20 research outputs found

    Ilex paraguariensis silviculture : nutrition and planting density in a new cultivation system

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Ivar WendlingCoorientadores: Profa. Dra. Dagma Kratz, Prof. Dr. Carlos André StueppTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Florestal. Defesa : Curitiba, 16/02/2022Inclui referênciasÁrea de concentração: SilviculturaResumo: Apesar de sua importância econômica, ecológica e social, a silvicultura da erva-mate ainda carece de informações importantes e alternativas aos sistemas tradicionais de produção de biomassa. Neste trabalho, tivemos por objetivo desenvolver um novo sistema de cultivo de erva-mate com alta densidade de plantio e adequada fertilização com nitrogênio; dividimos nosso estudo em 3 capítulos, que estão descritos a seguir. O primeiro capítulo é uma revisão sistemática de estudos com densidade de plantio em espécies florestais em que discutimos e demos uma visão geral d os estudos nas últimas décadas para entender como a densidade de plantio pode influenciar o crescimento e a produtividade dos povoamentos florestais. Em nossas buscas, não encontramos estudos com povoamentos de alta densidade de erva-mate, indicando a falta de conhecimentos na área. No segundo e terceiro capítulos, expusemos os resultados de um experimento de campo implantado em 2018 em General Carneiro, PR. O ensaio de campo foi estabelecido em esquema fatorial duplo com 3 densidades de plantio (9.090, 13.333 e 25.000 plantas ha-1) e 5 doses de nitrogênio (0%, 50%, 100%, 200% e 300% da dose recomendada de N) avaliado em 5 colheitas subsequentes realizadas de maio de 2019 a maio de 2021 com períodos de rotação reduzidos. No segundo capítulo, avaliamos a biomassa total (por hectare e por planta) de folhas jovens e maduras. No terceiro capítulo, avaliamos a atividade antioxidante e os teores de compostos fenólicos totais e metilxantinas (cafeína e teobromina) em folhas jovens e maduras. O aumento da densidade de plantio aumentou a biomassa total do povoamento, embora os teores de biomassa individual e compostos bioquímicos não tenham apresentado alterações significativas. O maior rendimento em biomassa total foi obtido com 25.000 plantas ha-1 e dose de 200% N - 1.792 kg ha-1 em janeiro de 2021. No tratamento de alta densidade (25.000 plantas ha-1), observou-se uma demanda expressiva de fertilização com N, com maiores produtividades nos tratamentos com maior disponibilidade de N. Considerando os compostos bioquímicos, a densidade de plantio e as doses de N influenciaram a atividade antioxidante, os compostos fenólicos totais e os teores de metilxantinas, embora não tenha havido uma resposta linear. Houve influência significativa das épocas de colheita e da idade das folhas em nossos resultados bioquímicos, indicando que outros fatores ambientais podem influenciar os metabólitos secundários da ervamate até 2 anos após o plantio. Nossos resultados demonstram o potencial da ervamate para o manejo em povoamentos de alta densidade, com períodos de rotação reduzidos e manejo adequado de nutrientes para a produção de altos volumes de biomassa.Abstract: Despite its economic, ecological, and social importance, yerba mate silviculture still lacks important information and alternatives to the traditional leaves production systems. In this study, we aimed to develop a new cultivation system for yerba-mate with a high planting density system and adequate nitrogen fertilization; we divided our study into three chapters, which are described below. The first chapter is a systematic review of studies with planting density in forest species; we discussed and gave an overview of how far we have gone in the last decades to understand how planting density may influence the growth and yield of forest stands. In our searches, we did not find studies with high-density stands of yerba mate, indicating the lack of knowledge in this field. In the second and third chapters, we exposed the results of a field experiment established in 2018 in General Carneiro, PR, Brazil. The field trial was established in a double factorial scheme with 3 planting densities (9,090, 13,333, and 25,000 plants ha-1) and 5 N doses (0 %, 50 %, 100 %, 200 %, and 300 % of the recommended N dose) evaluated over 5 subsequent harvests performed from May 2019 to May 2021 in a reduced rotation period. In the second chapter, we evaluated total biomass (per hectare and per plant) of young and mature leaves. In the third chapter, we evaluated the antioxidant activity and total phenolic compounds and methylxanthines (caffeine and theobromine) contents in young and mature leaves. Increasing planting density increased stand total biomass, although individual biomass and biochemical compounds contents did not present significant changes. The highest yield in total biomass was obtained with 25,000 plants ha-1 and 200 % N dose - 1,792 kg ha-1 in January 2021. In the high-density treatment (25,000 plants ha-1), we observed an expressive demand of plants in N fertilization, with higher yields in treatments with higher N availability. Considering the biochemical compounds, planting density and N doses influenced antioxidant activity, total phenolic compounds, and methylxanthines contents, although there was not a linear response. There was a significant influence of harvest seasons and leaf age on our biochemical results, indicating that other environmental factors may influence yerba mate secondary metabolites until 2 years after planting. Our results demonstrate the potential of yerba mate to be managed in high-density stands, with reduced rotation periods and adequate nutrient management for high volume biomass production

