9 research outputs found


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    Sibiu Surroundings include settlements in the vicinity of the mountain, such as Sălişte, Sibiel, Vale, Tilişca, Fântânele, Rod, Orlat, River Mouth, Poplaca, Răşinari, Poiana Sibiu, Miercurea Sibiului and Jina. Grazing was the main occupation of the inhabitants of Mărginime; occupation that practice Dacians and Romans (evidenced by the existence of a sheep-shearing scissors, found on castle Cisnădioara hill, dating from those times). The first form is the sedentary shepherding that those who had a few sheep pastures were using the center of the village, a second form was shepherding pendulatoriu grazing in that those who had a greater number of sheep shepherds entrusted to them for the move and thus appears that transhumance was driven by harsh winter conditions on Transylvania land. Shepherding their flocks occurs over the centuries as a regular seasonal migration astronomical. Leaving the sheep from the mountains to the plains of Transylvania and Moldova Romanian State was made by customs and celebrations in early March. Road sheep was, went through Sibiu, stopped the mouth where it was custom to Câineni stopped overnight, grab for Sălătruc and from there to the Arges Court and Pitesti, then " the big road" to Bucharest or villages over Vlaşca, go take 10-12 days. Cheese produced mainly from sheep milk was produced for the first time in Mărginime of a shepherd " Ioan Popescu, Salistean walked in sheep, in the land but also in America.


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    Feed additives are substances or products, added in small quantities, leading to complement and balance the ration. Organic acids are responsible for maintaining a balanced bacterial microcultures digestiv tract. La broilers, using Del-Ca-Mag, veterinary mineral supplement, 100% naturally improves performance and efficiency, it is an amorphous dolomite extracted from Delnita Harghita area. Mineral Antioxidants are particularly important in maintaining a rapid and effective. This concept is based on understanding the contribution of minerals in reducing the negative effects of free radicals and toxic metabolites on immune processes in the animal organism. It can be appreciated that feed additives cannot be easily removed from the diet of broiler chickens, as they have contributed to the improvement of feed conversion index and maintaining good health of offspring, given the conflicting results obtained consider the use of feed additives above) is absolutely necessary broiler growth stages as positively influence food consumption, health and weight

    Physico-chemical and Microbiological Composition of Composts from Bucharest Municipal Waste

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    AbstractAverage composition of household waste in Bucharest has a large variability. The average amount of waste collected is 0.048 m3/man. year compared with the U.S. 1m3/ man. year, South Africa 0.8 m3 / man. year and Australia 0.4 m3/ man. year. These wastes are sorted, the size which could be sorted and reused according to their composition, remaining part, about 64% of the original composition is subject to biodegradation by composting. The material resulting from the biodegradable composting was analyzed in terms of the physical- chemical and microbiological properties. Physical analyzes aimed material granulometry, humidity and porosity. Chemical analyzes were conducted on fractions and consisted in determining pH, salt content and soluble elements such as Ca, Mg, N, P, K, as well as heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, Ni, etc.). In order to assess biodegradability of the waste material the breath was determined. The results showed variability in physical characteristics between batches of compost from municipal waste, variability of the chemical characteristics of graded according including especially heavy metals and other hazardous elements. This variation indicates that the coarse fractions have a higher amount of N, P, K and small in high fractions of heavy metals. Determination of breath biodegradable material can be a valuable indicator of degradation phenomenon completion

    Tree and Fruit Characteristics of Various Apple Genotypes Obtained through Mutagenesis

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    Apple seeds treated with variable intensity doses of irradiation produce alterations of apple heredity, which are generally characterized by the reduction of tree vigour, change of fructification type, crop capacity, fruit shape, colour and biochemical fruit content. Morphological and productive features of trees derived through mutagenesis and fruit quality were studied on twelve apple genotypes, using Jonathan and Golden Delicious cultivars as control. The analysis of apple genotypes growing potential obtained through mutagenesis showed that there were significant differences in the tree height, trunk diameter, crown diameter and fructification type among the apple trees. Several genotypes (G-1/7, G-1/8, G-3/123, G-4/131, G-9/11) were registered with a high content of total nitrogen and protein in the fruits and G-9/11 genotype had the highest content of phosphorus (0.408%). Genotypes G-4/101 and G-4/131 accumulated a high quantity of nitrates, over the maximum admitted levels of 60 ppm NO3- for fresh fruits. Cu and Zn contents were low, under the maximum admitted limits

    Influence of Fertilization System on the Quality of Cucumbers

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    Different types of cucumbers culture, respectively organic system and the system of chemical and organic fertilization can influence vegetable quality. The present study was carried out in a solarium on a farm, in six experimental variants, three replications. Three variants for fertilization systems with two cucumbers cultivars were used. The biological material used in the experiments consisted of the cultivars ‘Triumf’ F1 and ‘Mirabelle’ F1. Fertilization systems used were organic with manure, classic with chemical fertilizers and soluble complex fertilizers with fertigation. In the present research agrochemical and biochemical characteristics were analysed and also weight of fruits and yield on plants and kg/m2 were measured. Agrochemical characteristics were: contents of nitrates, phosphorus and potassium from cucumbers and the biochemical characteristics measured were: acidity, soluble carbohydrates, vitamin C and dry matter. The results showed that the fertilization with soluble complex fertilizers in addition with fertigation assured the entire necessary for the growth and fructification of cucumbers. The presence of chemical fertilizers do not influence in a negative way the nitrates, phosphorus and potassium content and the quality of consumption of cucumbers was assured. Regarding the cultivars the best yield and quality results were obtained to ‘Mirabelle’ F1.</p


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    Our research on the use of slow-release biodegradable fertilizers were applied to Petunia hybrida seedlings of the variety “White Surfinia”. Thus after 10 days subculturing procedure was to apply fertilizers containing NKP24 biodegradable and made in the form of sticks and granules with six concentrations of starch (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 50%) quantaties (4-5 grams/ 1 pot). For each pot with of 8 cm diameter, we prepared a mixture of peat and garden soil in a rate of 1:1. During the vegetation periods, morphological analyses were made regarding the development of Petunia hybrida, cv. “White Surfinia”plants: the length of shoots and number of shoot. Average values recorded from morphological determinations after 1 month of starting experiments on biofertilizers influence on growth and development the seedlings of Petunia was demonstrated that the optimal variant was the fertilizer V5 with -25% WF (wood flour) to 50% concentration of biofertilizers NKP24 (for both form of sticks A-big and B-medium ) and for fertilizer form C- granular the V6 variant with -50% concentration of biofertilizers NKP24, the petunia stem was recorded maximum of 58.92 cm length .The research is part of an international project FP7/2008 with the title "Forest Resource Sustainability through Bio-Based-Composite Development" – FORBIOPLAST. Multiple aims of FORBIOPLAST project are the valorization of forest resources for the production of bio-based products