6 research outputs found

    A influĂȘncia da fisioterapia em instituiçÔes de longa permanĂȘncia: uma revisĂŁo integrativa. | The influence of physiotherapy in long stay institutions: an integrative review.

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    Objetivo: analisar a influĂȘncia da fisioterapia praticada dentro de ILPI’s na vida da pessoa idosa institucionalizada.  Fonte de dados: trata-se de uma revisĂŁo integrativa da literatura conduzida por meio das bases de dados Biblioteca Virtual em SaĂșde (BVS) e PubMed, no perĂ­odo de setembro a novembro de 2019. Os descritores utilizados foram: “fisioterapia”, “idoso” e “institucionalização”. Os critĂ©rios de inclusĂŁo foram: artigos que abordaram a fisioterapia em ILPIs; artigos publicados em portuguĂȘs, inglĂȘs e espanhol; artigos publicados entre 2012 a 2019 e que tenham feito a pesquisa no Brasil. Os critĂ©rios de exclusĂŁo foram: artigos repetidos na busca; artigos que nĂŁo abordaram a fisioterapia em ILPIs como tema principal; artigos de revisĂŁo de literatura, dissertaçÔes e teses. A amostra final foi composta por cinco artigos que avaliaram a fisioterapia nas instituiçÔes de longa permanĂȘncia. ConclusĂŁo: os estudos abordaram, em sua maioria, a melhora dos pacientes submetidos Ă  realização de fisioterapia. Foi possĂ­vel evidenciar que, ao propor medidas para fortalecimento e exercĂ­cios em dupla tarefa, os pacientes apresentaram melhora nos escores, porĂ©m, a maioria dos idosos estudados faziam fisioterapia devido alguma disfunção, nĂŁo sendo aplicada a fisioterapia desde a prevenção atĂ© a promoção de saĂșde.Palavras-chave: fisioterapia; idoso; institucionalização. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AbstractObjective: to analyze the influence of physical therapy practiced within LTCFs in the life of the institutionalized elderly person Data sources: This is an integrative literature review conducted through the Virtual Health Library and PubMed databases, from September to November 2019. The descriptors used were: “physiotherapy”, “elderly” and "Institutionalization". Inclusion criteria were: articles that addressed physical therapy in LTCFs; articles published in Portuguese, English and Spanish; articles published between 2012 and 2019 that have done research in Brazil. Exclusion criteria were: repeated articles in the search; articles that did not address physical therapy in LTCF as the main theme; literature review articles, dissertations and theses. The final sample consisted of five articles that evaluated physical therapy in long-term care facilities. Conclusion: most studies addressed the improvement of patients undergoing physical therapy. It was possible to show that, when proposing measures for strengthening and double-task exercises, patients showed improvement in scores, but most of the elderly studied had physiotherapy due to some dysfunction, not being applied to physiotherapy from prevention to health promotion.Keywords: physiotherapy; elderly; institutionalization

    University of the Third Age: the impact of continuing education on the quality of life of the elderly

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    <div><p>Abstract Objective: To verify, among elderly participants of the University of the Third Age (UnATI) of PUC GoiĂĄs, Goiania, Brazil, whether quality of life was higher or lower among veteran or first-year participants of the UnATI, and to evaluate if there was a statistically significant difference between the quality of life of men and women or first-years and veterans. Method: An observational case-control study with a quantitative approach was performed with 100 elderly individuals from the UnATI. Fifty first-years and fifty veterans were involved. Two questionnaires were applied, one with sociodemographic data and the other using the World Health Organization Quality of Life - Old (WHOQOL-OLD) scale, which evaluates the quality of life of the elderly. Variance analysis (ANOVA) and multivariate variance analysis (MANOVA) were performed, with p≀0.05 applied to the relevant statistics. Result: The vast majority of the sample were women (90%), aged between 60 and 86 years old (average of 68.37±5.28 years old). The overall quality of life score was 3.68±0.50 (first-years) and 3.87±0.55 (veterans). There was a statistically significant difference in the areas: sensory functioning (veterans =4.28±0.65 and first-years =3.95±0.80) (p=0.025) and past, present and future activity (veterans =4.0±0.72 and first-years =3.59±0.79) (p=0.008). Multivariate variance analysis identified that the overall quality of life scores of both men (veterans =3.15 and first-years =4.21) and women (veterans =3.78 and first-years =3.86), were highest after they became veteran students (p=0.007). Conclusion: Veterans had a higher quality of life than first-years. The continuing education provided by UnATI has a positive impact on the quality of life of the elderly.</p></div

