68 research outputs found

    A mãe narradora na ficção contemporânea : uma análise de com armas sonolentas, de Carola Saavedra

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é compreender a figura da mãe narradora no romance Com armas sonolentas (2018), de Carola Saavedra. Para tanto, o trabalho se divide em três partes. Na primeira, contextualizamos tal figura na ficção contemporânea, pontuando sua recorrência nas últimas décadas, devida em especial às transformações sociais e simbólicas da maternidade e da feminilidade surgidas na segunda metade do século XX. Na seção seguinte, iniciamos a análise do romance de Saavedra, com foco na temática do amor materno enquanto mito, a partir dos estudos históricos de Elisabeth Badinter (1980). Por fim, na terceira parte, a partir de um referencial composto por Simone de Beauvoir (2009), Michel Foucault (1988) e Michelle Perrot (2003; 2005), mostramos como o discurso da mãe narradora de Com armas sonolentas problematiza a relação de alteridade da mulher com seu corpo grávido. Todas essas reflexões são desenvolvidas junto às noções psicanalíticas da feminilidade discutidas por Maria Rita Kehl (2009; 2016) e aos conceitos benjaminianos de narrador e de experiência (BENJAMIN, 1994). Desse modo, concluímos que a mãe narradora contemporânea se destaca por apresentar a maternidade enquanto experiência, isto é, enquanto um discurso que compartilha uma visão prática e problematizada dos cuidados que um filho demanda.This work seeks to understand the character of the storytelling mother in the novel Com armas sonolentas (2018), by Carola Saavedra. Thus, it is sectioned in three parts. In the first one, we will contextualize such a figure in contemporary fiction, pointing out its recurrence in the last decades, particularly due to social and symbolic transformations of maternity and femininity in the second half of the 20th century. In the next section, we will begin to analyze Saavedra’s novel, focusing on maternal love as myth, referring to Elisabeth Badinter’s (1980) historical studies. Lastly, in the third section, based on Simone de Beauvoir (2009), Michel Foucault (1988), and Michelle Perrot (2003; 2005), we will show how the discourse of the storytelling mother in Com armas sonolentas discusses the alterity relations between the woman and its pregnant body. All those reflections are developed along with psychoanalytical concepts of femininity by Maria Rita Kehl (2009; 2016) and Benjamin’s (1994) concepts of experience and the storyteller. Therefore, we will conclude that the contemporary storytelling mother distinguishes herself by presenting motherhood as experience, i. e., as practical and complex discourse that shares the demands of taking care of a child

    Lembrar a maternidade: Alguns nexos entre memória, narrativa e experiência materna

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    Based on the prefaces of two memoirs written by mothers, Jane Lazarre’s The mother knot (1976) and Rachel Cusk’s A life’s work: on becoming a mother, this essay points out some connections between the narration of mother experience and the notions of memory and storytelling as exposed by Walter Benjamin (1994, 2012) and Jeanne Marie Gagnebin (1994, 2009). Reading keys and remarks found on the prefaces are exploited as loose threads which, if proper sewed, help us to better understand the recollection and narration of maternal experience in the literature of the last decades. As we try to indicate, when mothers narrate their experience, a personal as well as a collective realm is at stake: it is in the continuance of women stories about motherhood that the tradition of these narratives is updated. In addition, we emphasize how notions such as circularity, knot, memory and forgetfulness are important to the memoirs analyzed.Este texto parte dos prefácios dos livros de memórias The mother knot, de Jane Lazarre (1976), e A life’s work: on becoming a mother, de Rachel Cusk (2001), para indicar alguns nexos entre a narração da experiência materna e as noções de memória e narrativa como apresentadas por Walter Benjamin (1994, 2012) e Jeanne Marie Gagnebin (1994, 2009). Aqui, as chaves de leitura e os apontamentos encontrados nesses prefácios são trabalhados como fios soltos que, se alinhavados e cosidos, ajudam-nos a compreender melhor em que consiste a rememoração e a narração da experiência materna na literatura das últimas décadas. Procuramos mostrar que, quando as mães narram tal experiência, está em jogo tanto uma esfera pessoal quanto uma coletiva, pois é na continuidade das narrativas femininas sobre a maternidade que a tradição mesma dessas narrativas se atualiza. Ademais, assinalamos a relevância das noções de circularidade, nó, lembrança e esquecimento na construção das narrativas maternas analisadas


