47 research outputs found

    Metilén kékkel impregnált szilika nanokonténerek hatása a kitozán vékony rétegre: Influence of methylene blue impregnated silica nanocontainers on the properties of chitosan thin layers

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    Chitosan is a biopolymer, which is synthesized by the deacetylation of chitin extracted from the shells of crustaceans [1]. It has drawn significant attention in the past few years in physical and electrochemical research, due to its eco-friendly nature, cost-efficient production process and the abundance of  its precursor. This study focuses on the characterization of methylene blue impregnated silica nanocontainers-chitosan systems. Glass and zinc were used as substrates. Methylene blue shows a high affinity toward silica nanocontainers [2] and its also a good model substance due to its intense color. It has been widely studied as a possible corrosion inhibitor [3]. Optical studies show that methylene blue accumulates significantly in the nanocontainers. The methylene blue can’t be impregnated directly in the chitosan thin coating, it can be introduced only through the nanocontainers. We have succeeded in producing stable methylene blue-nanocontainers/chitosan systems. Further research is needed to determine the electrochemical properties of these coatings and to optimize their anticorrosive effect. Kivonat A kitozán egy biopolimer melyet a rákfélék páncéljából kivont kitin deacilezésével állítanak elő [1]. Környezetbarát, gazdaságos, nyersanyaga könnyen hozzáférhető és sokrétű tulajdonságainak köszönhetően az utóbbi években kiemelt figyelmet kapott különböző fizikai és elektrokémiai kutatásokban. Munkánk során metilénkékkel impregnált szilika nanokonténerek/kitozán rendszerek tulajdonságait vizsgáltuk üveg és cink hordozókon. A metilénkék nagy affinitást mutat a szilika nanokonténerekkel szemben [2], valamint megfelelő modell anyag intenzív színének köszönhetően. A szakirodalomban széleskörűen vizsgálták mint lehetséges korrózió inhibitort [3]. Az optikai vizsgálatokból kitűnik, hogy a metilénkék jelentősen akkumulálódik a nanokonténerekben. A kitozán rétegbe nem lehet a metilénkéket impregnálni, de a nanokonténerek segítségével bevihető. Sikeresen létrehoztunk stabil metilénkék-nanokonténer/kitozán rendszereket. További kutatások szükségesek annak érdekében, hogy vizsgáljuk a bevonatok elektrokémiai tulajdonságait, illetve optimizáljuk ezek korrózióvédő hatását. &nbsp

    Investigation of Ustilago maydis Infection on Some Physiological Parameters and Phenotypic Traits of Maize

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    One of the most dangerous diseases of corn is Ustilago maydis DC. Corda, which damages the maize yield every year. It is difficult to protect against the corn smut infection because the efficiency of fungicide treatment is inadequate. The purpose of this research was to examine the effects of corn smut infection on some physiological and morphological parameters of maize (Zea mays L. cv. Armagnac). Furthermore, the aim of this research was to examine the possible compensation effects of gibberellin (GA3) and ethylene (as ethrel) separately, and in combination on the corn smut infection. The plants were grown in a greenhouse, they were infected and treated in the five leaf phenological phase with two ml of sporidium suspension (10,000 sporidium%252Fml), injected into the stem. At the same time, one ml of gibberellin, ethylene and the combination of the two hormones were injected. The relative chlorophyll content, stem diameter and plant height were measured in the fourth and fifth leaves of plants, 7, 11 and 14 days after the infection (DAI). The photosynthetic pigments were determined from the fourth leaf, and the rate of lipid peroxidation was measured from the fifth leaves, 14 DAI. The corn smut infection significantly reduced the relative-chlorophyll content 14 DAI compared to the control. The gibberellin reduced the harmful effects of the pathogen. No significant difference was recorded in case of stem diameter. The infected plants were shorter than the control plants when treated with ethylene. The effect of corn smut infection was more pronounced in the terms of photosynthetic pigments and the rate of lipid peroxidation. Ethylene treatment increased while gibberellin treatment reduced the impact of the infection. In this research, the corn smut infection and hormone treatments had larger impact on measured physiological parameters than on morphological parameters