489 research outputs found

    Etude ethnobotanique des plantes utilisées contre la constipation chez les Malinké de la communauté rurale de Tomboronkoto, Kédougou (Sénégal)

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    La constipation est une pathologie bien connue de la médecine traditionnelle africaine. Pour la traiter, on utilise à la fois les ressources naturelles aujourd’hui fortement menacées et les savoirs traditionnels. La technique des entretiens ouverts semi-structurés a été partout utilisée. Nous avons interrogé entre 2008 et 2010 des tradithérapeutes et des chefs de ménage Malinké de la communauté rurale de Tomboronkoto. Nos investigations ont permis de recenser dix-huit espèces utilisées contre la constipation. Elles sont constituées de dix-huit genres répartis dans quatorze familles dont les mieux représentées sont les Bombacaceae (3 espèces), les Apocynaceae et les Euphorbiaceae (2 espèces chacune). Les espèces les plus citées sont successivement Combretum glutinosum Perr. ex DC, Tamarindus indica L., Adansonia digitata L., Ozoroa insignis Delile et Hibiscus sabdariffa L. Les feuilles (32%) et les racines (27%) sont les organes les plus utilisés contre la constipation. La macération est le mode de préparation le plus courant et la décoction est réservée aux feuilles. Les noms en Malinké de toutes les espèces inventoriées ont été donnés mais, l’étymologie ou la signification de 22% des noms locaux n’a pu être recueillie. Il y aurait une perte des savoirs relatifs aux noms locaux. Cette dénomination a mis en évidence plusieurs démarches utilisées par les Malinké pour nommer les plantes. Les noms des espèces recensées renvoient le plus souvent à l’écologie (29%), à la morphologie et à des anecdotes (22% chacun).Mots clés: Ethnobotanique, constipation, plantes médicinales, guérisseur traditionnel, pharmacopée sénégalais

    Contribution of Surfactin and SwrA to Flagellin Expression, Swimming, and Surface Motility in Bacillus subtilis.

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    Multicellular communities produced by Bacillus subtilis can adopt sliding or swarming to translocate over surfaces. While sliding is a flagellum-independent motility produced by the expansive forces in a growing colony, swarming requires flagellar functionality and is characterized by the appearance of hyperflagellated swarm cells that associate in bundles or rafts during movement. Previous work has shown that swarming by undomesticated B. subtilis strains requires swrA, a gene that upregulates the expression of flagellar genes and increases swimming motility, and surfactin, a lipopeptide biosurfactant that also facilitates sliding. Through an analysis of swrA(+) and swrA mutant laboratory strains with or without a mutation in sfp (a gene involved in surfactin production), we show that both swrA and surfactin upregulate the transcription of the flagellin gene and increase bacterial swimming. Surfactin also allows the nonswarming swrA mutant strain to efficiently colonize moist surfaces by sliding. Finally, we reconfirm the essential role of swrA in swarming and show that surfactin, which increases surface wettability, allows swrA(+) strains to produce swarm cells on media at low humidity

    Survival and persistence of Bacillus clausii in the human gastrointestinal tract following oral administration as spore-based probiotic formulation

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    AIMS: This study aimed to investigate the fate of Bacillus clausii spores orally administered as lyophilized or liquid formulation to healthy volunteers. METHODS AND RESULTS: The study was a randomized, open-label, cross-over trial in which two commercial probiotic formulations containing spores of four antibiotic-resistant B. clausii strains (OC, NR, SIN, T) were given as a single dose administration. Faecal B. clausii units of each strain were counted on selective media and extrapolated for the total weight of evacuated faeces. RAPD-PCR typing was used to confirm B. clausii identification. Bacillus clausii was found alive in faeces for up to 12 days. In some volunteers, the recovered amount of OC, NR or SIN was higher than the number of administered spores. Bioequivalence among the two formulations was demonstrated. CONCLUSIONS: Bacillus clausii spores survive transit through the human gastrointestinal tract. They can undergo germination, outgrowth and multiplication as vegetative forms. Bacillus clausii strains can have different ability to survive in the intestinal environment. Bacillus clausii spores administered as liquid suspension or lyophilized form behave similarly in vivo. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This work contributes towards a better understanding of the behaviour of B. clausii spores as probiotics