    AnĂĄlise dos NĂ­veis de Empatia de Estudantes de Medicina

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    RESUMO Objetivo: Analisar os nĂ­veis de empatia em estudantes de Medicina pertencentes a uma universidade filantrĂłpica, avaliando a evolução do cuidado compassivo, da capacidade de se colocar no lugar do paciente e da tomada de perspectiva em alunos ingressantes e concluintes de um curso de Medicina. MĂ©todos: Trata-se de um estudo transversal descritivo com abordagem quantitativa. Dois questionĂĄrios foram aplicados, um com dados sociodemogrĂĄficos e o outro com a Escala Jefferson, que avalia a empatia mĂ©dica. Foram incluĂ­dos na pesquisa 152 acadĂȘmicos do segundo, terceiro, 11° e 12° perĂ­odos de um curso de Medicina de uma universidade filantrĂłpica da cidade de GoiĂąnia (GO). Resultados: A mĂ©dia de idade foi de 22,7 anos (± 3,7), sendo 64,5% do sexo feminino e 98,0% de solteiros. A maioria tem renda familiar acima de dez salĂĄrios mĂ­nimos (49,3%) e reside em casa prĂłpria (84,2%). O escore global dos ingressantes foi de 116,9 (± 13,0) e o dos concluintes de 117,1 (± 15,1). Acerca do cuidado compassivo, os escores foram 69,4 (± 8,0) e 68,8 (± 9,4); na capacidade de se colocar no lugar do paciente, 8,4 (± 3,0) e 8,6 (± 2,9); e na tomada de perspectiva 39,1 (± 6,3) e 39,7 (± 6,3), respectivamente. No conjunto da população pesquisada, os escores foram: global (117,0 ± 13,9), cuidado compassivo (69,1 ± 8,6), colocar-se no lugar do paciente (8,5 ± 3,0) e tomada de perspectiva (39,4 ± 6,3). Em relação a “colocar-se no lugar do paciente”, os escores das idade foram: 18 a 24 anos de 8,6; 25 a 29 anos de 8,2 e 30 a 45 anos de 7,8. O sexo feminino teve escores maiores em relação Ă  empatia (119,0) e no “cuidado compassivo” (70,7). ConclusĂŁo: Os dados apontaram uma tendĂȘncia discreta dos concluintes em serem mais empĂĄticos do que os ingressantes. Dados sociodemogrĂĄficos, como gĂȘnero feminino, ausĂȘncia de doença pessoal, morar em residĂȘncia prĂłpria e a menor idade foram preditores que indicaram maior capacidade empĂĄtica na relação com os pacientes

    Analysis of Empathy Levels of Medicine Students

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    <p></p><p>ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the levels of empathy among medical students attending a philanthropic university, evaluating the evolution of compassionate care, the ability to put oneself in the patient's place and to look at things in perspective, among first-year and final-year medical students. Methods: This is a cross-sectional descriptive study with a quantitative approach. Two questionnaires were applied, one with sociodemographic data and the other the Jefferson Scale that evaluates medical empathy. Included in the survey were 152 academics from the first, second and sixth years of a medical course at a philanthropic university in the city of GoiĂąnia/GO. Results: The mean age was 22.7 years (± 3.7), 64.5% female and 98.0% single. The majority reported a family income of more than 10 minimum wages (49.3%) and live in their own homes (84.2%). The overall score of the participants was 116.9 (± 13.0) and the final score was 117.1 (± 15.1). As regards compassionate care, the scores were 69.4 (± 8.0) and 68.8 (± 9.4), for the capacity to place themselves in the patient's position, 8.4 (± 3.0) and 8.6 (± 2.9), and looking at things in perspective, 39.1 (± 6.3) and 39.7 (± 6.3), respectively. In the entire sample population the scores were: overall (117.0 ± 13.9), compassionate care (69.1 ± 8.6), putting oneself in the place of the patient (8.5 ± 3.0) and taking a view of things in perspective (39.4 ± 6.3). In relation to “putting themselves in the patient's place” the age scores were: 18 to 24 years old, 8.6; 25 to 29 years of 8.2 and 30 to 45 years of 7.8. The female gender produced higher scores regarding empathy (119.0) and “compassionate care” (70.7). Conclusion: The data pointed to a discrete tendency of the graduating students to be more empathic than the newcomers. Sociodemographic data, such as female sex, the absence of personal illness, living in their own home and being a younger age were predictors that indicated greater empathic capacity in the relationship with the patients.</p><p></p