    El estiércol de aves aumenta la fertilidad del suelo, el crecimiento y el estado nutricional de las plántulas de yerba mate

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    Contextualization: The use of organic fertilizers from agricultural industry residues is an alternative as a nutritional source in agroforestry cultures, mainly due to the slow release of nutrients. The leaf biomass production is essential for yerba mate production, which demands adequate nutritional management to maintain productivity and soil fertility. Knowledge gap: Most yerba mate is produced with the use of mineral fertilizers, and there are no records of how organic fertilization with poultry manure could influence plants growth, nutritional status, and soil fertility. Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the influence of organic fertilization on soil fertility, growth, and nutritional status of yerba mate seedlings. Methodology: Two clonal cultivars of yerba mate (BRS408 and BRS409) were subjected to three fertilization doses with poultry manure (0, 20, and 35 g dm-3). The study was established in a factorial design, in a randomized block design with four replications. After 210 days, pH, organic matter content, availability of P, K, Ca, and Mg in the soil were analyzed. In addition, plants were evaluated in the same period for growth and leaf content of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and S. Data were subjected to ANOVA and Tukey test for means comparison. Results and conclusions: Organic fertilization positively influenced soil characteristics and yerba mate seedlings growth, with significant differences in the response of each clone. The use of 20 g dm-3 of poultry manure is recommended for yerba mate seedlings production.Contextualización: El uso de fertilizantes orgánicos a partir de residuos de la industria agrícola es una alternativa como fuente nutricional en cultivos agroforestales, principalmente por la lenta liberación de nutrientes. La producción de biomasa foliar es muy importante para la producción de yerba mate, que demanda un adecuado manejo nutricional para mantener la productividad y la fertilidad del suelo. Vacío de conocimiento: La mayor parte de la yerba mate se produce con el uso de fertilizantes minerales y no hay registros de cómo la fertilización orgánica con estiércol de aves de corral podría influir en el crecimiento de las plantas y el estado nutricional, así como en la fertilidad del suelo. Propósito del estudio: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la influencia de la fertilización orgánica en la fertilidad del suelo, el crecimiento y el estado nutricional de las plántulas de yerba mate. Metodología: Dos cultivares clonales de yerba mate (BRS408 y BRS409) fueron sometidos a tres dosis de fertilización con estiércol de aves (0, 20 y 35 g dm-3). El estudio se estableció en un diseño factorial, en un diseño de bloques al azar con cuatro repeticiones. Después de 210 días se evaluó el pH, el contenido de materia orgánica, la disponibilidad de P, K, Ca y Mg en el suelo. Las plantas se evaluaron en el mismo período para determinar el crecimiento y el contenido de hojas de N, P, K, Ca, Mg y S. Los datos se sometieron a ANOVA y prueba de Tukey para la comparación de medias. Resultados y conclusiones: La fertilización orgánica influyó positivamente en las características del suelo y el crecimiento de las plántulas de yerba mate, con diferencias significativas en la respuesta de cada clon. Se recomienda el uso de 20 g dm-3 de estiércol de ave para la producción de plántulas de yerba mate