    Impact of daily consumption of Moringa (Moringa oleifera) dry leaf powder on iron status of Senegalese lactating women

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    A randomized study was conducted to test the efficacy of Moringa powder on iron status and weight gain in women. In an open-labelled randomized trial, 82 moderately anaemic, lactating women, aged 26.7� 6.5 years, received a weekly dose of either 100g of Moringa powder(Moringa group) or 120 mg iron sulphate with 0.5 mg folicacid (Control group). Data from 64 women (33 from Moringa group and 31 from Control group) were analyzed. Baseline parameters, socio-economic, anthropometry, haematology, plasma ferritin, and acute phase proteins were comparable in both groups. Low plasma ferritin (< 12 �g/l) indicating iron deficiency was found in 13 and 14 women from the Moringa and Control groups, respectively. After 3 months oftreatment, mean haemoglobin concentrations significantly increased in both groups (p<0.001) but iron stores were unchanged in the Moringa group while they significantly increased in the Control group indicating that consumption of Moringa leaves failed to restore iron stores in anaemic subjects. A slight improvement was observed in the prevalence of anaemia in both groups but anaemia still persisted due to other reasons than iron deficiency anaemia. None of the groups gained weightduring the 3 months. However, the average weight lost was less important in the Moringa group (-0.8 � 2.1 kg) compared to the control group (-1.2� 2.3 kg) but the difference was not significant (p=0.45).The amount of digestible protein in the powder could suggest that the consumption of Moringa was beneficial to the rural women by preventing weight loss during the rainy season. Micronutrient status improvement of vulnerable people in developing countries like Senegal shouldcombine diet-based strategies through production and consumption of animal derived food, vegetable, fruits and food fortification program. However, Moringa Oleifera is one example of local food that can be used in nutritional intervention program, but its use needs additional rigorous clinical trials to confirm its nutritional benefits.&nbsp

    The Geant4-DNA project

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    The Geant4-DNA project proposes to develop an open-source simulation software based and fully included in the general-purpose Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation toolkit. The main objective of this software is to simulate biological damages induced by ionising radiation at the cellular and sub-cellular scale. This project was originally initiated by the European Space Agency for the prediction of deleterious effects of radiation that may affect astronauts during future long duration space exploration missions. In this paper, the Geant4-DNA collaboration presents an overview of the whole ongoing project, including its most recent developments already available in the last Geant4 public release (9.3 BETA), as well as an illustration example simulating the direct irradiation of a chromatin fibre. Expected extensions involving several research domains, such as particle physics, chemistry and cellular and molecular biology, within a fully interdiciplinary activity of the Geant4 collaboration are also discussed.Comment: presented by S. Incerti at the ASIA SIMULATION CONFERENCE 2009, October 7-9, 2009, Ritsumeikan University, Shiga, Japa

    Acute complications of preeclampsia: prognosis and management at Pikine National Hospital in Dakar (Senegal)

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    ABSTRACTBackground: The objective of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of acute complications of preeclampsia in order to describe the epidemiological profile of the disease, to assess its prognosis and management.Methods: This was a retrospective study of patients admitted to the Pikine National Hospital from 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2013 (48 months) with severe complicated pre-eclampsia. Included in this study were patients admitted or diagnosed with severe complicated pre-eclampsia and having given birth in the structure or not.Results: The incidence of severe preeclampsia in childbirth varied from 9.7% to 11.5% during the four years of our study. Patients were largely paucigest (55.7% of cases) and paucipares (58.5% of cases). The mean age was 28.14 years with extremes of 14 and 47 years. More than half of the patients (57.7%) were between 21 and 34 years of age. They were mostly married (90.7%). Three-quarters of the patients (76.8%) had proteinuria with ≥ 3 cross-bands. Thrombocytopenia was found in 9.7% of patients, hepatic cytolysis in 12.1%, and elevation of serum creatinine in 13.8%. The level of transaminases was found to be greater than 2 in the normal range in 12.1%. Complicated forms were the most represented in our study. These were acute complications, with 715 cases, or 57.3% of the patients. They were either isolated (52.8%) or associated (4.5%). These included eclampsia (24.9%), followed by retroplacental hematoma (24.6%), fetal death in utero (23.7%), HELLP syndrome (3.4%). , Acute edema of the lungs (1.5%), and acute renal failure (1.4%). The lethality was 2.4%. The causes of maternal death were dominated by eclampsia (14 cases), DIC (3 cases) and OAP (2 cases). We counted 77.7% of live births and a stillbirth of 254.5 ‰.Conclusions: Pre-eclampsia is a serious complication of pregnancy. Its frequency is still high in sub-Saharan Africa. In the presence of signs of severity, maternal (vital and functional) and neonatal prognosis are inevitably involved. If management is based on fetal extraction, resuscitation measures are a guarantee of maternal survival

