, representing not reacted substances releasing that could promote tissular reactions in prosthesis users. The association between polymerization by microwave irradiation and mechanical polishing showed Less residual substances releasing for heat-cured acrylic resins, reducing the probability of developing tissular reactions. (C) 2003 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.20656556

    Surface roughness of acrylic resins processed by microwave energy and polished by mechanical and chemical process

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of polymerization methods (microwave energy - MW, and water bath - WB) and polishing techniques (chemical - C and mechanical - M) on the surface roughness of one heat-polymerized acylic resin (Vipi-Cril). Forty acrylic resin disk-shaped samples were made according to ADA specification n° 12. Half of samples were processed by microwave energy (500W for 3 minutes), and the other half by water bath (74±1 °C for 9 hours). After deflasking, the samples were trimmed with a sequence of abrasive aluminum oxide sandpapers of different grades (180, 220 and 400) and divided in 4 groups according to polymerization methods and polishing techniques: G1: MW+CP, G2: MW+MP, G3: WB+CP and G4: WB+MP. Surface roughness values were measured using a Surfcorder SE 1700 rugosimeter (Kosaka Laboratory Ltd, Kosaka, Japan). Mann-Whitney test (p=.05) indicated significant differences between polishing methods processed by microwave energy (p= .0018), and between polishing methods processing by water bath (p= .0002). Samples processed by both methods (water bath or microwave energy) showed smoother surfaces when polished by mechanical polishing method, and polymerization methods did not influence in surface roughness

    Surface roughness of acrylic resins processed by microwave energy and polished by mechanical and chemical process

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    of this study was to evaluate the influence of polymerization methods (microwave energy - MW, and water bath - WB) and polishing techniques (chemical - C and mechanical - M) on the surface roughness of one heat-polymerized acylic resin (Vipi-Cril). Forty acrylic resin disk-shaped samples were made according to ADA specification nº 12. Half of samples were processed by microwave energy (500W for 3 minutes), and the other half by water bath (74±1 ºC for 9 hours). After deflasking, the samples were trimmed with a sequence of abrasive aluminum oxide sandpapers of different grades (180, 220 and 400) and divided in 4 groups according to polymerization methods and polishing techniques: G1: MW+CP, G2: MW+MP, G3: WB+CP and G4: WB+MP. Surface roughness values were measured using a Surfcorder SE 1700 rugosimeter (Kosaka Laboratory Ltd, Kosaka, Japan). Mann-Whitney test (p=.05) indicated significant differences between polishing methods processed by microwave energy (p= .0018), and between polishing methods processing by water bath (p= .0002). Samples processed by both methods (water bath or microwave energy) showed smoother surfaces when polished by mechanical polishing method, and polymerization methods did not influence in surface roughness