    Sobrevivência e crescimento inicial no campo de mudas de eucalipto produzidas em diferentes substratos

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the survival and initial growth, in the field, of eucalyptus seedlings produced in different substrates. Eucalyptus benthamii seedlings produced in 36 substrates were evaluated in the field. The substrates consisted of mixtures, at different volumetric proportions, of: carbonized rice husk, charcoal with granulometry between 1.0–3.0 mm, charcoal with granulometry between 3.0–5.0 mm, coconut fiber, semi-decomposed pine bark, fine vermiculite, sewage sludge, and peat moss. At 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, 18, and 24 months after planting, survival, height, and diameter were determined. At 24 months after planting, height increment, diameter increment, transversal area, and basal area were also measured. The seedlings that showed 100% survival after 24 months under field conditions were those grown in the nursery in substrates with a higher proportion of fine vermiculite, sewage sludge, and peat moss, that is, in substrates with a higher microporosity. However, there is no effect of substrate characteristics on seedling initial growth in the field. A significant correlation is observed between the survival of seedlings at 6 months and their diameter at the end of the nursery period, evidencing the importance of this characteristic for the establishment of the plant in the field, regardless of the used substrate.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a sobrevivência e o crescimento inicial, no campo, de mudas de eucalipto produzidas em diferentes substratos. Mudas de Eucalyptus benthamii produzidas em 36 substratos foram avaliadas em campo. Os substratos consistiram em misturas, em diferentes proporções volumétricas, de: casca de arroz carbonizada, carvão com granulometria entre 1,0–3,0 mm, carvão com granulometria entre 3,0–5,0 mm, fibra de coco, casca de pinheiro semidecomposta, vermiculita fina, lodo de esgoto e turfa. Aos 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, 18 e 24 meses após o plantio, foram determinados sobrevivência, altura e diâmetro. Aos 24 meses após o plantio, também foram medidos incremento em altura, incremento em diâmetro, área transversal e área basal. As plântulas que apresentaram sobrevivência de 100% após 24 meses em condições de campo foram aquelas cultivadas, no viveiro, em substratos com maior proporção de vermiculita fina, lodo de esgoto e turfa, ou seja, em substratos com maior microporosidade. No entanto, não há efeito das características do substrato no crescimento inicial das plântulas. Há correlação significativa entre a sobrevivência da plântula aos 6 meses de idade e seu diâmetro no final da fase de viveiro, o que ressalta a importância desta característica para o estabelecimento da planta em campo, independentemente do substrato utilizado


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    This study aimed to evaluate the germination behavior of two morphotypes of P. cattleyanum submitted to storage and pre-germinative treatments. The experiment was designed in a factorial scheme 2 x 3 x 3 (morphotypes x storage periods x pre-germinative treatments) completely randomized, using for each treatment 5 replicates with 30 seeds. The seeds were stored in semipermeable packages in a cold chamber at 5 ± 2 ºC, for 14, 45 and 90 days. After each storage period, the seeds were submitted to treatments to overcome dormancy: immersion in water at 80 ºC kept in imbibition for 24 and 48 hours and control, without any treatment. The seeds were arranged under moistened substrate in transparent plastic boxes and allocated in a germination chamber at 25 ºC and photoperiod of 8 h for evaluation of germination percentage (G), germination speed index (GSI) and mean germination time (MGT). The red morphotype seeds showed higher germination percentages than the yellow morphotype and did not have a reduction in these values after 90 days of storage. MGT for yellow morphotype was lower in all pre-germination treatments. The GSI had better results at 45 days in the control treatments and 24 h in immersion in water and 90 days for the three pre-germinative treatments. The red morphotype does not require pre-germinative treatments, while the yellow morphotype presents better germination when the seeds are stored for 45 days and immersed in water at 80 ºC for 48 h.Objetivou-se avaliar o comportamento germinativo de dois morfotipos de P. cattleyanum submetidos a acondicionamento e tratamentos pré-germinativos. O experimento foi delineado em esquema fatorial 2 x 3 x 3 (morfotipos x períodos de armazenamento x tratamentos de superação de dormência) inteiramente casualizado, utilizando-se para cada tratamento 5 repetições com 30 sementes. As sementes foram armazenadas em embalagens semipermeáveis em câmara fria a 5 ± 2 ºC, durante 14, 45 e 90 dias. Posteriormente a cada período de armazenamento as sementes foram submetidas a tratamentos para superação de dormência: imersão em água a 80 ºC mantidas em embebição por 24 e 48 horas e testemunha, sem tratamento. As sementes foram dispostas sob substrato umedecido em caixas plásticas transparentes e alocadas em câmara de germinação a 25 ºC e fotoperíodo de 8 h para avaliação da porcentagem de germinação (G), índice de velocidade de germinação (IVG) e tempo médio de germinação (TMG). As sementes do morfotipo vermelho apresentaram maior porcentagem de germinação em relação ao morfotipo amarelo e não tiveram redução nesses valores após 90 dias de armazenamento. O TMG para o morfotipo amarelo foi menor em todos os tratamentos pré-germinativos. O IVG teve melhores resultados aos 45 dias nos tratamentos controle e 24h em imersão em água e 90 dias para os três tratamentos pré-germinativos. O morfotipo vermelho não necessita de tratamentos pré-germinativos, enquanto o morfotipo amarelo apresenta melhor germinação quando as sementes são armazenadas por 45 dias e imersas em água a 80 ºC por 48 h


