135 research outputs found

    When Arbitrators Facilitate Settlement: Towards a Transnational Standard: Clayton Utz/University of Sydney International Arbitration Lecture

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    In the last decades, the law and practice of international arbitration worldwide has increasingly evolved towards greater uniformity. There remain though a few trouble spots for which harmonization appears more difficult to achieve. The role of the arbitrator as settlement facilitator appears to be one of these trouble spots. At the same time, the search for increased efficiency is one of the main concerns of contemporary justice, including arbitration. Hence, the topic of this article which examines the present state of the law and practice to determine whether a uniform standard may be emerging and what its content may be. On the basis of comparative research and field observation, the author notes that the cultural and legal background of an arbitrator may well influence the latter's tendency to actively contribute to the amicable settlement of the dispute or not. The author then reviews the pros and cons of an arbitrator becoming involved in settlement facilitation. The main advantage is the increased efficiency of the dispute settlement process, while the main drawback lies in the threat to the impartiality of the arbitrator should the settlement fail. In the light of her analysis, the author concludes that a transnational standard may well emerge on this issue as it has for many other topics of arbitration law in the recent past. She then sketches the contours of such standard. In brief, an arbitrator acting to facilitate settlement must seek the parties' informed consent to the process and safeguard due process and equal treatment and his or her impartiality. These requirements impose certain procedures which distinguish settlement facilitation in arbitration from mediation, yet make it a valuable tool to increase the efficiency of dispute resolutio

    Arbitral Precedent: Dream, Necessity or Excuse?: The 2006 Freshfields Lecture

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    This article has been adapted from the Freshfields lecture given on 14 November 200

    Hacia una mayor eficacia en el arbitraje: control de tiempos y costos

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    Este texto es la compilación de las ponencias del congreso, dedicado principalmente a la eficacia del arbitraje, al problema de los costos y al problema de la duración de los procedimientos, realizado con motivo de la conmemoración de los 25 años del Centro de Arbitraje y Conciliación.Se realiza este evento en un momento muy especial, no solo en el campo internacional, sino para Colombia. En el ámbito mundial la crisis financiera que se ha desbordado desde la última parte del año anterior, ha ocasionado el incremento de la conflictividad mercantil internacional, como lo registran todos los medios de comunicación del mundo y lo señalan autorizados comentaristas y observadores