    Attenuation of allergic airways inflammation by an extract of Hymenocardia acida

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    Tracheal hyperresponsiveness, airway mucus production and bronchoalveolar inflammation are the major components of asthma. Here, we aim to investigate the role in the control of asthma of a bioactive plant extracted from Hymenocardia acida in a physiological and pathophysiological model. The effect of H. acida crude extract (HACE) on total cellular components of bronchoalveolar (BAL) fluids was performed on ovalbumin (OVA) and lipopolysaccaride (LPS)-challenged Swiss mice for induction of allergic asthma and airways inflammation, respectively. Mice were pretreated with 0.9% sodium chloride (NaCl), HACE (oral doses at 100 mg/kg/body weight) for a week and then by intranasal instillation with OVA (0.5 mg/ml) + aluminium hydroxyde (20 mg/ml), during three days after intraperitoneally sensitization or with LPS (0.4 mg/ml) for a day (OVA or LPS + HACE). The BAL cells were collected in a mixed solution (0.9% NaCl and 2.6 mm Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid EDTA) one day after the last challenge and total cells were numbered in a Neubauer chamber. The HACE: (i) significantly inhibited the airways inflammation induced by a single intranasal instillation of LPS or allergic asthma on mice challenged with 3 consecutive days intranasal instillation of OVA in comparison to control mice only instilled with 0.9% sterile. NaCl : (ii) significantly impaired the increased levels of total cells in OVA and LPS-treated mice, without changing the basal cellularity after NaCl or HACE treatment; (iii) and significantly inhibitshydroxyl radicalsandsuperoxideanions production. Taken together, these results suggest that HACE exposure induces a marked reduction of cellular component in the BAL fluid, which is only partially lymphocytes dependent

    Ternary Syndrome Decoding with Large Weight

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    The Syndrome Decoding problem is at the core of many code-based cryptosystems. In this paper, we study ternary Syndrome Decoding in large weight. This problem has been introduced in the Wave signature scheme but has never been thoroughly studied. We perform an algorithmic study of this problem which results in an update of the Wave parameters. On a more fundamental level, we show that ternary Syndrome Decoding with large weight is a really harder problem than the binary Syndrome Decoding problem, which could have several applications for the design of code-based cryptosystems

    Rapid susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by the Mycobacteria Growth Indicator Tube (MGITAST SIRE)

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    ObjectiveTo evaluate the reliability of the Mycobacteria Growth Indicator Tube (MGITAST) for susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.MethodsSeventy strains of M. tuberculosis were tested for susceptibility to streptomycin, isoniazid, rifampicin and ethambutol by comparing MGITAST results to those obtained by the method of proportion (MOP) on Lowenstein–Jensen (LJ) and Middlebrook 7H10 media. The 7H10 MOP was considered the method of reference.ResultsThe turnaround time for MGITAST was 6.2days (5–10days) and for MOP it was 18–21days. With rifampicin, MGITAST agreed for all isolates with both MOP. For streptomycin, MGITAST and 7H10 MOP agreed for 64 isolates (91.4%); 61 were susceptible and three resistant. LJ MOP and 7H10 MOP agreed for 64 isolates (92.2%); 62 were susceptible and three resistant. With isoniazid, both MOP agreed for all isolates, while MGITAST and 7H10 MOP had two discrepancies. For ethambutol, MGITAST and 7H10 MOP were concordant for 66 isolates; 65 were susceptible and one resistant. Both MOP were concordant for 67 isolates; 66 were susceptible and one resistant.ConclusionsBased on these results, MGITAST is a time-saving method and can be used as an alternative to the BACTEC System. MGITAST is reliable as far as rifampicin and isoniazid are concerned; however, additional studies are needed for streptomycin and ethambutol
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