645 research outputs found

    Development of thermoacoustic devices for power generation and refrigeration

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    This paper is intended as a technical overview of the research and development work initially undertaken at the University of Manchester and subsequently transferred to the University of Leicester as part of the EPSRC-funded SCORE project (Stove for Cooking, Refrigeration and Electricity supply). The objectives of the work were twofold: Firstly, to develop an early demonstrator of a low-power electricity generator (to deliver approximately 10–20 W of electricity). This was to be based on the concept of using low-cost materials, working fluids and linear alternators suitable for deployment in rural areas of developing countries. The issues of concern here were the development of a suitable thermoacoustic engine topology and control measures; design of suitable heat exchanger configurations from initial use of electrical heaters to heat input through propane combustion; and characterisation of commercial loudspeakers to work as linear alternators and subsequent incorporation of selected models for engine prototyping purposes. These matters will be illustrated by a number of demonstrators and their testing in the laboratory environment. Secondly, to develop a demonstrator of a combustion driven thermoacoustic cooler for storage of vital medical supplies in remote and rural areas where there is no access to electricity grid. To this end, the paper will describe the design, construction and test results of an electrically driven demonstrator of a standing wave thermoacoustic engine coupled to a travelling wave thermoacoustic cooler. The final part of the paper will summarise the achievements to date and outline future work that has spun out from the original SCORE project. This will in particular include the current work on a scaled up version of electricity generator designed to deliver 100 W of electricity by using a two-stage engine configuration and the issues of integration of the thermoacoustic electricity generator and thermoacoustic cooler into one system

    A joint inversion of receiver function and Rayleigh wave phase velocity dispersion data to estimate crustal structure in West Antarctica

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    We determine crustal shear-wave velocity structure and crustal thickness at recently deployed seismic stations across West Antarctica, using a joint inversion of receiver functions and fundamental mode Rayleigh wave phase velocity dispersion. The stations are from both the UK Antarctic Network (UKANET) and Polar Earth Observing Network/Antarctic Network (POLENET/ANET). The former include, for the first time, 4 stations along the spine of the Antarctic Peninsula, 3 in the Ellsworth Land and 5 stations in the vicinity of the Pine Island Rift. Within the West Antarctic Rift System (WARS) we model a crustal thickness range of 18-28 km, and show that the thinnest crust (∼18 km) is in the vicinity of the Byrd Subglacial Basin and Bentley Subglacial Trench. In these regions we also find the highest ratio of fast (Vs = 4.0-4.3 km/s) (likely mafic) lower crust to felsic/intermediate upper crust. The thickest mafic lower crust we model is in Ellsworth Land, a critical area for constraining the eastern limits of the WARS. Although we find thinner crust in this region (∼30 km) than in the neighbouring Antarctic Peninsula and Haag-Ellsworth Whitmore block (HEW), the Ellsworth Land crust has not undergone as much extension as the central WARS. This suggests that the WARS does not link with the Weddell Sea Rift System through Ellsworth Land, and instead has progressed during its formation towards the Bellingshausen and Amundsen Sea Embayments. We also find that the thin WARS crust extends towards the Pine Island Rift, suggesting that the boundary between the WARS and the Thurston Island block lies in this region, ∼200 km north of its previously accepted position. The thickest crust (38-40 km) we model in this study is in the Ellsworth Mountain section of the HEW block. We find thinner crust (30-33 km) in the Whitmore Mountains and Haag Nunatak sectors of the HEW, consistent with the composite nature of the block. In the Antarctic Peninsula we find a crustal thickness range of 30-38 km and a likely dominantly felsic/intermediate crustal composition. By forward modelling high frequency receiver functions we also assess if any thick, low velocity subglacial sediment accumulations are present, and find a 0.1-0.8 km thick layer at 10 stations within the WARS, Thurston Island and Ellsworth Land. We suggest that these units of subglacial sediment could provide a source region for the soft basal till layers found beneath numerous outlet glaciers, and may act to accelerate ice flow