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    This paper explores the history of mothers and motherhood in the West, focusing on contesting the “myth of motherhood” (BADINTER, 1980). Starting from ancient Greece and figures like Demeter, the goddess of fertility, the text moves through the Middle Ages, where the image of Mary became widespread, to the Enlightenment, which saw the advent of the myth of the good mother. It then continued into the 20th century, when feminist movements advocated for less idealized motherhood, before finally arriving in the 21st century. As we seek to indicate, we have inherited a dual legacy in the 2000s: on the one hand, motherhood has increasingly become a deliberate choice rather than an unavoidable destiny, but on the other hand, many women remain haunted by the specter of the good mother.Este trabalho recupera a história das mães e da maternidade no Ocidente com foco na contestação do mito da boa mãe (BADINTER, 1980). Partindo da Grécia antiga e de figuras como Deméter, deusa da fertilidade, o texto passa pela Idade Média, em que se dissemina a imagem de Maria, pelo Iluminismo, com o advento do mito da boa mãe, e pelo século XX, com os movimentos feministas em prol de uma maternidade menos idealizada, chegando, por fim, ao século XXI. Como procuramos indicar, chegamos aos anos 2000 com uma herança dupla: por um lado, a maternidade passou a ser encarada cada vez mais como uma escolha deliberada, e não um destino incontornável; por outro, muitas mulheres seguem assombradas pelo fantasma da boa mãe

    Comportamiento de las Enteroparasitosis en niños procedentes de área urbana y rural, del Municipio de Somoto, Departamento de Madriz en el período 2010.

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    Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, de corte transversal cuyo objetivo fue determinar el comportamiento de las enteroparasitosis en niños procedentes de área urbana y rural, del municipio de Somoto, Departamento de Madriz, en el período 2010. El universo fueron los niños menores de 15 años, habitantes del sector 19 Colonia Los Maestros del área urbana y la comunidad Santa Isabel del área rural del departamento de Madriz, la muestra estuvo conformada por 141 niños por medio del Examen directo, Ritchie simplificado y la tinción de Ziehl Neelsen modificado, 81 muestras correspondieron al área urbana y 60 al área rural. El tipo de muestreo fue no probabilístico por conveniencia, y el instrumento utilizado para la recolección de la información fue una encuesta que abordó los aspectos de edad, sexo y condiciones higiénicas sanitarias. La parasitación total en el área urbano fue del 83.9% y en el área rural fue del 91.6% siendo esta la de mayor prevalencia. Las especies parásitas encontradas fueron 12, de estas 10 correspondieron a los protozoos y 2 a los helmintos. En el área urbana se identificaron 11 especies y en el área rural fueron 10. El espectro parasitario es amplio y tiene representantes de casi todos los grupos; iniciando con las Amebas se identificaron las Entamoebas, Endolimax, Iodamoeba, de los flagelados Chilomastix, Giardia, de los Coccidios se identificó a Cryptosporidium y Cyclospora solo en el área urbano, y a Blastocystis hominis como un parásito con clasificación aparte. De los helmintos las especies identificadas fueron de los Cestodo Hymenolepis nana y el nematodo Ascaris lumbricoides solo en el área rural. El principal factor que favoreció a la infección por parasitación fue el de las condiciones higiénicos sanitarias destacándose el piso de tierra, las heces al aire libre, el no alcantarillado, la basura sin tratamiento, el agua no potable, la conservación inadecuada del agua de consumo y la convivencia con animales domésticos. Esperamos se mantengan las campañas de desparasitación, las campañas y charlas sobre el higiene personal haciendo hincapié en el lavado de manos

    Prevalence of BRCA-1 associated protein 1 germline mutation in sporadic malignant pleural mesothelioma cases