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    This study aimed to evaluate the morphology and biometry of fruits and seeds, as well as germination potential of Mollinedia clavigera Tul. seeds, of the family Monimiaceae, an endemic species from Brazil. The internal and external structures have been identified for the evaluation of morphology. For biometric characteristics of fruits and seeds, we considered the diameter and length, plus the weight and number of seeds per kilogram. Germination was evaluated under the temperature conditions of 20, 25 and 30ºC in two substrates (paper and vermiculite). As a morphological result, we identified common features to the Monimiaceae family, as well as the presence of Curculionidae larvae in the seeds. Biometric data showed mean values of 7,42 mm in length and 6,13 mm in diameter of fruits, 6,91 mm in length and 5,07 mm in diameter of seeds. Results have identified the temperatures of 20 and 25º C better for germination, wich happend 23 days after experiment beginning


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    Araucaria is a native conifer, with high economic importance, especially in the southern region of the Brazil. Considering the difficulties of producing clonal plants of the species, the objective of the study was to determine the influence of different environments and substrates on root formation of Araucaria angustifolia minicuttings. Orthotropics shoots were collected in a mini clonal garden. Minicuttings were prepared with 10 ± 1 cm in length, keeping 1/3 of the needles, and immersed in a hydroalcoholic solution of 3,000 mg L-1 of indolbutyric acid for 10 seconds. Then they were planted in 210 cm³ tubes, testing four different substrates, which are, based on pine bark, vermiculite and charcoal (S1); based on pine bark and vermiculite (S2); based on pine bark, peat and coconut fiber (S3) and based on pine bark, vermiculite, charcoal and carbonized rice husk (S4). These minicuttings were maintained in three different environments for rooting: Automated Greenhouse (CVA) with 80% reduction in luminosity and mist irrigation, Simple Greenhouse House (CVS) with 84% reduction in luminosity and microsprinkler irrigation, and Mini-tunnel (EST) with 90% light reduction and micro sprinkler irrigation. After 120 days, minicuttings survival and rooting were determined. CVA provided better rooting of minicuttings, whereas EST resulted in high mortality and no root formation. There was no influence of the substrates on the evaluated variables. Thus, the use of greenhouses with automated irrigation by misting is recommended for rooting araucaria minicuttings, regardless of the substrate used, although overall rooting rates are not yet considered viable