    Exploration of the Eucalyptus globulus gene pool

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    The first Europeans to discover Eucalyptus globulus were French explorers in 1792. Its seed was rapidly spread throughout the world in the 19th century and this was the species by which much of the world first knew the genus. However, it was in the industrial forests of the 20th century that this species, once considered the ‘Prince of Eucalypts’, achieved greatest prominence due to its fast growth and superior pulp qualities. Formal breeding first commenced in 1966 in Portugal and in the late 1980’s large base population trials from open-pollinated seed collections from native stands were established in many countries. These trials have provided unprecedented insights into the quantitative genetic control of numerous traits of economic and ecological importance and how this variation is spatially distributed in the native range of the species. However with large, fully pedigreed breeding populations becoming available for quantitative analysis and the rapidly expanding knowledge of DNA sequence variation, we are now at the threshold of a new understanding of this important eucalypt gene pool. Indications of the significance of non-additive genetic effects are becoming available. The E. globulus chloroplast genome has now been sequenced and several genome maps have been published. Studies of the variation in nuclear microsatellites and the lignin biosynthesis gene CCR confirm the complex, spatially structured nature of the native gene pool. Strong spatial structuring of the chloroplast genome has provided a tool for tracking seed migration and the geographic origin of exotic landraces. Highly divergent lineages of chloroplast DNA have been discovered and studies of the hypervariable JLA+ region argue that some components of the E. globulus gene pool have been assimilated from other species following hybridisation

    Molecular epidemiology of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolated from Australian veterinarians

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    This work investigated the molecular epidemiology and antimicrobial resistance of methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolated from veterinarians in Australia in 2009. The collection (n = 44) was subjected to extensive molecular typing (MLST, spa, SCCmec, dru, PFGE, virulence and antimicrobial resistance genotyping) and antimicrobial resistance phenotyping by disk diffusion. MRSA was isolated from Australian veterinarians representing various occupational emphases. The isolate collection was dominated by MRSA strains belonging to clonal complex (CC) 8 and multilocus sequence type (ST) 22. CC8 MRSA (ST8-IV [2B], spa t064; and ST612-IV [2B] , spa variable,) were strongly associated with equine practice veterinarians (OR = 17.5, 95% CI = 3.3-92.5, P < 0.001) and were often resistant to gentamicin and rifampicin. ST22-IV [2B], spa variable, were strongly associated with companion animal practice veterinarians (OR = 52.5, 95% CI = 5.2-532.7, P < 0.001) and were resistant to ciprofloxacin. A single pig practice veterinarian carried ST398-V [5C2], spa t1451. Equine practice and companion animal practice veterinarians frequently carried multiresistant-CC8 and ST22 MRSA, respectively, whereas only a single swine specialist carried MRSA ST398. The presence of these strains in veterinarians may be associated with specific antimicrobial administration practices in each animal species

    Transmission of highly virulent community-associated MRSA ST93 and livestock-associated MRSA ST398 between humans and pigs in Australia

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    Pigs have been recognised as a reservoir of livestock associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (LA-MRSA) in Europe, Asia and North America. However, little is known about the presence and distribution of MRSA in the Australian pig population and pig industry. This study describes the presence, distribution and molecular characteristics of the human adapted Australian CA-MRSA ST93 isolated from pigs, people, and the environment within a piggery. Isolates were subjected to antibiotic susceptibility testing, DNA microarray, whole genome sequencing, multi locus sequence typing, virulence and resistance gene characterization and phylogenetic analysis. MRSA were isolated from 60% (n = 52) of farm workers where 84% of isolates returned ST93 and the rest ST398. Of the thirty-one pig isolates tested further, an equal number of ST398 and ST93 (15 each) and one as ST30-V were identified. Four of six environmental isolates were identified as ST93 and two as ST398. This study has identified for the first time in Australia the occurrence of CA-MRSA ST93 and LA-MRSA ST398 amongst farm workers, pigs, and the farm environment. Comparative genome analysis indicates that ST398 is likely to have been introduced into Australia from Europe or North America. This study also reports the first linezolid resistant MRSA isolated in Australia