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    OBJECTIVE: 23% of mesothelioma tumor specimens have a mutation in the BRCA1-associated protein 1 (BAP1) gene and germline BAP1 mutations predispose to malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM). Our aim was to investigate germline BAP1 mutations in sporadic MPM patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Exonic DNA from peripheral blood leucocytes of 78 MPM patients was screened for germline BAP1 mutation. RESULTS: One out of 78 patients showed a germline synonymous mutation in exon 11. In all other patients wild-type sequence without any single-nucleotide polymorphisms was detected. CONCLUSIONS: Taking into account previous similar screenings, the prevalence of germline BAP1 mutations in sporadic MPM patients can be estimated around 1-2%, suggesting a minor role of germline BAP1 mutation in the pathogenesis of sporadic MPM

    Development and Validation of an Educational Comic Book for Guidance on the Safe Use of Fluoride Toothpaste by Children

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    Objective: To describe the elaboration and content validation of a comic book for guidance on the safe use of fluoride toothpaste by children. Material and Methods: Study on the development of educational technology carried out in four phases: 1 – literature review and script; 2 – elaboration of the material (illustrations, layout and design), 3 – validation (Content Validity Index = CVI and Flesch Readability Index = FI), 4 – pilot test to legitimize the material with the target population. Thirty-one individuals participated in the validation, being 07 expert judges and 24 representatives of the lay population, responsible for the daily care of preschool and school-age children. Results: In the validation, CVI= 0.97 (97%), indicating high agreement of the judges\u27 answers; and FI = 92%, which corresponds to “very easy to understand” reading. In the pilot test carried out with the lay population, the 3 assessment blocks had CVI=1.0 (100%). Conclusion: The comic book proved to be valid regarding appearance and content and can be used for health education activities for adults on the use of fluoride toothpaste for oral hygiene in children

    Ecological study of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis in soil: growth ability, conidia production and molecular detection

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Paracoccidioides brasiliensis </it>ecology is not completely understood, although several pieces of evidence point to the soil as its most probable habitat. The present study aimed to investigate the fungal growth, conidia production and molecular pathogen detection in different soil conditions.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Soils samples of clayey, sandy and medium textures were collected from ground surface and the interior of armadillo burrows in a hyperendemic area of Paracoccidioidomycosis. <it>P</it>. <it>brasiliensis </it>was inoculated in soil with controlled humidity and in culture medium containing soil extracts. The molecular detection was carried out by Nested PCR, using panfungal and species specific primers from the ITS-5.8S rDNA region.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The soil texture does not affect fungus development and the growth is more abundant on/in soil saturated with water. Some soil samples inhibited the development of <it>P. brasiliensis</it>, especially those that contain high values of Exchangeable Aluminum (H+Al) in their composition. Some isolates produced a large number of conidia, mainly in soil-extract agar medium. The molecular detection was positive only in samples collected from armadillo burrows, both in sandy and clayey soil.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p><it>P. brasiliensis </it>may grow and produce the infectious conidia in sandy and clayey soil, containing high water content, mainly in wild animal burrows, but without high values of H+Al.</p

    Identification of cis- and trans-acting elements regulating calretinin expression in mesothelioma cells

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    Calretinin (CALB2) is a diagnostic marker for epithelioid mesothelioma. It is also a prognostic marker since patients with tumors expressing high calretinin levels have better overall survival. Silencing of calretinin decreases viability of epithelioid mesothelioma cells. Our aim was to elucidate mechanisms regulating calretinin expression in mesothelioma. Analysis of calretinin transcript and protein suggested a control at the mRNA level. Treatment with 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine and analysis of TCGA data indicated that promoter methylation is not likely to be involved. Therefore, we investigated CALB2 promoter by analyzing ~1kb of genomic sequence surrounding the transcription start site (TSS) + 1 using promoter reporter assay. Deletion analysis of CALB2 proximal promoter showed that sequence spanning the –161/+80bp region sustained transcriptional activity. Site-directed analysis identified important cis- regulatory elements within this –161/+80bp CALB2 promoter. EMSA and ChIP assays confirmed binding of NRF-1 and E2F2 to the CALB2 promoter and siRNA knockdown of NRF-1 led to decreased expression of calretinin. Cell synchronization experiment showed that calretinin expression was cell cycle regulated with a peak of expression at G1/S phase. This study provides the first insight in the regulation of CALB2 expression in mesothelioma cells