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    This study aimed to evaluate the effect of substrates made of composted sewage sludge and irrigation depths on the growth and quality of E. grandis x E. urophylla cuttings to optimize water management for each substrate. The substrates were obtained from sewage sludge composted with sugarcane bagasse or Eucalyptus bark, namely: composted sewage sludge with sugarcane bagasse (1:3 v:v); sewage sludge composted with Eucalyptus bark (1:3 v:v) and a mixture of both substrates in a volumetric proportion 2:1 (v:v). Commercial substrate composed of Sphagnum peat, vermiculite and rice husk (3:1:1 v:v: v) was used as a control. The irrigation depths tested were 11, 14 and 17 mm, applied in two daily applications. The substrates were physically and chemically characterized and height, stem diameter, shoot, root and total dry mass, Dickson quality index and root system conformation were measured to determine the growth and quality of seedlings. The substrates obtained through the composting of sewage sludge with sugarcane bagasse or Eucalyptus bark are fit for producing Eucalyptus cuttings, however, the water specificity of each substrate must be considered. Although an 11mm irrigation depth is indicted for the mixture of both substrates (2:1 v:v), a 17mm irrigation depth is needed for the sewage sludge composted with sugarcane bagasse (1:3 v:v) substrate

    Alternative substrates and containers for Ilex paraguariensis seedlings

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    Yerba mate is a Brazilian native species; its importance is due to cultural, environment, and economic factors. Species seedlings production needs to be improved, evaluating alternative substrates and containers. Therefore, we evaluated growth and quality of yerba mate seedlings produced on organic waste-based substrates in biodegradable and non-biodegradable containers. Commercial substrates based on pine bark (CS) and components based on sewage sludge (SS) and coal residue (granulometry from 1 to 3 mm - CR) were used. For each container, were prepared treatments with different substrate components: 75CS/25CR, 50CS/50CR, 25CS/75CR, 75CS/25SS, 50CS/50SS, 25CS/75SS, and CS. Substrates were submitted to physical and chemical analysis. The containers used were 110 cm³ polypropylene tubes, 500 cm³ polyethylene plastic bags, 460 cm³ paperpot®, and 460 cm³ TNT (non-woven fabric). Total height, stem diameter, shoot, and root dry biomass at the end of the seedlings production period were measured and total dry mass, Dickson quality index and height/diameter ratio were calculated. All containers used with commercial substrate provided satisfactory seedlings growth. The substrates showed distinct physical and chemical characteristics due to the addition of sewage sludge and coal residue, which resulted in higher pH and lower seedlings growth. Physical and chemical characteristics of substrates influenced growth and quality of yerba mate seedlings and the alternative substrates used in this study are not suitable to produce seedlings of the species on these conditions. The containers did not influence the variables used in this study

    Composted sewage sludge as an alternative substrate for forest seedlings production

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    The production of forest seedlings with adequate morphological and physiological characteristics is essential for the success of plantations. Substrates and irrigation are the major factors determining seedlings’ growth. Substrates made of urban and agricultural residues are a sustainable alternative to peat-based substrates. In this study, we evaluated how composted sewage sludge substrates affect the growth and gas exchange in seedlings of Cedrela fissilis Vell. Seedlings were produced under daily irrigation depths of 6, 9, and 12 mm, and on different substrates. The substrates were based on sewage sludge composted with Eucalyptus bark or sugarcane bagasse, and a commercial substrate based on peat, involving a double factorial design with 12 treatments (3 irrigation depths × 3 substrates). Both physical and chemical characteristics of substrates were analyzed, and morphological traits and gas exchanges of seedlings were measured. Sewage sludge-based substrates presented different characteristics according to the material it was mixed. Eucalyptus bark provided higher bulk density (0.19 g cm-3) and lower total porosity (75%) to the substrate, while sugarcane bagasse increased macroporosity up to 60%. Seedlings produced in sewage sludge-based substrates presented a height up to 17.8 cm and stem diameters of between 8.39-10.29 mm. Higher shoot and root dry mass was obtained in sewage sludge-based substrates with irrigation depth of 9 mm, which were 3.71 and 2.01 g, respectively. Photosynthetic carbon assimilation varied between 2.26 and 3.23 µmol CO2 m-2 s-1, and water use efficiency varied from 2.058 to 3.395 µmol CO2 (mol H2O)-1, with the highest values being obtained in seedlings produced in sewage sludge-based substrates with irrigation depth of 6 mm. Our results demonstrate that sewage sludge-based substrates are an efficient alternative to commercial peat-based substrates for seedling production