    Evaluating Effects of Divided Hemispheric Processing on Word Recognition in Foveal and Extrafoveal Displays: The Evidence from Arabic

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    Background: Previous studies have claimed that a precise split at the vertical midline of each fovea causes all words to the left and right of fixation to project to the opposite, contralateral hemisphere, and this division in hemispheric processing has considerable consequences for foveal word recognition. However, research in this area is dominated by the use of stimuli from Latinate languages, which may induce specific effects on performance. Consequently, we report two experiments using stimuli from a fundamentally different, non-Latinate language (Arabic) that offers an alternative way of revealing effects of split-foveal processing, if they exist. Methods and Findings: Words (and pseudowords) were presented to the left or right of fixation, either close to fixation and entirely within foveal vision, or further from fixation and entirely within extrafoveal vision. Fixation location and stimulus presentations were carefully controlled using an eye-tracker linked to a fixation-contingent display. To assess word recognition, Experiment 1 used the Reicher-Wheeler task and Experiment 2 used the lexical decision task. Results: Performance in both experiments indicated a functional division in hemispheric processing for words in extrafoveal locations (in recognition accuracy in Experiment 1 and in reaction times and error rates in Experiment 2) but no such division for words in foveal locations. Conclusions: These findings from a non-Latinate language provide new evidence that although a functional division i

    Antibodies from malaria-exposed Malians generally interact additively or synergistically with human vaccine-induced RH5 antibodies

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    Reticulocyte-binding protein homolog 5 (RH5) is a leading Plasmodium falciparum blood-stage vaccine candidate. Another possible candidate, apical membrane antigen 1 (AMA1), was not efficacious in malaria-endemic populations, likely due to pre-existing antimalarial antibodies that interfered with the activity of vaccine-induced AMA1 antibodies, as judged by in vitro growth inhibition assay (GIA). To determine how pre-existing antibodies interact with vaccine-induced RH5 antibodies, we purify total and RH5-specific immunoglobulin Gs (IgGs) from malaria-exposed Malians and malaria-naive RH5 vaccinees. Infection-induced RH5 antibody titers are much lower than those induced by vaccination, and RH5-specific IgGs show differences in the binding site between the two populations. In GIA, Malian polyclonal IgGs show additive or synergistic interactions with RH5 human monoclonal antibodies and overall additive interactions with vaccine-induced polyclonal RH5 IgGs. These results suggest that pre-existing antibodies will interact favorably with vaccine-induced RH5 antibodies, in contrast to AMA1 antibodies. This study supports RH5 vaccine trials in malaria-endemic regions

    Forty years studying British politics : the decline of Anglo-America

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    The still present belief some 40 years ago that British politics was both exceptional and superior has been replaced by more theoretically sophisticated analyses based on a wider and more rigorously deployed range of research techniques, although historical analysis appropriately remains important. The American influence on the study of British politics has declined, but the European Union dimension has not been fully integrated. The study of interest groups has been in some respects a fading paradigm, but important questions related to democratic health have still to be addressed. Public administration has been supplanted by public policy, but economic policy remains under-studied. A key challenge for the future is the study of the management of expectations

    Boundary Terms and Junction Conditions for Generalized Scalar-Tensor Theories

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    We compute the boundary terms and junction conditions for Horndeski's panoptic class of scalar-tensor theories, and write the bulk and boundary equations of motion in explicitly second order form. We consider a number of special subclasses, including galileon theories, and present the corresponding formulae. Our analysis opens up of the possibility of studying tunnelling between vacua in generalized scalar-tensor theories, and braneworld dynamics. The latter follows because our results are independent of spacetime dimension.Comment: 13 pages, Equation corrected. Thanks to Tsutomu Kobayashi for informing us of the typ